#!/bin/bash . ./scripts/env.sh VERSION=`git tag | tail -1` #VERSION=`git tag -l HEAD` if [ "$VERSION" == "" ]; then echo "No version at HEAD! Tag it first!" exit 1 fi DESTPATH=$RSYNC_PATH/v$VERSION DEVPATH=/var/www/8bitworkshop.com/dev TMPDIR=./tmp/$VERSION grep "var VERSION" redir.html echo "Upload version $VERSION to production? (edited redir.html?)" read echo "Listing submodules..." SUBMODS=`git submodule | cut -d ' ' -f 3` echo "Extracting to $TMPDIR..." rm -fr $TMPDIR mkdir -p $TMPDIR git archive $VERSION | tar x -C $TMPDIR echo "Copying to $DESTPATH..." rsync --stats --exclude '.*' --exclude 'scripts/*' --exclude=node_modules --copy-dest=$DEVPATH -rilz --chmod=a+rx -e "ssh -p 2222" $TMPDIR/ $SUBMODS $DESTPATH rsync --stats -rpilvz --chmod=a+rx -e "ssh -p 2222" ./gen ./mame $DESTPATH/ echo "Done."