"use strict"; var VERILOG_PRESETS = [ {id:'clock_divider.v', name:'Clock Divider'}, {id:'hvsync_generator.v', name:'Video Sync Generator'}, {id:'test_hvsync.v', name:'Test Pattern'}, {id:'lfsr.v', name:'Linear Feedback Shift Register'}, {id:'digits10.v', name:'Digits'}, {id:'ball_slip_counter.v', name:'Ball Motion (slipping counter)'}, {id:'ball_paddle.v', name:'Brick Smash Game'}, {id:'sprite_bitmap.v', name:'Sprite Bitmaps'}, {id:'sprite_renderer.v', name:'Sprite Rendering'}, {id:'sprite_multiple.v', name:'Multiple Sprites'}, {id:'cpu8.v', name:'Simple 8-Bit CPU'}, ]; var VERILOG_KEYCODE_MAP = makeKeycodeMap([ [Keys.VK_LEFT, 0, 0x1], [Keys.VK_RIGHT, 0, 0x2], [Keys.VK_UP, 0, 0x4], [Keys.VK_DOWN, 0, 0x8], [Keys.VK_SPACE, 0, 0x10], [Keys.VK_SHIFT, 0, 0x20], [Keys.VK_A, 1, 0x1], [Keys.VK_D, 1, 0x2], [Keys.VK_W, 1, 0x4], [Keys.VK_S, 1, 0x8], [Keys.VK_Z, 1, 0x10], [Keys.VK_X, 1, 0x20], [Keys.VK_1, 2, 0x1], [Keys.VK_2, 2, 0x2], [Keys.VK_5, 2, 0x4], [Keys.VK_6, 2, 0x8], [Keys.VK_7, 2, 0x10], ]); var vl_finished = false; var vl_stopped = false; var VL_UL = function(x) { return x|0; } var VL_ULL = function(x) { return x|0; } var VL_TIME_Q = function() { return (new Date().getTime())|0; } /// Return true if data[bit] set var VL_BITISSET_I = this.VL_BITISSET_I = function(data,bit) { return (data & (VL_UL(1)< VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,rhs); } var VL_LTES_III = this.VL_LTES_III = function(x,lbits,y,lhs,rhs) { return VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,lhs) <= VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,rhs); } var VL_GTES_III = this.VL_GTES_III = function(x,lbits,y,lhs,rhs) { return VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,lhs) >= VL_EXTENDS_II(x,lbits,rhs); } var VL_MODDIV_III = this.VL_MODDIV_III = function(lbits,lhs,rhs) { return (((rhs)==0)?0:(lhs)%(rhs)); } var VL_REDXOR_32 = this.VL_REDXOR_32 = function(r) { r=(r^(r>>1)); r=(r^(r>>2)); r=(r^(r>>4)); r=(r^(r>>8)); r=(r^(r>>16)); return r; } var VL_WRITEF = this.VL_WRITEF = console.log; // TODO: $write var vl_finish = this.vl_finish = function(filename,lineno,hier) { console.log("Finished at " + filename + ":" + lineno, hier); vl_finished = true; } var vl_stop = this.vl_stop = function(filename,lineno,hier) { console.log("Stopped at " + filename + ":" + lineno, hier); vl_stopped = true; } var VL_RAND_RESET_I = this.VL_RAND_RESET_I = function(bits) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (1< 100) { vl_fatal("Verilated model didn't converge"); } } if (__VclockLoop > maxVclockLoop) { maxVclockLoop = __VclockLoop; console.log("Graph took " + maxVclockLoop + " iterations to stabilize"); } totalTicks++; } this._eval_initial_loop = function(vlSymsp) { vlSymsp.__Vm_didInit = true; this._eval_initial(vlSymsp); vlSymsp.__Vm_activity = true; var __VclockLoop = 0; var __Vchange=1; while (__Vchange) { this._eval_settle(vlSymsp); this._eval(vlSymsp); __Vchange = this._change_request(vlSymsp); if (++__VclockLoop > 100) { vl_fatal("Verilated model didn't DC converge"); } } } } var VerilogPlatform = function(mainElement, options) { var self = this; var video, audio; var videoWidth = 288; var videoHeight = 248; var idata, timer; var gen; var frameRate = 60; var AUDIO_FREQ = 15750; var current_output; var paddle_x = 0; var paddle_y = 0; var switches = [0,0,0]; var inspect_obj, inspect_sym; var inspect_data = new Uint32Array(videoWidth * videoHeight); var scope_time_x = 0; // scope cursor var scope_x_offset = 0; var scope_y_offset = 0; var scope_max_y = 0; var yposlist = []; var lasty = []; var lastval = []; var ports_and_signals; var trace_buffer; var trace_index; var mouse_pressed; var dirty = false; this.getPresets = function() { return VERILOG_PRESETS; } var RGBLOOKUP = [ 0xff222222, 0xff2222ff, 0xff22ff22, 0xff22ffff, 0xffff2222, 0xffff22ff, 0xffffff22, 0xffffffff, ]; var debugCond; function vidtick() { gen.tick2(); audio.addSingleSample(0+gen.spkr); // TODO: sync with audio freq if (debugCond && debugCond()) debugCond = null; } function updateInspectionFrame() { if (inspect_obj && inspect_sym) { var COLOR_BIT_OFF = 0xffff3333; var COLOR_BIT_ON = 0xffffffff; for (var y=0; y>= 1; } while (val != 0); } } } function updateInspectionPostFrame() { if (inspect_obj && inspect_sym) { var ctx = video.getContext(); var val = inspect_data[inspect_data.length-1]; ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillRect(18, videoHeight-8, 30, 8); ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.fillText(val.toString(10), 20, videoHeight-1); } } function updateVideoFrame() { debugCond = self.getDebugCallback(); var i=4; // TODO, start @ 0? var trace=inspect_obj && inspect_sym; for (var y=0; y paddle_x ? 1 : 0; gen.vpaddle = y > paddle_y ? 1 : 0; for (var x=0; x1 ? v.len*2+8 : 8; var y2 = y1+ys; var z = trace_buffer[j++]; var y = Math.round(y2 - ys*((z-lo)/hi)); yposlist[i] = y2; var ly = lasty[i]; if (x > 0 && ly != y) { var dir = ly < y ? 1 : -1; while ((ly += dir) != y && ly >= y1 && ly <= y2) { idata[x + ly*videoWidth] = COLOR_TRANS_SIGNAL; } } idata[x + y*videoWidth] = lastval[i]==z ? COLOR_SIGNAL : COLOR_BLIP_SIGNAL; lasty[i] = y; lastval[i] = z; y1 += ys+yb; } } scope_max_y = y1 - scope_y_offset; video.updateFrame(); // draw labels var ctx = video.getContext(); for (var i=0; i 0) { ctx.textAlign = 'right'; var value = arr.length * scope_time_x + i + jstart; ctx.fillText(""+trace_buffer[value], videoWidth-1, yposlist[i]); } } // draw scope line & label if (scope_time_x > 0) { ctx.fillStyle = "cyan"; ctx.fillText(""+(scope_time_x+scope_x_offset), (scope_time_x>10)?(scope_time_x-2):(scope_time_x+20), videoHeight-2); ctx.fillRect(scope_time_x, 0, 1, 4000); } // scroll left/right if (scope_time_x >= videoWidth && scope_x_offset < (trace_buffer.length / arr.length) - videoWidth) { scope_x_offset += 1 + (scope_time_x - videoWidth); dirty = true; } else if (scope_time_x < 0 && scope_x_offset > 0) { scope_x_offset = Math.max(0, scope_x_offset + scope_time_x); dirty = true; } } function clamp(minv,maxv,v) { return (v < minv) ? minv : (v > maxv) ? maxv : v; } this.start = function() { // TODO video = new RasterVideo(mainElement,videoWidth,videoHeight); video.create(); var ctx = video.getContext(); ctx.font = "8px TinyFont"; ctx.fillStyle = "white"; ctx.textAlign = "left"; setKeyboardFromMap(video, switches, VERILOG_KEYCODE_MAP); $(video.canvas).mousemove(function(e) { var new_x = Math.floor(e.offsetX * video.canvas.width / $(video.canvas).width() - 20); var new_y = Math.floor(e.offsetY * video.canvas.height / $(video.canvas).height() - 20); if (mouse_pressed) { scope_y_offset = clamp(Math.min(0,-scope_max_y+videoHeight), 0, scope_y_offset + new_y - paddle_y); scope_time_x = Math.floor(e.offsetX * video.canvas.width / $(video.canvas).width() - 16); dirty = true; } paddle_x = clamp(8, 240, new_x); paddle_y = clamp(8, 240, new_y); }); $(video.canvas).mousedown(function(e) { scope_time_x = Math.floor(e.offsetX * video.canvas.width / $(video.canvas).width() - 16); mouse_pressed = true; e.target.setCapture(); dirty = true; }); $(video.canvas).mouseup(function(e) { mouse_pressed = false; e.target.releaseCapture(); }); audio = new SampleAudio(AUDIO_FREQ); idata = video.getFrameData(); // TODO: 15.7 kHz? timer = new AnimationTimer(frameRate, function() { if (!self.isRunning()) return; gen.switches = switches[0]; if (gen.vsync !== undefined && gen.hsync !== undefined && gen.rgb !== undefined) updateVideoFrame(); else updateScopeFrame(); }); } this.printErrorCodeContext = function(e, code) { if (e.lineNumber && e.message) { var lines = code.split('\n'); var s = e.message + '\n'; for (var i=0; i e.lineNumber-5 && i < e.lineNumber+5) { s += lines[i] + '\n'; } } console.log(s); } } this.loadROM = function(title, output) { var mod; try { mod = new Function('base', output.code); } catch (e) { this.printErrorCodeContext(e, output.code); throw e; } var base = new VerilatorBase(); gen = new mod(base); gen.__proto__ = base; current_output = output; ports_and_signals = current_output.ports.concat(current_output.signals); trace_buffer = new Uint32Array(0x10000); trace_index = 0; this.poweron(); } this.isRunning = function() { return timer && timer.isRunning(); } this.pause = function() { timer.stop(); if (gen.spkr !== undefined) audio.stop(); } this.resume = function() { timer.start(); if (gen.spkr !== undefined) audio.start(); } this.poweron = function() { gen._ctor_var_reset(); this.reset(); } this.reset = function() { gen.__reset(); trace_index = scope_x_offset = 0; trace_buffer.fill(0); dirty = true; } this.tick = function() { gen.tick2(); } this.getToolForFilename = function(fn) { return "verilator"; } this.getDefaultExtension = function() { return ".v"; }; this.inspect = function(name) { if (!gen) return; if (name && !name.match(/^\w+$/)) return; var val = gen[name]; if (val === undefined && current_output.code) { var re = new RegExp("(\\w+__DOT__" + name + ")\\b", "gm"); var m = re.exec(current_output.code); if (m) { name = m[1]; val = gen[name]; } } if (val !== undefined) { inspect_obj = gen; inspect_sym = name; } else { inspect_obj = inspect_sym = null; } dirty = true; } // DEBUGGING this.saveState = function() { return {T:gen.ticks(), o:$.extend(true, {}, gen)}; } this.loadState = function(state) { gen = $.extend(true, gen, state.o); gen.setTicks(state.T); } var onBreakpointHit; var debugCondition; var debugSavedState = null; var debugBreakState = null; var debugTargetClock = 0; this.setDebugCondition = function(debugCond) { if (debugSavedState) { this.loadState(debugSavedState); } else { debugSavedState = this.saveState(); } debugCondition = debugCond; debugBreakState = null; this.resume(); } this.restartDebugState = function() { if (debugCondition && !debugBreakState) { debugSavedState = this.saveState(); if (debugTargetClock > 0) debugTargetClock -= debugSavedState.T; debugSavedState.T = 0; this.loadState(debugSavedState); } } this.getDebugCallback = function() { return debugCondition; } this.setupDebug = function(callback) { onBreakpointHit = callback; } this.clearDebug = function() { debugSavedState = null; debugBreakState = null; debugTargetClock = 0; onBreakpointHit = null; debugCondition = null; } this.breakpointHit = function(targetClock) { debugTargetClock = targetClock; debugBreakState = this.saveState(); console.log("Breakpoint at clk", debugBreakState.T); this.pause(); if (onBreakpointHit) { onBreakpointHit(debugBreakState); } } this.wasBreakpointHit = function() { return debugBreakState != null; } this.step = function() { var self = this; this.setDebugCondition(function() { if (gen.ticks() > debugTargetClock) { self.breakpointHit(gen.ticks()); return true; } return false; }); } this.runToVsync = function() { var self = this; this.setDebugCondition(function() { if (gen.vsync && gen.ticks() > debugTargetClock+1000) { self.breakpointHit(gen.ticks()); return true; } return false; }); } this.stepBack = function() { var self = this; var prevState; var prevClock; this.setDebugCondition(function() { var debugClock = gen.ticks(); if (debugClock >= debugTargetClock && prevState) { self.loadState(prevState); self.breakpointHit(prevClock); return true; } else if (debugClock >= debugTargetClock-2 && debugClock < debugTargetClock) { prevState = self.saveState(); prevClock = debugClock; } return false; }); } this.runEval = function(evalfunc) { var self = this; this.setDebugCondition(function() { if (gen.ticks() > debugTargetClock) { if (evalfunc(gen)) { self.breakpointHit(gen.ticks()); return true; } } return false; }); } }; function traceTiming() { // TODO: merge with main setCode(text) var text = editor.getValue(); worker.postMessage({ code:text, dependencies:loadFileDependencies(text), platform:platform_id, tool:'yosys' }); } //////////////// PLATFORMS['verilog'] = VerilogPlatform;