"use strict"; // 8bitworkshop IDE user interface import $ = require("jquery"); import * as bootstrap from "bootstrap"; import { CodeProject } from "./project"; import { WorkerResult, WorkerOutput, VerilogOutput, SourceFile, WorkerError, FileData } from "./workertypes"; import { ProjectWindows } from "./windows"; import { Platform, Preset, DebugSymbols, DebugEvalCondition } from "./baseplatform"; import { PLATFORMS } from "./emu"; import * as Views from "./views"; import { createNewPersistentStore } from "./store"; import { getFilenameForPath, getFilenamePrefix, highlightDifferences, invertMap, byteArrayToString, compressLZG, byteArrayToUTF8, isProbablyBinary } from "./util"; import { StateRecorderImpl } from "./recorder"; // external libs (TODO) declare var ga, Tour, GIF, saveAs, JSZip, Mousetrap, Split; // in index.html declare var exports; // make sure VCS doesn't start if (window['Javatari']) window['Javatari'].AUTO_START = false; var PRESETS : Preset[]; // presets array export var platform_id : string; // platform ID string export var platform : Platform; // platform object var toolbar = $("#controls_top"); export var current_project : CodeProject; // current CodeProject object var projectWindows : ProjectWindows; // window manager var stateRecorder : StateRecorderImpl; // TODO: codemirror multiplex support? var TOOL_TO_SOURCE_STYLE = { 'dasm': '6502', 'acme': '6502', 'cc65': 'text/x-csrc', 'ca65': '6502', 'z80asm': 'z80', 'sdasz80': 'z80', 'sdcc': 'text/x-csrc', 'verilator': 'verilog', 'jsasm': 'z80', 'zmac': 'z80', 'bataribasic': 'bataribasic', 'markdown': 'markdown', } function newWorker() : Worker { return new Worker("./src/worker/loader.js"); } var userPaused : boolean; // did user explicitly pause? var current_output : WorkerOutput; // current ROM var current_preset_entry : Preset; // current preset object (if selected) var main_file_id : string; // main file ID var store; // persistent store export var compparams; // received build params from worker export var lastDebugState; // last debug state (object) var lastDebugInfo; // last debug info (CPU text) var debugCategory; // current debug category var hasLocalStorage : boolean = function() { try { const key = "__some_random_key_you_are_not_going_to_use__"; localStorage.setItem(key, key); localStorage.removeItem(key); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } }(); function getCurrentPresetTitle() : string { if (!current_preset_entry) return main_file_id || "ROM"; else return current_preset_entry.title || current_preset_entry.name || main_file_id || "ROM"; } function setLastPreset(id:string) { if (hasLocalStorage) { localStorage.setItem("__lastplatform", platform_id); localStorage.setItem("__lastid_"+platform_id, id); } } function initProject() { current_project = new CodeProject(newWorker(), platform_id, platform, store); projectWindows = new ProjectWindows($("#workspace")[0] as HTMLElement, current_project); current_project.callbackGetRemote = $.get; current_project.callbackBuildResult = (result:WorkerResult) => { setCompileOutput(result); refreshWindowList(); }; current_project.callbackBuildStatus = (busy:boolean) => { if (busy) { toolbar.addClass("is-busy"); } else { toolbar.removeClass("is-busy"); toolbar.removeClass("has-errors"); // may be added in next callback projectWindows.setErrors(null); $("#error_alert").hide(); } $('#compile_spinner').css('visibility', busy ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); }; } function refreshWindowList() { var ul = $("#windowMenuList").empty(); var separate = false; function addWindowItem(id, name, createfn) { if (separate) { ul.append(document.createElement("hr")); separate = false; } var li = document.createElement("li"); var a = document.createElement("a"); a.setAttribute("class", "dropdown-item"); a.setAttribute("href", "#"); if (id == projectWindows.getActiveID()) $(a).addClass("dropdown-item-checked"); a.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name)); li.appendChild(a); ul.append(li); if (createfn) { projectWindows.setCreateFunc(id, createfn); $(a).click(function(e) { projectWindows.createOrShow(id); ul.find('a').removeClass("dropdown-item-checked"); ul.find(e.target).addClass("dropdown-item-checked"); }); } } function loadEditor(path:string) { var tool = platform.getToolForFilename(path); var mode = tool && TOOL_TO_SOURCE_STYLE[tool]; return new Views.SourceEditor(path, mode); } function addEditorItem(id:string) { var data = current_project.getFile(id); if (typeof data === 'string') addWindowItem(id, getFilenameForPath(id), loadEditor); else if (data instanceof Uint8Array) addWindowItem(id, getFilenameForPath(id), () => { return new Views.BinaryFileView(id, data as Uint8Array); }); } // add main file editor addEditorItem(main_file_id); // add other source files current_project.iterateFiles(function(id, text) { if (text && id != main_file_id) addEditorItem(id); }); // add listings // TODO: update listing when recompiling separate = true; var listings = current_project.getListings(); if (listings) { for (var lstfn in listings) { var lst = listings[lstfn]; // TODO: add assembly listings? (lines, macrolines, sourcefile) if (lst.assemblyfile) { addWindowItem(lstfn, getFilenameForPath(lstfn), (path) => { return new Views.ListingView(path); }); } } } // add other tools separate = true; if (platform.disassemble) { addWindowItem("#disasm", "Disassembly", function() { return new Views.DisassemblerView(); }); } if (platform.readAddress) { addWindowItem("#memory", "Memory Browser", function() { return new Views.MemoryView(); }); } } // can pass integer or string id function loadProject(preset_id:string) { var index = parseInt(preset_id+""); // might fail -1 for (var i=0; i= 0) { // load the preset current_preset_entry = PRESETS[index]; preset_id = current_preset_entry.id; } // set current file ID main_file_id = preset_id; setLastPreset(preset_id); current_project.mainPath = preset_id; // load files from storage or web URLs current_project.loadFiles([preset_id], function(err, result) { if (err) { alert(err); } else if (result && result.length) { // we need this to build create functions for the editor refreshWindowList(); // show main file projectWindows.createOrShow(preset_id); // build project current_project.setMainFile(preset_id); } }); } function reloadPresetNamed(id:string) { qs['platform'] = platform_id; qs['file'] = id; gotoNewLocation(); } function getSkeletonFile(fileid:string, callback) { var ext = platform.getToolForFilename(fileid); // TODO: .mame $.get( "presets/"+platform_id+"/skeleton."+ext, function( text ) { callback(null, text); }, 'text') .fail(function() { alert("Could not load skeleton for " + platform_id + "/" + ext + "; using blank file"); callback(null, '\n'); }); } function _createNewFile(e) { // TODO: support spaces var filename = prompt("Create New File", "newfile" + platform.getDefaultExtension()); if (filename && filename.trim().length > 0) { if (filename.indexOf(" ") >= 0) { alert("No spaces, please."); return; } if (filename.indexOf(".") < 0) { filename += platform.getDefaultExtension(); } var path = "local/" + filename; getSkeletonFile(path, function(err, result) { if (result) { store.setItem(path, result, function(err, result) { if (err) alert(err+""); if (result != null) reloadPresetNamed("local/" + filename); }); } }); } return true; } function _uploadNewFile(e) { $("#uploadFileElem").click(); } function handleFileUpload(files: File[]) { console.log(files); var index = 0; var gotoMainFile = (files.length == 1); function uploadNextFile() { var f = files[index++]; if (!f) { console.log("Done uploading"); if (gotoMainFile) { gotoNewLocation(); } else { updateSelector(); alert("Files uploaded."); } } else { var path = "local/" + f.name; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(e) { var arrbuf = (e.target).result as ArrayBuffer; var data : FileData = new Uint8Array(arrbuf); // convert to UTF8, unless it's a binary file if (isProbablyBinary(data)) { // path.endsWith("bin")) { gotoMainFile = false; } else { data = byteArrayToUTF8(data); } // store in local forage store.setItem(path, data, function(err, result) { if (err) alert("Error uploading " + path + ": " + err); else { console.log("Uploaded " + path + " " + data.length + " bytes"); if (index == 1) qs['file'] = path; uploadNextFile(); } }); } reader.readAsArrayBuffer(f); // read as binary } } if (files) uploadNextFile(); } function getCurrentMainFilename() : string { return getFilenameForPath(main_file_id); } function getCurrentEditorFilename() : string { return getFilenameForPath(projectWindows.getActiveID()); } function _shareFileAsGist(e) { loadScript("octokat.js/dist/octokat.js", () => { if (current_output == null) { // TODO alert("Please fix errors before sharing."); return true; } var text = projectWindows.getCurrentText(); if (!text) return false; var github = new exports['Octokat'](); var files = {}; files[getCurrentEditorFilename()] = {"content": text}; var gistdata = { "description": '8bitworkshop.com {"platform":"' + platform_id + '"}', "public": true, "files": files }; var gist = github.gists.create(gistdata).done(function(val) { var url = "http://8bitworkshop.com/?sharekey=" + val.id; window.prompt("Copy link to clipboard (Ctrl+C, Enter)", url); }).fail(function(err) { alert("Error sharing file: " + err.message); }); }); } function _shareEmbedLink(e) { if (current_output == null) { // TODO alert("Please fix errors before sharing."); return true; } if (!(current_output instanceof Uint8Array)) { alert("Can't share a Verilog executable yet. (It's not actually a ROM...)"); return true; } loadScript('lib/clipboard.min.js', () => { var ClipboardJS = exports['ClipboardJS']; new ClipboardJS(".btn"); }); loadScript('lib/liblzg.js', () => { // TODO: Module is bad var name (conflicts with MAME) var lzgrom = compressLZG( window['Module'], Array.from(current_output) ); window['Module'] = null; // so we load it again next time var lzgb64 = btoa(byteArrayToString(lzgrom)); var embed = { p: platform_id, //n: main_file_id, r: lzgb64 }; var linkqs = $.param(embed); console.log(linkqs); var loc = window.location; var prefix = loc.pathname.replace('index.html',''); var protocol = (loc.host == '8bitworkshop.com') ? 'https:' : loc.protocol; var fulllink = protocol+'//'+loc.host+prefix+'embed.html?' + linkqs; var iframelink = '