"use strict"; import { FileData, Dependency, SourceLine, SourceFile, CodeListing, CodeListingMap, WorkerError, WorkerResult } from "./workertypes"; import { getFilenameForPath, getFilenamePrefix } from "./util"; type BuildResultCallback = (result:WorkerResult) => void; type BuildStatusCallback = (busy:boolean) => void; type LoadFilesCallback = (err:string, result?:Dependency[]) => void; type IterateFilesCallback = (path:string, data:FileData) => void; type GetRemoteCallback = any; // TODO (path:string, (text:string) => FileData) => void; export class CodeProject { filedata : {[path:string]:FileData} = {}; listings : CodeListingMap; mainpath : string; pendingWorkerMessages = 0; tools_preloaded = {}; callbackBuildResult : BuildResultCallback; callbackBuildStatus : BuildStatusCallback; worker : Worker; platform_id : string; platform: any; // TODO: use type store: any; callbackGetRemote : GetRemoteCallback; mainPath : string; isCompiling : boolean = false; constructor(worker, platform_id:string, platform, store) { this.worker = worker; this.platform_id = platform_id; this.platform = platform; this.store = store; worker.onmessage = (e) => { var notfinal = this.pendingWorkerMessages > 1; if (notfinal) { this.sendBuild(); } else { if (this.callbackBuildStatus) this.callbackBuildStatus(false); if (!this.isCompiling) { console.log(this.pendingWorkerMessages); console.trace(); } // debug compile problems this.isCompiling = false; } this.pendingWorkerMessages = 0; if (e.data && !e.data.unchanged) { this.processBuildResult(e.data); if (this.callbackBuildResult) this.callbackBuildResult(e.data); // call with data when changed } }; } preloadWorker(path:string) { var tool = this.platform.getToolForFilename(path); if (tool && !this.tools_preloaded[tool]) { this.worker.postMessage({preload:tool, platform:this.platform_id}); this.tools_preloaded[tool] = true; } } parseIncludeDependencies(text:string):string[] { var files = []; if (this.platform_id == 'verilog') { var re = /^\s*(`include|[.]include)\s+"(.+?)"/gmi; var m; while (m = re.exec(text)) { files.push('local/'+m[2]); files.push(m[2]); } } else { // for .asm -- [.]include "file" // for .c -- #include "file" var re2 = /^\s+([.#]?include)\s+"(.+?)"/gmi; while (m = re2.exec(text)) { files.push('local/'+m[2]); files.push(m[2]); } } return files; } parseLinkDependencies(text:string):string[] { var files = []; if (this.platform_id == 'verilog') { // } else { // for .c -- //#link "file" (or ;link or #link) var re = /^\s*([;#]|[/][/][#])link\s+"(.+?)"/gm; var m; while (m = re.exec(text)) { files.push('local/' + m[2]); files.push(m[2]); } } return files; } loadFileDependencies(text:string, callback:LoadFilesCallback) { var includes = this.parseIncludeDependencies(text); var linkfiles = this.parseLinkDependencies(text); var allfiles = includes.concat(linkfiles); this.loadFiles(allfiles, (err:string, result?:Dependency[]) => { // set 'link' property on files that are link dependencies (must match filename) if (result) for (var dep of result) dep.link = linkfiles.indexOf(dep.filename) >= 0 || linkfiles.indexOf('local/'+dep.filename) >= 0; //TODO!!! callback(err, result); }); } okToSend():boolean { return this.pendingWorkerMessages++ == 0; } updateFileInStore(path:string, text:FileData) { // protect against accidential whole-file deletion if ((text).trim && (text).trim().length) { this.store.setItem(path, text); } } // TODO: test duplicate files, local paths mixed with presets buildWorkerMessage(depends:Dependency[]) { this.preloadWorker(this.mainpath); var msg = {updates:[], buildsteps:[]}; // TODO: add preproc directive for __MAINFILE__ var mainfilename = getFilenameForPath(this.mainpath); var maintext = this.getFile(this.mainpath); var depfiles = []; msg.updates.push({path:mainfilename, data:maintext}); for (var dep of depends) { if (!dep.link) { msg.updates.push({path:dep.filename, data:dep.data}); depfiles.push(dep.filename); } } msg.buildsteps.push({path:mainfilename, files:[mainfilename].concat(depfiles), platform:this.platform_id, tool:this.platform.getToolForFilename(this.mainpath), mainfile:true}); for (var dep of depends) { if (dep.data && dep.link) { this.preloadWorker(dep.filename); msg.updates.push({path:dep.filename, data:dep.data}); msg.buildsteps.push({path:dep.filename, files:[dep.filename].concat(depfiles), platform:this.platform_id, tool:this.platform.getToolForFilename(dep.path)}); } } return msg; } // TODO: get local file as well as presets? loadFiles(paths:string[], callback:LoadFilesCallback) { var result : Dependency[] = []; function addResult(path, data) { result.push({ path:path, filename:getFilenameForPath(path), link:true, data:data }); } var loadNext = () => { var path = paths.shift(); if (!path) { // finished loading all files; return result callback(null, result); } else { // look in cache if (path in this.filedata) { // found in cache? var data = this.filedata[path]; if (data) addResult(path, data); loadNext(); } else { // look in store this.store.getItem(path, (err, value) => { if (err) { // err fetching from store callback(err, result); } else if (value) { // found in store? this.filedata[path] = value; // do not update store, just cache addResult(path, value); loadNext(); } else if (!path.startsWith("local/")) { // don't load local/ // found on remote fetch? var preset_id = this.platform_id; preset_id = preset_id.replace(/[.]\w+/,''); // remove .suffix from preset name var webpath = "presets/" + preset_id + "/" + path; if (this.platform_id.startsWith('vcs') && path.indexOf('.') <= 0) webpath += ".a"; // legacy stuff this.callbackGetRemote( webpath, (text:string) => { console.log("GET",webpath,text.length,'bytes'); this.filedata[path] = text; // do not update store, just cache addResult(path, text); loadNext(); }, 'text') .fail( (err:XMLHttpRequest) => { console.log("Could not load preset", path, err.status); // only cache result if status is 404 (not found) if (err.status && err.status == 404) this.filedata[path] = null; // mark cache entry as invalid loadNext(); }); } else { // not gonna find it, keep going loadNext(); } }); } } } loadNext(); // load first file } getFile(path:string):FileData { return this.filedata[path]; } // TODO: purge files not included in latest build? iterateFiles(callback:IterateFilesCallback) { for (var path in this.filedata) { callback(path, this.getFile(path)); } } sendBuild() { if (!this.mainpath) throw "need to call setMainFile first"; var maindata = this.getFile(this.mainpath); var text = typeof maindata === "string" ? maindata : ''; // TODO: load dependencies of non-main files this.loadFileDependencies(text, (err, depends) => { if (err) { console.log(err); // TODO? } if (!depends) depends = []; if (this.platform_id == 'verilog') { // TODO: should get rid of this msg format this.worker.postMessage({ code:text, path:getFilenameForPath(this.mainpath), dependencies:depends, platform:this.platform_id, tool:this.platform.getToolForFilename(this.mainpath) }); } else { var workermsg = this.buildWorkerMessage(depends); this.worker.postMessage(workermsg); } this.isCompiling = true; }); } updateFile(path:string, text:FileData) { this.updateFileInStore(path, text); // TODO: isBinary this.filedata[path] = text; if (this.okToSend() && this.mainpath) { if (this.callbackBuildStatus) this.callbackBuildStatus(true); this.sendBuild(); } }; setMainFile(path:string) { this.mainpath = path; if (this.callbackBuildStatus) this.callbackBuildStatus(true); this.sendBuild(); } processBuildResult(data:WorkerResult) { // TODO: link listings with source files if (data.listings) { this.listings = data.listings; for (var lstname in this.listings) { var lst = this.listings[lstname]; if (lst.lines) lst.sourcefile = new SourceFile(lst.lines); if (lst.asmlines) lst.assemblyfile = new SourceFile(lst.asmlines, lst.text); } } } getListings() : CodeListingMap { return this.listings; } // returns first listing in format [prefix].lst (TODO: could be better) getListingForFile(path) : CodeListing { var fnprefix = getFilenamePrefix(getFilenameForPath(path)); var listings = this.getListings(); for (var lstfn in listings) { if (getFilenamePrefix(lstfn) == fnprefix) { return listings[lstfn]; } } } }