import { dumpRAM } from "../../common/emu"; import { ProbeFlags } from "../../common/probe"; import { hex } from "../../common/util"; import { platform } from "../ui"; import { ProjectView } from "./baseviews"; import { ProbeViewBaseBase } from "./debugviews"; const MAX_CHILDREN = 256; const MAX_STRING_LEN = 100; var TREE_SHOW_DOLLAR_IDENTS = false; class TreeNode { parent : TreeNode; name : string; _div : HTMLElement; _header : HTMLElement; _inline : HTMLElement; _content : HTMLElement; children : Map; expanded = false; level : number; view : ProjectView; constructor(parent : TreeNode, name : string) { this.parent = parent; = name; this.children = new Map(); this.level = parent ? (parent.level+1) : -1; this.view = parent ? parent.view : null; } getDiv() { if (this._div == null) { this._div = document.createElement("div"); this._div.classList.add("vertical-scroll"); this._div.classList.add("tree-content"); this._header = document.createElement("div"); this._header.classList.add("tree-header"); this._header.classList.add("tree-level-" + this.level); this._header.append(; this._inline = document.createElement("span"); this._inline.classList.add("tree-value"); this._header.append(this._inline); this._div.append(this._header); this.parent._content.append(this._div); this._header.onclick = (e) => { this.toggleExpanded(); }; } if (this.expanded && this._content == null) { this._content = document.createElement("div"); this._div.append(this._content); } else if (!this.expanded && this._content != null) { this._content.remove(); this._content = null; this.children.clear(); } return this._div; } toggleExpanded() { this.expanded = !this.expanded; this.view.tick(); } remove() { this._div.remove(); this._div = null; } update(obj : any) { this.getDiv(); var text = ""; // is it a function? call it first, if we are expanded // TODO: only call functions w/ signature if (obj && obj.$$ && typeof obj.$$ == 'function' && this._content != null) { obj = obj.$$(); } // check null first if (obj == null) { text = obj+""; // primitive types } else if (typeof obj == 'number') { if (obj != (obj|0)) text = obj.toString(); // must be a float else text = obj + "\t($" + hex(obj) + ")"; } else if (typeof obj == 'boolean') { text = obj.toString(); } else if (typeof obj == 'string') { if (obj.length < MAX_STRING_LEN) text = obj; else text = obj.substring(0, MAX_STRING_LEN) + "..."; // typed byte array (TODO: other kinds) } else if (obj.buffer && obj.length <= MAX_CHILDREN) { text = dumpRAM(obj, 0, obj.length); // recurse into object? (or function) } else if (typeof obj == 'object' || typeof obj == 'function') { // only if expanded if (this._content != null) { // split big arrays if (obj.slice && obj.length > MAX_CHILDREN) { let newobj = {}; let oldobj = obj; var slicelen = MAX_CHILDREN; while (obj.length / slicelen > MAX_CHILDREN) slicelen *= 2; for (let ofs=0; ofs { return oldobj.slice(ofs, ofs+slicelen); }} } obj = newobj; } // get object keys let names = obj instanceof Array ? Array.from(obj.keys()) : Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj); if (names.length > MAX_CHILDREN) { // max # of child objects let newobj = {}; let oldobj = obj; var slicelen = 100; while (names.length / slicelen > 100) slicelen *= 2; for (let ofs=0; ofs { // hide $xxx idents? var hidden = !TREE_SHOW_DOLLAR_IDENTS && typeof name === 'string' && name.startsWith("$$"); if (!hidden) { let childnode = this.children.get(name); if (childnode == null) { childnode = new TreeNode(this, name); this.children.set(name, childnode); } childnode.update(obj[name]); } orphans.delete(name); }); // remove orphans orphans.forEach((delname) => { let childnode = this.children.get(delname); childnode.remove(); this.children.delete(delname); }); this._header.classList.add("tree-expanded"); this._header.classList.remove("tree-collapsed"); } else { this._header.classList.add("tree-collapsed"); this._header.classList.remove("tree-expanded"); } } else { text = typeof obj; // fallthrough } // change DOM object if needed if (this._inline.innerText != text) { this._inline.innerText = text; } } } function createTreeRootNode(parent : HTMLElement, view : ProjectView) : TreeNode { var mainnode = new TreeNode(null, null); mainnode.view = view; mainnode._content = parent; var root = new TreeNode(mainnode, "/"); root.expanded = true; root.getDiv(); // create it = '0px'; return root; // should be cached } export abstract class TreeViewBase implements ProjectView { root : TreeNode; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) : HTMLElement { this.root = createTreeRootNode(parent, this); return this.root.getDiv(); } refresh() { this.tick(); } tick() { this.root.update(this.getRootObject()); } abstract getRootObject() : Object; } export class StateBrowserView extends TreeViewBase implements ProjectView { getRootObject() { return platform.saveState(); } } export class DebugBrowserView extends TreeViewBase implements ProjectView { getRootObject() { return platform.getDebugTree(); } } interface CallGraphNode { $$SP : number; $$PC : number; count : number; startLine : number; endLine : number; calls : {[id:string] : CallGraphNode}; } // TODO: clear stack data when reset? export class CallStackView extends ProbeViewBaseBase implements ProjectView { treeroot : TreeNode; graph : CallGraphNode; stack : CallGraphNode[]; lastsp : number; lastpc : number; jsr : boolean; rts : boolean; cumulativeData = true; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) : HTMLElement { this.clear(); this.treeroot = createTreeRootNode(parent, this); return this.treeroot.getDiv(); } refresh() { this.tick(); } tick() { this.treeroot.update(this.getRootObject()); if (this.probe) this.probe.clear(); // clear cumulative data (TODO: doesnt work with seeking or debugging) } clear() { this.graph = null; this.reset(); } reset() { this.stack = []; this.lastsp = -1; this.lastpc = 0; this.jsr = false; this.rts = false; } newNode(pc : number, sp : number) { return {$$SP:sp, $$PC:pc, count:0, startLine:null, endLine:null, calls:{}}; } newRoot(pc : number, sp : number) { if (this.stack.length == 0) { this.graph = this.newNode(null, sp); this.stack.unshift(this.graph); } else if (sp > this.stack[0].$$SP) { this.graph = this.newNode(null, sp); this.graph.calls[this.addr2str(pc)] = this.stack[0]; this.stack.unshift(this.graph); } } getRootObject() : Object { // TODO: we don't capture every frame, so if we don't start @ the top frame we may have problems this.redraw((op,addr,col,row,clk,value) => { switch (op) { case ProbeFlags.SP_POP: this.newRoot(this.lastpc, this.lastsp); case ProbeFlags.SP_PUSH: if (this.stack.length) { let top = this.stack[this.stack.length-1]; var delta = this.lastsp - addr; if ((delta == 2 || delta == 3) && addr < top.$$SP) { // TODO: look for opcode? this.jsr = true; } if ((delta == -2 || delta == -3) && this.stack.length > 1 && addr > top.$$SP) { this.rts = true; } } this.lastsp = addr; break; case ProbeFlags.EXECUTE: // TODO: better check for CALL/RET opcodes if (Math.abs(addr - this.lastpc) >= 4) { // make sure we're jumping a distance (TODO) if (this.jsr && this.stack.length) { let top = this.stack[this.stack.length-1]; let sym = this.addr2str(addr); let child = top.calls[sym]; if (child == null) { child = top.calls[sym] = this.newNode(addr, this.lastsp); } else if (child.$$PC == null) child.$$PC = addr; //this.stack.forEach((node) => node.count++); this.stack.push(child); child.count++; child.startLine = row; } this.jsr = false; if (this.rts && this.stack.length) { this.stack.pop().endLine = row; } this.rts = false; } this.lastpc = addr; break; } }); if (this.graph) this.graph['$$Stack'] = this.stack; return TREE_SHOW_DOLLAR_IDENTS ? this.graph : this.graph && this.graph.calls; } } export class FrameCallsView extends ProbeViewBaseBase implements ProjectView { treeroot : TreeNode; createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) : HTMLElement { this.treeroot = createTreeRootNode(parent, this); return this.treeroot.getDiv(); } refresh() { this.tick(); } tick() { this.treeroot.update(this.getRootObject()); } getRootObject() : Object { var frame = {}; this.redraw((op,addr,col,row,clk,value) => { switch (op) { case ProbeFlags.EXECUTE: let sym = this.addr2symbol(addr); if (sym) { if (!frame[sym]) { frame[sym] = row; } } break; } }); return frame; } } ///