#!/usr/bin/python import sys,string height = 5 lochar = 41 hichar = 90 chars = {} inbitmap = 0 with open(sys.argv[1],'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: l = l.strip() toks = l.split() #print l,toks if toks[0] == 'ENCODING': chord = int(toks[1]) elif toks[0] == 'BITMAP': inbitmap = True bytes = [] elif toks[0] == 'ENDCHAR': inbitmap = False if chord >= lochar and chord <= hichar: while len(bytes) < height: bytes.insert(0,0) assert(len(bytes) == height) bytes.reverse() print chord,bytes chars[chord] = bytes elif inbitmap and len(toks) == 1: byte = int(toks[0],16) assert((byte&15)==0) assert((byte&1)==0) byte = byte / 32 bytes.append(byte) # output font table x = 0 output = [] outputlo = [] outputhi = [] for ch in range(lochar,hichar+1): x = 0 bytes = chars.get(ch) #bytes = bytes + [0] if not bytes: bytes = [0] * height for b in bytes: if not x: v = b else: v = v | (b<<4) output.append(v) x ^= 1 outputlo.append(b) outputhi.append(b<<4) def tohex(v): return '%02x'%v def tohex2(v): return '0x%02x'%v print '\thex ' + string.join(map(tohex,output),'') print string.join(map(tohex2,output),',') print '\thex ' + string.join(map(tohex,outputlo),'') print '\thex ' + string.join(map(tohex,outputhi),'') print len(output),len(outputlo),len(outputhi)