import { Platform, BasePlatform, EmuState, EmuControlsState, EmuRecorder } from "./baseplatform"; import { BaseDebugPlatform, EmuProfiler, ProfilerOutput } from "./baseplatform"; import { getNoiseSeed, setNoiseSeed } from "./emu"; // RECORDER type FrameRec = {controls:EmuControlsState, seed:number}; export class StateRecorderImpl implements EmuRecorder { checkpointInterval : number = 60; callbackStateChanged : () => void; callbackNewCheckpoint : (state:EmuState) => void; maxCheckpoints : number = 120; platform : Platform; checkpoints : EmuState[]; framerecs : FrameRec[]; frameCount : number; lastSeekFrame : number; constructor(platform : Platform) { this.reset(); this.platform = platform; } reset() { this.checkpoints = []; this.framerecs = []; this.frameCount = 0; this.lastSeekFrame = 0; if (this.callbackStateChanged) this.callbackStateChanged(); } frameRequested() : boolean { var controls = { controls:this.platform.saveControlsState(), seed:getNoiseSeed() }; var requested = false; // are we replaying? then we don't need to save a frame, just replace controls if (this.lastSeekFrame < this.frameCount) { this.loadControls(this.lastSeekFrame); } else { // record the control state, if available if (this.platform.saveControlsState) { this.framerecs.push(controls); } // time to save next frame? requested = (this.frameCount++ % this.checkpointInterval) == 0; } this.lastSeekFrame++; if (this.callbackStateChanged) this.callbackStateChanged(); return requested; } numFrames() : number { return this.frameCount; } currentFrame() : number { return this.lastSeekFrame; } recordFrame(state : EmuState) { this.checkpoints.push(state); if (this.callbackNewCheckpoint) this.callbackNewCheckpoint(state); // checkpoints full? if (this.checkpoints.length > this.maxCheckpoints) { this.checkpoints.shift(); // remove 1st checkpoint this.framerecs = this.framerecs.slice(this.checkpointInterval); this.lastSeekFrame -= this.checkpointInterval; this.frameCount -= this.checkpointInterval; if (this.callbackStateChanged) this.callbackStateChanged(); } } getStateAtOrBefore(frame : number) : {frame : number, state : EmuState} { var bufidx = Math.floor(frame / this.checkpointInterval); var foundidx = bufidx < this.checkpoints.length ? bufidx : this.checkpoints.length-1; var foundframe = foundidx * this.checkpointInterval; return {frame:foundframe, state:this.checkpoints[foundidx]}; } loadFrame(seekframe : number) : number { if (seekframe == this.lastSeekFrame) return seekframe; // already set to this frame // TODO: what if < 1? let {frame,state} = this.getStateAtOrBefore(seekframe-1); if (state) { this.platform.pause(); this.platform.loadState(state); while (frame < seekframe) { if (frame < this.framerecs.length) { this.loadControls(frame); } frame++; this.platform.advance(frame < seekframe); // TODO: infinite loop? } this.lastSeekFrame = seekframe; return seekframe; } else { return 0; } } loadControls(frame : number) { if (this.platform.loadControlsState) this.platform.loadControlsState(this.framerecs[frame].controls); setNoiseSeed(this.framerecs[frame].seed); } getLastCheckpoint() : EmuState { return this.checkpoints.length && this.checkpoints[this.checkpoints.length-1]; } } // PROFILER const PROFOP_READ = 0x100000; const PROFOP_WRITE = 0x200000; const PROFOP_INTERRUPT = 0x400000; export class EmuProfilerImpl implements EmuProfiler { platform : Platform; frame = null; output = {frame:null}; i = 0; lastsl = 9999; starti = 0; constructor(platform : Platform) { this.platform = platform; } start() : ProfilerOutput { if (this.platform instanceof BasePlatform) this.platform.profiler = this; this.platform.setBreakpoint('profile', () => { var c = this.platform.getCPUState(); this.log(c.EPC || c.PC); return false; // profile forever }); this.output = {frame:null}; return this.output; } log(op : number) { var sl = this.platform.getRasterScanline(); if (sl != this.lastsl) { if (this.frame) { this.frame.lines.push({start:this.starti, end:this.i-1}); } if (sl < this.lastsl) { this.output.frame = this.frame; this.frame = {iptab:new Uint32Array(0x8000), lines:[]}; // TODO: const this.i = 0; } this.starti = this.i; this.lastsl = sl; } this.frame.iptab[this.i++] = op; } stop() { this.platform.clearBreakpoint('profile'); if (this.platform instanceof BasePlatform) this.platform.profiler = null; } // TODO? logRead(a : number) { this.log(a | PROFOP_READ); } logWrite(a : number) { this.log(a | PROFOP_WRITE); } logInterrupt(a : number) { this.log(a | PROFOP_INTERRUPT); } } ///// import { Probeable, ProbeAll } from "./devices"; export enum ProbeFlags { CLOCKS = 0x00000000, EXECUTE = 0x01000000, MEM_READ = 0x02000000, MEM_WRITE = 0x03000000, IO_READ = 0x04000000, IO_WRITE = 0x05000000, VRAM_READ = 0x06000000, VRAM_WRITE = 0x07000000, INTERRUPT = 0x08000000, ILLEGAL = 0x09000000, SCANLINE = 0x7e000000, FRAME = 0x7f000000, } class ProbeFrame { data : Uint32Array; len : number; } export class ProbeRecorder implements ProbeAll { buf = new Uint32Array(0x100000); idx = 0; fclk = 0; sl = 0; m : Probeable; singleFrame : boolean = true; constructor(m:Probeable) { this.m = m; } start() { this.m.connectProbe(this); } stop() { this.m.connectProbe(null); } reset() { this.idx = 0; } log(a:number) { // TODO: coalesce READ and EXECUTE if (this.idx >= this.buf.length) return; this.buf[this.idx++] = a; } relog(a:number) { this.buf[this.idx-1] = a; } lastOp() { if (this.idx > 0) return this.buf[this.idx-1] & 0xff000000; else return -1; } lastAddr() { if (this.idx > 0) return this.buf[this.idx-1] & 0xffffff; else return -1; } logClocks(clocks:number) { if (clocks > 0) { this.fclk += clocks; if (this.lastOp() == ProbeFlags.CLOCKS) this.relog((this.lastAddr() + clocks) | ProbeFlags.CLOCKS); // coalesce clocks else this.log(clocks | ProbeFlags.CLOCKS); } } logNewScanline() { this.log(ProbeFlags.SCANLINE);; } logNewFrame() { this.log(ProbeFlags.FRAME); = 0; if (this.singleFrame) this.reset(); } logExecute(address:number) { this.log(address | ProbeFlags.EXECUTE); } logInterrupt(type:number) { this.log(type | ProbeFlags.INTERRUPT); } logRead(address:number, value:number) { this.log(address | ProbeFlags.MEM_READ); } logWrite(address:number, value:number) { this.log(address | ProbeFlags.MEM_WRITE); } logIORead(address:number, value:number) { this.log(address | ProbeFlags.IO_READ); } logIOWrite(address:number, value:number) { this.log(address | ProbeFlags.IO_WRITE); } logVRAMRead(address:number, value:number) { this.log(address | ProbeFlags.VRAM_READ); } logVRAMWrite(address:number, value:number) { this.log(address | ProbeFlags.VRAM_WRITE); } logIllegal(address:number) { this.log(address | ProbeFlags.ILLEGAL); } } // TODO: handle runToVsync() without erasing entire frame