import { spawnSync } from "child_process"; import { existsSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from "fs"; import { describe } from "mocha"; import { Bin, BoxConstraints, Packer } from "../common/ecs/binpack"; import { ECSCompiler } from "../common/ecs/compiler"; import { Dialect_CA65, EntityManager, SourceFileExport } from "../common/ecs/ecs"; function testCompiler() { let em = new EntityManager(new Dialect_CA65()); // TODO let c = new ECSCompiler(em); try { c.parseFile(` // comment /* mju,fjeqowfjqewiofjqe */ component Kernel lines: 0..255 bgcolor: 0..255 end component Bitmap data: array of 0..255 end component HasBitmap bitmap: [Bitmap] end system SimpleKernel locals 8 on preframe do with [Kernel] --- JUNK_AT_END lda #5 sta #6 Label: --- end comment --- --- scope Root entity kernel [Kernel] const lines = 0xc0 //const lines = $c0 end entity nobmp [Bitmap] const data = [4] end entity bmp [Bitmap] const data = [1,2,3] end entity player1 [HasBitmap] init bitmap = #bmp end end `, 'foo.txt'); //console.log('json', c.em.toJSON()); let src = new SourceFileExport(); c.exportToFile(src); // TODO: test? console.log(src.toString()); return em; } catch (e) { console.log(e); for (let err of c.errors) { console.log(err); } console.log(c.tokens); throw e; } } // TODO: files in markdown? // TODO: jsr OperModeExecutionTree? describe('Tokenizer', function() { it('Should use Compiler', function() { testCompiler(); }); }); describe('Compiler', function() { let testdir = './test/ecs/'; let files = readdirSync(testdir).filter(f => f.endsWith('.ecs')); files.forEach((ecsfn) => { it('Should compile ' + ecsfn, function() { let asmfn = ecsfn.replace('.ecs','.asm'); let goodfn = ecsfn.replace('.ecs','.txt'); let ecspath = testdir + ecsfn; let goodpath = testdir + goodfn; let dialect = new Dialect_CA65(); let em = new EntityManager(dialect); em.mainPath = ecspath; let compiler = new ECSCompiler(em); compiler.getImportFile = (path: string) => { return readFileSync(testdir + path, 'utf-8'); } let code = readFileSync(ecspath, 'utf-8'); var outtxt = ''; try { compiler.parseFile(code, ecspath); // TODO: errors let out = new SourceFileExport(); em.exportToFile(out); outtxt = out.toString(); } catch (e) { outtxt = e.toString(); console.log(e); } if (compiler.errors.length) outtxt = => `${e.line}:${e.msg}`).join('\n'); let goodtxt = existsSync(goodpath) ? readFileSync(goodpath, 'utf-8') : ''; if (outtxt.trim() != goodtxt.trim()) { let asmpath = '/tmp/' + asmfn; writeFileSync(asmpath, outtxt, 'utf-8'); console.log(spawnSync('/usr/bin/diff', [goodpath, asmpath], {encoding:'utf-8'}).stdout); throw new Error(`files different; to fix: cp ${asmpath} ${goodpath}`); } }); }); }); function testPack(bins: Bin[], boxes: BoxConstraints[]) { let packer = new Packer(); for (let bin of bins) packer.bins.push(bin); for (let bc of boxes) packer.boxes.push(bc); if (!packer.pack()) throw new Error('cannot pack') //console.log(packer.boxes); //console.log(packer.bins[0].free) } describe('Box Packer', function() { it('Should pack boxes', function() { testPack( [ new Bin({ left:0, top:0, right:10, bottom:10 }) ], [ { width: 5, height: 5 }, { width: 5, height: 5 }, { width: 5, height: 5 }, { width: 5, height: 5 }, ] ); }); it('Should pack top-aligned boxes', function() { testPack( [ new Bin({ left:0, top:0, right:10, bottom:10 }) ], [ { width: 5, height: 7, top: 0 }, { width: 5, height: 7, top: 1 }, { width: 5, height: 1 }, { width: 5, height: 1 }, { width: 5, height: 3 }, { width: 5, height: 1 }, ] ); }); it('Should pack unaligned boxes', function() { testPack( [ new Bin({ left:0, top:0, right:10, bottom:10 }) ], [ { width: 3, height: 7, top: 0 }, { width: 3, height: 7, top: 1 }, { width: 3, height: 7, top: 2 }, { width: 5, height: 1 }, { width: 3, height: 1 }, ] ); }); it('Should pack multiple bins', function() { testPack( [ new Bin({ left:0, top:0, right:10, bottom:10 }), new Bin({ left:0, top:0, right:10, bottom:10 }) ], [ { width: 5, height: 10 }, { width: 5, height: 10 }, { width: 5, height: 5 }, { width: 5, height: 10 }, { width: 5, height: 5 }, ] ); }); });