//this example shows how to set up a palette and use 8x8 HW sprites //also shows how fast (or slow) C code is #include "neslib.h" //#link "tileset1.c" // tile set, two planes for 4 colors extern unsigned char TILESET[8*256]; //this example shows how to poll the gamepad //and how to use nametable update system that allows to modify nametable //while rendering is enabled #include "neslib.h" //these macro are needed to simplify defining update list constants #define NTADR(x,y) ((0x2000|((y)<<5)|x)) #define MSB(x) (((x)>>8)) #define LSB(x) (((x)&0xff)) //variables static unsigned char i; static unsigned char x,y; //the update list, it is for 6 tiles, 3 bytes per tile static unsigned char list[6*3]; //init data for the update list, it contains MSB and LSB of a tile address //in the nametable, then the tile number const unsigned char list_init[6*3]={ MSB(NTADR(2,2)),LSB(NTADR(2,2)),0, MSB(NTADR(3,2)),LSB(NTADR(3,2)),0, MSB(NTADR(4,2)),LSB(NTADR(4,2)),0, MSB(NTADR(6,2)),LSB(NTADR(6,2)),0, MSB(NTADR(7,2)),LSB(NTADR(7,2)),0, MSB(NTADR(8,2)),LSB(NTADR(8,2)),0 }; void main(void) { //copy tileset to RAM vram_write((unsigned char*)TILESET, 0x0, sizeof(TILESET)); pal_col(1,0x21);//blue color for text pal_col(17,0x30);//white color for sprite memcpy(list,list_init,sizeof(list_init)); set_vram_update(6,list); ppu_on_all();//enable rendering x=124; y=116; //now the main loop while(1) { ppu_waitnmi();//wait for next TV frame oam_spr(x,y,0x41,0,0);//put sprite //poll the pad and change coordinates according to pressed buttons i=pad_poll(0); if(i&PAD_LEFT &&x> 0) x-=2; if(i&PAD_RIGHT&&x<248) x+=2; if(i&PAD_UP &&y> 0) y-=2; if(i&PAD_DOWN &&y<232) y+=2; //put x 3-digit number into the update list list[2]=0x10+x/100; list[5]=0x10+x/10%10; list[8]=0x10+x%10; //put y 3-digit number into the update list list[11]=0x10+y/100; list[14]=0x10+y/10%10; list[17]=0x10+y%10; } }