"use strict"; var vm = require('vm'); var fs = require('fs'); var assert = require('assert'); var wtu = require('./workertestutils.js'); // loads localStorage global.localforage = require("localForage/dist/localforage.js"); var util = require("gen/common/util.js"); var mstore = require("gen/ide/store.js"); var prj = require("gen/ide/project.js"); var serv = require("gen/ide/services.js"); var Octokat = require('octokat'); var test_platform_id = "_TEST"; function newGH(store, platform_id) { localStorage.clear(); // pzpinfo user var project = new prj.CodeProject({}, platform_id||test_platform_id, null, store); project.mainPath = 'local/main.asm'; project.updateFileInStore(project.mainPath, '\torg $0 ; test\n'); return new serv.GithubService(Octokat, process.env.TEST8BIT_GITHUB_TOKEN, store, project); } const t0 = new Date().getTime(); describe('Store', function() { it('Should import from Github (check README)', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore('vcs', function(store) { var gh = newGH(store, 'vcs'); gh.importAndPull('https://github.com/pzpinfo/test123123/').then( (sess) => { console.log(sess.paths); assert.equal(2, sess.paths.length); assert.deepEqual(serv.getRepos(), {"pzpinfo/test123123":{ url: 'https://github.com/pzpinfo/test123123/', platform_id: 'vcs', mainPath:'helloworld.bas', //sha:'e466d777810838065b7682587ca592c3eefc0b1c' }}); done(); }); }); }); it('Should import from Github (binary files)', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore('vcs', function(store) { var gh = newGH(store, 'vcs'); gh.importAndPull('https://github.com/pzpinfo/testrepo3').then( (sess) => { console.log(sess.paths); assert.equal(4, sess.paths.length); var txt = localStorage.getItem('__vcs/text.txt'); assert.equal(txt, '"hello world"'); var bin = localStorage.getItem('__vcs/data.bin'); console.log(bin); assert.equal(bin.length, 348+9); // encoded done(); }); }); }); it('Should import from Github (wrong platform)', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore('_FOO', function(store) { var gh = newGH(store, '_FOO'); gh.importAndPull('https://github.com/pzpinfo/testrepo1557326056720').catch( (e) => { assert.ok(e.message.startsWith('Platform mismatch')); done(); }); }); }); it('Should import from Github (invalid URL)', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore('_FOO', function(store) { var gh = newGH(store, '_FOO'); gh.importAndPull('https://github.com/pzpinfo/NOEXISTSREPO').catch( (e) => { console.log(e); assert.deepEqual(serv.getRepos(), {}); done(); }); }); }); it('Should import from Github (subdirectory tree)', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore('nes', function(store) { var gh = newGH(store, 'nes'); gh.importAndPull('https://github.com/brovador/NESnake/tree/master/src').then( (sess) => { console.log(sess.paths); assert.equal(14, sess.paths.length); done(); }); }); }); it('Should publish (fail) on Github', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore(test_platform_id, function(store) { var gh = newGH(store); // should fail gh.publish('testrepo1').catch( (e) => { done(); }); }); }); it('Should publish new repository on Github', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore(test_platform_id, function(store) { var gh = newGH(store); var reponame = 'testrepo'+t0; // should fail gh.publish(reponame, "new description", "mit", false).then( (sess) => { //assert.ok(serv.getRepos()[sess.repopath]); return gh.deleteRepository(sess.url); }).then( () => { done(); }); }); }); it('Should commit/push to Github', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore(test_platform_id, function(store) { var gh = newGH(store); var binfile = new Uint8Array(256); for (var i=0; i<256; i++) binfile[i] = i; var files = [ {path:'text.txt', data:'hello world'}, {path:'data.bin', data:binfile} ]; gh.commit('https://github.com/pzpinfo/testrepo3', 'test commit', files).then( (sess) => { return gh.push(sess); }).then( (sess) => { console.log(sess.commit); assert.equal(0, sess.commit.files.length); done(); }); }); }); it('Should commit/push to Github (subdirectory tree)', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore(test_platform_id, function(store) { var gh = newGH(store); var files = [ {path:'text.txt', data:'hello world'} ]; gh.commit('https://github.com/brovador/NESnake/tree/master/src', 'test commit', files) .catch( (e) => { console.log(e); assert.equal(e.message, 'Sorry, right now you can only commit files to the root directory of a repository.'); done(); }); /*.then( (sess) => { done(); });*/ }); }); it('Should bind paths to Github', function(done) { var store = mstore.createNewPersistentStore(test_platform_id, function(store) { var gh = newGH(store); var sess = {repopath:'foo/bar', url:'_', platform_id:'vcs',mainPath:'test.c'}; gh.bind(sess, true); assert.deepEqual(serv.getRepos(), {'foo/bar':{url:'_',platform_id:'vcs',mainPath:'test.c'}}); gh.bind(sess, false); assert.deepEqual(serv.getRepos(), {}); gh.getGithubSession('https://github.com/foo/bar/tree').then((sess) => { assert.equal(sess.url, 'https://github.com/foo/bar/tree'); assert.equal(sess.repopath, 'foo/bar'); done(); }); }); }); });