"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.WilliamsMachine = void 0; const audio_1 = require("../common/audio"); const _6809_1 = require("../common/cpu/6809"); const devices_1 = require("../common/devices"); const emu_1 = require("../common/emu"); const INITIAL_WATCHDOG = 8; const SCREEN_HEIGHT = 304; class WilliamsMachine extends devices_1.BasicScanlineMachine { constructor(isDefender) { super(); this.isDefender = isDefender; this.xtal = 12000000; this.cpuFrequency = this.xtal / 3 / 4; //cpuCyclesPerLine = 64; this.cpuCyclesPerLine = 54; // TODO: becuse we swapped width and height this.canvasWidth = 256; this.numTotalScanlines = 304; this.numVisibleScanlines = 304; this.defaultROMSize = 0xc000; this.rotate = -90; this.sampleRate = 1; this.ram = new Uint8Array(0xc000); this.nvram = new Uint8Array(0x400); this.rom = new Uint8Array(0xc000); this.portsel = 0; this.banksel = 0; this.watchdog_counter = 0; this.watchdog_enabled = false; this.pia6821 = new Uint8Array(8); this.blitregs = new Uint8Array(8); this.palette = new Uint32Array(16); this.screenNeedsRefresh = false; this.cpuScale = 1; this.waitCycles = 0; this.palette.fill(0xff000000); this.initBus(isDefender); this.initInputs(isDefender); this.initAudio(); this.initCPU(); } initInputs(isDefender) { var DEFENDER_KEYCODE_MAP = (0, emu_1.makeKeycodeMap)([ [emu_1.Keys.A, 4, 0x1], [emu_1.Keys.RIGHT, 4, 0x2], [emu_1.Keys.B, 4, 0x4], [emu_1.Keys.VK_X, 4, 0x8], [emu_1.Keys.P2_START, 4, 0x10], [emu_1.Keys.START, 4, 0x20], [emu_1.Keys.LEFT, 4, 0x40], [emu_1.Keys.DOWN, 4, 0x80], [emu_1.Keys.UP, 6, 0x1], [emu_1.Keys.SELECT, 0, 0x4], [emu_1.Keys.VK_7, 0, 0x1], [emu_1.Keys.VK_8, 0, 0x2], [emu_1.Keys.VK_9, 0, 0x8], ]); var ROBOTRON_KEYCODE_MAP = (0, emu_1.makeKeycodeMap)([ [emu_1.Keys.P2_UP, 0, 0x1], [emu_1.Keys.P2_DOWN, 0, 0x2], [emu_1.Keys.P2_LEFT, 0, 0x4], [emu_1.Keys.P2_RIGHT, 0, 0x8], [emu_1.Keys.START, 0, 0x10], [emu_1.Keys.P2_START, 0, 0x20], [emu_1.Keys.UP, 0, 0x40], [emu_1.Keys.DOWN, 0, 0x80], [emu_1.Keys.LEFT, 2, 0x1], [emu_1.Keys.RIGHT, 2, 0x2], [emu_1.Keys.VK_7, 4, 0x1], [emu_1.Keys.VK_8, 4, 0x2], [emu_1.Keys.VK_6, 4, 0x4], [emu_1.Keys.VK_9, 4, 0x8], [emu_1.Keys.SELECT, 4, 0x10], ]); var KEYCODE_MAP = isDefender ? DEFENDER_KEYCODE_MAP : ROBOTRON_KEYCODE_MAP; //this.inputs.set(this.pia6821); this.handler = (0, emu_1.newKeyboardHandler)(this.pia6821, KEYCODE_MAP); } initBus(isDefender) { var ioread_defender = (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x400, 0x5ff, 0x1ff, (a) => { return this.nvram[a]; }], [0x800, 0x800, 0, (a) => { return this.scanline; }], [0xc00, 0xc07, 0x7, (a) => { return this.pia6821[a]; }], [0x0, 0xfff, 0, (a) => { }], ]); var iowrite_defender = (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0, 0xf, 0xf, this.setPalette.bind(this)], [0x3fc, 0x3ff, 0, (a, v) => { if (v == 0x38) this.watchdog_counter = INITIAL_WATCHDOG; this.watchdog_enabled = true; }], [0x400, 0x5ff, 0x1ff, (a, v) => { this.nvram[a] = v; }], [0xc02, 0xc02, 0x1, (a, v) => { if (this.worker) this.worker.postMessage({ command: v & 0x3f }); }], [0xc00, 0xc07, 0x7, (a, v) => { this.pia6821[a] = v; }], [0x0, 0xfff, 0, (a, v) => { }], ]); var memread_defender = (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0000, 0xbfff, 0xffff, (a) => { return this.ram[a]; }], [0xc000, 0xcfff, 0x0fff, (a) => { switch (this.banksel) { case 0: return ioread_defender(a); case 1: return this.rom[a + 0x3000]; case 2: return this.rom[a + 0x4000]; case 3: return this.rom[a + 0x5000]; case 7: return this.rom[a + 0x6000]; default: return 0; // TODO: error light } }], [0xd000, 0xffff, 0xffff, (a) => { return this.rom ? this.rom[a - 0xd000] : 0; }], ]); var memwrite_defender = (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0000, 0x97ff, 0, this.write_display_byte.bind(this)], [0x9800, 0xbfff, 0, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }], [0xc000, 0xcfff, 0x0fff, iowrite_defender.bind(this)], [0xd000, 0xdfff, 0, (a, v) => { this.banksel = v & 0x7; }], [0, 0xffff, 0, (a, v) => { }], ]); // Robotron, Joust, Bubbles, Stargate var ioread_robotron = (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x804, 0x807, 0x3, (a) => { return this.pia6821[a]; }], [0x80c, 0x80f, 0x3, (a) => { return this.pia6821[a + 4]; }], [0xb00, 0xbff, 0, (a) => { return this.scanline; }], [0xc00, 0xfff, 0x3ff, (a) => { return this.nvram[a]; }], [0x0, 0xfff, 0, (a) => { }], ]); var iowrite_robotron = (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0, 0xf, 0xf, this.setPalette.bind(this)], [0x80c, 0x80c, 0xf, (a, v) => { if (this.worker) this.worker.postMessage({ command: v }); }], //[0x804, 0x807, 0x3, function(a,v) { console.log('iowrite',a); }], // TODO: sound //[0x80c, 0x80f, 0x3, function(a,v) { console.log('iowrite',a+4); }], // TODO: sound [0x900, 0x9ff, 0, (a, v) => { this.banksel = v & 0x1; }], [0xa00, 0xa07, 0x7, this.setBlitter.bind(this)], [0xbff, 0xbff, 0, (a, v) => { if (v == 0x39) { this.watchdog_counter = INITIAL_WATCHDOG; this.watchdog_enabled = true; } }], [0xc00, 0xfff, 0x3ff, (a, v) => { this.nvram[a] = v; }], //[0x0, 0xfff, 0, function(a,v) { console.log('iowrite',hex(a),hex(v)); }], ]); var memread_robotron = (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0000, 0x8fff, 0xffff, (a) => { return this.banksel ? this.rom[a] : this.ram[a]; }], [0x9000, 0xbfff, 0xffff, (a) => { return this.ram[a]; }], [0xc000, 0xcfff, 0x0fff, ioread_robotron], [0xd000, 0xffff, 0xffff, (a) => { return this.rom ? this.rom[a - 0x4000] : 0; }], ]); var memwrite_robotron = (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0000, 0x97ff, 0, this.write_display_byte.bind(this)], [0x9800, 0xbfff, 0, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }], [0xc000, 0xcfff, 0x0fff, iowrite_robotron.bind(this)], //[0x0000, 0xffff, 0, function(a,v) { console.log(hex(a), hex(v)); }], ]); var memread_williams = isDefender ? memread_defender : memread_robotron; var memwrite_williams = isDefender ? memwrite_defender : memwrite_robotron; this.membus = { read: memread_williams, write: memwrite_williams, }; this.membus = this.probeMemoryBus(this.membus); this.readAddress = this.membus.read; } initAudio() { this.master = new audio_1.MasterAudio(); this.worker = new Worker("./src/common/audio/z80worker.js"); let workerchannel = new audio_1.WorkerSoundChannel(this.worker); this.master.master.addChannel(workerchannel); } initCPU() { this.rom = new Uint8Array(this.defaultROMSize); this.cpu = this.newCPU(this.membus); //this.connectCPUMemoryBus(this); } newCPU(membus) { var cpu = Object.create((0, _6809_1.CPU6809)()); cpu.init(membus.write, membus.read, 0); return cpu; } // d1d6 ldu $11 / beq $d1ed setPalette(a, v) { // RRRGGGBB var color = 0xff000000 | ((v & 7) << 5) | (((v >> 3) & 7) << 13) | (((v >> 6) << 22)); if (color != this.palette[a]) { this.palette[a] = color; this.screenNeedsRefresh = true; } } write_display_byte(a, v) { this.ram[a] = v; this.drawDisplayByte(a, v); if (this.displayPCs) this.displayPCs[a] = this.cpu.getPC(); // save program counter } drawDisplayByte(a, v) { var ofs = ((a & 0xff00) << 1) | ((a & 0xff) ^ 0xff); this.pixels[ofs] = this.palette[v >> 4]; this.pixels[ofs + 256] = this.palette[v & 0xf]; } setBlitter(a, v) { if (a) { this.blitregs[a] = v; } else { var cycles = this.doBlit(v); this.waitCycles -= cycles * this.cpuScale; // wait CPU cycles } } doBlit(flags) { //console.log(hex(flags), blitregs); flags &= 0xff; var offs = SCREEN_HEIGHT - this.blitregs[7]; var sstart = (this.blitregs[2] << 8) + this.blitregs[3]; var dstart = (this.blitregs[4] << 8) + this.blitregs[5]; var w = this.blitregs[6] ^ 4; // blitter bug fix var h = this.blitregs[7] ^ 4; if (w == 0) w++; if (h == 0) h++; if (h == 255) h++; var sxinc = (flags & 0x1) ? 256 : 1; var syinc = (flags & 0x1) ? 1 : w; var dxinc = (flags & 0x2) ? 256 : 1; var dyinc = (flags & 0x2) ? 1 : w; var pixdata = 0; for (var y = 0; y < h; y++) { var source = sstart & 0xffff; var dest = dstart & 0xffff; for (var x = 0; x < w; x++) { var data = this.membus.read(source); if (flags & 0x20) { pixdata = (pixdata << 8) | data; this.blit_pixel(dest, (pixdata >> 4) & 0xff, flags); } else { this.blit_pixel(dest, data, flags); } source += sxinc; source &= 0xffff; dest += dxinc; dest &= 0xffff; } if (flags & 0x2) dstart = (dstart & 0xff00) | ((dstart + dyinc) & 0xff); else dstart += dyinc; if (flags & 0x1) sstart = (sstart & 0xff00) | ((sstart + syinc) & 0xff); else sstart += syinc; } return w * h * (2 + ((flags & 0x4) >> 2)); // # of memory accesses } blit_pixel(dstaddr, srcdata, flags) { var curpix = dstaddr < 0xc000 ? this.ram[dstaddr] : this.membus.read(dstaddr); var solid = this.blitregs[1]; var keepmask = 0xff; //what part of original dst byte should be kept, based on NO_EVEN and NO_ODD flags //even pixel (D7-D4) if ((flags & 0x8) && !(srcdata & 0xf0)) { //FG only and src even pixel=0 if (flags & 0x80) keepmask &= 0x0f; // no even } else { if (!(flags & 0x80)) keepmask &= 0x0f; // not no even } //odd pixel (D3-D0) if ((flags & 0x8) && !(srcdata & 0x0f)) { //FG only and src odd pixel=0 if (flags & 0x40) keepmask &= 0xf0; // no odd } else { if (!(flags & 0x40)) keepmask &= 0xf0; // not no odd } curpix &= keepmask; if (flags & 0x10) // solid bit curpix |= (solid & ~keepmask); else curpix |= (srcdata & ~keepmask); if (dstaddr < 0x9800) // can cause recursion otherwise this.membus.write(dstaddr, curpix); } startScanline() { this.audio && this.audioadapter && this.audioadapter.generate(this.audio); // TODO: line-by-line if (this.screenNeedsRefresh && this.scanline == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < 0x9800; i++) this.drawDisplayByte(i, this.ram[i]); this.screenNeedsRefresh = false; } if (this.scanline == 0 && this.watchdog_enabled && this.watchdog_counter-- <= 0) { console.log("WATCHDOG FIRED, PC =", this.cpu.getPC().toString(16)); // TODO: alert on video // TODO: this.breakpointHit(cpu.T()); this.reset(); } } drawScanline() { // interrupts happen every 1/4 of the screen let sl = this.scanline; if (sl == 0 || sl == 0x3c || sl == 0xbc || sl == 0xfc) { if (!this.isDefender || this.pia6821[7] == 0x3c) { // TODO? if (this.cpu.interrupt) this.cpu.interrupt(); if (this.cpu.requestInterrupt) this.cpu.requestInterrupt(); } } } read(a) { return this.membus.read(a); } write(a, v) { this.membus.write(a, v); } readConst(a) { if (a >= 0xc000 && a <= 0xcbff) return 0xff; else return this.membus.read(a); // TODO } reset() { super.reset(); this.watchdog_counter = INITIAL_WATCHDOG; this.watchdog_enabled = false; this.banksel = 1; } loadSoundROM(data) { console.log("loading sound ROM " + data.length + " bytes"); var soundrom = (0, emu_1.padBytes)(data, 0x4000); this.worker.postMessage({ rom: soundrom }); } loadROM(data) { if (data.length > 2) { if (this.isDefender) { this.loadSoundROM(data.slice(0x6800)); data = this.rom.slice(0, 0x6800); } else if (data.length > 0xc000) { this.loadSoundROM(data.slice(0xc000)); data = this.rom.slice(0, 0xc000); } else if (data.length > 0x9000 && data[0x9000]) { this.loadSoundROM(data.slice(0x9000)); } data = (0, emu_1.padBytes)(data, 0xc000); } super.loadROM(data); } loadState(state) { this.cpu.loadState(state.c); this.ram.set(state.ram); this.nvram.set(state.nvram); this.pia6821.set(state.inputs); this.blitregs.set(state.blt); this.watchdog_counter = state.wdc; this.banksel = state.bs; this.portsel = state.ps; } saveState() { return { c: this.cpu.saveState(), ram: this.ram.slice(0), nvram: this.nvram.slice(0), inputs: this.pia6821.slice(0), blt: this.blitregs.slice(0), wdc: this.watchdog_counter, bs: this.banksel, ps: this.portsel, }; } loadControlsState(state) { this.pia6821.set(state.inputs); } saveControlsState() { return { inputs: this.pia6821.slice(0), }; } } exports.WilliamsMachine = WilliamsMachine; //# sourceMappingURL=williams.js.map