mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-26 06:29:29 +00:00

391 lines
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2023-12-28 22:40:24 +00:00
import { ELFParser } from "../../common/binutils";
import { hex } from "../../common/util";
2023-11-29 20:36:58 +00:00
import { CodeListingMap, SourceLine, WorkerError, WorkerResult } from "../../common/workertypes";
2023-12-27 20:24:42 +00:00
import { BuildStep, BuildStepResult, gatherFiles, staleFiles, populateFiles, putWorkFile, anyTargetChanged, getPrefix, getWorkFileAsString, populateExtraFiles } from "../builder";
2023-11-29 20:36:58 +00:00
import { makeErrorMatcher, re_crlf } from "../listingutils";
import { loadNative, moduleInstFn, execMain, emglobal, EmscriptenModule } from "../wasmutils";
export function assembleARMIPS(step: BuildStep): WorkerResult {
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" });
var objpath = "main.bin";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
var sympath = step.prefix + ".sym";
//test.armips(3) error: Parse error '.arm'
var error_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /^(.+?)\((\d+)\)\s+(fatal error|error|warning):\s+(.+)/, 2, 4, step.path, 1);
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
var args = [step.path, '-temp', lstpath, '-sym', sympath, '-erroronwarning'];
var armips: EmscriptenModule = emglobal.armips({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('armips'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: error_fn,
printErr: error_fn,
var FS = armips.FS;
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
code = `.arm.little :: .create "${objpath}",0 :: ${code}
putWorkFile(step.path, code);
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, armips, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors: errors };
var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: 'binary' }) as Uint8Array;
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath]))
var symbolmap = {};
var segments = [];
var listings: CodeListingMap = {};
var lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: 'utf8' }) as string;
var lines = lstout.split(re_crlf);
//00000034 .word 0x11223344 ; /vidfill.armips line 25
var re_asmline = /^([0-9A-F]+) (.+?); [/](.+?) line (\d+)/;
var lastofs = -1;
for (var line of lines) {
var m;
if (m = re_asmline.exec(line)) {
var path = m[3];
var path2 = getPrefix(path) + '.lst'; // TODO: don't rename listing
var lst = listings[path2];
if (lst == null) { lst = listings[path2] = { lines: [] }; }
var ofs = parseInt(m[1], 16);
if (lastofs == ofs) {
lst.lines.pop(); // get rid of duplicate offset
} else if (ofs > lastofs) {
var lastline = lst.lines[lst.lines.length - 1];
if (lastline && !lastline.insns) {
var insns = objout.slice(lastofs, ofs).reverse();
lastline.insns = Array.from(insns).map((b) => hex(b, 2)).join('');
path: path,
line: parseInt(m[4]),
offset: ofs
lastofs = ofs;
//listings[lstpath] = {lines:lstlines, text:lstout};
var symout = FS.readFile(sympath, { encoding: 'utf8' }) as string;
//0000000C loop2
//00000034 .dbl:0004
var re_symline = /^([0-9A-F]+)\s+(.+)/;
for (var line of symout.split(re_crlf)) {
var m;
if (m = re_symline.exec(line)) {
symbolmap[m[2]] = parseInt(m[1], 16);
return {
output: objout, //.slice(0),
listings: listings,
errors: errors,
symbolmap: symbolmap,
segments: segments
export function assembleVASMARM(step: BuildStep): BuildStepResult {
/// error 2 in line 8 of "gfxtest.c": unknown mnemonic <ew>
/// error 3007: undefined symbol <XXLOOP>
/// TODO: match undefined symbols
var re_err1 = /^(fatal error|error|warning)? (\d+) in line (\d+) of "(.+)": (.+)/;
var re_err2 = /^(fatal error|error|warning)? (\d+): (.+)/;
var re_undefsym = /symbol <(.+?)>/;
var errors: WorkerError[] = [];
var undefsyms = [];
function findUndefinedSymbols(line: string) {
// find undefined symbols in line
undefsyms.forEach((sym) => {
if (line.indexOf(sym) >= 0) {
path: curpath,
line: curline,
msg: "Undefined symbol: " + sym,
function match_fn(s) {
let matches = re_err1.exec(s);
if (matches) {
line: parseInt(matches[3]),
path: matches[4],
msg: matches[5],
} else {
matches = re_err2.exec(s);
if (matches) {
let m = re_undefsym.exec(matches[3]);
if (m) {
} else {
line: 0,
msg: s,
} else {
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".bin";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
var args = ['-Fbin', '-m7tdmi', '-x', '-wfail', step.path, '-o', objpath, '-L', lstpath];
var vasm: EmscriptenModule = emglobal.vasm({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('vasmarm_std'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn,
printErr: match_fn,
var FS = vasm.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, vasm, args);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors: errors };
if (undefsyms.length == 0) {
var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: 'binary' });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath]))
var lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
// 00:00000018 023020E0 14: eor r3, r0, r2
// Source: "vidfill.vasm"
// 00: ".text" (0-40)
// LOOP 00:00000018
// STACK S:20010000
var symbolmap = {};
var segments = []; // TODO
var listings: CodeListingMap = {};
// TODO: parse listings
var re_asmline = /^(\d+):([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F ]+)\s+(\d+)([:M])/;
var re_secline = /^(\d+):\s+"(.+)"/;
var re_nameline = /^Source:\s+"(.+)"/;
var re_symline = /^(\w+)\s+(\d+):([0-9A-F]+)/;
var re_emptyline = /^\s+(\d+)([:M])/;
var curpath = step.path;
var curline = 0;
var sections = {};
// map file and section indices -> names
var lines: string[] = lstout.split(re_crlf);
// parse lines
var lstlines: SourceLine[] = [];
for (var line of lines) {
var m;
if (m = re_secline.exec(line)) {
sections[m[1]] = m[2];
} else if (m = re_nameline.exec(line)) {
curpath = m[1];
} else if (m = re_symline.exec(line)) {
symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[3], 16);
} else if (m = re_asmline.exec(line)) {
if (m[5] == ':') {
curline = parseInt(m[4]);
} else {
// TODO: macro line
path: curpath,
line: curline,
offset: parseInt(m[2], 16),
insns: m[3].replaceAll(' ', '')
} else if (m = re_emptyline.exec(line)) {
curline = parseInt(m[1]);
} else {
listings[lstpath] = { lines: lstlines, text: lstout };
// catch-all if no error generated
if (undefsyms.length && errors.length == 0) {
line: 0,
msg: 'Undefined symbols: ' + undefsyms.join(', ')
return {
output: objout, //.slice(0x34),
listings: listings,
errors: errors,
symbolmap: symbolmap,
segments: segments
2023-12-27 20:24:42 +00:00
function tccErrorMatcher(errors: WorkerError[], mainpath: string) {
return makeErrorMatcher(errors, /(\w+|tcc):(\d+|\s*error): (.+)/, 2, 3, mainpath, 1);;
export async function compileARMTCC(step: BuildStep): Promise<BuildStepResult> {
const params = step.params;
const errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" });
const objpath = step.prefix + ".o";
const error_fn = tccErrorMatcher(errors, step.path);
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
const armtcc: EmscriptenModule = await emglobal.armtcc({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('arm-tcc'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: error_fn,
printErr: error_fn,
var args = ['-I.', '-c',
'-o', objpath];
if (params.define) {
params.define.forEach((x) => args.push('-D' + x));
const FS = armtcc.FS;
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_compile_files);
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, armtcc, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors: errors };
var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: 'binary' }) as Uint8Array;
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
return {
linktool: "armtcclink",
files: [objpath],
args: [objpath]
export async function linkARMTCC(step: BuildStep): Promise<WorkerResult> {
const params = step.params;
const errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" });
2023-12-28 22:40:24 +00:00
const objpath = "main.elf";
2023-12-27 20:24:42 +00:00
const error_fn = tccErrorMatcher(errors, step.path);
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
const armtcc: EmscriptenModule = await emglobal.armtcc({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('arm-tcc'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: error_fn,
printErr: error_fn,
var args = ['-L.', '-nostdlib', '-nostdinc',
2023-12-28 22:40:24 +00:00
2023-12-27 20:24:42 +00:00
'-o', objpath];
if (params.define) {
params.define.forEach((x) => args.push('-D' + x));
let objfiles = step.files;
// sort so that crtxxx files are first
objfiles.sort((a, b) => {
let a0 = a.startsWith('crt') ? 0 : 1;
let b0 = b.startsWith('crt') ? 0 : 1;
a = a0 + a;
b = b0 + b;
return a.localeCompare(b);
args = args.concat(objfiles);
const FS = armtcc.FS;
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files);
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, armtcc, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors: errors };
var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: 'binary' }) as Uint8Array;
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath]))
2023-12-28 22:40:24 +00:00
// parse ELF and create ROM
const elfparser = new ELFParser(objout);
let maxaddr = 0;
elfparser.sectionHeaders.forEach((section, index) => {
maxaddr = Math.max(maxaddr, section.vmaddr + section.size);
let rom = new Uint8Array(maxaddr);
elfparser.sectionHeaders.forEach((section, index) => {
if (section.flags & 0x2) {
let data = objout.slice(section.offset, section.offset + section.size);
console.log(section.name, section.vmaddr.toString(16), data);
rom.set(data, section.vmaddr);
// set vectors, entry point etc
const obj32 = new Uint32Array(rom.buffer);
const start = elfparser.entry;
obj32[0] = start; // set reset vector
obj32[1] = start; // set undefined vector
obj32[2] = start; // set swi vector
obj32[3] = start; // set prefetch abort vector
obj32[4] = start; // set data abort vector
obj32[5] = start; // set reserved vector
obj32[6] = start; // set irq vector
obj32[7] = start; // set fiq vector
let symbolmap = {};
elfparser.getSymbols().forEach((symbol, index) => {
symbolmap[symbol.name] = symbol.value;
let segments = [];
elfparser.sectionHeaders.forEach((section, index) => {
if ((section.flags & 0x2) && section.size) {
name: section.name,
start: section.vmaddr,
size: section.size,
type: section.type,
2023-12-27 20:24:42 +00:00
return {
2023-12-28 22:40:24 +00:00
output: rom, //.slice(0x34),
2023-12-27 20:24:42 +00:00
//listings: listings,
errors: errors,
2023-12-28 22:40:24 +00:00
symbolmap: symbolmap,
segments: segments
2023-12-27 20:24:42 +00:00