`ifndef SPRITE_BITMAP_H `define SPRITE_BITMAP_H `include "hvsync_generator.v" module car_bitmap(yofs, bits); input [3:0] yofs; output [7:0] bits; reg [7:0] bitarray[0:15]; assign bits = bitarray[yofs]; initial begin/*{w:8,h:16}*/ bitarray[0] = 8'b0; bitarray[1] = 8'b1100; bitarray[2] = 8'b11001100; bitarray[3] = 8'b11111100; bitarray[4] = 8'b11101100; bitarray[5] = 8'b11100000; bitarray[6] = 8'b1100000; bitarray[7] = 8'b1110000; bitarray[8] = 8'b110000; bitarray[9] = 8'b110000; bitarray[10] = 8'b110000; bitarray[11] = 8'b1101110; bitarray[12] = 8'b11101110; bitarray[13] = 8'b11111110; bitarray[14] = 8'b11101110; bitarray[15] = 8'b101110; end endmodule module sprite_bitmap_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, rgb); input clk, reset; output hsync, vsync; output [2:0] rgb; wire display_on; wire [8:0] hpos; wire [8:0] vpos; reg sprite_active; reg [3:0] car_sprite_xofs; reg [3:0] car_sprite_yofs; wire [7:0] car_sprite_bits; reg [8:0] player_x = 128; reg [8:0] player_y = 128; hvsync_generator hvsync_gen( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .hsync(hsync), .vsync(vsync), .display_on(display_on), .hpos(hpos), .vpos(vpos) ); car_bitmap car( .yofs(car_sprite_yofs), .bits(car_sprite_bits)); // start Y counter when we hit the top border (player_y) always @(posedge hsync) if (vpos == player_y) car_sprite_yofs <= 15; else if (car_sprite_yofs != 0) car_sprite_yofs <= car_sprite_yofs - 1; // restart X counter when we hit the left border (player_x) always @(posedge clk) if (hpos == player_x) car_sprite_xofs <= 15; else if (car_sprite_xofs != 0) car_sprite_xofs <= car_sprite_xofs - 1; // mirror sprite in X direction wire [3:0] car_bit = car_sprite_xofs>=8 ? 15-car_sprite_xofs: car_sprite_xofs; wire car_gfx = car_sprite_bits[car_bit[2:0]]; wire r = display_on && car_gfx; wire g = display_on && car_gfx; wire b = display_on && car_gfx; assign rgb = {b,g,r}; endmodule `endif