// bank-switching configuration #define NES_MAPPER 4 // Mapper 4 (MMC3) #define NES_PRG_BANKS 4 // # of 16KB PRG banks #define NES_CHR_BANKS 1 // # of 8KB CHR banks #include #include #include #include "neslib.h" // link the pattern table into CHR ROM //#link "chr_generic.s" // "strobe" means "write any value" #define STROBE(addr) __asm__ ("sta %w", addr) #define MMC3_IRQ_SET_VALUE(n) POKE(0xc000, (n)); #define MMC3_IRQ_RELOAD() STROBE(0xc001) #define MMC3_IRQ_DISABLE() STROBE(0xe000) #define MMC3_IRQ_ENABLE() STROBE(0xe001) void draw_text(word addr, const char* text) { vram_adr(addr); vram_write(text, strlen(text)); } word counters[128]; byte irqcount = 0; void __fastcall__ irq_nmi_callback(void) { // check high bit of A to see if this is an IRQ if (__A__ & 0x80) { // it's an IRQ from the MMC3 mapper // change PPU scroll registers PPU.scroll = counters[irqcount & 0x7f] >> 8; PPU.scroll = 0; // advance to next scroll value ++irqcount; // acknowledge interrupt MMC3_IRQ_DISABLE(); MMC3_IRQ_ENABLE(); } else { // this is a NMI // reload IRQ counter MMC3_IRQ_RELOAD(); // reset scroll counter irqcount = 0; } } void main(void) { // set up MMC3 IRQs every 8 scanlines MMC3_IRQ_SET_VALUE(7); MMC3_IRQ_RELOAD(); MMC3_IRQ_ENABLE(); // enable CPU IRQ __asm__ ("cli"); // set IRQ callback nmi_set_callback(irq_nmi_callback); // set palette colors pal_col(1,0x04); pal_col(2,0x20); pal_col(3,0x30); // fill vram vram_adr(NTADR_A(0,0)); vram_fill('A', 32*28); // turn on PPU/interrupts ppu_on_all(); // loop forever, updating each counter at a different rate while(1) { byte i; for (i=0; i<128; i++) { counters[i] += i*16; } ppu_wait_frame(); } }