"use strict"; // set up require.js for worker importScripts("dasm.js"); importScripts("acme.js"); importScripts("plasm.js"); importScripts("cc65.js"); importScripts("ca65.js"); importScripts("ld65.js"); var fsMeta, fsBlob; { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.open("GET", "fs65.data", false); // synchronous request xhr.send(null); fsBlob = xhr.response; xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'json'; xhr.open("GET", "fs65.js.metadata", false); // synchronous request xhr.send(null); fsMeta = xhr.response; console.log("Loaded filesystem", fsMeta.files.length, 'files', fsBlob.size, 'bytes'); } function setupFS(FS) { FS.mkdir('/share'); FS.mount(FS.filesystems['WORKERFS'], { packages: [{ metadata: fsMeta, blob: fsBlob }] }, '/share'); } // shim out window and document objects // https://github.com/mbostock/d3/issues/1053 var noop = function() { return new Function(); }; var window = noop(); window.CSSStyleDeclaration = noop(); window.CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty = noop(); window.Element = noop(); window.Element.setAttribute = noop(); window.Element.setAttributeNS = noop(); window.navigator = noop(); var document = noop(); document.documentElement = noop(); document.documentElement.style = noop(); var DASM_MAIN_FILENAME = "main.a"; var DASM_PREAMBLE = "\tprocessor 6502\n"; var DASM_PREAMBLE_LINES = 1; var print_fn = function(s) { console.log(s); } function parseDASMListing(code, unresolved) { var errorMatch = /main.a [(](\d+)[)]: error: (.+)/; // 4 08ee a9 00 start lda #01workermain.js:23:5 var lineMatch = /\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f][0-9a-f ]+)\s+(.+)/; var equMatch = /\bequ\b/; var errors = []; var lines = []; var lastline = 0; for (var line of code.split(/\r?\n/)) { var linem = lineMatch.exec(line); if (linem && linem[1]) { var linenum = parseInt(linem[1]) - DASM_PREAMBLE_LINES; var filename = linem[2]; var offset = parseInt(linem[3], 16); var insns = linem[4]; var restline = linem[5]; // inside of main file? if (filename == DASM_MAIN_FILENAME) { if (insns && !restline.match(equMatch)) { lines.push({ line:linenum, offset:offset, insns:insns, iscode:restline[0] != '.' }); } lastline = linenum; } else { // inside of macro or include file if (linenum == -DASM_PREAMBLE_LINES) { // start of macro? lines.push({ line:lastline+1, offset:offset, insns:null }); } } // TODO: check filename too // TODO: better symbol test (word boundaries) for (var key in unresolved) { var pos = restline ? restline.indexOf(key) : line.indexOf(key); if (pos >= 0) { errors.push({ line:linenum, msg:"Unresolved symbol '" + key + "'" }); } } } var errm = errorMatch.exec(line); if (errm) { errors.push({ line:parseInt(errm[1]), msg:errm[2] }) } } return {lines:lines, errors:errors}; } function assembleDASM(code) { var re_usl = /(\w+)\s+0000\s+[?][?][?][?]/; var unresolved = {}; function match_fn(s) { var matches = re_usl.exec(s); if (matches) { unresolved[matches[1]] = 0; } } var Module = DASM({ noInitialRun:true, print:match_fn }); var FS = Module['FS']; FS.writeFile(DASM_MAIN_FILENAME, DASM_PREAMBLE + code); Module.callMain([DASM_MAIN_FILENAME, "-v3", "-la.lst"]); var aout = FS.readFile("a.out"); //console.log(aout); var alst = FS.readFile("a.lst", {'encoding':'utf8'}); //console.log(alst); var listing = parseDASMListing(alst, unresolved); return {exitstatus:Module.EXITSTATUS, output:aout.slice(2), listing:listing}; } // TODO: not quite done function assembleACME(code) { var re_usl = /(\w+)\s+0000\s+[?][?][?][?]/; // TODO: modify for acme var unresolved = {}; function match_fn(s) { var matches = re_usl.exec(s); if (matches) { unresolved[matches[1]] = 0; } } var Module = ACME({ noInitialRun:true, print:match_fn }); var FS = Module['FS']; FS.writeFile("main.a", code); Module.callMain(["-o", "a.out", "-r", "a.rpt", "-l", "a.sym", "--setpc", "24576", "main.a"]); var aout = FS.readFile("a.out"); var alst = FS.readFile("a.rpt", {'encoding':'utf8'}); // TODO var asym = FS.readFile("a.sym", {'encoding':'utf8'}); // TODO console.log("acme", code.length, "->", aout.length); console.log(alst); console.log(asym); var listing = parseDASMListing(alst, unresolved); return {exitstatus:Module.EXITSTATUS, output:aout.slice(2), listing:listing}; } function compilePLASMA(code) { var outstr = ""; function out_fn(s) { outstr += s; outstr += "\n"; } var Module = PLASM({ noInitialRun:true, noFSInit:true, print:out_fn }); var FS = Module['FS']; var i = 0; var output = []; FS.init( function() { return i", outstr.length); return assembleACME(outstr); } function parseCA65Listing(code, unresolved) { // .dbg line, "main.c", 1 var dbgLineMatch = /([0-9a-fA-F]+)([r]?)\s+(\d+)\s+[.]dbg\s+line,\s+\S+,\s+(\d+)/; var errors = []; var lines = []; var lastlinenum = 0; for (var line of code.split(/\r?\n/)) { var linem = dbgLineMatch.exec(line); if (linem && linem[1]) { var offset = parseInt(linem[1], 16); var linenum = parseInt(linem[4]); lines.push({ line:linenum, offset:offset + 0x6048, //TODO: use map file insns:null }); //console.log(linem, lastlinenum, lines[lines.length-1]); } } return {lines:lines, errors:errors}; } function assemblelinkCA65(code, platform) { if (!platform) platform = 'apple2'; // TODO var objout, lstout; { var CA65 = ca65({ noInitialRun:true, logReadFiles:true, print:print_fn, printErr:print_fn, //locateFile: function(s) { return "" + s; }, }); var FS = CA65['FS']; setupFS(FS); FS.writeFile("main.s", code, {encoding:'utf8'}); CA65.callMain(['-v', '-g', '-I', '/share/asminc', '-l', 'main.lst', "main.s"]); objout = FS.readFile("main.o", {encoding:'binary'}); lstout = FS.readFile("main.lst", {encoding:'utf8'}); }{ var LD65 = ld65({ noInitialRun:true, logReadFiles:true, print:print_fn, printErr:print_fn, //locateFile: function(s) { return "" + s; }, }); var FS = LD65['FS']; setupFS(FS); FS.writeFile("main.o", objout, {encoding:'binary'}); LD65.callMain(['--cfg-path', '/share/cfg', '--lib-path', '/share/lib', '--start-addr', '0x6000', // TODO '-t', platform, '-o', 'main', '-m', 'main.map', 'main.o', platform+'.lib']); var aout = FS.readFile("main", {encoding:'binary'}); var mapout = FS.readFile("main.map", {encoding:'utf8'}); // CODE 00603E 00637C 00033F 00001 console.log(lstout); console.log(mapout); return {exitstatus:LD65.EXITSTATUS, output:aout.slice(4), listing:parseCA65Listing(lstout)}; } } function compileCC65(code, platform) { if (!platform) platform = 'apple2'; // TODO var CC65 = cc65({ noInitialRun:true, logReadFiles:true, print:print_fn, printErr:print_fn, //locateFile: function(s) { return "" + s; }, }); var FS = CC65['FS']; setupFS(FS); FS.writeFile("main.c", code, {encoding:'utf8'}); CC65.callMain(['-v', '-T', '-g', '-Oirs', '-I', '/share/include', '-t', platform, "main.c"]); var asmout = FS.readFile("main.s", {encoding:'utf8'}); return assemblelinkCA65(asmout, platform); } var tools = { 'dasm': assembleDASM, 'plasm': compilePLASMA, 'cc65': compileCC65, 'ca65': assemblelinkCA65, } onmessage = function(e) { var code = e.data.code; var toolfn = tools[e.data.tool]; if (!toolfn) throw "no tool named " + e.data.tool; var result = toolfn(code); //console.log("RESULT", result); if (result) { postMessage(result); } }