#ifndef _MSXBIOS_H #define _MSXBIOS_H #include #define MSXUSR(pc) __asm__("call "#pc); /// VARIABLES const uint8_t* __at(0x0004) MSX_charset; const uint8_t __at(0x0006) MSX_vdp_port_read; const uint8_t __at(0x0007) MSX_vdp_port_write; const uint8_t __at(0x002d) MSX_version; // F3AE: # of positions on a line in SCREEN 0 (ini:39) uint8_t __at(0xf3ae) LINL40; // F3AF: # of positions on a line in SCREEN 1 (ini:29) uint8_t __at(0xf3af) LINL32; // F3B0: # of actually used positions in the current screenmodus (ini:39) uint8_t __at(0xf3b0) LINLEN; // F3B1: # of used lines on screen (ini:24) uint8_t __at(0xf3b1) CRTCNT; // F3B2: # of positions within a tabulator-column (ini:14) uint8_t __at(0xf3b1) CLMLST; typedef struct { uint16_t name; uint16_t color; uint16_t pattern; uint16_t sprite_attribute; uint16_t sprite_pattern; } MSXVDPModeData; MSXVDPModeData __at(0xf3b3) MSX_modedata_screen0; MSXVDPModeData __at(0xf3bd) MSX_modedata_screen1; MSXVDPModeData __at(0xf3c7) MSX_modedata_screen2; MSXVDPModeData __at(0xf3d1) MSX_modedata_screen3; // F3DC: line where the cursor is located uint8_t __at(0xf3dc) CSRY; // F3DD: column where the cursor is located uint8_t __at(0xf3dd) CSRX; // F3DE: function key definition shown: 0: no, -1: yes uint8_t __at(0xf3de) CNSDFG; // F3DF-D3E6: storage for the last written value towards VDP registers 0 till 7 uint8_t __at(0xf3df) MSX_vdp_regs[8]; // F3E7: last read value of VDP register 8 uint8_t __at(0xf3e7) STATFL; // F3E8: information about the joystick and space bar // 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 // | | | | +-- Space bar, trig(0) (0 = pressed) // | | | +---------- Stick 1, Trigger 1 (0 = pressed) // | | +------------ Stick 1, Trigger 2 (0 = pressed) // | +-------------- Stick 2, Trigger 1 (0 = pressed) // +---------------- Stick 2, Trigger 2 (0 = pressed) uint8_t __at(0xf3e8) TRGFLG; // F3E9: code for the standard foreground color (ini:15) uint8_t __at(0xf3e9) FORCLR; // F3EA: code for the standard background color (ini:4) uint8_t __at(0xf3ea) BAKCLR; // F3EB: code for the standard border color (ini:7) uint8_t __at(0xf3eb) BDRCLR; /// FUNCTIONS // Reads the value of an address in another slot void RDSLT(uint8_t slot, uint16_t addr); // Writes a value to an address in another slot. void WRSLT(uint8_t slot, uint16_t addr, uint8_t value); // inhibits the screen display void DISSCR() __z88dk_fastcall; // displays the screen void ENASCR() __z88dk_fastcall; // write data in the VDP-register void WRTVDP(uint16_t reg_data) __z88dk_fastcall; // Reads the content of VRAM void RDVRM(uint16_t addr) __z88dk_fastcall; // Writes data in VRAM void WRTVRM(uint16_t addr, uint8_t data); // Enable VDP to read void SETRD(); // Enable VDP to write void SETWRT(); // fill VRAM with value void FILVRM(uint16_t start, uint16_t len, uint8_t data); // Block transfer to memory from VRAM void LDIRMV(uint8_t* mdest, uint16_t vsrc, uint16_t count); // Block transfer to VRAM from memory void LDIRVM(uint16_t vdest, const uint8_t* msrc, uint16_t count); // Switches to given screenmode void CHGMOD(uint8_t mode) __z88dk_fastcall; // Changes the screencolors void CHGCLR() __z88dk_fastcall; // Initialises all sprites void CLRSPR() __z88dk_fastcall; // Switches to SCREEN 0 (40x24 text mode) void INITXT() __z88dk_fastcall; // Switches to SCREEN 1 (text screen with 32*24 characters) void INIT32() __z88dk_fastcall; // Switches to SCREEN 2 (high resolution screen with 256*192 pixels) void INIGRP() __z88dk_fastcall; // Switches to SCREEN 3 (multi-color screen 64*48 pixels) void INIMLT() __z88dk_fastcall; // Returns the address of the sprite pattern table uint16_t CALPAT() __z88dk_fastcall; // Returns the address of the sprite attribute table uint16_t CALATR() __z88dk_fastcall; // Returns current sprite size uint16_t GSPSIZ() __z88dk_fastcall; // Displays a character on the graphic screen uint16_t GRPPRT(char ch) __z88dk_fastcall; // Initialises PSG and sets initial value for the PLAY statement uint16_t GICINI() __z88dk_fastcall; // Writes data to PSG-register uint16_t WRTPSG(uint16_t reg_data) __z88dk_fastcall; // Tests the status of the keyboard buffer uint8_t CHSNS() __z88dk_fastcall; // One character input (waiting) char CHGET() __z88dk_fastcall; // Displays one character void CHPUT(char ch) __z88dk_fastcall; // Sends one character to printer void LPTOUT(char ch) __z88dk_fastcall; // Beeps void BEEP() __z88dk_fastcall; // Clears the screen void CLS() __z88dk_fastcall; // Sets cursor X/Y position void POSIT(uint16_t yx) __z88dk_fastcall; // Forces the screen to be in the text mode void TOTEXT() __z88dk_fastcall; // Returns the joystick status uint8_t GTSTCK(uint8_t index) __z88dk_fastcall; // Returns current trigger status uint8_t GTTRIG(uint8_t index) __z88dk_fastcall; // Returns current touch pad status uint8_t GTPAD(uint8_t index) __z88dk_fastcall; // Returns currenct value of paddle uint8_t GTPDL(uint8_t index) __z88dk_fastcall; void RIGHTC() __z88dk_fastcall; void LEFTC() __z88dk_fastcall; void UPC() __z88dk_fastcall; void DOWNC() __z88dk_fastcall; void RDVDP() __z88dk_fastcall; uint8_t SNSMAT(uint8_t row) __z88dk_fastcall; void KILBUF() __z88dk_fastcall; // VDP colors for TMS9918A enum MSX1_Color { COLOR_TRANSPARENT = 0x0, COLOR_BLACK = 0x1, COLOR_GREEN = 0x2, COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN = 0x3, COLOR_BLUE = 0x4, COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE = 0x5, COLOR_DARK_RED = 0x6, COLOR_CYAN = 0x7, COLOR_RED = 0x8, COLOR_LIGHT_RED = 0x9, COLOR_YELLOW = 0xa, COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW = 0xb, COLOR_DARK_GREEN = 0xc, COLOR_MAGENTA = 0xd, COLOR_GRAY = 0xe, COLOR_WHITE = 0xf }; // joystick positions for GTSTCK enum GTSTCK_Direction { STCK_none = 0, STCK_N, STCK_NE, STCK_E, STCK_SE, STCK_S, STCK_SW, STCK_W, STCK_NW }; // parameter for GTSTCK enum GTSTCK_Param { STCK_Cursors, STCK_Joy1, STCK_Joy2 }; // parameter for GTTRIG enum GTTRIG_Param { TRIG_Spacebar, TRIG_Joy1_A, TRIG_Joy2_A, TRIG_Joy1_B, TRIG_Joy2_B }; #endif