; Conway II ; Lee W. Fastenau ; thelbane@gmail.com ; Created 03/14/2017 ; from https://github.com/thelbane/ConwayII processor 6502 ZPA0 equ $06 ZPA1 equ $07 ZPA2 equ $08 ZPA3 equ $09 HTAB equ $24 VTAB equ $25 TXTROW equ $28 ZPB0 equ $EB ZPB1 equ $EC ZPB2 equ $ED ZPB3 equ $EE ZPB4 equ $EF ZPC0 equ $FA ZPC1 equ $FB ZPC2 equ $FC ZPC3 equ $FD STACK equ $100 TXTPG0 equ $0400 TXTPG1 equ $0800 CLICK equ $C030 HOME equ $FC58 RDKEY EQU $FD0C COUT equ $FDED OUTPORT equ $FE95 EXITDOS equ $03D0 mac LOG_REGION if {3} && >. != >{2} echo "(",{2},"-",.,")",{1},"*** BOUNDARY CROSSED ***" err else echo "(",{2},"-",.,")",{1} endif endm ; ------------------------------------ ; Build Options ; ------------------------------------ NOISY equ 1 ; 0 = Sound off, 1 = Sound on CHARSET equ 1 ; 0 = Olde Skoole, 1 = Pixel, 2 = Inverse, 3 = Small O's, 4 = Enhanced INIT_PATTERN equ 0 ; 0 = Glider gun, 1 = "Random", 2 = Edge test TEST_PERF equ 0 ; 0 = Normal, 1 = Instrument for emulator cycle counting (forces Glider gun layout and sound off) ; ------------------------------------ ; Constants ; ------------------------------------ soundEnabled equ NOISY && !TEST_PERF initialPattern equ INIT_PATTERN - [TEST_PERF * INIT_PATTERN] textRow equ ZPA0 textRowH equ ZPA1 mainData equ ZPC0 mainDataH equ ZPC1 altData equ ZPC2 altDataH equ ZPC3 currentPage equ ZPA2 temp equ ZPA3 fieldWidth equ 40 fieldHeight equ 24 dataWidth equ fieldWidth+2 dataHeight equ fieldHeight+2 normalText equ %10000000 ; 'X | normalText inverseText equ %00111111 ; 'X & inverseText if CHARSET == 0 charOn equ '* | normalText charOff equ '. | normalText endif if CHARSET == 1 charOn equ ' & inverseText charOff equ ' | normalText endif if CHARSET == 2 charOn equ ' | normalText charOff equ ': & inverseText endif if CHARSET == 3 charOn equ 'o | normalText charOff equ ' | normalText endif if CHARSET == 4 charOn equ $ff ; | normalText charOff equ ' | normalText endif n_offset equ dataWidth+1 ; Alt data topleft offset from current cell y_topleft equ 0 ; Alt data pointer offsets y_top equ 1 y_topright equ 2 y_left equ dataWidth y_right equ dataWidth+2 y_bottomleft equ dataWidth*2 y_bottom equ dataWidth*2+1 y_bottomright equ dataWidth*2+2 ; ------------------------------------ ; Entry Point ; ------------------------------------ seg program org $803 start subroutine lda #0 sta currentPage ; Point main data segment to first block jsr OUTPORT ; PR#0 (Set output to 40-column text screen) jsr initScreen ; Render initial cell layout jsr updateData ; Initialize backing data based on displayed cells if TEST_PERF jsr perfTest else jsr runLoop endif jmp EXITDOS runLoop subroutine .loop jsr iterate ; Modify and display next generation jmp .loop ; Until cows come home perfTest subroutine jsr RDKEY .startTimer lda #50 sta .counter .loop jsr iterate dec .counter bne .loop .endTimer .break jsr RDKEY echo "Breakpoint:", .break rts .counter ds.b 1 echo "START TIMER BREAKPOINT:",.startTimer echo "END TIMER BREAKPOINT:",.endTimer mac INCREMENT_ADC ldy #y_{1} ; +2 2 lda (altData),y ; +5/6 8 adc #1 ; +5 13 Relies on carry being clear sta (altData),y ; +6 19 endm mac INCREMENT_INX ldy #y_{1} ; +2 2 lda (altData),y ; +5/6 8 tax ; +2 10 inx ; +2 12 txa ; +2 14 sta (altData),y ; +6 20 endm mac INCREMENT INCREMENT_ADC {1} endm iterate subroutine jsr toggleDataPages jsr clearBorders lda #fieldHeight-1 sta .row .rowLoop jsr getTextRow lda #fieldWidth-1 sta .column lda #0 ldy #y_top ; clean up stale data sta (altData),y ldy #y_topright sta (altData),y .columnLoop ldy .column ; get neighbor bit flags lda (mainData),y ; at current data address tay lda rulesTable,y ; convert bit flags to cell state character (or 0 for do nothing) beq .doNothing ; rule says do nothing, so update the neighbor data ldy #0 ; .column .column equ .-1 sta (textRow),y ; set char based on rule bne .setBits .doNothing ldy .column lda (textRow),y .setBits cmp #charOn ; A = cell character bne .clearTopLeft ; cell is disabled, so clear the topleft neighbor if soundEnabled bit CLICK endif ldy #y_topleft ; set top left value to one (previous value is stale) lda #1 sta (altData),y if soundEnabled bit CLICK ; (Pretend I'm not here... I just click the speaker) endif clc INCREMENT top INCREMENT topright INCREMENT left INCREMENT right INCREMENT bottomleft INCREMENT bottom INCREMENT bottomright jmp .continue .clearTopLeft ldy #y_topleft ; cell is off, so clear top left value to remove stale data lda #0 sta (altData),y .continue sec lda altData sbc #1 sta altData lda altDataH sbc #0 sta altDataH .nextColumn dec .column bmi .nextRow jmp .columnLoop .nextRow sec lda mainData sbc #dataWidth sta mainData lda mainDataH sbc #0 sta mainDataH sec lda altData sbc #2 sta altData lda altDataH sbc #0 sta altDataH dec .row lda #0 ; .row .row equ .-1 bmi .end jmp .rowLoop .end rts updateData subroutine jsr toggleDataPages jsr clearBorders lda #fieldHeight-1 sta .row .rowLoop jsr getTextRow lda #fieldWidth-1 sta .column lda #0 ldy #y_top ; clean up stale data sta (altData),y ldy #y_topright sta (altData),y .columnLoop ldy #0 ; .column .column equ .-1 lda (textRow),y cmp #charOff beq .clearTopLeft ldy #y_topleft ; set top left value to one (previous value is stale) lda #1 sta (altData),y clc INCREMENT top INCREMENT topright INCREMENT left INCREMENT right INCREMENT bottomleft INCREMENT bottom INCREMENT bottomright jmp .nextColumn .clearTopLeft ldy #y_topleft lda #0 sta (altData),y .nextColumn sec lda altData sbc #1 sta altData lda altDataH sbc #0 sta altDataH dec .column bpl .columnLoop .nextRow sec lda altData sbc #2 sta altData lda altDataH sbc #0 sta altDataH dec .row lda #0 ; .row .row equ .-1 bmi .end jmp .rowLoop .end rts toggleDataPages subroutine ; toggles the current data page and sets up the pointers lda #1 eor currentPage sta currentPage bne .page1 .page0 lda <#datapg0_lastRow sta mainData lda >#datapg0_lastRow sta mainDataH lda <#datapg1_tln sta altData lda >#datapg1_tln sta altDataH jmp .continue .page1 lda <#datapg1_lastRow sta mainData lda >#datapg1_lastRow sta mainDataH lda <#datapg0_tln sta altData lda >#datapg0_tln sta altDataH .continue rts clearBorders subroutine mac CLEAR_BORDERS .bottomRow set datapg{2}_end - [dataWidth * 2] + 1 ldx #fieldWidth .hloop lda #0 sta .bottomRow,x dex bne .hloop .rightColumn set ZPB0 .rightAddr set datapg{1}_end - dataWidth - 2 lda <#.rightAddr sta <.rightColumn lda >#.rightAddr sta >.rightColumn ldy #0 ldx #fieldHeight .vloop lda #0 sta (.rightColumn),y lda #dataWidth sec sbc <.rightColumn sta <.rightColumn lda #0 sbc >.rightColumn sta >.rightColumn dex bne .vloop endm lda currentPage bne .page1 .page0 CLEAR_BORDERS 0,1 rts .page1 CLEAR_BORDERS 1,0 rts initScreen subroutine lda <#initData sta mainData lda >#initData sta mainDataH lda #initDataLen-1 ; get data length sta .dataoffset ; save it lda #fieldHeight-1 ; load the field height sta .row ; save in row counter .1 jsr getTextRow ; update textRow (A = row) lda #fieldWidth-1 ; load the field width (reset every new row) sta .column ; save in column counter ldy .dataoffset lda (mainData),y ; get the current data byte sta .byte ; save it lda #8 ; init the byte counter sta .bit ; save in bit counter .2 ldy .column lda #0 .byte equ .-1 lsr sta .byte bcs .turnOn .turnOff lda #charOff bne .draw .turnOn lda #charOn .draw sta (textRow),y dec .bit bne .skipbit lda #8 ; reset bit counter sta .bit ; decrease data byte reference sec dec .dataoffset ldy #0 ; .dataoffset .dataoffset equ .-1 lda (mainData),y sta .byte .skipbit lda .column ; start to calculate init byte offset dec .column ldy #0 ; .column .column equ .-1 bpl .2 dec .row lda #0 ; .row .row equ .-1 bpl .1 rts .bit ds.b 1 ; inputs: ; A = row ; outputs: ; A = ?, X = A << 1, textRow = address of first character in row A getTextRow subroutine asl tax lda textRowsTable,x sta textRow lda textRowsTable+1,x sta textRowH rts rulesTable dc.b charOff ;0 neighbors dc.b charOff ;1 dc.b 0 ;2 dc.b charOn ;3 dc.b charOff ;4 dc.b charOff ;5 dc.b charOff ;6 dc.b charOff ;7 dc.b charOff ;8 ; ------------------------------------ ; Tables ; ------------------------------------ textRowsTable subroutine ; Lookup table for text page 0 row addresses .pg equ 1024 .y set 0 repeat 24 dc.w .pg + (.y & %11111000) * 5 + ((.y & %00000111) << 7) .y set .y + 1 repend LOG_REGION "textRowsTable", textRowsTable, 0 if initialPattern == 0 ; Glider gun initData dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%01000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000001,%01000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000110,%00000110,%00000000,%00011000 dc.b %00000000,%00001000,%10000110,%00000000,%00011000 dc.b %01100000,%00010000,%01000110,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %01100000,%00010001,%01100001,%01000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00010000,%01000000,%01000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00001000,%10000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000110,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 endif if initialPattern == 1 ; "Random" initData dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%01000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%10100000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%10100000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%01000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00100000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%10110000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%10100000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%10000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000010,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00001010,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 endif if initialPattern == 2 ; Edge test initData dc.b %11000000,%00000000,%00011000,%00000000,%00000011 dc.b %11000000,%00000000,%00100100,%00000000,%00000011 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00011000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %11100000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000111 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00011100,%00000000,%00111000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00010000,%11011011,%00001000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00001000,%11011011,%00010000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00001000,%11011011,%00010000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00010000,%11011011,%00001000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00011100,%00000000,%00111000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %11100000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000111 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %00000000,%00000000,%00011000,%00000000,%00000000 dc.b %11000000,%00000000,%00100100,%00000000,%00000011 dc.b %11000000,%00000000,%00011000,%00000000,%00000011 endif initDataLen equ .-initData dataSeg equ . seg.u conwayData ; uninitialized data segment org dataSeg datapg0 ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; data page 0 datapg0_lastRow equ . - dataWidth - fieldWidth ; first visible cell of the last row datapg0_tln equ . - [n_offset * 2] ; topleft neighbor of the bottomright-most visible cell datapg0_end equ . datapg1 ds.b dataWidth * dataHeight ; data page 1 datapg1_lastRow equ . - dataWidth - fieldWidth ; first visible cell of the last row datapg1_tln equ . - [n_offset * 2] ; topleft neighbor of the bottomright-most visible cell datapg1_end equ .