include "nesdefs.dasm" ;;;;; ZERO-PAGE VARIABLES seg.u ZEROPAGE org $0 Ptr1 .word ; for temporary pointer storage TrackFrac .byte ; fractional position along track Speed .byte ; speed of car TimeOfDay .word ; 16-bit time of day counter ; Variables for preprocessing step XPos .word ; 16-bit X position XVel .word ; 16-bit X velocity TPos .word ; 16-bit track position TrackLookahead .byte ; current fractional track increment ; Variables for track generation Random .byte ; random counter GenTarget .byte ; target of current curve GenDelta .byte ; curve increment GenCur .byte ; current curve value ZOfs .byte ; counter to draw striped center line Weather .byte ; bitmask for weather Heading .word ; sky scroll pos. NMITmp .byte NumRoadScanlines = 112 NumRoadSegments = 56 ; Preprocessing result: X positions for all track segments RoadX0 ds NumRoadSegments ; Generated track curve data TrackLen equ 5 TrackData ds TrackLen InitialSpeed equ 10 ; starting speed ;;;;; OTHER VARIABLES seg.u RAM org $300 ;;;;; NES CARTRIDGE HEADER NES_HEADER 0,2,1,1 ; mapper 0, 2 PRGs, 1 CHR, vert mirror ;;;;; START OF CODE Start: NES_INIT ; set up stack pointer, turn off PPU jsr WaitSync ; wait for VSYNC jsr ClearRAM ; clear RAM jsr WaitSync ; wait for VSYNC (and PPU warmup) jsr FillVRAM ; set PPU video RAM jsr RoadSetup lda #0 sta PPU_ADDR sta PPU_ADDR ; PPU addr = $0000 sta PPU_SCROLL sta PPU_SCROLL ; scroll = $0000 lda #MASK_BG|MASK_SPR|MASK_BG_CLIP sta PPU_MASK ; enable rendering (first!) lda #CTRL_NMI sta PPU_CTRL ; enable NMI .endless jmp .endless ; endless loop ;;;;; ROAD SUBS RoadSetup: subroutine lda #1 sta Random lda #InitialSpeed sta Speed lda #0 sta TimeOfDay+1 lda #0 sta Weather rts RoadPreSetup: subroutine ; Set up some values for road curve computation, ; since we have some scanline left over. lda #0 sta XVel sta XVel+1 sta XPos sta XPos+1 lda TrackFrac sta TPos lda #0 sta TPos+1 lda #10 ; initial lookahead sta TrackLookahead rts RoadPostFrame: subroutine ; Advance position on track ; TrackFrac += Speed lda TrackFrac clc adc Speed sta TrackFrac bcc .NoGenTrack ; addition overflowed? jsr GenTrack ; yes, generate new track segment .NoGenTrack ; TimeOfDay += 1 inc TimeOfDay bne .NoTODInc inc TimeOfDay+1 lda TimeOfDay+1 ; See if it's nighttime yet, and if the stars come out clc adc #8 and #$3f cmp #$35 ror sta Weather .NoTODInc lda Heading sec sbc XPos+1 sta Heading bit XPos+1 bmi .NegHeading lda Heading+1 sbc #0 sta Heading+1 rts .NegHeading lda Heading+1 sbc #$ff sta Heading+1 rts ; Compute road curve from bottom of screen to horizon. PreprocessCurve subroutine ldx #NumRoadSegments-1 .CurveLoop ; Modify X position ; XPos += XVel (16 bit add) lda XPos clc adc XVel sta XPos lda XPos+1 adc XVel+1 sta XPos+1 sta RoadX0,x ; store in RoadX0 array ; Modify X velocity (slope) ; XVel += TrackData[TPos] ldy TPos+1 lda TrackData,y clc ; clear carry for ADC bmi .CurveLeft ; track slope negative? adc XVel sta XVel lda XVel+1 adc #0 ; carry +1 jmp .NoCurveLeft .CurveLeft adc XVel sta XVel lda XVel+1 sbc #0 ; carry -1 nop ; make the branch timings are the same .NoCurveLeft sta XVel+1 ; Advance TPos (TrackData index) ; TPos += TrackLookahead lda TPos clc adc TrackLookahead sta TPos lda TPos+1 adc #0 sta TPos+1 ; Go to next segment inc TrackLookahead ; see further along track dex bpl .CurveLoop rts ; Generate next track byte GenTrack subroutine ; Shift the existing track data one byte up ; (a[i] = a[i+1]) ldx #0 .ShiftTrackLoop lda TrackData+1,x sta TrackData,x inx cpx #TrackLen-1 bne .ShiftTrackLoop ; Modify our current track value and ; see if it intersects the target value lda GenCur clc adc GenDelta cmp GenTarget beq .ChangeTarget ; target == cur? bit GenTarget ; we need the sign flag bmi .TargetNeg ; target<0? bcs .ChangeTarget ; target>=0 && cur>=target? bcc .NoChangeTarget ; branch always taken .TargetNeg bcs .NoChangeTarget ; target<0 && cur target cmp GenCur bmi .TargetBelow ; current > target? lda Random jsr NextRandom ; get a random value sta Random and #$f ; mask to 0..15 jmp .TargetAbove .TargetBelow lda Random jsr NextRandom sta Random ora #$f0 ; mask to -16..0 .TargetAbove ora #1 ; to avoid 0 values sta GenDelta ; -> delta lda GenCur .NoChangeTarget ; Store the value in GenCur, and also ; at the end of the TrackData array sta GenCur sta TrackData+TrackLen-1 rts ; fill video RAM FillVRAM: subroutine PPU_SETADDR $2000 lda #RoadTables sta Ptr1+1 ldx #8 ldy #0 .loop: lda (Ptr1),y sta PPU_DATA iny bne .loop inc Ptr1+1 dex bne .loop rts ; set palette colors SetPalette: subroutine PPU_SETADDR $3f00 ldx #16 .loop: lda Palette,y sta PPU_DATA iny dex bne .loop rts ; set sprite 0 (A = top scanline) SetSprite0: subroutine sta $200 ;ypos lda #$00 ;code sta $201 lda #$20 ;flags sta $202 lda #$f0 ;xpos sta $203 rts ;;;;; COMMON SUBROUTINES include "nesppu.dasm" ;;;;; INTERRUPT HANDLERS MAC SLEEP ;usage: SLEEP n (n>1) .CYCLES SET {1} IF .CYCLES < 2 ECHO "MACRO ERROR: 'SLEEP': Duration must be > 1" ERR ENDIF IF .CYCLES & 1 bit $00 .CYCLES SET .CYCLES - 3 ENDIF REPEAT .CYCLES / 2 nop REPEND ENDM ;;; ;;; NMI HANDLER ;;; NMIHandler: subroutine ; save registers SAVE_REGS ; cycle palette colors lda TPos ; track position lsr ; / 2 and #16 ; now either 0 or 16 tay ; Y is palette offset jsr SetPalette ; call SetPalette PPU_SETADDR $2000 ; reset PPU address ; load sprite zero lda #109 jsr SetSprite0 ; set sprite 0 position lda #$02 sta PPU_OAM_DMA ; send sprites to PPU ; setup sky scroll lda Heading+1 ; heading scroll pos. sta PPU_SCROLL ; X scroll lda #0 sta PPU_SCROLL ; Y scroll = 0 ; do road calculations jsr RoadPreSetup jsr PreprocessCurve jsr RoadPostFrame ; wait for sprite 0 .wait0 bit PPU_STATUS bvs .wait0 ; until bit 6 set .wait1 bit PPU_STATUS bvc .wait1 ; until bit 6 clear ; start scanline loop ldy #0 ; scanline counter lda #3 sta NMITmp ; count every 3 lines .loop ; take back 1 cycle every 3rd line dec NMITmp ; decrement 3-line counter beq .resetx ; has it been 3 lines? ; pad out rest of the scanline SLEEP 10 .skipcyc SLEEP 70 ; change scroll register tya ; Y -> A lsr ; A / 2 tax ; A -> X lda RoadX0,x ; get X offset of scanline eor #$80 ; + 128 sta PPU_SCROLL ; horiz byte sta PPU_SCROLL ; vert byte (ignored) ; next loop iteration iny cpy #NumRoadScanlines bcc .loop ; do next scanline ; restore registers and return from interrupt RESTORE_REGS rti ; this resets the 3-line counter ; and returns to a different loop entry point ; since we wasted 8 cycles doing this .resetx lda #3 sta NMITmp ; reset 3-line counter bne .skipcyc ; go back to loop ;;;;; CONSTANT DATA ;;{pal:"nes",layout:"nes"};; Palette: hex 0F3F06300F19063F0F1916063F180801 hex 0F30163F0F19163F0F1906160F180801 ;; RoadTables: incbin "road/nametable.dat" incbin "road/attribute.dat" incbin "road/nametable1.dat" incbin "road/attribute1.dat" ;;;;; CPU VECTORS NES_VECTORS ;;;;; TILE SETS org $10000 incbin "road/road.chr"