mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-08 23:29:42 +00:00

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2023-12-04 16:18:13 +00:00
import { OutputSoundFile, TAPFile } from '../common/audio/CommodoreTape';
import { byteArrayToString, compressLZG, getBasePlatform, getFilenameForPath, getFilenamePrefix, loadScript } from '../common/util';
import { alertError, alertInfo, setWaitDialog, setWaitProgress } from './dialogs';
import { getCurrentEditorFilename, getCurrentMainFilename, getCurrentOutput, getCurrentProject, getPlatformStore, getWorkerParams, platform, platform_id, projectWindows } from './ui';
import { saveAs } from "file-saver";
declare var GIF;
export function _shareEmbedLink(e) {
if (getCurrentOutput() == null) {
alertError("Please fix errors before sharing.");
return true;
if (!(getCurrentOutput() instanceof Uint8Array)) {
alertError("Can't share a Verilog executable yet. (It's not actually a ROM...)");
return true;
loadScript('lib/liblzg.js').then(() => {
// TODO: Module is bad var name (conflicts with MAME)
var lzgrom = compressLZG(window['Module'], Array.from(<Uint8Array>getCurrentOutput()));
window['Module'] = null; // so we load it again next time
var lzgb64 = btoa(byteArrayToString(lzgrom));
var embed = {
p: platform_id,
//n: current_project.mainPath,
r: lzgb64
var linkqs = $.param(embed);
var fulllink = get8bitworkshopLink(linkqs, 'player.html');
var iframelink = '<iframe width=640 height=600 src="' + fulllink + '">';
if (fulllink.length >= 65536) $("#embedAdviceWarnAll").show();
else if (fulllink.length >= 5120) $("#embedAdviceWarnIE").show();
return true;
function loadClipboardLibrary() {
// can happen in background because it won't be used until user clicks
import('clipboard').then((clipmod) => {
let ClipboardJS = clipmod.default;
new ClipboardJS(".btn");
function get8bitworkshopLink(linkqs: string, fn: string) {
var loc = window.location;
var prefix = loc.pathname.replace('index.html', '');
var protocol = (loc.host == '8bitworkshop.com') ? 'https:' : loc.protocol;
var fulllink = protocol + '//' + loc.host + prefix + fn + '?' + linkqs;
return fulllink;
function _downloadCassetteFile_apple2(e) {
var addr = getWorkerParams()?.code_start;
loadScript('lib/c2t.js').then(() => {
var stdout = '';
var print_fn = function (s) { stdout += s + "\n"; }
var c2t = window['c2t']({
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: print_fn
var FS = c2t['FS'];
var rompath = getCurrentMainFilename() + ".bin";
var audpath = getCurrentMainFilename() + ".wav";
FS.writeFile(rompath, getCurrentOutput(), { encoding: 'binary' });
var args = ["-2bc", rompath + ',' + addr.toString(16), audpath];
var audout = FS.readFile(audpath, { 'encoding': 'binary' });
if (audout) {
var blob = new Blob([audout], { type: "audio/wav" });
saveAs(blob, audpath);
stdout += "Then connect your audio output to the cassette input, turn up the volume, and play the audio file.";
export function _downloadCassetteFile_vcs(e) {
loadScript('lib/makewav.js').then(() => {
let stdout = '';
let print_fn = function (s) { stdout += s + "\n"; }
var prefix = getFilenamePrefix(getCurrentMainFilename());
let rompath = prefix + ".bin";
let audpath = prefix + ".wav";
let _makewav = window['makewav']({
noInitialRun: false,
print: print_fn,
printErr: print_fn,
arguments: ['-ts', '-f0', '-v10', rompath],
preRun: (mod) => {
let FS = mod['FS'];
FS.writeFile(rompath, getCurrentOutput(), { encoding: 'binary' });
_makewav.ready.then((makewav) => {
let args = [rompath];
let FS = makewav['FS'];
let audout = FS.readFile(audpath, { 'encoding': 'binary' });
if (audout) {
let blob = new Blob([audout], { type: "audio/wav" });
saveAs(blob, audpath);
stdout += "\nConnect your audio output to the SuperCharger input, turn up the volume, and play the audio file.";
function _downloadCassetteFile_c64(e) {
var prefix = getFilenamePrefix(getCurrentMainFilename());
let audpath = prefix + ".tap";
let tapmaker = new TAPFile(prefix);
let outfile = new OutputSoundFile({ sine_wave: true });
let data = getCurrentOutput();
let startAddress = data[0] + data[1] * 256;
data = data.slice(2); // remove header
tapmaker.setContent({ data, startAddress, type: TAPFile.FILE_TYPE_NON_RELOCATABLE });
let tapout = outfile.getTAPData();
//let audout = outfile.getSoundData();
if (tapout) {
//let blob = new Blob([audout], { type: "audio/wav" });
let blob = new Blob([tapout], { type: "application/octet-stream" });
saveAs(blob, audpath);
export function _getCassetteFunction() {
switch (getBasePlatform(platform_id)) {
case 'vcs': return _downloadCassetteFile_vcs;
case 'apple2': return _downloadCassetteFile_apple2;
case 'c64': return _downloadCassetteFile_c64;
export function _downloadCassetteFile(e) {
if (getCurrentOutput() == null) {
alertError("Please fix errors before exporting.");
return true;
var fn = _getCassetteFunction();
if (fn === undefined) {
alertError("Cassette export is not supported on this platform.");
return true;
export function _downloadROMImage(e) {
if (getCurrentOutput() == null) {
alertError("Please finish compiling with no errors before downloading ROM.");
return true;
var prefix = getFilenamePrefix(getCurrentMainFilename());
if (platform.getDownloadFile) {
var dl = platform.getDownloadFile();
var prefix = getFilenamePrefix(getCurrentMainFilename());
saveAs(dl.blob, prefix + dl.extension);
} else if (getCurrentOutput() instanceof Uint8Array) {
var blob = new Blob([getCurrentOutput()], { type: "application/octet-stream" });
var suffix = (platform.getROMExtension && platform.getROMExtension(getCurrentOutput()))
|| "-" + getBasePlatform(platform_id) + ".bin";
saveAs(blob, prefix + suffix);
} else {
alertError(`The "${platform_id}" platform doesn't have downloadable ROMs.`);
export function _downloadSourceFile(e) {
var text = projectWindows.getCurrentText();
if (!text) return false;
var blob = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" });
saveAs(blob, getCurrentEditorFilename(), { autoBom: false });
async function newJSZip() {
let JSZip = (await import('jszip')).default;
return new JSZip();
export async function _downloadProjectZipFile(e) {
var zip = await newJSZip();
getCurrentProject().iterateFiles((id, data) => {
if (data) {
zip.file(getFilenameForPath(id), data);
zip.generateAsync({ type: "blob" }).then((content) => {
saveAs(content, getCurrentMainFilename() + "-" + getBasePlatform(platform_id) + ".zip");
export function _downloadSymFile(e) {
let symfile = platform.getDebugSymbolFile && platform.getDebugSymbolFile();
if (!symfile) {
alertError("This project does not have debug information.");
var prefix = getFilenamePrefix(getCurrentMainFilename());
saveAs(symfile.blob, prefix + symfile.extension, { autoBom: false });
export async function _downloadAllFilesZipFile(e) {
var zip = await newJSZip();
var keys = await getPlatformStore().keys();
try {
var i = 0;
await Promise.all(keys.map((path) => {
return getPlatformStore().getItem(path).then((text) => {
setWaitProgress(i++ / (keys.length + 1));
if (text) {
zip.file(path, text as any);
var content = await zip.generateAsync({ type: "blob" });
saveAs(content, getBasePlatform(platform_id) + "-all.zip");
} finally {
var recordingVideo = false;
export function _recordVideo() {
if (recordingVideo) return;
loadScript("lib/gif.js").then(() => {
var canvas = $("#emulator").find("canvas")[0] as HTMLElement;
if (!canvas) {
alertError("Could not find canvas element to record video!");
var rotate = 0;
if (canvas.style && canvas.style.transform) {
if (canvas.style.transform.indexOf("rotate(-90deg)") >= 0)
rotate = -1;
else if (canvas.style.transform.indexOf("rotate(90deg)") >= 0)
rotate = 1;
var gif = new GIF({
workerScript: 'lib/gif.worker.js',
workers: 4,
quality: 10,
rotate: rotate
var img = $('#videoPreviewImage');
gif.on('progress', (prog) => {
gif.on('finished', (blob) => {
img.attr('src', URL.createObjectURL(blob));
var intervalMsec = 20;
var maxFrames = 300;
var nframes = 0;
console.log("Recording video", canvas);
$("#emulator").css('backgroundColor', '#cc3333');
var f = () => {
if (nframes++ > maxFrames) {
console.log("Rendering video");
$("#emulator").css('backgroundColor', 'inherit');
recordingVideo = false;
} else {
gif.addFrame(canvas, { delay: intervalMsec, copy: true });
setTimeout(f, intervalMsec);
recordingVideo = true;