processor 6502 ;;;;; CONSTANTS PPU_CTRL = $2000 PPU_MASK = $2001 PPU_STATUS = $2002 OAM_ADDR = $2003 OAM_DATA = $2004 PPU_SCROLL = $2005 PPU_ADDR = $2006 PPU_DATA = $2007 PPU_OAM_DMA = $4014 DMC_FREQ = $4010 APU_STATUS = $4015 APU_NOISE_VOL = $400C APU_NOISE_FREQ = $400E APU_NOISE_TIMER = $400F APU_DMC_CTRL = $4010 APU_CHAN_CTRL = $4015 APU_FRAME = $4017 ; NOTE: I've put this outside of the PPU & APU, because it is a feature ; of the APU that is primarily of use to the PPU. OAM_DMA = $4014 ; OAM local RAM copy goes from $0200-$02FF: OAM_RAM = $0200 ;;;;; CARTRIDGE FILE HEADER NES_MIRR_HORIZ = 0 NES_MIRR_VERT = 1 NES_MIRR_QUAD = 8 MAC NES_HEADER seg Header org $7ff0 .NES_MAPPER SET {1} ;mapper number .NES_PRG_BANKS SET {2} ;number of 16K PRG banks, change to 2 for NROM256 .NES_CHR_BANKS SET {3} ;number of 8K CHR banks (0 = RAM) .NES_MIRRORING SET {4} ;0 horizontal, 1 vertical, 8 four screen byte $4e,$45,$53,$1a ; header byte .NES_PRG_BANKS byte .NES_CHR_BANKS byte .NES_MIRRORING|(.NES_MAPPER<<4) byte .NES_MAPPER&$f0 byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ; reserved, set to zero seg Code org $8000 ENDM ;;;;; NES_INIT SETUP MACRO (place at start) MAC NES_INIT sei ;disable IRQs cld ;decimal mode not supported ldx #$ff txs ;set up stack pointer inx ;increment X to 0 stx PPU_MASK ;disable rendering stx DMC_FREQ ;disable DMC interrupts stx PPU_CTRL ;disable NMI interrupts bit PPU_STATUS ;clear VBL flag bit APU_CHAN_CTRL ;ack DMC IRQ bit 7 lda #$40 sta APU_FRAME ;disable APU Frame IRQ lda #$0F sta APU_CHAN_CTRL ;disable DMC, enable/init other channels. ENDM ;;;;; NES_VECTORS - CPU vectors at end of address space MAC NES_VECTORS seg Vectors org $fffa .word NMIHandler ;$fffa vblank nmi .word Start ;$fffc reset .word NMIHandler ;$fffe irq / brk (not used) ENDM