; crt0.s for ZX Spectrum .module crt0 .globl _main .globl ___sdcc_call_hl ; Ordering of segments for the linker - copied from sdcc crt0.s .area _CODE .area _INITIALIZER .area _HOME .area _GSINIT .area _GSFINAL .area _DATA .area _INITIALIZED .area _BSEG .area _BSS .area _HEAP .area _CODE _Start: di im 1 ; stack pointer already set by BIOS call gsinit ; Initialize global and static variables. call _main rst 0x0 ; Restart when main() returns. .area _GSINIT gsinit:: ; Implicitly zeroed global and static variables. ld bc, #l__DATA ld a, b or a, c jr Z, zeroed_data ld hl, #s__DATA ld (hl), #0x00 dec bc ld a, b or a, c jr Z, zeroed_data ld e, l ld d, h inc de ldir zeroed_data: ; Explicitly initialized global variables. ld bc, #l__INITIALIZER ld a, b or a, c jr Z, gsinit_static ld de, #s__INITIALIZED ld hl, #s__INITIALIZER ldir gsinit_static: ; Explicitly initialized static variables inserted by compiler here. .area _GSFINAL ret .area _HOME