import { hex } from "../util"; // TODO: outline, gradient, pixel colors (>=2 bpp), proportional fonts, select C/ASM output, fine offset var font; declare var FONTLIST : string; var FONT_DEFAULT_PARAMS = { bpp:1, np:1, wbytes:1, width:8, height:8, lochar:32, hichar:127, rotate:false, xflip:false, yflip:false, msbfirst:false, output:'c_nested', }; var params; var errors; var previewCanvas = $("#previewCanvas"); var codeTextarea = $("#codeTextarea"); var paramsForm = $("#paramsForm"); var FONT_PRESETS = { _8x8: { }, apple2: { width:7 }, vcs: { output:'dasm', msbfirst:true }, mw8080bw: { rotate:true, flip:true, msbfirst:true }, nes: { np:2, msbfirst:true }, }; function loadPreset(preset_id) { params = $.extend({}, FONT_DEFAULT_PARAMS, FONT_PRESETS[preset_id]); refreshToolbar(); } function updateToolbarValue(event, id:string) { event.item = w2ui.toolbar.get(id); event.item.value =; refreshToolbar(event); } function refreshToolbar(event?) { // update params from toolbar item? console.log(event); if (event && event.item) { switch ( { case 'width': case 'height': case 'lochar': case 'hichar': params[] = parseInt(event.item.value); break; case 'rotate': case 'xflip': case 'yflip': case 'msbfirst': params[] = event.item.checked; break; case 'bpp': if (event.subItem) params[] = parseInt(event.subItem.text); break; case 'preset': if (event.subItem) loadPreset(; break; case 'charsel': if (event.subItem) loadCharSel(; break; } } // set derived params params.wbytes = Math.floor((params.width*params.bpp+7)/8); // set toolbar items Object.keys(params).forEach(function(key) { var val = params[key]; var item = w2ui.toolbar.get(key); switch (item && item.type) { case 'check': item.checked = val; break; case 'html': item.value = val; break; case 'menu-radio': item.selected = val; break; } }); w2ui.toolbar.refresh(); updateEncoding(); previewFont(); } function loadCharSel(id) { var toks = id.split('-'); params.lochar = parseInt(toks[0]); params.hichar = parseInt(toks[1]); } function parseBDF(text) { var chars = {}; var chord; var ch; var lines = text.split(/\r?\n/); var bounds = [0,0,0,0]; for (var i=0; i params.hichar) return {w:8,h:8}; var w = glyph.bbx[0]; var h = glyph.bbx[1]; var dx = glyph.bbx[2]; var dy = glyph.bbx[3]; for (var y=0; y> x)) { var xx = x+dx; var yy = y+dy; /* font.pixbounds[0] = Math.min(font.pixbounds[0], xx); font.pixbounds[1] = Math.min(font.pixbounds[1], yy); font.pixbounds[2] = Math.max(font.pixbounds[2], xx); font.pixbounds[3] = Math.max(font.pixbounds[3], yy); */ if (xx >= 0 && yy >= 0 && xx < params.width && yy < params.height) putPixel(xx, yy); } } } return {w:w+dx,h:h+dy}; } function drawChar(x0, y0, chord) { var ctx = (previewCanvas[0] as any).getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = "black"; var glyph = font.chars[chord]; if (glyph) { return renderGlyph(glyph, function(x,y) { ctx.fillRect( x0+x, y0-y, 1, 1 ); }); } else { return {w:8,h:8}; // TODO: avgwidth, height } } function drawString(x, y, str) { for (var i=0; i?,./;':\"", "THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG'S BOWL", "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog's bowl", //"Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.", ]; function previewFont() { if (!font) return; var ctx = (previewCanvas[0] as any).getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fillRect( 0, 0, 1024, 1024 ); var x = 8; var y = 8; //console.log(font); TEST_SENTENCES.forEach(function(s) { y += font.rec.pixelsize + 1; drawString(x, y, s); }); } function encodeGlyph(glyph, bytes) { var abort = false; renderGlyph(glyph, function(x,y) { //x -= font.pixbounds[0]; //y -= font.pixbounds[1]; if (params.yflip) { y = params.height-1-y; } if (params.xflip ^ params.rotate) { x = params.width-1-x; } if (params.rotate) { var y2 = x; var x2 = y; x = x2; y = y2; } var xoutrange = (x < 0 || x >= params.width); var youtrange = (y < 0 || y >= params.height); if (xoutrange || youtrange) { if (!abort) { errors.push((xoutrange?"X":"Y") + " out of range on character " + String.fromCharCode(glyph.ord) + " " + x + "," + y); abort = true; } } var bpb = 8 / (params.bpp||1); var ofs = Math.floor(x/bpb) + (params.height-1-y)*params.wbytes; var bit = x % bpb; if (params.msbfirst) { bit = 7-bit; } bytes[ofs] |= 1<'; return html; }; } $().w2toolbar({ name: 'toolbar', onClick: function(event) { // TODO? setTimeout(function() { refreshToolbar(event); }, 1); }, tooltip: 'bottom', items: [ { type: 'menu-radio', id: 'preset', caption: 'Presets', img: 'icon-folder', tooltip: 'Preset encoding options for specific platforms', //text: function(item) { refreshPreset(item); return item.caption; }, items: [ { text: 'Generic C 8x8', id: '_8x8' }, { text: 'Atari 2600', id: 'vcs' }, { text: 'Midway 8080', id: 'mw8080bw' }, { text: 'NES', id: 'nes' }, { text: 'Apple ][', id: 'apple2' }, ]}, { type: 'check', id: 'rotate', caption: 'Rotate', img: 'fas fa-sync', tooltip: 'Rotate 90 degrees (swap X/Y)' }, { type: 'check', id: 'xflip', caption: 'Mirror', img: 'fas fa-arrows-alt-h', tooltip: 'Flip X axis' }, { type: 'check', id: 'yflip', caption: 'Flip', img: 'fas fa-arrows-alt-v', tooltip: 'Flip Y axis' }, { type: 'check', id: 'msbfirst', caption: 'MSB First', img: 'fas fa-arrow-alt-circle-right', tooltip: 'If selected, MSB (left) to LSB (right)' }, { type: 'menu-radio', id: 'bpp', caption: 'BPP', img: 'fas fa-dice-one', tooltip: 'Bits per pixel', items: [ { text: '1' }, { text: '2' }, { text: '4' }, { text: '8' } ]}, { type: 'html', id: 'width', html: toolbarHTMLItem('width','Width:',2) }, { type: 'html', id: 'height', html: toolbarHTMLItem('height','Height:',2) }, { type: 'break', id: 'break1' }, { type: 'menu-radio', id: 'charsel', caption: 'Characters', img: 'icon-folder', tooltip: 'Range of characters to encode, from first to last', //text: function(item) { refreshCharSel(item); return item.caption; }, items: [ //{ text: 'ISO (256 chars)', value:'0-255' }, { text: 'ASCII (upper only)', id:'32-95' }, { text: 'ASCII (upper+lower)', id:'32-127' } ]}, { type: 'html', id: 'lochar', html: toolbarHTMLItem('lochar','First:',3) }, { type: 'html', id: 'hichar', html: toolbarHTMLItem('hichar','Last:',3) }, /* { type: 'spacer' }, { type: 'button', id: 'item5', caption: 'Item 5', icon: 'fa-home' } */ ] }); $().w2grid({ name : 'fontGrid', show : { toolbar : true }, multiSearch: true, searches: [ { field: 'weight', caption: 'Weight', type: 'list', options: { items: ['medium','bold','narrow']} }, { field: 'slant', caption: 'Slant', type: 'list', options: { items: ['R','O']} }, { field: 'spacing', caption: 'Spacing', type: 'list', options: { items: ['C','M','P']} }, { field: 'pixelsize', caption: 'Pixel Size', type: 'int' }, { field: 'avgwidth', caption: 'Avg. Width', type: 'int' }, ], columns: [ { field: 'foundry', caption: 'Foundry', size: '20%', sortable:true }, { field: 'family', caption: 'Family', size: '20%', sortable:true }, { field: 'weight', caption: 'Weight', size: '10%', sortable:true }, { field: 'slant', caption: 'Slant', size: '10%', sortable:true }, { field: 'pixelsize', caption: 'Pixel Size', size: '10%', sortable:true }, { field: 'avgwidth', caption: 'Avg. Width', size: '10%', sortable:true }, { field: 'spacing', caption: 'Spacing', size: '10%', sortable:true }, ], records: FONTRECS, onClick: function (event) { var record = this.get(event.recid); loadFont(record); }, }); var pstyle = 'background-color: #F5F6F7; border: 1px solid #dfdfdf; padding: 5px;'; $('#layout').w2layout({ name: 'layout', panels: [ { type: 'top', size: 50, resizable: false, style: pstyle, content: 'top' }, // { type: 'left', size: 200, resizable: true, style: pstyle, content: paramsForm }, { type: 'main', style: pstyle, content: codeTextarea }, { type: 'preview', size: '50%', resizable: true, style: pstyle, content: previewCanvas }, { type: 'left', size: '25%', resizable: true, style: pstyle, content: $("#instructions") }, { type: 'bottom', size: 200, resizable: true, style: pstyle, content: 'bottom' } ] }); w2ui['layout'].content('top', w2ui['toolbar']); w2ui['layout'].content('bottom', w2ui['fontGrid']); loadPreset('_8x8');