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1 ; crt0.s for Colecovision cart
3 .module crt0
4 .globl _main
5 .globl _cv_init
6 .globl _cv_spint_handler
7 .globl _cv_vint
8 .globl _cv_start
9 .globl ___sdcc_call_hl
11 ; Ordering of segments for the linker - copied from sdcc crt0.s
12 .area _CODE
14 .area _HOME
15 .area _GSINIT
16 .area _GSFINAL
17 .area _DATA
19 .area _BSEG
20 .area _BSS
21 .area _HEAP
23 .area _CODE
24 ; MSX cartridge header @ 0x4000 - 0x400f
0000 41 42 25 .dw 0x4241
0002r10r00 26 .dw _cv_start
0004r10r00 27 .dw _cv_start
0006 00 00 28 .dw 0
0008 00 00 29 .dw 0
000A 00 00 30 .dw 0
000C 00 00 31 .dw 0
000E 00 00 32 .dw 0
0010 34 _cv_start:
0010 F3 [ 4] 35 di
0011 31 00 E0 [10] 36 ld sp, #0xe000 ; Set stack pointer directly above top of memory.
0014 ED 56 [ 8] 37 im 1
0016 CDr00r00 [17] 39 call gsinit ; Initialize global and static variables.
0019 CDr00r00 [17] 40 call vinthook
001C CDr00r00 [17] 41 call _cv_init ; Initialize Colecovision specific stuff.
001F CDr00r00 [17] 42 call _main
0022 C7 [11] 43 rst 0x0 ; Restart when main() returns.
45 .area _GSINIT
0000 46 gsinit::
48 ; Implicitly zeroed global and static variables.
0000 01r00r00 [10] 49 ld bc, #l__DATA
0003 78 [ 4] 50 ld a, b
0004 B1 [ 4] 51 or a, c
0005 28 0F [12] 52 jr Z, zeroed_data
0007 21r00r00 [10] 53 ld hl, #s__DATA
000A 36 00 [10] 54 ld (hl), #0x00
000C 0B [ 6] 55 dec bc
000D 78 [ 4] 56 ld a, b
000E B1 [ 4] 57 or a, c
000F 28 05 [12] 58 jr Z, zeroed_data
0011 5D [ 4] 59 ld e, l
0012 54 [ 4] 60 ld d, h
0013 13 [ 6] 61 inc de
0014 ED B0 [21] 62 ldir
0016 63 zeroed_data:
65 ; Explicitly initialized global variables.
0016 01r00r00 [10] 66 ld bc, #l__INITIALIZER
0019 78 [ 4] 67 ld a, b
001A B1 [ 4] 68 or a, c
001B 28 08 [12] 69 jr Z, gsinit_static
001D 11r00r00 [10] 70 ld de, #s__INITIALIZED
0020 21r00r00 [10] 71 ld hl, #s__INITIALIZER
0023 ED B0 [21] 72 ldir
0025 74 gsinit_static:
75 ; Explicitly initialized static variables inserted by compiler here.
77 .area _GSFINAL
0000 C9 [10] 78 ret
80 .area _HOME
82 ; set up timer hook
FD9F 83 H_TIMI = 0xFD9F
0000 84 vinthook:
0000 3E C3 [ 7] 85 ld a,#0xc3
0002 32 9F FD [13] 86 ld (H_TIMI),a
0005 3Er00 [ 7] 87 ld a, #<(_cv_vint)
0007 32 A0 FD [13] 88 ld (H_TIMI+1),a
000A 3Es00 [ 7] 89 ld a, #>(_cv_vint)
000C 32 A1 FD [13] 90 ld (H_TIMI+2),a
000F C9 [10] 91 ret