`include "hvsync_generator.v" `include "cpu16.v" module frame_buffer_top(clk, reset, hsync, vsync, hpaddle, vpaddle, address_bus, to_cpu, from_cpu, write_enable, rgb ); input clk, reset; input hpaddle, vpaddle; output hsync, vsync; wire display_on; wire [8:0] hpos; wire [8:0] vpos; output [3:0] rgb; reg [15:0] ram[0:32767]; // RAM (32768 x 16 bits) reg [15:0] rom[0:1023]; // ROM (1024 x 16 bits) // 16-bit CPU output wire [15:0] address_bus; output reg [15:0] to_cpu; output wire [15:0] from_cpu; output wire write_enable; CPU16 cpu(.clk(clk), .reset(reset), .hold(hold), .busy(busy), .address(address_bus), .data_in(to_cpu), .data_out(from_cpu), .write(write_enable)); // CPU -> RAM write bus (synchronous) always @(posedge clk) if (write_enable) begin ram[address_bus[14:0]] <= from_cpu; end // RAM -> CPU read bus (asynchronous) always @(*) if (address_bus[15]) to_cpu = rom[address_bus[9:0]]; else to_cpu = ram[address_bus[14:0]]; // video sync generator hvsync_generator hvsync_gen( .clk(clk), .reset(0), .hsync(hsync), .vsync(vsync), .display_on(display_on), .hpos(hpos), .vpos(vpos) ); // CPU busy flags (not used here) reg hold = 0; wire busy; reg [12:0] vindex; // index into line array reg [15:0] vshift; // shift register with current word to output reg [3:0] palette[0:3] = '{0,1,4,7}; // simple palette array always @(posedge clk) begin if (display_on) begin // load next word from RAM every 8 pixels if (0 == hpos[2:0]) begin vshift <= ram[{2'b10,vindex}]; vindex <= vindex + 1; end else vshift <= vshift << 2; // shift next pixel in 16-bit word // decode scanline RAM to RGB output rgb <= palette[vshift[15:14]]; end else begin rgb <= 0; // set color to black if (vsync) vindex <= 0; // reset vindex every frame end; end // test program `ifdef EXT_INLINE_ASM initial begin rom = '{ __asm .arch femto16 .org 32768 .len 1024 Start: mov ax,cx ; ax = cx mov bx,#0 ; bx = #0 Loop: mov [bx],ax ; ram[bx] = ax inc ax ; ax = ax + 1 inc bx ; bx = bx + 1 bnz Loop ; loop until bx is 0 inc cx reset ; reset CPU __endasm }; end `endif endmodule