"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const baseplatform_1 = require("../common/baseplatform"); const emu_1 = require("../common/emu"); const teletype_1 = require("../common/teletype"); const util_1 = require("../common/util"); const ZMACHINE_PRESETS = [ { id: 'hello.inf', name: 'Hello World' }, { id: 'house01.inf', name: 'House Tutorial #1' }, { id: 'house02.inf', name: 'House Tutorial #2' }, { id: 'house03.inf', name: 'House Tutorial #3' }, { id: 'house04.inf', name: 'House Tutorial #4' }, { id: 'house05.inf', name: 'House Tutorial #5' }, { id: 'house06.inf', name: 'House Tutorial #6' }, { id: 'house07.inf', name: 'House Tutorial #7' }, { id: 'alice.inf', name: 'Through the Looking-Glass' }, { id: 'aloneice.inf', name: 'Alone on the Ice' }, { id: 'adventureland.inf', name: 'Adventureland' }, { id: 'toyshop.inf', name: 'Toyshop' }, { id: 'ruins1.inf', name: 'Ruins #1' }, { id: 'ruins2.inf', name: 'Ruins #2' }, { id: 'ruins3.inf', name: 'Ruins #3' }, { id: 'balances.inf', name: 'Balances' }, { id: 'museum.inf', name: 'Museum of Inform' }, { id: 'advent.inf', name: 'Colossal Cave Adventure' }, { id: 'ztrek.inf', name: 'Super Z Trek' }, ]; function debug(...args) { //console.log(arguments); } class GlkImpl { constructor(page, input, upper) { this.exited = false; /* Dummy return value, which means that the Glk call is still in progress, or will never return at all. This is used by glk_exit(), glk_select(), and glk_fileref_create_by_prompt(). */ this.DidNotReturn = { dummy: 'Glk call has not yet returned' }; this.RefBox = RefBox; this.RefStruct = RefStruct; this.mainwnd = new teletype_1.TeleTypeWithKeyboard(page, false, input); this.mainwnd.keepinput = false; // input moves w/ cursor this.mainwnd.splitInput = false; this.mainwnd.uppercaseOnly = true; this.mainwnd.hideinput(); this.windows = { 1: this.mainwnd, 2: new teletype_1.TeleType(upper, true), 3: new teletype_1.TeleType(null, true), // fake window for resizing }; this.input = input; this.mainwnd.resolveInput = (resp) => { var s = resp.line; if (this.vm.read_data.buffer) { for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { this.vm.read_data.buffer[i] = s.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff; } this.vm.handle_line_input(s.length); } else { this.vm.handle_char_input(s.charCodeAt(0)); } this.vm.run(); }; this.reset(); } reset() { this.windowcount = 0; this.exited = false; this.windows[1].clear(); this.windows[2].clear(); this.curwnd = this.windows[1]; } init(options) { this.vm = options.vm; this.vm.start(); } fatal_error(s) { throw new emu_1.EmuHalt(s); } update() { // TODO } focusinput() { this.mainwnd.focusinput(); } flushline() { this.curwnd.flushline(); } glk_exit() { this.exited = true; this.flushline(); this.windows[1].addtext("** Game exited **", 1); } glk_window_clear(win) { debug('glk_window_clear', arguments); this.windows[win].clear(); } glk_request_line_event_uni(win, buf, initlen) { this.mainwnd.waitingfor = 'line'; this.focusinput(); this.startinputtimer(); } glk_request_char_event_uni(win, buf, initlen) { this.mainwnd.waitingfor = 'char'; this.focusinput(); this.startinputtimer(); } startinputtimer() { /* TODO? var rd = this.vm.read_data; if (rd.routine && rd.time) { this.vm['call'](rd.routine); //this.vm.run(); setTimeout(this.startinputtimer.bind(this), rd.time*10); } */ } glk_put_jstring(val, allbytes) { //debug('glk_put_jstring', arguments); this.curwnd.print(val); } glk_put_jstring_stream(stream, val) { //debug('glk_put_jstring_stream', arguments); this.windows[stream].print(val); } glk_put_char_stream_uni(stream, ch) { //debug('glk_put_char_stream_uni', arguments); this.windows[stream].print(String.fromCharCode(ch)); } glk_set_style(val) { this.curwnd.curstyle = val; } /* glk_put_char(ch) { debug('glk_put_char', arguments); } glk_put_string(val) { debug('glk_put_string', arguments); } glk_put_string_stream(str, val) { debug('glk_put_string_stream', arguments); } glk_put_buffer(arr) { debug('glk_put_buffer', arguments); } glk_put_buffer_stream(str, arr) { debug('glk_put_buffer_stream', arguments); } glk_set_style_stream(str, val) { debug('glk_set_style_stream', arguments); } glk_get_char_stream(str) { debug('glk_get_char_stream', arguments); } glk_get_line_stream(str, buf) { debug('glk_get_line_stream', arguments); } glk_get_buffer_stream(str, buf) { debug('glk_get_buffer_stream', arguments); } */ glk_char_to_lower(val) { if (val >= 0x41 && val <= 0x5A) return val + 0x20; if (val >= 0xC0 && val <= 0xDE && val != 0xD7) return val + 0x20; return val; } glk_char_to_upper(val) { if (val >= 0x61 && val <= 0x7A) return val - 0x20; if (val >= 0xE0 && val <= 0xFE && val != 0xF7) return val - 0x20; return val; } glk_stylehint_set(wintype, styl, hint, value) { //debug('glk_stylehint_set', arguments); } glk_stylehint_clear(wintype, styl, hint) { //debug('glk_stylehint_clear', arguments); } glk_style_distinguish(win, styl1, styl2) { return 0; } glk_style_measure(win, styl, hint, resultref) { if (resultref) resultref.set_value(0); return 0; } glk_select(eventref) { debug('glk_select', arguments); } glk_window_open(splitwin, method, size, wintype, rock) { debug('glk_window_open', arguments); if (splitwin) { if (method != 0x12 || wintype != 4) return 0; if (size) { $(this.windows[2].page).show(); return 2; // split window } else { return 3; // fake window } } else { return 1; // main window } } glk_window_close(win) { debug('glk_window_close', arguments); if (win == 2) { this.windows[win].clear(); $(this.windows[win].page).hide(); } } glk_window_get_parent(win) { debug('glk_window_get_parent', arguments); if (win == 1) return 0; else return 1; } glk_window_move_cursor(win, col, row) { debug('glk_window_move_cursor', arguments); this.windows[win].move_cursor(col, row); } glk_window_set_arrangement(win, method, size, unknown) { debug('glk_window_set_arrangement', arguments); if (win == 1) this.windows[2].setrows(size); } glk_window_get_stream(win) { debug('glk_window_get_stream', arguments); return win; } glk_set_window(win) { debug('glk_set_window', arguments); this.curwnd = this.windows[win]; if (this.curwnd == null) this.fatal_error("no window " + win); } glk_window_get_size(win, widthref, heightref) { debug('glk_window_get_size', arguments); // TODO: made up sizes, only status line supported if (widthref) widthref.set_value(STATUS_NUM_COLS); if (heightref) heightref.set_value(win == 1 ? 25 : 1); } garglk_set_reversevideo(val) { debug('garglk_set_reversevideo', arguments); this.curwnd.reverse = !!val; } garglk_set_reversevideo_stream(win, val) { debug('garglk_set_reversevideo_stream', arguments); this.windows[win].reverse = !!val; } glk_fileref_create_by_prompt(usage, mode, rock) { debug('glk_fileref_create_by_prompt', arguments); // TODO: support files? this.vm.handle_create_fileref(0); this.vm.run(); } glk_gestalt(sel, val) { return this.glk_gestalt_ext(sel, val, null); } glk_gestalt_ext(sel, val, arr) { //debug('glk_gestalt_ext', arguments); switch (sel) { case 0: // gestalt_Version /* This implements Glk spec version 0.7.4? */ return 0x00000101; // 0.1.1 case 1: // gestalt_CharInput /* This is not a terrific approximation. Return false for function keys, control keys, and the high-bit non-printables. For everything else in the Unicode range, return true. */ if (val <= Const.keycode_Left && val >= Const.keycode_End) return 1; if (val >= 0x100000000 - Const.keycode_MAXVAL) return 0; if (val > 0x10FFFF) return 0; if ((val >= 0 && val < 32) || (val >= 127 && val < 160)) return 0; return 1; case 2: // gestalt_LineInput /* Same as the above, except no special keys. */ if (val > 0x10FFFF) return 0; if ((val >= 0 && val < 32) || (val >= 127 && val < 160)) return 0; return 1; case 3: // gestalt_CharOutput /* Same thing again. We assume that all printable characters, as well as the placeholders for nonprintables, are one character wide. */ if ((val > 0x10FFFF) || (val >= 0 && val < 32) || (val >= 127 && val < 160)) { if (arr) arr[0] = 1; return 0; // gestalt_CharOutput_CannotPrint } if (arr) arr[0] = 1; return 2; // gestalt_CharOutput_ExactPrint case 4: // gestalt_MouseInput if (val == Const.wintype_TextBuffer) return 0; if (val == Const.wintype_Graphics && has_canvas) return 0; return 0; case 5: // gestalt_Timer return 0; case 6: // gestalt_Graphics return 0; case 7: // gestalt_DrawImage if (val == Const.wintype_TextBuffer) return 0; if (val == Const.wintype_Graphics && has_canvas) return 0; return 0; case 8: // gestalt_Sound return 0; case 9: // gestalt_SoundVolume return 0; case 10: // gestalt_SoundNotify return 0; case 11: // gestalt_Hyperlinks return 0; case 12: // gestalt_HyperlinkInput if (val == 3 || val == 4) // TextBuffer or TextGrid return 0; else return 0; case 13: // gestalt_SoundMusic return 0; case 14: // gestalt_GraphicsTransparency return 0; case 15: // gestalt_Unicode return 1; case 16: // gestalt_UnicodeNorm return 1; case 17: // gestalt_LineInputEcho return 1; case 18: // gestalt_LineTerminators return 1; case 19: // gestalt_LineTerminatorKey /* Really this result should be inspected from glkote.js. Since it isn't, be sure to keep these values in sync with terminator_key_names. */ if (val == Const.keycode_Escape) return 0; if (val >= Const.keycode_Func12 && val <= Const.keycode_Func1) return 0; return 0; case 20: // gestalt_DateTime return 0; case 21: // gestalt_Sound2 return 0; case 22: // gestalt_ResourceStream return 0; case 23: // gestalt_GraphicsCharInput return 0; case 0x1100: // reverse video, color return 0; } return 0; } } /* RefBox: Simple class used for "call-by-reference" Glk arguments. The object is just a box containing a single value, which can be written and read. */ class RefBox { set_value(val) { this.value = val; } get_value() { return this.value; } } /* RefStruct: Used for struct-type Glk arguments. After creating the object, you should call push_field() the appropriate number of times, to set the initial field values. Then set_field() can be used to change them, and get_fields() retrieves the list of all fields. (The usage here is loose, since Javascript is forgiving about arrays. Really the caller could call set_field() instead of push_field() -- or skip that step entirely, as long as the Glk function later calls set_field() for each field. Which it should.) */ class RefStruct { constructor(numels) { this.fields = []; } push_field(val) { this.fields.push(val); } set_field(pos, val) { this.fields[pos] = val; } get_field(pos) { return this.fields[pos]; } get_fields() { return this.fields; } } const has_canvas = typeof window === 'object'; const Const = { gestalt_Version: 0, gestalt_CharInput: 1, gestalt_LineInput: 2, gestalt_CharOutput: 3, gestalt_CharOutput_CannotPrint: 0, gestalt_CharOutput_ApproxPrint: 1, gestalt_CharOutput_ExactPrint: 2, gestalt_MouseInput: 4, gestalt_Timer: 5, gestalt_Graphics: 6, gestalt_DrawImage: 7, gestalt_Sound: 8, gestalt_SoundVolume: 9, gestalt_SoundNotify: 10, gestalt_Hyperlinks: 11, gestalt_HyperlinkInput: 12, gestalt_SoundMusic: 13, gestalt_GraphicsTransparency: 14, gestalt_Unicode: 15, gestalt_UnicodeNorm: 16, gestalt_LineInputEcho: 17, gestalt_LineTerminators: 18, gestalt_LineTerminatorKey: 19, gestalt_DateTime: 20, gestalt_Sound2: 21, gestalt_ResourceStream: 22, gestalt_GraphicsCharInput: 23, keycode_Unknown: 0xffffffff, keycode_Left: 0xfffffffe, keycode_Right: 0xfffffffd, keycode_Up: 0xfffffffc, keycode_Down: 0xfffffffb, keycode_Return: 0xfffffffa, keycode_Delete: 0xfffffff9, keycode_Escape: 0xfffffff8, keycode_Tab: 0xfffffff7, keycode_PageUp: 0xfffffff6, keycode_PageDown: 0xfffffff5, keycode_Home: 0xfffffff4, keycode_End: 0xfffffff3, keycode_Func1: 0xffffffef, keycode_Func2: 0xffffffee, keycode_Func3: 0xffffffed, keycode_Func4: 0xffffffec, keycode_Func5: 0xffffffeb, keycode_Func6: 0xffffffea, keycode_Func7: 0xffffffe9, keycode_Func8: 0xffffffe8, keycode_Func9: 0xffffffe7, keycode_Func10: 0xffffffe6, keycode_Func11: 0xffffffe5, keycode_Func12: 0xffffffe4, /* The last keycode is always (0x100000000 - keycode_MAXVAL) */ keycode_MAXVAL: 28, evtype_None: 0, evtype_Timer: 1, evtype_CharInput: 2, evtype_LineInput: 3, evtype_MouseInput: 4, evtype_Arrange: 5, evtype_Redraw: 6, evtype_SoundNotify: 7, evtype_Hyperlink: 8, evtype_VolumeNotify: 9, style_Normal: 0, style_Emphasized: 1, style_Preformatted: 2, style_Header: 3, style_Subheader: 4, style_Alert: 5, style_Note: 6, style_BlockQuote: 7, style_Input: 8, style_User1: 9, style_User2: 10, style_NUMSTYLES: 11, wintype_AllTypes: 0, wintype_Pair: 1, wintype_Blank: 2, wintype_TextBuffer: 3, wintype_TextGrid: 4, wintype_Graphics: 5, winmethod_Left: 0x00, winmethod_Right: 0x01, winmethod_Above: 0x02, winmethod_Below: 0x03, winmethod_DirMask: 0x0f, winmethod_Fixed: 0x10, winmethod_Proportional: 0x20, winmethod_DivisionMask: 0xf0, winmethod_Border: 0x000, winmethod_NoBorder: 0x100, winmethod_BorderMask: 0x100, fileusage_Data: 0x00, fileusage_SavedGame: 0x01, fileusage_Transcript: 0x02, fileusage_InputRecord: 0x03, fileusage_TypeMask: 0x0f, fileusage_TextMode: 0x100, fileusage_BinaryMode: 0x000, filemode_Write: 0x01, filemode_Read: 0x02, filemode_ReadWrite: 0x03, filemode_WriteAppend: 0x05, seekmode_Start: 0, seekmode_Current: 1, seekmode_End: 2, stylehint_Indentation: 0, stylehint_ParaIndentation: 1, stylehint_Justification: 2, stylehint_Size: 3, stylehint_Weight: 4, stylehint_Oblique: 5, stylehint_Proportional: 6, stylehint_TextColor: 7, stylehint_BackColor: 8, stylehint_ReverseColor: 9, stylehint_NUMHINTS: 10, stylehint_just_LeftFlush: 0, stylehint_just_LeftRight: 1, stylehint_just_Centered: 2, stylehint_just_RightFlush: 3, imagealign_InlineUp: 1, imagealign_InlineDown: 2, imagealign_InlineCenter: 3, imagealign_MarginLeft: 4, imagealign_MarginRight: 5 }; // const STATUS_NUM_COLS = 80; class ZmachinePlatform { constructor(mainElement) { this.focused = false; this.mainElement = mainElement; $(mainElement).css('overflowY', 'auto'); } async start() { await (0, util_1.loadScript)('./lib/zvm/ifvms.min.js'); // create divs var parent = this.mainElement; var gameport = $('
').appendTo(parent); var upperwnd = $('
').insertBefore(parent).hide(); var windowport = $('
').appendTo(gameport); var inputline = $('').appendTo(gameport).hide(); this.glk = new GlkImpl(windowport[0], inputline[0], upperwnd[0]); this.resize = () => { // set font size proportional to window width var charwidth = $(gameport).width() * 1.6 / STATUS_NUM_COLS; $(upperwnd).css('font-size', charwidth + 'px'); }; this.resize(); } loadROM(title, data) { this.zfile = data; this.reset(); } getROMExtension() { return ".z" + (this.zvm.version || 5); } reset() { if (this.zfile == null) return; this.zvm = new ZVM(); this.zvm.prepare(this.zfile.slice(0), { Glk: this.glk, }); this.glk.reset(); this.glk.init({ vm: this.zvm, }); console.log(this.zvm); } pause() { } resume() { } readAddress(a) { return this.zvm && a < this.zvm.ram.byteLength ? this.zvm.ram.getUint8(a) : this.zfile[a]; } getPC() { return this.zvm.pc; } /* loadState(state): void { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } saveState() { return { //glk: this.Glk.save_allstate(), io: $.extend(true, {}, this.zvm.io), ram: this.zvm.save_file(this.zvm.pc, 1), read_data: $.extend(true, {}, this.zvm.read_data), xorshift_seed: this.zvm.xorshift_seed, } } */ isRunning() { return this.zvm != null && !this.glk.exited; } advance(novideo) { // TODO? we should advance 1 step, whatever that is in ZVM return 0; } getToolForFilename(s) { return "inform6"; } getDefaultExtension() { return ".inf"; } showHelp(tool, ident) { switch (tool) { case 'inform6': window.open("https://www.inform-fiction.org/manual/html/contents.html"); break; } } getPresets() { return ZMACHINE_PRESETS; } // TODO: Z machine is big endian!! inspect(ident) { return (0, baseplatform_1.inspectSymbol)(this, ident); } getDebugTree() { var root = {}; //root['debuginfo'] = sym.debuginfo; if (this.zvm != null) { root['Objects'] = { $$: () => this.getRootObjects() }; root['Globals'] = { $$: () => this.getGlobalVariables() }; //root['VM'] = {$$: () => this.zvm}; } return root; } getObjectName(node) { var objlookup = this.getDebugLookup('object'); var name = objlookup[node] || ""; name += " (#" + node + ")"; return name; } addObjectToTree(tree, child) { let name = this.getObjectName(child); tree[name] = this.getObjectTree(child); } getRootObjects() { var tree = {}; // TODO: better way? try { for (let child = 0; child < 65536; child++) { if (this.zvm.get_parent(child) == 0) { this.addObjectToTree(tree, child); } } } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof RangeError)) throw e; } return tree; } getObjectTree(parentobj) { var child = this.zvm.get_child(parentobj); var tree = {}; while (child) { this.addObjectToTree(tree, child); child = this.zvm.get_sibling(child); } // add attributes var flags = this.getFlagList(parentobj); if (flags.length) { tree["[attributes]"] = flags.join(' '); } /* var props = this.getPropList(parentobj); if (props.length) { tree["[properties]"] = props.join(' '); } */ return tree; } getFlagList(obj) { var attrlookup = this.getDebugLookup('attribute'); var set_attrs = []; for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (this.zvm.test_attr(obj, i)) { set_attrs.push(attrlookup[i] || "#" + i); } } return set_attrs; } getPropList(obj) { var proplookup = this.getDebugLookup('property'); var set_props = []; var addr = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { addr = this.zvm.find_prop(obj, 0, addr); if (addr == 0) break; set_props.push(proplookup[addr] || "%" + addr); } return set_props; } getDebugLookup(key) { var debugsym = this.debugSymbols; return (debugsym && debugsym.debuginfo && debugsym.debuginfo[key]) || {}; } getGlobalVariables() { var globals = this.getDebugLookup('global-variable'); var result = {}; Object.entries(globals).forEach((entry) => { var addr = parseInt(entry[0]); var name = entry[1]; result[name] = this.zvm.m.getUint16(addr); }); return result; } } // emu_1.PLATFORMS['zmachine'] = ZmachinePlatform; //# sourceMappingURL=zmachine.js.map