mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-26 06:29:29 +00:00

418 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import { BitmapType, IndexedBitmap, RGBABitmap } from "../lib/bitmap";
import { Component, render, h, createRef, VNode } from 'preact';
import { Cell } from "../env";
import { findIntegerFactors, hex, isArray, rgb2bgr } from "../../util";
import { dumpRAM } from "../../emu";
// TODO: can't call methods from this end
import * as color from "../lib/color";
import { ScriptUISelectType, ScriptUISliderType, ScriptUIType } from "../lib/scriptui";
import { current_project } from "../../../ide/ui";
import { EVENT_KEY, InteractEvent, Interactive, isInteractive } from "../lib/io";
const MAX_STRING_LEN = 100;
interface ObjectStats {
type: 'prim' | 'complex' | 'bitmap'
width: number
height: number
units: 'em' | 'px'
class ObjectAnalyzer {
recurse(obj: any) : ObjectStats {
if (typeof obj === 'string') {
return { type: 'prim', width: obj.length, height: 1, units: 'em' }
} else if (obj instanceof Uint8Array) {
return { type: 'complex', width: 60, height: Math.ceil(obj.length / 16), units: 'em' }
} else if (typeof obj === 'object') {
let stats : ObjectStats = { type: 'complex', width: 0, height: 0, units: 'em'};
return stats; // TODO
} else {
return { type: 'prim', width: 12, height: 1, units: 'em' }
interface ColorComponentProps {
rgbavalue: number;
class ColorComponent extends Component<ColorComponentProps> {
render(virtualDom, containerNode, replaceNode) {
let rgb = this.props.rgbavalue & 0xffffff;
let bgr = rgb2bgr(rgb);
var htmlcolor = `#${hex(bgr,6)}`;
var textcolor = (rgb & 0x008000) ? '#222' : '#ddd';
var printcolor = hex(rgb & 0xffffff, 6); // TODO: show index instead?
return h('div', {
class: 'scripting-item scripting-color',
style: `background-color: ${htmlcolor}; color: ${textcolor}`,
alt: htmlcolor, // TODO
}, [
//h('span', { }, printcolor )
function sendInteraction(iobj: Interactive, type: string, event: Event, xtraprops: {}) {
let irec = iobj.$$interact;
let ievent : InteractEvent = {interactid: irec.interactid, type, ...xtraprops};
if (event instanceof PointerEvent) {
const canvas = event.target as HTMLCanvasElement;
const rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
const scaleX = canvas.width / rect.width;
const scaleY = canvas.height / rect.height;
const x = (event.clientX - rect.left) * scaleX;
const y = (event.clientY - rect.top) * scaleY;
ievent.x = Math.round(x);
ievent.y = Math.round(y);
// TODO: pressure, etc.
// TODO: add events to queue?
value: ievent
interface BitmapComponentProps {
bitmap: BitmapType;
width: number;
height: number;
class BitmapComponent extends Component<BitmapComponentProps> {
ref = createRef(); // TODO: can we use the ref?
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
imageData: ImageData;
datau32: Uint32Array;
pressed = false;
constructor(props: BitmapComponentProps) {
render(virtualDom, containerNode, replaceNode) {
let props = {
class: 'scripting-item',
ref: this.ref,
width: this.props.width,
height: this.props.height,
let obj : any = this.props.bitmap;
if (isInteractive(obj)) {
return h('canvas', {
onPointerMove: (e: PointerEvent) => {
sendInteraction(obj, 'move', e, { pressed: this.pressed });
onPointerDown: (e: PointerEvent) => {
this.pressed = true;
sendInteraction(obj, 'down', e, { });
onPointerUp: (e: PointerEvent) => {
this.pressed = false;
sendInteraction(obj, 'up', e, { });
onPointerOut: (e: PointerEvent) => {
this.pressed = false;
sendInteraction(obj, 'out', e, { });
} else {
return h('canvas', props);
componentDidMount() {
componentWillUnmount() {
this.canvas = null;
this.imageData = null;
this.datau32 = null;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) {
prepare() {
this.canvas = this.base as HTMLCanvasElement;
this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
this.imageData = this.ctx.createImageData(this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
this.datau32 = new Uint32Array(this.imageData.data.buffer);
refresh() {
// preact can reuse this component but it can change shape :^P
if (this.canvas !== this.base
|| this.imageData.width != this.props.width
|| this.imageData.height != this.props.height) {
this.updateCanvas(this.datau32, this.props.bitmap);
this.ctx.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);
updateCanvas(vdata: Uint32Array, bmp: BitmapType) {
if (bmp['palette']) {
this.updateCanvasIndexed(vdata, bmp as IndexedBitmap);
if (bmp['rgba']) {
this.updateCanvasRGBA(vdata, bmp as RGBABitmap);
updateCanvasRGBA(vdata: Uint32Array, bmp: RGBABitmap) {
updateCanvasIndexed(vdata: Uint32Array, bmp: IndexedBitmap) {
let pal = bmp.palette.colors;
for (var i = 0; i < bmp.pixels.length; i++) {
vdata[i] = pal[bmp.pixels[i]];
interface ObjectTreeComponentProps {
name?: string;
object: {} | [];
objpath: string;
interface ObjectTreeComponentState {
expanded: boolean;
class ObjectKeyValueComponent extends Component<ObjectTreeComponentProps, ObjectTreeComponentState> {
render(virtualDom, containerNode, replaceNode) {
let expandable = typeof this.props.object === 'object';
let hdrclass = '';
if (expandable)
hdrclass = this.state.expanded ? 'tree-expanded' : 'tree-collapsed'
let propName = this.props.name || null;
if (propName && propName.startsWith("$$")) propName = null;
return h('div', {
class: 'tree-content',
key: `${this.props.objpath}__tree`
}, [
h('div', {
class: 'tree-header ' + hdrclass,
onClick: expandable ? () => this.toggleExpand() : null
}, [
h('span', { class: 'tree-key' }, [ propName, expandable ]),
h('span', { class: 'tree-value scripting-item' }, [ getShortName(this.props.object) ])
this.state.expanded ? objectToContentsDiv(this.props.object, this.props.objpath) : null
toggleExpand() {
this.setState({ expanded: !this.state.expanded });
function getShortName(object: any) {
if (typeof object === 'object') {
try {
var s = Object.getPrototypeOf(object).constructor.name;
if (object.length > 0) {
s += `[${object.length}]`
return s;
} catch (e) {
return e + "";
} else {
return primitiveToString(object);
function primitiveToString(obj) {
var text = "";
// is it a function? call it first, if we are expanded
// TODO: only call functions w/ signature
if (obj && obj.$$ && typeof obj.$$ == 'function' && this._content != null) {
obj = obj.$$();
// check null first
if (obj == null) {
text = obj + "";
// primitive types
} else if (typeof obj == 'number') {
if (obj != (obj | 0)) text = obj.toString(); // must be a float
else text = obj + "\t($" + hex(obj) + ")";
} else {
text = JSON.stringify(obj);
if (text.length > MAX_STRING_LEN)
text = text.substring(0, MAX_STRING_LEN) + "...";
return text;
function isIndexedBitmap(object): object is IndexedBitmap {
return object['bitsPerPixel'] && object['pixels'] && object['palette'];
function isRGBABitmap(object): object is RGBABitmap {
return object['rgba'] instanceof Uint32Array;
function objectToChildren(object: any) : any[] {
if (color.isPalette(object)) {
return new color.Palette(object.colors).chromas();
} else if (isArray(object)) {
return Array.from(object);
} else if (object != null) {
return [ object ]
} else {
return [ ]
function objectToDiv(object: any, name: string, objpath: string): VNode<any> {
// TODO: limit # of items
// TODO: detect table
if (object == null) {
return h('span', { }, object + "");
} else if (object['uitype']) {
let cons = UI_COMPONENTS[object['uitype']];
if (!cons) throw new Error(`Unknown UI component type: ${object['uitype']}`);
return h(cons, { iokey: objpath, uiobject: object });
} else if (object['literaltext']) {
return h("pre", { }, [ object['literaltext'] ]);
} else if (isIndexedBitmap(object) || isRGBABitmap(object)) {
return h(BitmapComponent, { bitmap: object, width: object.width, height: object.height });
} else if (color.isChroma(object)) {
return h(ColorComponent, { rgbavalue: color.rgb(object) });
} else if (color.isPalette(object)) {
// TODO?
if (object.colors.length <= 256) {
let children = [];
let props = { class: '', key: `${objpath}__obj` };
props.class += ' scripting-flex ';
object.colors.forEach((val) => {
children.push(h(ColorComponent, { rgbavalue: val }));
return h('div', props, children);
} else {
let {a,b} = findIntegerFactors(object.colors.length, 1, 1, DEFAULT_ASPECT);
return objectToDiv({ rgba: object.colors, width: a, height: b }, name, objpath);
} else {
return h(ObjectKeyValueComponent, { name, object, objpath }, []);
function fixedArrayToDiv(tyarr: Array<number>, bpel: number, objpath: string) {
const maxBytes = 0x100;
if (tyarr.length <= maxBytes) {
let dumptext = dumpRAM(tyarr, 0, tyarr.length);
return h('pre', {}, dumptext);
} else {
let children = [];
for (var ofs = 0; ofs < tyarr.length; ofs += maxBytes) {
children.push(objectToDiv(tyarr.slice(ofs, ofs + maxBytes), '$' + hex(ofs), `${objpath}.${ofs}`));
return h('div', {}, children);
function objectToContentsDiv(object: {} | [], objpath: string) {
// is typed array?
let bpel = object['BYTES_PER_ELEMENT'];
if (typeof bpel === 'number') {
return fixedArrayToDiv(object as Array<number>, bpel, objpath);
let objectEntries = Object.entries(object);
let objectDivs = objectEntries.map(entry => objectToDiv(entry[1], entry[0], `${objpath}.${entry[1]}`));
return h('div', { class: 'scripting-flex' }, objectDivs);
interface UIComponentProps {
iokey: string;
uiobject: ScriptUIType;
class UISliderComponent extends Component<UIComponentProps> {
render(virtualDom, containerNode, replaceNode) {
let slider = this.props.uiobject as ScriptUISliderType;
return h('div', {}, [
h('input', {
type: 'range',
min: slider.min / slider.step,
max: slider.max / slider.step,
value: slider.value / slider.step,
onInput: (ev) => {
let newUIValue = { value: parseFloat(ev.target.value) * slider.step };
current_project.updateDataItems([{key: this.props.iokey, value: newUIValue}]);
}, []),
class UISelectComponent extends Component<UIComponentProps> {
ref = createRef();
render(virtualDom, containerNode, replaceNode) {
let select = this.props.uiobject as ScriptUISelectType<any>;
let children = objectToChildren(select.options);
return h('div', {
class: 'scripting-select scripting-flex',
ref: this.ref,
onClick: (e) => {
// iterate parents until we find select div, then find index of child
let target = e.target as HTMLElement;
while (target.parentElement && target.parentElement != this.ref.current) {
target = target.parentElement;
const selindex = Array.from(target.parentElement.children).indexOf(target);
if (selindex >= 0 && selindex < children.length) {
let newUIValue = { value: children[selindex], index: selindex };
current_project.updateDataItems([{key: this.props.iokey, value: newUIValue}]);
} else {
throw new Error(`Could not find click target of ${this.props.iokey}`);
children.map((child, index) => {
let div = objectToDiv(child, null, `${this.props.iokey}__select_${index}`);
let selected = (index == select.index);
return h('div', { class: selected ? 'scripting-selected' : '' }, [ div ]);
// TODO: show current selection
'slider': UISliderComponent,
'select': UISelectComponent,
export class Notebook {
public readonly maindoc: HTMLDocument,
public readonly maindiv: HTMLElement
) {
updateCells(cells: Cell[]) {
let hTree = cells.map(cell => {
return h('div', {
class: 'scripting-cell',
key: `${cell.id}__cell`
}, [
objectToDiv(cell.object, cell.id, cell.id)
render(hTree, this.maindiv);