`ifndef CPU16_H `define CPU16_H // ALU operations `define OP_ZERO 4'h0 `define OP_LOAD_A 4'h1 `define OP_INC 4'h2 `define OP_DEC 4'h3 `define OP_ASL 4'h4 `define OP_LSR 4'h5 `define OP_ROL 4'h6 `define OP_ROR 4'h7 `define OP_OR 4'h8 `define OP_AND 4'h9 `define OP_XOR 4'ha `define OP_LOAD_B 4'hb `define OP_ADD 4'hc `define OP_SUB 4'hd `define OP_ADC 4'he `define OP_SBB 4'hf module ALU(A, B, carry, aluop, Y); parameter N = 8; // default width = 8 bits input [N-1:0] A; // A input input [N-1:0] B; // B input input carry; // carry input input [3:0] aluop; // alu operation output [N:0] Y; // Y output + carry always @(*) case (aluop) // unary operations `OP_ZERO: Y = 0; `OP_LOAD_A: Y = {1'b0, A}; `OP_INC: Y = A + 1; `OP_DEC: Y = A - 1; // unary operations that generate and/or use carry `OP_ASL: Y = {A, 1'b0}; `OP_LSR: Y = {A[0], 1'b0, A[N-1:1]}; `OP_ROL: Y = {A, carry}; `OP_ROR: Y = {A[0], carry, A[N-1:1]}; // binary operations `OP_OR: Y = {1'b0, A | B}; `OP_AND: Y = {1'b0, A & B}; `OP_XOR: Y = {1'b0, A ^ B}; `OP_LOAD_B: Y = {1'b0, B}; // binary operations that generate and/or use carry `OP_ADD: Y = A + B; `OP_SUB: Y = A - B; `OP_ADC: Y = A + B + (carry?1:0); `OP_SBB: Y = A - B - (carry?1:0); endcase endmodule /* 00000aaa 0++++bbb operation A+B->A 00001aaa 0++++bbb operation A+[B]->A 00011aaa 0++++000 operation A+imm16 -> A 00101aaa ######## load zero page 00110aaa ######## store zero page 01001aaa #####bbb load [B+#] -> A 01010aaa #####bbb store A -> [B+#] 01101aaa 0++++000 operation A+[imm16] -> A 01110aaa 00cccbbb store A -> [B+#], C -> IP 1000tttt ######## conditional branch 11+++aaa ######## immediate binary operation */ module CPU16(clk, reset, hold, busy, address, data_in, data_out, write); input clk; input reset; input hold; output busy; output [15:0] address; input [15:0] data_in; output [15:0] data_out; output write; // wait state for RAM? parameter RAM_WAIT = 1; reg [15:0] regs[0:7]; // 8 16-bit registers reg [2:0] state; // CPU state reg carry; // carry flag reg zero; // zero flag reg neg; // negative flag wire [16:0] Y; // ALU 16-bit + carry output reg [3:0] aluop; // ALU operation reg [15:0] opcode; // used to decode ALU inputs wire [2:0] rdest = opcode[10:8]; // ALU A input reg. wire [2:0] rsrc = opcode[2:0]; // ALU B input reg. wire Bconst = opcode[15]; // ALU B = 8-bit constant wire Bload = opcode[11]; // ALU B = data bus // CPU states localparam S_RESET = 0; localparam S_SELECT = 1; localparam S_DECODE = 2; localparam S_COMPUTE = 3; localparam S_DECODE_WAIT = 4; localparam S_COMPUTE_WAIT = 5; localparam SP = 6; // stack ptr = register 6 localparam IP = 7; // IP = register 7 ALU #(16) alu( .A(regs[rdest]), .B(Bconst ? {8'b0, opcode[7:0]} : Bload ? data_in : regs[rsrc]), .Y(Y), .aluop(aluop), .carry(carry)); always @(posedge clk) if (reset) begin state <= S_RESET; busy <= 1; end else begin case (state) // state 0: reset S_RESET: begin regs[IP] <= 16'h8000; write <= 0; state <= S_SELECT; end // state 1: select opcode address S_SELECT: begin write <= 0; if (hold) begin busy <= 1; state <= S_SELECT; end else begin busy <= 0; address <= regs[IP]; regs[IP] <= regs[IP] + 1; state <= RAM_WAIT ? S_DECODE_WAIT : S_DECODE; end end // state 2: read/decode opcode S_DECODE: begin // default next state state <= RAM_WAIT && data_in[11] ? S_COMPUTE_WAIT : S_COMPUTE; casez (data_in) // 00000aaa0++++bbb operation A+B->A 16'b00000???0???????: begin aluop <= data_in[6:3]; end // 00001aaa01+++bbb operation A+[B]->A 16'b00001???01??????: begin address <= regs[data_in[2:0]]; aluop <= data_in[6:3]; if (data_in[2:0] == SP) regs[SP] <= regs[SP] + 1; end // 00011aaa0++++000 operation A+imm16 -> A 16'b00011???0????000: begin address <= regs[IP]; regs[IP] <= regs[IP] + 1; aluop <= data_in[6:3]; end // 11+++aaa######## immediate binary operation 16'b11??????????????: begin aluop <= data_in[14:11]; end // 00101aaa######## load ZP memory 16'b00101???????????: begin address <= {8'b0, data_in[7:0]}; aluop <= `OP_LOAD_B; end // 00110aaa######## store ZP memory 16'b00110???????????: begin address <= {8'b0, data_in[7:0]}; data_out <= regs[data_in[10:8]]; write <= 1; state <= S_SELECT; end // 01001aaa#####bbb [B+#] -> A 16'b01001???????????: begin address <= regs[data_in[2:0]] + 16'($signed(data_in[7:3])); aluop <= `OP_LOAD_B; if (data_in[2:0] == SP) regs[SP] <= regs[SP] + 1; end // 01010aaa#####bbb store A -> [B+#] 16'b01010???????????: begin address <= regs[data_in[2:0]] + 16'($signed(data_in[7:3])); data_out <= regs[data_in[10:8]]; write <= 1; state <= S_SELECT; if (data_in[2:0] == SP) regs[SP] <= regs[SP] - 1; end // 01011aaa0++++000 operation A+[imm16] -> A 16'b01011????????000: begin address <= regs[IP]; regs[IP] <= regs[IP] + 1; aluop <= data_in[6:3]; end // 01110aaa00cccbbb store A -> [B], C -> IP 16'b01110???00??????: begin address <= regs[data_in[2:0]]; data_out <= regs[data_in[10:8]]; write <= 1; state <= S_SELECT; if (data_in[2:0] == SP) regs[SP] <= regs[SP] - 1; regs[IP] <= regs[data_in[5:3]]; end // 1000????######## conditional branch 16'b1000????????????: begin if ( (data_in[8] && (data_in[11] == carry)) || (data_in[9] && (data_in[11] == zero)) || (data_in[10] && (data_in[11] == neg))) begin // relative branch, sign extended regs[IP] <= regs[IP] + 16'($signed(data_in[7:0])); end state <= S_SELECT; end // fall-through RESET default: begin state <= S_RESET; // reset end endcase opcode <= data_in; // (only use opcode next cycle) end // state 3: compute ALU op and flags S_COMPUTE: begin // transfer ALU output to destination regs[rdest] <= Y[15:0]; // set carry for certain operations (4-7,12-15) if (aluop[2]) carry <= Y[16]; // set zero flag zero <= ~|Y[15:0]; neg <= Y[15]; // repeat CPU loop state <= S_SELECT; end // wait 1 cycle for RAM read S_DECODE_WAIT: begin state <= S_DECODE; end S_COMPUTE_WAIT : begin state <= S_COMPUTE; end endcase end endmodule `ifdef TOPMOD__test_CPU16_top module test_CPU16_top( input clk, input reset, output [15:0] address_bus, output reg [15:0] to_cpu, output [15:0] from_cpu, output write_enable, output [15:0] IP, output zero, output carry, output busy, output [2:0] state ); reg [15:0] ram[0:65535]; reg [15:0] rom[0:255]; assign IP = cpu.regs[7]; assign zero = cpu.zero; assign carry = cpu.carry; assign state = cpu.state; CPU16 cpu( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .hold(0), .busy(busy), .address(address_bus), .data_in(to_cpu), .data_out(from_cpu), .write(write_enable)); always @(posedge clk) if (write_enable) begin ram[address_bus] <= from_cpu; end always @(posedge clk) if (address_bus[15] == 0) to_cpu <= ram[address_bus]; else to_cpu <= rom[address_bus[7:0]]; `ifdef EXT_INLINE_ASM initial begin rom = '{ __asm .arch femto16 .org 0x8000 .len 256 mov sp,@$6fff mov dx,@Fib jsr dx reset Fib: mov ax,#1 mov bx,#0 Loop: mov cx,ax add ax,bx mov bx,cx push ax pop ax mov [42],ax mov ax,[42] bcc Loop rts __endasm }; end `endif endmodule `endif `endif