; Atari 7800 sprite sample ; Written by Daniel Boris (dboris@home.com) ; ; Assemble with DASM ; processor 6502 ; ************ Hardware Adresses *************************** INPTCTRL equ $01 ;Input control AUDC0 equ $15 ;Audio Control Channel 0 AUDC1 equ $16 ;Audio Control Channel 1 AUDF0 equ $17 ;Audio Frequency Channel 0 AUDF1 equ $18 ;Audio Frequency Channel 1 AUDV0 equ $19 ;Audio Volume Channel 0 AUDV1 equ $1A ;Audio Volume Channel 1 INPT0 equ $08 ;Paddle Control Input 0 INPT1 equ $09 ;Paddle Control Input 1 INPT2 equ $0A ;Paddle Control Input 2 INPT3 equ $0B ;Paddle Control Input 3 INPT4 equ $0C ;Player 0 Fire Button Input INPT5 equ $0D ;Player 1 Fire Button Input BACKGRND equ $20 ;Background Color P0C1 equ $21 ;Palette 0 - Color 1 P0C2 equ $22 ;Palette 0 - Color 2 P0C3 equ $23 ;Palette 0 - Color 3 WSYNC equ $20 ;Wait For Sync P1C1 equ $21 ;Palette 1 - Color 1 P1C2 equ $22 ;Palette 1 - Color 2 P1C3 equ $23 ;Palette 1 - Color 3 MSTAT equ $28 ;Maria Status P2C1 equ $29 ;Palette 2 - Color 1 P2C2 equ $2A ;Palette 2 - Color 2 P2C3 equ $2B ;Palette 2 - Color 3 DPPH equ $2C ;Display List List Pointer High P3C1 equ $2D ;Palette 3 - Color 1 P3C2 equ $2E ;Palette 3 - Color 2 P3C3 equ $2F ;Palette 3 - Color 3 DPPL equ $30 ;Display List List Pointer Low P4C1 equ $31 ;Palette 4 - Color 1 P4C2 equ $32 ;Palette 4 - Color 2 P4C3 equ $33 ;Palette 4 - Color 3 CHARBASE equ $34 ;Character Base Address P5C1 equ $35 ;Palette 5 - Color 1 P5C2 equ $36 ;Palette 5 - Color 2 P5C3 equ $37 ;Palette 5 - Color 3 OFFSET equ $38 ;Unused - Store zero here P6C1 equ $39 ;Palette 6 - Color 1 P6C2 equ $3A ;Palette 6 - Color 2 P6C3 equ $3B ;Palette 6 - Color 3 CTRL equ $3C ;Maria Control Register P7C1 equ $3D ;Palette 7 - Color 1 P7C2 equ $3E ;Palette 7 - Color 2 P7C3 equ $3F ;Palette 7 - Color 3 SWCHA equ $280 ;P0, P1 Joystick Directional Input SWCHB equ $282 ;Console Switches CTLSWA equ $281 ;I/O Control for SCHWA CTLSWB equ $283 ;I/O Control for SCHWB SEG.U data ;******* Vairables ******************************** org $40 xpos ds.b 1 ;X Position of sprite ypos ds.b 1 ;Y Position of sprite temp ds.b 1 dlpnt ds.w 1 dlend ds.b 12 ;Index of end of each DL ;********************************************************** SEG code org $4000 ;Start of code START sei ;Disable interrupts cld ;Clear decimal mode ;******** Atari recommended startup procedure lda #$07 sta INPTCTRL ;Lock into 7800 mode lda #$7F sta CTRL ;Disable DMA lda #$00 sta OFFSET sta INPTCTRL ldx #$FF ;Reset stack pointer txs ;************** Clear zero page and hardware ****** ldx #$40 lda #$00 crloop1 sta $00,x ;Clear zero page sta $100,x ;Clear page 1 inx bne crloop1 ;************* Clear RAM ************************** ldy #$00 ;Clear Ram lda #$18 ;Start at $1800 sta $81 lda #$00 sta $80 crloop3 lda #$00 sta ($80),y ;Store data iny ;Next byte bne crloop3 ;Branch if not done page inc $81 ;Next page lda $81 cmp #$20 ;End at $1FFF bne crloop3 ;Branch if not ldy #$00 ;Clear Ram lda #$22 ;Start at $2200 sta $81 lda #$00 sta $80 crloop4 lda #$00 sta ($80),y ;Store data iny ;Next byte bne crloop4 ;Branch if not done page inc $81 ;Next page lda $81 cmp #$27 ;End at $27FF bne crloop4 ;Branch if not ldx #$00 lda #$00 crloop5 ;Clear 2100-213F sta $2100,x inx cpx #$40 bne crloop5 ;************* Build DLL ******************* ; 20 blank lines ldx #$00 lda #$4F ;16 lines sta $1800,x inx lda #$21 ;$2100 = blank DL sta $1800,x inx lda #$00 sta $1800,x inx lda #$44 ;4 lines sta $1800,x inx lda #$21 sta $1800,x inx lda #$00 sta $1800,x inx ; 192 mode lines divided into 12 regions ldy #$00 DLLloop2 lda #$4F ;16 lines sta $1800,x inx lda DLPOINTH,y sta $1800,x inx lda DLPOINTL,y sta $1800,x inx iny cpy #$0D ;12 DLL entries bne DLLloop2 ; 26 blank lines lda #$4F ;16 lines sta $1800,x inx lda #$21 ;$2100 = blank DL sta $1800,x inx lda #$00 sta $1800,x inx lda #$4A ;10 lines sta $1800,x inx lda #$21 sta $1800,x inx lda #$00 sta $1800,x ;***************** Setup Maria Registers **************** lda #$80 sta BACKGRND ;background color lda #$18 ;DLL at $1800 sta DPPH lda #$00 sta DPPL lda #$18 ;Setup Palette 0 sta P0C1 lda #$38 sta P0C2 lda #$58 sta P0C3 lda #$43 ;Enable DMA sta CTRL lda #$00 ;Setup ports to read mode sta CTLSWA sta CTLSWB lda #$40 ;Set initial X position of sprite sta xpos mainloop lda MSTAT ;Wait for VBLANK and #$80 beq mainloop lda SWCHA ;Read stick and #$80 ;Pushed Right? bne skip1 ldx xpos ;Move sprite to right inx stx xpos skip1 lda SWCHA ;Read stick and #$40 ;Pushed Left? bne skip2 ldx xpos ;Move sprite to left dex stx xpos skip2 lda SWCHA ;Read stick and #$20 ;Pushed Down? bne skip3 ldx ypos ;Move sprite down cpx #176 beq skip3 ;Don't move if we are at the bottom inx stx ypos skip3 lda SWCHA ;Read stick and #$10 ;Pushed Up? bne skip4 ldx ypos ;Move sprite up beq skip4 ;Don't move if we are at the top dex stx ypos skip4 ;********************** reset DL ends ****************** ldx #$0C lda #$00 dlclearloop dex sta dlend,x bne dlclearloop ;******************** build DL entries ********************* lda ypos ;Get Y position and #$F0 lsr ;Divide by 16 lsr lsr lsr tax lda DLPOINTL,x ;Get pointer to DL that this sprite starts in sta dlpnt lda DLPOINTH,x sta dlpnt+1 ;Create DL entry for upper part of sprite ldy dlend,x ;Get the index to the end of this DL lda #$00 sta (dlpnt),y ;Low byte of data address iny lda #$40 ;Mode 320x1 sta (dlpnt),y iny lda ypos and #$0F ora #$a0 sta (dlpnt),y iny lda #$1F ;Palette 0, 1 byte wide sta (dlpnt),y iny lda xpos ;Horizontal position sta (dlpnt),y sty dlend,x lda ypos and #$0F ;See if sprite is entirely within this region beq doneDL ;branch if it is ;Create DL entry for lower part of sprite inx ;Next region lda DLPOINTL,x ;Get pointer to next DL sta dlpnt lda DLPOINTH,x sta dlpnt+1 ldy dlend,x ;Get the index to the end of this DL lda #$00 sta (dlpnt),y iny lda #$40 ;Mode 320x1 sta (dlpnt),y iny lda ypos and #$0F eor #$0F sta temp lda #$a0 clc sbc temp sta (dlpnt),y iny lda #$1F ;Palette 0, 1 byte wide sta (dlpnt),y iny lda xpos ;Horizontal position sta (dlpnt),y sty dlend,x doneDL ;************** add DL end entry on each DL ***************************** ldx #$0C dlendloop dex lda DLPOINTL,x sta dlpnt lda DLPOINTH,x sta dlpnt+1 ldy dlend,x iny lda #$00 sta (dlpnt),y txa bne dlendloop vbloop lda MSTAT ;Wait for VBLANK to end and #$80 bne vbloop jmp mainloop ;Loop redraw NMI RTI IRQ RTI ;Pointers to the DLs DLPOINTH .byte $22,$22,$22,$22,$23,$23,$23,$23,$24,$24,$24,$24 DLPOINTL .byte $00,$40,$80,$C0,$00,$40,$80,$C0,$00,$40,$80,$C0 ;************** Graphic Data ***************************** ;set org and fill character org $a000,0 .byte %00111100 org $a100 .byte %00111100 org $a200 .byte %01000010 org $a300 .byte %01000010 org $a400 .byte %10011001 org $a500 .byte %10011001 org $a600 .byte %10100101 org $a700 .byte %10100101 org $a800 .byte %10000001 org $a900 .byte %10000001 org $aA00 .byte %10100101 org $aB00 .byte %10100101 org $aC00 .byte %01000010 org $aD00 .byte %01000010 org $aE00 .byte %00111100 org $aF00 .byte %00111100 ;************** Cart reset vector ************************** org $fff8 .byte $FF ;Region verification .byte $87 ;ROM start $4000 .word #NMI .word #START .word #IRQ