"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Packer = exports.Bin = void 0; var debug = false; var BoxPlacement; (function (BoxPlacement) { BoxPlacement[BoxPlacement["TopLeft"] = 0] = "TopLeft"; BoxPlacement[BoxPlacement["TopRight"] = 1] = "TopRight"; BoxPlacement[BoxPlacement["BottomLeft"] = 2] = "BottomLeft"; BoxPlacement[BoxPlacement["BottomRight"] = 3] = "BottomRight"; })(BoxPlacement || (BoxPlacement = {})); function boxesIntersect(a, b) { return !(b.left >= a.right || b.right <= a.left || b.top >= a.bottom || b.bottom <= a.top); } function boxesContain(a, b) { return b.left >= a.left && b.top >= a.top && b.right <= a.right && b.bottom <= a.bottom; } class Bin { constructor(binbounds) { this.binbounds = binbounds; this.boxes = []; this.free = []; this.extents = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }; this.free.push(binbounds); } getBoxes(bounds, limit, boxes) { let result = []; if (!boxes) boxes = this.boxes; for (let box of boxes) { //console.log(bounds, box, boxesIntersect(bounds, box)) if (boxesIntersect(bounds, box)) { result.push(box); if (result.length >= limit) break; } } return result; } fits(b) { if (!boxesContain(this.binbounds, b)) { if (debug) console.log('out of bounds!', b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom); return false; } if (this.getBoxes(b, 1).length > 0) { if (debug) console.log('intersect!', b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom); return false; } return true; } bestFit(b) { let bestscore = 0; let best = null; for (let f of this.free) { if (b.left != null && b.left < f.left) continue; if (b.left != null && b.left + b.width > f.right) continue; if (b.top != null && b.top < f.top) continue; if (b.top != null && b.top + b.height > f.bottom) continue; let dx = (f.right - f.left) - b.width; let dy = (f.bottom - f.top) - b.height; if (dx >= 0 && dy >= 0) { let score = 1 / (1 + dx + dy + f.left * 0.001); if (score > bestscore) { best = f; bestscore = score; if (score == 1) break; } } } return best; } anyFit(b) { let bestscore = 0; let best = null; for (let f of this.free) { let box = { left: b.left != null ? b.left : f.left, right: f.left + b.width, top: b.top != null ? b.top : f.top, bottom: f.top + b.height }; if (this.fits(box)) { let score = 1 / (1 + box.left + box.top); if (score > bestscore) { best = f; if (score == 1) break; } } } return best; } add(b) { if (debug) console.log('add', b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom); if (!this.fits(b)) { //console.log('collided with', this.getBoxes(b, 1)); throw new Error(`bad fit ${b.left} ${b.top} ${b.right} ${b.bottom}`); } // add box to list this.boxes.push(b); this.extents.right = Math.max(this.extents.right, b.right); this.extents.bottom = Math.max(this.extents.bottom, b.bottom); // delete bin for (let p of b.parents) { let i = this.free.indexOf(p); if (i < 0) throw new Error('cannot find parent'); if (debug) console.log('removed', p.left, p.top, p.right, p.bottom); this.free.splice(i, 1); // split into new bins // make long columns this.addFree(p.left, p.top, b.left, p.bottom); this.addFree(b.right, p.top, p.right, p.bottom); // make top caps this.addFree(b.left, p.top, b.right, b.top); this.addFree(b.left, b.bottom, b.right, p.bottom); } } addFree(left, top, right, bottom) { if (bottom > top && right > left) { let b = { left, top, right, bottom }; if (debug) console.log('free', b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom); this.free.push(b); } // TODO: merge free boxes? } } exports.Bin = Bin; class Packer { constructor() { this.bins = []; this.boxes = []; this.defaultPlacement = BoxPlacement.TopLeft; //TODO } pack() { for (let bc of this.boxes) { let box = this.bestPlacement(bc); if (!box) return false; box.bin.add(box); bc.box = box; } return true; } bestPlacement(b) { for (let bin of this.bins) { let parent = bin.bestFit(b); let approx = false; if (!parent) { parent = bin.anyFit(b); approx = true; if (debug) console.log('anyfit', parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.left, parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.top); } if (parent) { let place = this.defaultPlacement; let box = { left: parent.left, top: parent.top, right: parent.left + b.width, bottom: parent.top + b.height }; if (b.left != null) { box.left = b.left; box.right = b.left + b.width; } if (b.top != null) { box.top = b.top; box.bottom = b.top + b.height; } if (place == BoxPlacement.BottomLeft || place == BoxPlacement.BottomRight) { let h = box.bottom - box.top; box.top = parent.bottom - h; box.bottom = parent.bottom; } if (place == BoxPlacement.TopRight || place == BoxPlacement.BottomRight) { let w = box.right - box.left; box.left = parent.right - w; box.right = parent.right; } if (debug) console.log('place', b.label, box.left, box.top, box.right, box.bottom, parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.left, parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.top); let parents = [parent]; // if approx match, might overlap multiple free boxes if (approx) parents = bin.getBoxes(box, 100, bin.free); return Object.assign({ parents, place, bin }, box); } } if (debug) console.log('cannot place!', b.left, b.top, b.width, b.height); return null; } toSVG() { let s = ''; let r = { width: 100, height: 70 }; for (let bin of this.bins) { r.width = Math.max(r.width, bin.binbounds.right); r.height = Math.max(r.height, bin.binbounds.bottom); } s += ``; for (let bin of this.bins) { let be = bin.extents; s += ''; s += ``; let textx = be.right + 1; let texty = 0; for (let box of this.boxes) { let b = box.box; if (b) { if (b.bin == bin) s += ``; if (b.top == texty) textx += 10; else textx = be.right + 1; texty = b.top; if (box.label) s += `${box.label}`; } } /* for (let b of bin.free) { s += ``; } */ s += ''; } s += ``; return s; } toSVGUrl() { return `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${btoa(this.toSVG())}`; } } exports.Packer = Packer; //# sourceMappingURL=binpack.js.map