import { isMobileDevice, ProjectView } from "./baseviews"; import { SourceFile, WorkerError, SourceLocation } from "../../common/workertypes"; import { CodeAnalyzer } from "../../common/analysis"; import { platform, current_project, lastDebugState, runToPC, qs } from "../ui"; import { hex, rpad } from "../../common/util"; declare var CodeMirror; // helper function for editor function jumpToLine(ed, i:number) { var t = ed.charCoords({line: i, ch: 0}, "local").top; var middleHeight = ed.getScrollerElement().offsetHeight / 2; ed.scrollTo(null, t - middleHeight - 5); } function createTextSpan(text:string, className:string) : HTMLElement { var span = document.createElement("span"); span.setAttribute("class", className); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); return span; } ///// const MAX_ERRORS = 200; const MODEDEFS = { default: { theme: 'mbo' }, // NOTE: Not merged w/ other modes '6502': { isAsm: true }, z80: { isAsm: true }, jsasm: { isAsm: true }, gas: { isAsm: true }, vasm: { isAsm: true }, inform6: { theme: 'cobalt' }, markdown: { lineWrap: true }, fastbasic: { noGutters: true }, basic: { noLineNumbers: true, noGutters: true }, // TODO: not used? } export var textMapFunctions = { input: null }; export class SourceEditor implements ProjectView { constructor(path:string, mode:string) { this.path = path; this.mode = mode; } path : string; mode : string; editor; updateTimer = null; dirtylisting = true; sourcefile : SourceFile; currentDebugLine : SourceLocation; markCurrentPC; // TextMarker markHighlight; // TextMarker errormsgs = []; errorwidgets = []; errormarks = []; inspectWidget; createDiv(parent:HTMLElement) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("class", "editor"); parent.appendChild(div); var text = current_project.getFile(this.path) as string; var asmOverride = text && this.mode=='verilog' && /__asm\b([\s\S]+?)\b__endasm\b/.test(text); this.newEditor(div, asmOverride); if (text) { this.setText(text); // TODO: this calls setCode() and builds... it shouldn't this.editor.setSelection({line:0,ch:0}, {line:0,ch:0}, {scroll:true}); // move cursor to start } this.setupEditor(); return div; } setVisible(showing: boolean): void { if (showing) { this.editor.focus(); // so that keyboard works when moving between files } } newEditor(parent:HTMLElement, isAsmOverride?:boolean) { var modedef = MODEDEFS[this.mode] || MODEDEFS.default; var isAsm = isAsmOverride || modedef.isAsm; var lineWrap = !!modedef.lineWrap; var theme = modedef.theme || MODEDEFS.default.theme; var lineNums = !modedef.noLineNumbers && !isMobileDevice; if (qs['embed']) { lineNums = false; // no line numbers while embedded isAsm = false; // no opcode bytes either } var gutters = ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "gutter-offset", "gutter-info"]; if (isAsm) gutters = ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "gutter-offset", "gutter-bytes", "gutter-clock", "gutter-info"]; if (modedef.noGutters || isMobileDevice) gutters = ["gutter-info"]; this.editor = CodeMirror(parent, { theme: theme, lineNumbers: lineNums, matchBrackets: true, tabSize: 8, indentAuto: true, lineWrapping: lineWrap, gutters: gutters }); } editorChanged() { clearTimeout(this.updateTimer); this.updateTimer = setTimeout( () => { current_project.updateFile(this.path, this.editor.getValue()); }, 300); if (this.markHighlight) { this.markHighlight.clear(); this.markHighlight = null; } } setupEditor() { // update file in project (and recompile) when edits made this.editor.on('changes', (ed, changeobj) => { this.editorChanged(); }); // inspect symbol when it's highlighted (double-click) this.editor.on('cursorActivity', (ed) => { this.inspectUnderCursor(); }); // gutter clicked this.editor.on("gutterClick", (cm, n) => { this.toggleBreakpoint(n); }); // set editor mode for highlighting, etc this.editor.setOption("mode", this.mode); // change text? this.editor.on('beforeChange', (cm, chgobj) => { if (textMapFunctions.input && chgobj.text) chgobj.text =; }); } inspectUnderCursor() { var start = this.editor.getCursor(true); var end = this.editor.getCursor(false); if (start.line == end.line && < && < 80) { var name = this.editor.getSelection(); this.inspect(name); } else { this.inspect(null); } } inspect(ident : string) : void { var result; if (platform.inspect) { result = platform.inspect(ident); } if (this.inspectWidget) { this.inspectWidget.clear(); this.inspectWidget = null; } if (result) { var infospan = createTextSpan(result, "tooltipinfoline"); var line = this.editor.getCursor().line; this.inspectWidget = this.editor.addLineWidget(line, infospan, {above:false}); } } setText(text:string) { var i,j; var oldtext = this.editor.getValue(); if (oldtext != text) { this.editor.setValue(text); /* // find minimum range to undo for (i=0; i= numLines) line = 0; this.addErrorMarker(line, info.msg); if (info.start != null) { var markOpts = {className:"mark-error", inclusiveLeft:true}; var start = {line:line, ch:info.end?info.start:info.start-1}; var end = {line:line, ch:info.end?info.end:info.start}; var mark = this.editor.markText(start, end, markOpts); this.errormarks.push(mark); } } } addErrorMarker(line:number, msg:string) { var div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("class", "tooltipbox tooltiperror"); div.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\u24cd")); this.editor.setGutterMarker(line, "gutter-info", div); this.errormsgs.push({line:line, msg:msg}); // expand line widgets when mousing over errors $(div).mouseover((e) => { this.expandErrors(); }); } addErrorLine(line:number, msg:string) { var errspan = createTextSpan(msg, "tooltiperrorline"); this.errorwidgets.push(this.editor.addLineWidget(line, errspan)); } expandErrors() { var e; while (e = this.errormsgs.shift()) { this.addErrorLine(e.line, e.msg); } } markErrors(errors:WorkerError[]) { // TODO: move cursor to error line if offscreen? this.clearErrors(); errors = errors.slice(0, MAX_ERRORS); for (var info of errors) { this.addError(info); } } clearErrors() { this.dirtylisting = true; // clear line widgets this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-info"); this.errormsgs = []; while (this.errorwidgets.length) this.errorwidgets.shift().clear(); while (this.errormarks.length) this.errormarks.shift().clear(); } getSourceFile() : SourceFile { return this.sourcefile; } updateListing() { // update editor annotations // TODO: recreate editor if gutter-bytes is used (verilog) this.clearErrors(); this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-bytes"); this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-offset"); this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-clock"); var lstlines = this.sourcefile.lines || []; for (var info of lstlines) { if (info.offset >= 0) { this.setGutter("gutter-offset", info.line-1, hex(info.offset&0xffff,4)); } if (info.insns) { var insnstr = info.insns.length > 9 ? ("...") : info.insns; this.setGutter("gutter-bytes", info.line-1, insnstr); if (info.iscode) { // TODO: labels trick this part? if (info.cycles) { this.setGutter("gutter-clock", info.line-1, info.cycles+""); } else if (platform.getOpcodeMetadata) { var opcode = parseInt(info.insns.split(" ")[0], 16); var meta = platform.getOpcodeMetadata(opcode, info.offset); if (meta && meta.minCycles) { var clockstr = meta.minCycles+""; this.setGutter("gutter-clock", info.line-1, clockstr); } } } } } } setGutter(type:string, line:number, text:string) { var lineinfo = this.editor.lineInfo(line); if (lineinfo && lineinfo.gutterMarkers && lineinfo.gutterMarkers[type]) { // do not replace existing marker } else { var textel = document.createTextNode(text); this.editor.setGutterMarker(line, type, textel); } } setGutterBytes(line:number, s:string) { this.setGutter("gutter-bytes", line-1, s); } setTimingResult(result:CodeAnalyzer) : void { this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-bytes"); if (this.sourcefile == null) return; // show the lines for (const line of Object.keys(this.sourcefile.line2offset)) { var pc = this.sourcefile.line2offset[line]; var minclocks = result.pc2minclocks[pc]; var maxclocks = result.pc2maxclocks[pc]; if (minclocks>=0 && maxclocks>=0) { var s; if (maxclocks == minclocks) s = minclocks + ""; else s = minclocks + "-" + maxclocks; if (maxclocks == result.MAX_CLOCKS) s += "+"; this.setGutterBytes(parseInt(line), s); } } } setCurrentLine(line:SourceLocation, moveCursor:boolean) { var blocked = platform.isBlocked && platform.isBlocked(); var addCurrentMarker = (line:SourceLocation) => { var div = document.createElement("div"); var cls = blocked ? 'currentpc-marker-blocked' : 'currentpc-marker'; div.classList.add(cls); div.appendChild(document.createTextNode("\u25b6")); this.editor.setGutterMarker(line.line-1, "gutter-info", div); } this.clearCurrentLine(moveCursor); if (line) { addCurrentMarker(line); if (moveCursor) { this.editor.setCursor({line:line.line-1,ch:line.start||0}, {scroll:true}); } var cls = blocked ? 'currentpc-span-blocked' : 'currentpc-span'; var markOpts = {className:cls, inclusiveLeft:true}; if (line.start || line.end) this.markCurrentPC = this.editor.markText({line:line.line-1,ch:line.start}, {line:line.line-1,ch:line.end||line.start+1}, markOpts); else this.markCurrentPC = this.editor.markText({line:line.line-1,ch:0}, {line:line.line,ch:0}, markOpts); this.currentDebugLine = line; } } clearCurrentLine(moveCursor:boolean) { if (this.currentDebugLine) { this.editor.clearGutter("gutter-info"); if (moveCursor) this.editor.setSelection(this.editor.getCursor()); this.currentDebugLine = null; } if (this.markCurrentPC) { this.markCurrentPC.clear(); this.markCurrentPC = null; } } getActiveLine() : SourceLocation { if (this.sourcefile) { var cpustate = lastDebugState && lastDebugState.c; if (!cpustate && platform.getCPUState && !platform.isRunning()) cpustate = platform.getCPUState(); if (cpustate) { var EPC = (cpustate && (cpustate.EPC || cpustate.PC)); var res = this.sourcefile.findLineForOffset(EPC, 15); return res; } } } refreshDebugState(moveCursor:boolean) { // TODO: only if line changed // TODO: remove after compilation this.clearCurrentLine(moveCursor); var line = this.getActiveLine(); if (line) { this.setCurrentLine(line, moveCursor); } } refreshListing() { // lookup corresponding sourcefile for this file, using listing var lst = current_project.getListingForFile(this.path); if (lst && lst.sourcefile && lst.sourcefile !== this.sourcefile) { this.sourcefile = lst.sourcefile; this.dirtylisting = true; } if (!this.sourcefile || !this.dirtylisting) return; this.updateListing(); this.dirtylisting = false; } refresh(moveCursor: boolean) { this.refreshListing(); this.refreshDebugState(moveCursor); } tick() { this.refreshDebugState(false); } getLine(line : number) { return this.editor.getLine(line-1); } getCurrentLine() : number { return this.editor.getCursor().line+1; } getCursorPC() : number { var line = this.getCurrentLine(); while (this.sourcefile && line >= 0) { var pc = this.sourcefile.line2offset[line]; if (pc >= 0) return pc; line--; } return -1; } undoStep() { this.editor.execCommand('undo'); } toggleBreakpoint(lineno: number) { // TODO: we have to always start at beginning of frame if (this.sourcefile != null) { var targetPC = this.sourcefile.line2offset[lineno+1]; /* var bpid = "pc" + targetPC; if (platform.hasBreakpoint(bpid)) { platform.clearBreakpoint(bpid); } else { platform.setBreakpoint(bpid, () => { return platform.getPC() == targetPC; }); } */ runToPC(targetPC); } } } /// const disasmWindow = 1024; // disassemble this many bytes around cursor export class DisassemblerView implements ProjectView { disasmview; getDisasmView() { return this.disasmview; } createDiv(parent : HTMLElement) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.setAttribute("class", "editor"); parent.appendChild(div); this.newEditor(div); return div; } newEditor(parent : HTMLElement) { this.disasmview = CodeMirror(parent, { mode: 'z80', // TODO: pick correct one theme: 'cobalt', tabSize: 8, readOnly: true, styleActiveLine: true }); } // TODO: too many globals refresh(moveCursor: boolean) { let state = lastDebugState || platform.saveState(); // TODO? let pc = state.c ? state.c.PC : 0; let curline = 0; let selline = 0; let addr2symbol = (platform.debugSymbols && platform.debugSymbols.addr2symbol) || {}; // TODO: not perfect disassembler let disassemble = (start, len) => { // TODO: use pc2visits let s = ""; let ofs = 0; while (ofs < len) { let a = (start + ofs) | 0; let disasm = platform.disassemble(a, platform.readAddress.bind(platform)); /* TODO: look thru all source files let srclinenum = sourcefile && this.sourcefile.offset2line[a]; if (srclinenum) { let srcline = getActiveEditor().getLine(srclinenum); if (srcline && srcline.trim().length) { s += "; " + srclinenum + ":\t" + srcline + "\n"; curline++; } } */ let bytes = ""; let comment = ""; for (let i=0; i { let addr = parseInt(args[1], 16); let sym = addr2symbol[addr]; if (sym) return (args[0] + sym); sym = addr2symbol[addr-1]; if (sym) return (args[0] + sym + "+1"); return substr; }); } if (addr2symbol) { let sym = addr2symbol[a]; if (sym) { comment = "; " + sym; } } let dline = hex(a, 4) + "\t" + rpad(bytes,14) + "\t" + rpad(dstr,30) + comment + "\n"; s += dline; if (a == pc) selline = curline; curline++; ofs += disasm.nbytes || 1; } return s; } var startpc = pc < 0 ? pc-disasmWindow : Math.max(0, pc-disasmWindow); // for 32-bit PCs w/ hi bit set let text = disassemble(startpc, pc-startpc) + disassemble(pc, disasmWindow); this.disasmview.setValue(text); if (moveCursor) { this.disasmview.setCursor(selline, 0); } jumpToLine(this.disasmview, selline); } getCursorPC() : number { var line = this.disasmview.getCursor().line; if (line >= 0) { var toks = this.disasmview.getLine(line).trim().split(/\s+/); if (toks && toks.length >= 1) { var pc = parseInt(toks[0], 16); if (pc >= 0) return pc; } } return -1; } } /// export class ListingView extends DisassemblerView implements ProjectView { assemblyfile : SourceFile; path : string; constructor(lstfn : string) { super(); this.path = lstfn; } refreshListing() { // lookup corresponding assemblyfile for this file, using listing var lst = current_project.getListingForFile(this.path); // TODO? this.assemblyfile = lst && (lst.assemblyfile || lst.sourcefile); } refresh(moveCursor: boolean) { this.refreshListing(); // load listing text into editor if (!this.assemblyfile) return; var asmtext = this.assemblyfile.text; var disasmview = this.getDisasmView(); disasmview.setValue(asmtext); // go to PC if (!platform.saveState) return; var state = lastDebugState || platform.saveState(); var pc = state.c ? (state.c.EPC || state.c.PC) : 0; if (pc >= 0 && this.assemblyfile) { var res = this.assemblyfile.findLineForOffset(pc, 15); if (res) { // set cursor while debugging if (moveCursor) { disasmview.setCursor(res.line-1, 0); } jumpToLine(disasmview, res.line-1); } } } }