.include "hvsync_generator.v" .include "font_cp437_8x8.v" .include "ram.v" .include "tile_renderer.v" .include "sprite_scanline_renderer.v" .include "lfsr.v" .include "sound_generator.v" .include "cpu16.v" .include "cpu_platform.v" .module cpu_platform .arch femto16 .org 0x8000 .len 32768 .define ScreenBuffer $6000 .define PageTable $7e00 .define SpriteTable $7f00 jmp Start Start: mov sp,@$6fff mov fx,@InitPageTable jsr fx mov ax,@$0700 mov fx,@ClearTiles jsr fx mov fx,@DrawMaze jsr fx mov bx,@HelloWorld mov cx,@$0200 mov dx,@$6001 mov fx,@WriteString jsr fx mov fx,@ClearSprites jsr fx mov fx,@InitSprites jsr fx GameLoop: mov fx,@WaitVSync jsr fx mov fx,@MoveSprites jsr fx jmp GameLoop WaitVSync: mov bx,@$FFFF mov ax,[bx] and ax,#16 bz WaitVSync rts WriteString: mov ax,[bx] bz StringDone xor ax,cx mov [dx],ax inc bx inc dx jmp WriteString StringDone: rts DrawMaze: mov dx,@$6080 mov bx,@MazeData DrawMazeLoop: mov ax,[bx] inc bx mov fx,#4 ShiftMazeChar: ; rotate high 4 bits to low 4 bits asl ax rol ax rol ax rol ax mov ex,ax and ax,#7 adc ax,ex ; lookup character in table mov ex,ax and ex,#$f add ex,@MazeChars mov ex,[ex] ; store to video buffer mov [dx],ex inc dx dec fx bnz ShiftMazeChar mov ax,dx sub ax,@$6380 bnz DrawMazeLoop rts InitPageTable: mov ax,@ScreenBuffer ; screen buffer mov bx,@PageTable ; page table start mov cx,#32 ; 32 rows InitPTLoop: mov [bx],ax add ax,#32 inc bx dec cx bnz InitPTLoop rts ClearTiles: mov bx,@ScreenBuffer mov cx,@$3c0 ClearLoop: mov [bx],ax inc bx dec cx bnz ClearLoop rts ClearSprites: mov ax,#0 mov cx,#$40 mov dx,@SpriteTable ClearSLoop: mov [dx],ax inc dx dec cx bnz ClearSLoop rts InitSprites: mov bx,@SpriteInitData mov cx,#10 mov dx,@SpriteTable InitSLoop: mov ax,[bx] mov [dx],ax inc bx inc dx dec cx bnz InitSLoop rts MoveSprites: mov dx,@SpriteTable mov cx,#5 MoveSLoop: mov ax,[dx] ; x/y pos mov bx,[dx+1] ; attributes/dir and bx,#3 ; bx = direction (0-3) add bx,@DirectionXY add ax,[bx] ; lookup & add to x/y ; make sure we don't collide with wall mov ex,ax add ex,#$08 lsr ex lsr ex lsr ex ; divide X by 8 and ex,#31 mov fx,ex mov ex,ax add ex,@$0800 lsr ex lsr ex lsr ex lsr ex lsr ex lsr ex ; divide Y by 64 and ex,@$ffe0 or ex,fx add ex,@ScreenBuffer mov fx,[ex] and fx,@$ff00 xor fx,@$0500 bz DoNotUpdatePos ; update x/y position mov [dx],ax ; store x/y pos inc dx inc dx NextSLoop: dec cx bnz MoveSLoop rts ; Choose a new direction DoNotUpdatePos: mov bx,[dx+1] ; attributes/dir inc bx inc dx mov [dx],bx inc dx jmp NextSLoop HelloWorld: .string HELLO WORLD .data 0 SpriteInitData: .data $8363 $3456 .data $8373 $4567 .data $8383 $5678 .data $8373 $1234 DirectionXY: .data $FFFF .data $0100 .data $0001 .data $FF00 MazeData: .data $3111 $1111 $1111 $1114 $3111 $1111 $1111 $1114 .data $2000 $0000 $0000 $0002 $2000 $0000 $0000 $0002 .data $2031 $1114 $0311 $1402 $2031 $1140 $3111 $1402 .data $2d51 $1116 $0511 $1605 $6051 $1160 $5111 $16d2 .data $2000 $0000 $0000 $0000 $0000 $0000 $0000 $0002 .data $2031 $1114 $0340 $3111 $1114 $0340 $3111 $1402 .data $2051 $1116 $0220 $5114 $3116 $0220 $5111 $1602 .data $2000 $0000 $0220 $0002 $2000 $0220 $0000 $0002 .data $5111 $1114 $0251 $1402 $2031 $1620 $3111 $1116 .data $3111 $1116 $0231 $1605 $6051 $1420 $5111 $1114 .data $2000 $0000 $0220 $0000 $0000 $0220 $0000 $0002 .data $2031 $1114 $0220 $3111 $1114 $0220 $3111 $1402 .data $2051 $1116 $0560 $2ccc $ccc2 $0560 $5111 $1602 .data $2000 $0000 $0000 $2ccc $ccc2 $0000 $0000 $0002 .data $5111 $1114 $0340 $2ccc $ccc2 $0340 $3111 $1116 .data $3111 $1116 $0220 $5111 $1116 $0220 $5111 $1114 .data $2000 $0000 $0220 $0000 $0000 $0220 $0000 $0002 .data $2031 $1114 $0251 $1403 $4031 $1620 $3111 $1402 .data $2051 $1116 $0511 $1605 $6051 $1160 $5111 $1602 .data $2d00 $0000 $0000 $0000 $0000 $0000 $0000 $00d2 .data $2031 $1114 $0311 $1403 $4031 $1140 $3111 $1402 .data $2051 $1116 $0511 $1602 $2051 $1160 $5111 $1602 .data $2000 $0000 $0000 $0002 $2000 $0000 $0000 $0002 .data $5111 $1111 $1111 $1116 $5111 $1111 $1111 $1116 MazeChars: .data $07f9 ; empty .data $05c4 $05b3 ; horizvert .data $05da $05bf $05c0 $05d9 ; corners .data $05c3 $05c1 $05c2 $05b4 ; 3-way .data $05c5 ; 4-way .data $0720 ; empty (no dot) .data $07fe ; power pill .data 123 $123 .align $10