
907 lines
45 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2011, Preston Skupinski <skupinsk@cse.msu.edu>
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
* purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
* copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
function run_tests() {
function test_lda() {
test("Make sure LDA with a constant properly loads an 8-bit value in "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xff, "The accumulator should be 0xff when 0xff is "+
"given as its argument in 8-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be "+
"0 for native mode");
test("Make sure LDA with a constant properly loads a 16-bit value in "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xffff, "The accumulator should be 0xffff when 0xffff is "+
"given as its argument in 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be "+
"0 for native mode");
test("Make sure LDA with a direct page address loads an 8-bit value in "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 1, "The accumulator should be 1 when 1 is "+
"loaded from $fe(direct page) in 8-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode");
test("Make sure LDA with a direct page address loads a 16-bit value in "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xff01, "The accumulator should be 0xff01 when 0xff01 "+
"is loaded from $fe(direct page) in 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Make sure LDA with an absolute address loads an 8-bit value in "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfe, "The accumulator should be 0xfe when 0xfe is "+
"loaded from $0aff(absolute) in 8-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Make sure LDA with an absolute address loads a 16-bit value in "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xffff, "The accumulator should be 0xffff when 0xffff "+
"is loaded from $0aff and $0b00(absolute) in 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Make sure LDA with a direct page address indexed with the x "+
"register loads an 8-bit value in 8-bit memory/accumulator mode.",
function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xff, "The accumulator should be 0xff when 0xff "+
"is loaded from direct page address $fe indexed "+
"with x(which is 1) and thus loaded from $ff in "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.r.x, 1, "The x register should be 1 in order to be used as "+
"an index with the base address to get to the "+
"desired address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Make sure LDA with a direct page address indexed with the x "+
"register loads a 16-bit value in 16-bit memory/accumulator mode.",
function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xffff, "The accumulator should be 0xffff when 0xffff "+
"is loaded from direct page addresses $fe and "+
"$ff after $fd is indexed with the x register("+
"which is 1) in 16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.r.x, 1, "The x register should be 1 in order to be used as "+
"an index with the base address to get to the "+
"desired address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Make sure LDA indirect given a direct page address loads an 8-bit "+
"value in 8-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 6, "The accumulator should be 6 when LDA loads an 8-bit "+
"value using an indirect address in 8-bit mode "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Make sure LDA indirect given a direct page address loads a 16-bit "+
"value in 16-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xffff, "The accumulator should be 0xffff when LDA loads "+
"a 16-bit value using an indirect address "+
"loaded from a direct page address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA absolute indexed by the x register works for 8-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfa, "The accumulator should be 0xfa when LDA loads "+
"an 8-bit value using absolute indexed x mode "+
"from $0aff");
equals(cpu.r.x, 1, "The x register should be 1 to properly load "+
"the value added to the base address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA absolute indexed by the x register works for 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfafe, "The accumulator should be 0xfafe when LDA "+
"loads a 16-bit value from $0aff using "+
"absolute indexed x addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.r.x, 3, "The x register should be 3 to properly load "+
"the value added to the base address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA absolute indexed by the y register works for 8-bit "+
"memory/acccumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfe, "The accumulator should be 0xfe when LDA loads an "+
"8-bit value from $0aff using absolute indexed y "+
"addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.r.y, 2, "The y register should be 2 to properly load the "+
"value added to the base address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA absolute indexed by the y register works for 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfafe, "The accumulator should be 0xfafe when LDA loads "+
"a 16-bit value from $0aff using absolute "+
"indexed y addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.r.y, 3, "The y register should be 3 to properly load the "+
"value added to the base address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA stack relative works for 8-bit memory/accumulator "+
"mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfe, "The accumulator should be 0xfe when LDA loads "+
"an 8-bit value from the stack using LDA stack "+
"relative addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA stack relative works for 16-bit memory/accumulator "+
"mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfafe, "The accumulator should be 0xfafe when LDA "+
"loads a 16-bit value from the stack using LDA "+
"stack relative addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA absolute long works for 8-bit memory/accumulator "+
"mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfa, "The accumulator should be 0xfa when LDA "+
"loads an 8-bit value from $aaeeff using "+
"absolute long addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA absolute long works for 16-bit memory/accumulator "+
"mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfafe, "The accumulator should be 0xfafe when LDA "+
"loads a 16-bit value from $aaeeff using "+
"absolute long addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA absolute long indexed by the x register works for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfe, "The accumulator should be 0xfe when LDA "+
"loads an 8-bit value from $aaeeff using "+
"absolute long indexed x addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.r.x, 2, "The x register should be 2 in order to be used as "+
"an index to reach the correct address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
test("Ensure that LDA absolute long indexed by the x register works for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfafe, "The accumulator should be 0xfafe when LDA "+
"loads a 16-bit value from $aaeeff using "+
"absolute long indexed x addressing mode.");
equals(cpu.r.x, 3, "The x register should be 3 in order to be used as "+
"an index to reach the correct address.");
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "Hidden e flag of the p status register should be 0 "+
"for native mode.");
function test_emulation_mode() {
module("Emulation Mode");
test("Make sure pulling from the stack when the stack register is at 0x1ff"+
"causes the stack register to pull from 0x100.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.s, 0, "The stack register should be 0 after the pull "+
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfe, "The accumulator should be 0xfe after the pull "+
function test_mvn_and_mvp() {
module("MVN and MVP");
test("Test a short example program for MVP", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xffff, "After executing the example program the "+
"accumulator should've underflowed and "+
"resulted in 0xffff.");
equals(cpu.r.x, 0x0ffe, "After executing the example program the x "+
"register should be 0x0ffe.");
equals(cpu.r.y, 0x1ffe, "After executing the example program the y "+
"register should be 0x1ffe.");
var byte_one = cpu.mmu.read_byte(0x1fff);
var byte_two = cpu.mmu.read_byte(0x2000);
equals(byte_one, 0xab, "After executing the example program 0x001fff "+
"in memory should contain 0xab.");
equals(byte_two, 0xcd, "After executing the example program 0x002000 "+
"in memory should contain 0xcd.");
function test_subroutines() {
test("Short program to check that JSR and RTS work", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
// It jumps to 0xffff so it doesn't execute the subroutine again and
// effectively halts the program.
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xfffe, "The subroutine should execute exactly once, "+
"decrementing 0xffff to 0xfffe.");
function test_cmp() {
test("Compare two 8-bit numbers, 0x01 and 0xff", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x01, "CMP should not change the value of the "+
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "When comparing 0x01 and 0xff the zero(z) bit "+
"should not be set (0x01 != 0xff)");
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "When comparing 0x01 and 0xff the negative(n) bit "+
"should not be set");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "When comparing 0x01 and 0xff the carry(c) bit "+
"should not be set (0x01 < 0xff)");
test("Compare two 16-bit numbers, 0xff01 and 0xfeff", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xff01, "CMP should not change the value of the "+
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "When comparing 0xff01 and 0xfeff the negative(n) "+
"bit should not be set");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "When comparing 0xff01 and 0xfeff the zero(z) bit "+
"should not be set (0xff01 != 0xfeff)");
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "When comparing 0xff01 and 0xfeff the carry(c) bit "+
"should be set (0xff01 >= 0xfeff)");
function test_sbc() {
test("Test normal subtraction of two 8-bit numbers that don't cause a "+
"borrow.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0, "0x01 - 0x01 should result in zero when using "+
equals(cpu.p.z, 1, "0x01 - 0x01 should set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "0x01 - 0x01 should not set the negative(n) bit "+
"when using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "0x01 - 0x01 should not set the overflow(v) bit "+
"when using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "0x01 - 0x01 should set the carry(c) bit when using "+
test("Test normal subtraction of two 16-bit numbers that don't cause a "+
"borrow.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0, "0x0001 - 0x0001 should result in zero when using "+
equals(cpu.p.z, 1, "0x0001 - 0x0001 should set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "0x0001 - 0x0001 should not set the negative(n) bit "+
"when using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "0x0001 - 0x0001 should not set the overflow(v) bit "+
"when using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "0x0001 - 0x0001 should set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using SBC");
test("Test subtraction that triggers a borrow with 8-bit numbers",
function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xe1, "0xd0 - 0xef should set the accumulator to 0xe1 "+
"when using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0xd0 - 0xef should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "0xd0 - 0xef should not set the overflow(v) bit "+
"when using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0xd0 - 0xef should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0xd0 - 0xef should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using SBC");
test("Test subtraction that triggers a borrow with 16-bit numbers",
function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0xe100, "0xd000 - 0xef00 should set the accumulator to "+
"0xe0ff when using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0xd000 - 0xef00 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "0xd000 - 0xef00 should not set the overflow(v) bit "+
"when using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0xd000 - 0xef00 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using SBC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0xd000 - 0xef00 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using SBC");
function test_adc() {
test("Test normal addition of two 16-bit numbers that don't cause an "+
"overflow (m bit is 0)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 2, "0x0001 + 0x0001 should result in 0x0002 when using "+
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "0x0001 + 0x0001 does not result in a negative "+
"two's complement number when adding with ADC.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x0001 + 0x0001 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"adding with ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x0001 + 0x0001 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"adding with ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "0x0001 + 0x0001 should not set the overflow(v) bit "+
"when adding with ADC");
test("Test normal addition of two 8-bit numbers that don't cause an "+
"overflow (m bit is 1)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 2, "0x01 + 0x01 should result in 0x02 when using "+
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "0x01 + 0x01 does not result in a negative "+
"two's complement number when adding with ADC.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x01 + 0x01 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"adding with ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x01 + 0x01 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"adding with ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "0x01 + 0x01 should not set the overflow(v) bit "+
"when adding with ADC");
test("Test that overflow sets the carry flag and works in general with two"+
"16-bit numbers (m bit is 0)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "0xffff + 0x0001 should set the carry bit when using "+
equals(cpu.r.a, 0, "0xffff + 0x0001 should result in the accumulator "+
"being 0 when using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "0xffff + 0x0001 should not set the negative(n) bit "+
"when using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 1, "0xffff + 0x0001 should set the zero(z) bit when using "+
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "0xffff + 0x0001 should not set the overflow(v) bit "+
"when using ADC");
test("Test that overflow sets the carry flag and works in general with two"+
"8-bit numbers (m bit is 1)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "0xff + 0x01 should set the carry bit when using "+
equals(cpu.r.a, 0, "0xff + 0x01 should result in the accumulator "+
"being 0 when using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "0xff + 0x01 should not set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 1, "0xff + 0x01 should set the zero(z) bit when using "+
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "0xff + 0x01 should not set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test signed overflow with two 8-bit numbers (m bit is 1)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x80, "0x7f + 0x01 should result in 0x80 when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "0x7f + 0x01 should set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x7f + 0x01 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x7f + 0x01 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0x7f + 0x01 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test signed overflow with two 16-bit numbers (m bit is 0)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x8000, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should result in 0x8000 when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test ADC direct page with 8-bit numbers (m bit is 1)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x80, "0x7f + 0x01 should result in 0x80 when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "0x7f + 0x01 should set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x7f + 0x01 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x7f + 0x01 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0x7f + 0x01 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test ADC direct page with 16-bit numbers (m bit is 0)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x8000, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should result in 0x8000 when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test ADC absolute with 8-bit numbers (m bit is 1)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x80, "0x7f + 0x01 should result in 0x80 when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "0x7f + 0x01 should set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x7f + 0x01 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x7f + 0x01 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0x7f + 0x01 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test ADC absolute with 16-bit numbers (m bit is 0)", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x8000, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should result in 0x8000 when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test ADC direct page indirect with 8-bit numbers (m bit is 1)",
function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x80, "0x7f + 0x01 should result in 0x80 when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "0x7f + 0x01 should set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x7f + 0x01 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x7f + 0x01 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0x7f + 0x01 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test ADC direct page indirect with 16-bit numbers (m bit is 0)",
function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x8000, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should result in 0x8000 when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should set the overflow(v) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should not set the carry(c) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should not set the zero(z) bit when "+
"using ADC");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "0x7fff + 0x0001 should set the negative(n) bit when "+
"using ADC");
test("Test that ADC handles decimal mode with legal BCD numbers in 8-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode with single digit numbers.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x10, "0x05 + 0x05 should result in 0x10 with decimal "+
"mode on and with 8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "The carry flag of the p status register should be "+
"clear after no decimal overflow.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "Decimal mode should be set to 1 in the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "The hidden e flag of the p status register should "+
"be 0 for native mode.");
test("Test that ADC handles decimal mode with legal BCD numbers in 8-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode with double digit numbers.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x41, "0x15 + 0x26 should result in 0x41 with decimal "+
"mode on and with 8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "The carry flag of the p status register should be "+
"clear after no decimal overflow.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "Decimal mode should be set to 1 in the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "The hidden e flag of the p status register should "+
"be 0 for native mode.");
test("Test that ADC handles decimal mode with legal BCD numbers in 8-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode with double digit numbers with the carry "+
"bit set", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x42, "0x15 + 0x26 should result in 0x42 with decimal "+
"mode on and with 8-bit memory/accumulator mode "+
"and the carry bit set.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "The carry flag of the p status register should be "+
"clear after no decimal overflow.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "Decimal mode should be set to 1 in the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "The hidden e flag of the p status register should "+
"be 0 for native mode.");
test("Test that ADC handles decimal mode with legal BCD numbers in 8-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode when adding two numbers that cause an "+
"overflow.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x16, "0x55 + 0x60 should result in 0x16 with decimal "+
"mode on and with 8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "The carry flag of the p status register should be "+
"set after the decimal overflow.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "Decimal mode should be set to 1 in the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "The m flag of the p status register should be 1 for "+
"8-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "The hidden e flag of the p status register should "+
"be 0 for native mode.");
test("Test that ADC handles decimal mode with legal BCD numbers in 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode when adding two single digit numbers.",
function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x10, "0x0001 + 0x0009 should result in 0x0010 with "+
"decimal mode on and with 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "The carry flag of the p status register should be "+
"clear after no decimal overflow.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "Decimal mode should be set to 1 in the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "The hidden e flag of the p status register should "+
"be 0 for native mode.");
test("Test that ADC handles decimal mode with legal BCD numbers in 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode when adding two four digit numbers.",
function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x5000, "0x1001 + 0x3999 should result in 0x5000 with "+
"decimal mode on and with 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "The carry flag of the p status register should be "+
"clear after no decimal overflow.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "Decimal mode should be set to 1 in the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "The hidden e flag of the p status register should "+
"be 0 for native mode.");
test("Test that ADC handles decimal mode with legal BCD numbers in 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode when adding two numbers that cause an "+
"overflow.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x5697, "0x5697 + 0x9999 should result in 0x5697 with "+
"decimal mode on and with 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "The carry flag of the p status register should be "+
"set after decimal overflow.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "Decimal mode should be set to 1 in the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "The hidden e flag of the p status register should "+
"be 0 for native mode.");
test("Test that ADC handles decimal mode with legal BCD numbers in 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode when adding two four digit numbers with the "+
"carry bit set.", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x5001, "0x1001 + 0x3999 should result in 0x5001 with "+
"decimal mode on and with 16-bit "+
"memory/accumulator mode and the carry flag set.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "The carry flag of the p status register should be "+
"clear after no decimal overflow.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "Decimal mode should be set to 1 in the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "The m flag of the p status register should be 0 for "+
"16-bit memory/accumulator mode.");
equals(cpu.p.e, 0, "The hidden e flag of the p status register should "+
"be 0 for native mode.");
function test_branching() {
test("Test that BRA with 0x00 as its argument doesn't increment or "+
"decrement the program counter", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
// NOTE: 0x8003 is subject to change however I decide to lay out memory
// eventually.
equals(cpu.r.pc, 0x8003, "Make sure that the program counter isn't "+
"incremented or decremented if BRA is given "+
"0x00 as its argument.");
test("Check that the branching operations properly treat the argument as "+
"a two's complement number", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
cpu.execute("80f0"); // negative two's complement number 0xf0 = -16
equals(cpu.r.pc, (0x8003-16), "A branching operation when given a "+
"negative two's complement number should "+
"decrement the program counter by the "+
"proper amount.");
cpu.execute("8020"); // positive two's complement number.
equals(cpu.r.pc, (0x8003+0x20), "A branching operation when given a "+
"positive two's complement number should "+
"increment the program counter by the "+
"proper amount.");
test("Check that BPL works as expected", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x8000, "Check that branching only occurs while the "+
"number is a two's complement positive number.");
test("Check that BMI works as expected", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
equals(cpu.r.a, 0x7fff, "Check that branching only occurs while the "+
"number is a two's complement negative number.");
function test_sep() {
test("Test 'SEP #$30' not in emulation mode", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
cpu.p.e = 0;
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "'SEP #$30' should set the m status bit of the p "+
"register to 1");
equals(cpu.p.x, 1, "'SEP #$30' should set the x status bit of the p "+
"register to 1");
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "'SEP #$30' should not set the n status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "'SEP #$30' should not set the c status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "'SEP #$30' should not set the z status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 0, "'SEP #$30' should not set the d status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "'SEP #$30' should not set the v status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.i, 0, "'SEP #$30' should not set the i status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
test("Test 'SEP #$cf' not in emulation mode", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
cpu.p.e = 0;
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "'SEP #$cf' should not set the m status bit of the p "+
"register to 1");
equals(cpu.p.x, 0, "'SEP #$cf' should not set the x status bit of the p "+
"register to 1");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "'SEP #$cf' should set the n status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "'SEP #$cf' should set the c status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.z, 1, "'SEP #$cf' should set the z status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "'SEP #$cf' should set the d status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "'SEP #$cf' should set the v status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
equals(cpu.p.i, 1, "'SEP #$cf' should set the i status bit of the p "+
"register to 1.");
function test_rep() {
test("Test 'REP #$30' not in emulation mode", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
cpu.p.e = 0;
// Make sure stuff is cleared by setting all of the bits to 1 initially.
cpu.p.n = 1;
cpu.p.c = 1;
cpu.p.v = 1;
cpu.p.i = 1;
cpu.p.d = 1;
cpu.p.x = 1;
cpu.p.m = 1;
cpu.p.z = 1;
equals(cpu.p.m, 0, "'REP #$30' should clear the m bit of the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.x, 0, "'REP #$30' should clear the x bit of the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.d, 1, "'REP #$30' should not clear the d bit of the p "+
"status register");
equals(cpu.p.i, 1, "'REP #$30' should not clear the i bit of the p "+
"status register");
equals(cpu.p.c, 1, "'REP #$30' should not clear the c bit of the p "+
"status register");
equals(cpu.p.z, 1, "'REP #$30' should not clear the z bit of the p "+
"status register");
equals(cpu.p.v, 1, "'REP #$30' should not clear the v bit of the p "+
"status register");
equals(cpu.p.n, 1, "'REP #$30' should not clear the n bit of the p "+
"status register");
test("Test 'REP #$cf' not in emulation mode", function() {
var cpu = new CPU_65816();
cpu.p.e = 0;
// Make sure stuff is cleared by setting all of the bits to 1 initially.
cpu.p.n = 1;
cpu.p.c = 1;
cpu.p.v = 1;
cpu.p.i = 1;
cpu.p.d = 1;
cpu.p.x = 1;
cpu.p.m = 1;
cpu.p.z = 1;
equals(cpu.p.m, 1, "'REP #$cf' should not clear the m bit of the p "+
"status register");
equals(cpu.p.x, 1, "'REP #$cf' should not clear the x bit of the p "+
"status register");
equals(cpu.p.z, 0, "'REP #$cf' should clear the z bit of the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.n, 0, "'REP #$cf' should clear the n bit of the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.d, 0, "'REP #$cf' should clear the d bit of the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.v, 0, "'REP #$cf' should clear the v bit of the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.i, 0, "'REP #$cf' should clear the i bit of the p status "+
equals(cpu.p.c, 0, "'REP #$cf' should clear the c bit of the p status "+