/* This is a demonstration of the TMS9928A's 40 x 24 monochrome text mode. */ #include #include #include "common.h" //#link "common.c" void setup_text_mode() { // set screen mode to text cv_set_screen_mode(CV_SCREENMODE_TEXT); // set image table address, which defines grid of characters cv_set_image_table(IMAGE); // set pattern table address, which defines character graphics cv_set_character_pattern_t(PATTERN); // clear VRAM to all zeroes cvu_vmemset(0, 0, 0x4000); // copy default character set from ROM to VRAM copy_default_character_set(); } void show_text() { // set background and foreground colors cv_set_colors(CV_COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN, CV_COLOR_BLACK); // fill image table with '.' characters cvu_vmemset(IMAGE, '.', 40*24); // draw message at row 0, column 1 cvu_memtovmemcpy(IMAGE + 1, "Greetings Professor Falken", 26); // turn on display cv_set_screen_active(true); } void main() { setup_text_mode(); show_text(); while (1); // infinite loop }