mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-01 05:41:31 +00:00

verilog-vga: updated presets

This commit is contained in:
Steven Hugg 2019-01-27 15:29:37 -05:00
parent e44a0734dd
commit cde43b361f
8 changed files with 712 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
`include "hvsync_generator.v"
`include "digits10.v"
`include "scoreboard.v"
A brick-smashing ball-and-paddle game.
module ball_paddle_top(clk, reset, hpaddle, hsync, vsync, rgb);
input clk;
input reset;
input hpaddle;
output hsync, vsync;
output [2:0] rgb;
wire display_on;
wire [9:0] hpos;
wire [9:0] vpos;
reg [9:0] paddle_pos; // paddle X position
reg [9:0] ball_x; // ball X position
reg [9:0] ball_y; // ball Y position
reg ball_dir_x; // ball X direction (0=left, 1=right)
reg ball_speed_x; // ball speed (0=1 pixel/frame, 1=2 pixels/frame)
reg ball_dir_y; // ball Y direction (0=up, 1=down)
reg brick_array [0:BRICKS_H*BRICKS_V-1]; // 16*8 = 128 bits
wire [3:0] score0; // score right digit
wire [3:0] score1; // score left digit
wire [3:0] lives; // # lives remaining
reg incscore; // incscore signal
reg declives = 0; // TODO
localparam BRICKS_H = 16; // # of bricks across
localparam BRICKS_V = 8; // # of bricks down
localparam BALL_DIR_LEFT = 0;
localparam BALL_DIR_RIGHT = 1;
localparam BALL_DIR_DOWN = 1;
localparam BALL_DIR_UP = 0;
localparam PADDLE_WIDTH = 63; // horizontal paddle size
localparam BALL_SIZE = 12; // square ball size
// video sync generator
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
// scoreboard
wire score_gfx; // output from score generator
player_stats stats(
scoreboard_generator score_gen(
wire [5:0] hcell = hpos[9:4]; // horizontal brick index
wire [5:0] vcell = vpos[9:4]; // vertical brick index
wire lr_border = hcell==0 || hcell==31; // along horizontal border?
// TODO: unsigned compare doesn't work in JS
wire [9:0] paddle_rel_x = ((hpos-paddle_pos) & 10'h3ff);
// player paddle graphics signal
wire paddle_gfx = (vcell == 28) && (paddle_rel_x < PADDLE_WIDTH);
// difference between ball position and video beam
wire [9:0] ball_rel_x = (hpos - ball_x);
wire [9:0] ball_rel_y = (vpos - ball_y);
// ball graphics signal
wire ball_gfx = ball_rel_x < BALL_SIZE
&& ball_rel_y < BALL_SIZE;
reg main_gfx; // main graphics signal (bricks and borders)
reg brick_present; // 1 when we are drawing a brick
reg [6:0] brick_index;// index into array of current brick
// brick graphics signal
wire brick_gfx = lr_border || (brick_present && vpos[3:1] != 0 && hpos[4:2] != 4);
// scan bricks: compute brick_index and brick_present flag
always @(posedge clk)
// see if we are scanning brick area
if (vpos[9:7] == 1 && !lr_border)
// every 16th pixel, starting at 8
if (hpos[4:0] == 8) begin
// compute brick index
brick_index <= {vpos[6:4], hpos[8:5]};
// every 17th pixel
else if (hpos[4:0] == 9) begin
// load brick bit from array
brick_present <= !brick_array[brick_index];
end else begin
brick_present <= 0;
// only works when paddle at bottom of screen!
// (we don't want to mess w/ paddle position during visible portion)
always @(posedge hsync)
if (!hpaddle)
paddle_pos <= vpos;
// 1 when ball signal intersects main (brick + border) signal
wire ball_pixel_collide = main_gfx & ball_gfx;
reg ball_collide_paddle = 0;
reg [3:0] ball_collide_bits = 0;
// compute ball collisions with paddle and playfield
always @(posedge clk)
// clear all collide bits for frame
if (vsync) begin
ball_collide_bits <= 0;
ball_collide_paddle <= 0;
end else begin
if (ball_pixel_collide) begin
// did we collide w/ paddle?
if (paddle_gfx) begin
ball_collide_paddle <= 1;
// ball has 4 collision quadrants
if (!ball_rel_x[2] & !ball_rel_y[2]) ball_collide_bits[0] <= 1;
if (ball_rel_x[2] & !ball_rel_y[2]) ball_collide_bits[1] <= 1;
if (!ball_rel_x[2] & ball_rel_y[2]) ball_collide_bits[2] <= 1;
if (ball_rel_x[2] & ball_rel_y[2]) ball_collide_bits[3] <= 1;
// compute ball collisions with brick and increment score
always @(posedge clk)
if (ball_pixel_collide && brick_present) begin
brick_array[brick_index] <= 1;
incscore <= 1; // increment score
end else begin
incscore <= 0; // reset incscore
// computes position of ball in relation to center of paddle
wire signed [9:0] ball_paddle_dx = ball_x - paddle_pos + 8;
// ball bounce: determine new velocity/direction
always @(posedge vsync or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_DOWN;
end else
// ball collided with paddle?
if (ball_collide_paddle) begin
// bounces upward off of paddle
ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_UP;
// which side of paddle, left/right?
ball_dir_x <= (ball_paddle_dx < 20) ? BALL_DIR_LEFT : BALL_DIR_RIGHT;
// hitting with edge of paddle makes it fast
ball_speed_x <= ball_collide_bits[3:0] != 4'b1100;
end else begin
// collided with playfield
// TODO: can still slip through corners
// compute left/right bounce
casez (ball_collide_bits[3:0])
4'b01?1: ball_dir_x <= BALL_DIR_RIGHT; // left edge/corner
4'b1101: ball_dir_x <= BALL_DIR_RIGHT; // left corner
4'b101?: ball_dir_x <= BALL_DIR_LEFT; // right edge/corner
4'b1110: ball_dir_x <= BALL_DIR_LEFT; // right corner
default: ;
// compute top/bottom bounce
casez (ball_collide_bits[3:0])
4'b1011: ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_DOWN;
4'b0111: ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_DOWN;
4'b001?: ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_DOWN;
4'b0001: ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_DOWN;
4'b0100: ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_UP;
4'b1?00: ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_UP;
4'b1101: ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_UP;
4'b1110: ball_dir_y <= BALL_DIR_UP;
default: ;
// ball motion: update ball position
always @(negedge vsync or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
// reset ball position to top center
ball_x <= 256;
ball_y <= 320;
end else begin
// move ball horizontal and vertical position
if (ball_dir_x == BALL_DIR_RIGHT)
ball_x <= ball_x + (ball_speed_x?1:0) + 1;
ball_x <= ball_x - (ball_speed_x?1:0) - 1;
ball_y <= ball_y + (ball_dir_y==BALL_DIR_DOWN?1:-1);
// compute main_gfx
always @(*)
case (vpos[9:4])
0,1,2: main_gfx = score_gfx; // scoreboard
3: main_gfx = 0;
4: main_gfx = 1; // top border
8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15: main_gfx = brick_gfx; // brick rows 1-8
28: main_gfx = paddle_gfx | lr_border; // paddle
29: main_gfx = hpos[0] ^ vpos[0]; // bottom border
default: main_gfx = lr_border; // left/right borders
// combine signals to RGB output
wire grid_gfx = (((hpos&15)==0) || ((vpos&15)==0));
wire r = display_on && (ball_gfx | paddle_gfx);
wire g = display_on && (main_gfx | ball_gfx);
wire b = display_on && (grid_gfx | ball_gfx | brick_present);
assign rgb = {b,g,r};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
`include "hvsync_generator.v"
`include "digits10.v"
`include "ram.v"
Displays a grid of digits on the CRT using a RAM module.
module test_ram1_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, rgb);
input clk, reset;
output hsync, vsync;
output [2:0] rgb;
wire display_on;
wire [9:0] hpos;
wire [9:0] vpos;
wire [9:0] ram_addr;
wire [7:0] ram_read;
reg [7:0] ram_write;
reg ram_writeenable = 0;
// RAM to hold 32x32 array of bytes
RAM_sync ram(
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
wire [4:0] row = vpos[7:3]; // 5-bit row, vpos / 8
wire [4:0] col = hpos[7:3]; // 5-bit column, hpos / 8
wire [2:0] rom_yofs = vpos[2:0]; // scanline of cell
wire [4:0] rom_bits; // 5 pixels per scanline
wire [3:0] digit = ram_read[3:0]; // read digit from RAM
wire [2:0] xofs = hpos[2:0]; // which pixel to draw (0-7)
assign ram_addr = {row,col}; // 10-bit RAM address
// digits ROM
digits10_case numbers(
// extract bit from ROM output
wire r = display_on && 0;
wire g = display_on && rom_bits[~xofs];
wire b = display_on && 0;
assign rgb = {b,g,r};
// increment the current RAM cell
always @(posedge clk)
case (hpos[2:0])
// on 7th pixel of cell
6: begin
// increment RAM cell
ram_write <= (ram_read + 1);
// only enable write on last scanline of cell
ram_writeenable <= (vpos[2:0] == 7);
// on 8th pixel of cell
7: begin
// disable write
ram_writeenable <= 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
`ifndef DIGITS10_H
`define DIGITS10_H
`include "hvsync_generator.v"
ROM module with 5x5 bitmaps for the digits 0-9.
digits10_case - Uses the case statement.
digits10_array - Uses an array and initial block.
These two modules are functionally equivalent.
// module for 10-digit bitmap ROM
module digits10_case(digit, yofs, bits);
input [3:0] digit; // digit 0-9
input [2:0] yofs; // vertical offset (0-4)
output reg [4:0] bits; // output (5 bits)
// combine {digit,yofs} into single ROM address
wire [6:0] caseexpr = {digit,yofs};
always @(*)
case (caseexpr)/*{w:5,h:5,count:10}*/
7'o00: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o01: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o02: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o03: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o04: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o10: bits = 5'b01100;
7'o11: bits = 5'b00100;
7'o12: bits = 5'b00100;
7'o13: bits = 5'b00100;
7'o14: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o20: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o21: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o22: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o23: bits = 5'b10000;
7'o24: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o30: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o31: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o32: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o33: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o34: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o40: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o41: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o42: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o43: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o44: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o50: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o51: bits = 5'b10000;
7'o52: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o53: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o54: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o60: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o61: bits = 5'b10000;
7'o62: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o63: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o64: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o70: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o71: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o72: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o73: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o74: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o100: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o101: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o102: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o103: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o104: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o110: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o111: bits = 5'b10001;
7'o112: bits = 5'b11111;
7'o113: bits = 5'b00001;
7'o114: bits = 5'b11111;
default: bits = 0;
module digits10_array(digit, yofs, bits);
input [3:0] digit; // digit 0-9
input [2:0] yofs; // vertical offset (0-4)
output [4:0] bits; // output (5 bits)
reg [4:0] bitarray[0:15][0:4]; // ROM array (16 x 5 x 5 bits)
assign bits = bitarray[digit][yofs]; // assign module output
integer i,j;
initial begin/*{w:5,h:5,count:10}*/
bitarray[0][0] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[0][1] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[0][2] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[0][3] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[0][4] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[1][0] = 5'b01100;
bitarray[1][1] = 5'b00100;
bitarray[1][2] = 5'b00100;
bitarray[1][3] = 5'b00100;
bitarray[1][4] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[2][0] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[2][1] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[2][2] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[2][3] = 5'b10000;
bitarray[2][4] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[3][0] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[3][1] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[3][2] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[3][3] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[3][4] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[4][0] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[4][1] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[4][2] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[4][3] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[4][4] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[5][0] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[5][1] = 5'b10000;
bitarray[5][2] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[5][3] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[5][4] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[6][0] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[6][1] = 5'b10000;
bitarray[6][2] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[6][3] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[6][4] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[7][0] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[7][1] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[7][2] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[7][3] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[7][4] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[8][0] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[8][1] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[8][2] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[8][3] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[8][4] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[9][0] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[9][1] = 5'b10001;
bitarray[9][2] = 5'b11111;
bitarray[9][3] = 5'b00001;
bitarray[9][4] = 5'b11111;
// clear unused array entries
for (i = 10; i <= 15; i++)
for (j = 0; j <= 4; j++)
bitarray[i][j] = 0;
// test module
module test_numbers_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, rgb);
input clk, reset;
output hsync, vsync;
output [2:0] rgb;
wire display_on;
wire [8:0] hpos;
wire [8:0] vpos;
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
wire [3:0] digit = hpos[7:4];
wire [2:0] xofs = hpos[3:1];
wire [2:0] yofs = vpos[3:1];
wire [4:0] bits;
digits10_array numbers(
wire r = display_on && 0;
wire g = display_on && bits[xofs ^ 3'b111];
wire b = display_on && 0;
assign rgb = {b,g,r};

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
/* /*
Video sync generator, used to drive a simulated CRT. Video sync generator, used to drive a VGA monitor.
Timing from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Graphics_Array
To use: To use:
- Wire the hsync and vsync signals to top level outputs - Wire the hsync and vsync signals to top level outputs
- Add a 3-bit (or more) "rgb" output to the top level - Add a 3-bit (or more) "rgb" output to the top level
@ -15,20 +16,20 @@ module hvsync_generator(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, display_on, hpos, vpos);
input reset; input reset;
output reg hsync, vsync; output reg hsync, vsync;
output display_on; output display_on;
output reg [8:0] hpos; output reg [9:0] hpos;
output reg [8:0] vpos; output reg [9:0] vpos;
// declarations for TV-simulator sync parameters // declarations for TV-simulator sync parameters
// horizontal constants // horizontal constants
parameter H_DISPLAY = 256; // horizontal display width parameter H_DISPLAY = 640; // horizontal display width
parameter H_BACK = 23; // horizontal left border (back porch) parameter H_BACK = 48; // horizontal left border (back porch)
parameter H_FRONT = 7; // horizontal right border (front porch) parameter H_FRONT = 16; // horizontal right border (front porch)
parameter H_SYNC = 23; // horizontal sync width parameter H_SYNC = 96; // horizontal sync width
// vertical constants // vertical constants
parameter V_DISPLAY = 240; // vertical display height parameter V_DISPLAY = 480; // vertical display height
parameter V_TOP = 5; // vertical top border parameter V_TOP = 33; // vertical top border
parameter V_BOTTOM = 14; // vertical bottom border parameter V_BOTTOM = 10; // vertical bottom border
parameter V_SYNC = 3; // vertical sync # lines parameter V_SYNC = 2; // vertical sync # lines
// derived constants // derived constants
parameter H_SYNC_END = H_DISPLAY + H_FRONT + H_SYNC - 1; parameter H_SYNC_END = H_DISPLAY + H_FRONT + H_SYNC - 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
`include "hvsync_generator.v"
`include "digits10.v"
player_stats - Holds two-digit score and one-digit lives counter.
scoreboard_generator - Outputs video signal with score/lives digits.
module player_stats(reset, score0, score1, lives, incscore, declives);
input reset;
output reg [3:0] score0;
output reg [3:0] score1;
input incscore;
output reg [3:0] lives;
input declives;
always @(posedge incscore or posedge reset)
if (reset) begin
score0 <= 0;
score1 <= 0;
end else if (score0 == 9) begin
score0 <= 0;
score1 <= score1 + 1;
end else begin
score0 <= score0 + 1;
always @(posedge declives or posedge reset)
if (reset)
lives <= 3;
else if (lives != 0)
lives <= lives - 1;
module scoreboard_generator(score0, score1, lives, vpos, hpos, board_gfx);
input [3:0] score0;
input [3:0] score1;
input [3:0] lives;
input [9:0] vpos;
input [9:0] hpos;
output board_gfx;
reg [3:0] score_digit;
reg [4:0] score_bits;
always @(*)
case (hpos[8:6])
1: score_digit = score1;
2: score_digit = score0;
6: score_digit = lives;
default: score_digit = 15; // no digit
digits10_array digits(
assign board_gfx = score_bits[hpos[5:3] ^ 3'b111];
module scoreboard_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, rgb);
input clk, reset;
output hsync, vsync;
output [2:0] rgb;
wire display_on;
wire [9:0] hpos;
wire [9:0] vpos;
wire board_gfx;
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
scoreboard_generator scoreboard_gen(
wire r = display_on && board_gfx;
wire g = display_on && board_gfx;
wire b = display_on && board_gfx;
assign rgb = {b,g,r};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
`include "hvsync_generator.v"
`include "lfsr.v"
Scrolling starfield generator using a period (2^16-1) LFSR.
module starfield_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, rgb);
input clk, reset;
output hsync, vsync;
output [2:0] rgb;
wire display_on;
wire [9:0] hpos;
wire [9:0] vpos;
wire [15:0] lfsr;
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
// enable LFSR only in 512x512 area
wire star_enable = !hpos[9] & !vpos[9];
// LFSR with period = 2^16-1 = 256*256-1
LFSR #(16'b1000000001011,0) lfsr_gen(
wire star_on = &lfsr[15:9]; // all 7 bits must be set
assign rgb = display_on && star_on ? lfsr[2:0] : 0;

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@ module test_hvsync_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, rgb);
output hsync, vsync; output hsync, vsync;
output [2:0] rgb; output [2:0] rgb;
wire display_on; wire display_on;
wire [8:0] hpos; wire [9:0] hpos;
wire [8:0] vpos; wire [9:0] vpos;
hvsync_generator hvsync_gen( hvsync_generator hvsync_gen(
.clk(clk), .clk(clk),

View File

@ -761,6 +761,9 @@ var VerilogPlatform = function(mainElement, options) {
{id:'hvsync_generator.v', name:'Video Sync Generator'}, {id:'hvsync_generator.v', name:'Video Sync Generator'},
{id:'test_hvsync.v', name:'Test Pattern'}, {id:'test_hvsync.v', name:'Test Pattern'},
{id:'chardisplay.v', name:'RAM Text Display'},
{id:'starfield.v', name:'Scrolling Starfield'},
{id:'ball_paddle.v', name:'Brick Smash Game'},
]; ];