"use strict"; import { Platform, cpuStateToLongString_6502, BaseMAMEPlatform } from "../baseplatform"; import { PLATFORMS, RAM, newAddressDecoder, dumpRAM } from "../emu"; import { hex, lpad, tobin, byte2signed } from "../util"; import { CodeAnalyzer_vcs } from "../analysis"; declare var platform : Platform; // global platform object declare var Javatari : any; declare var jt : any; // 6502 var VCS_PRESETS = [ {id:'examples/hello', chapter:4, name:'Hello 6502 and TIA'}, {id:'examples/vsync', chapter:5, name:'Painting on the CRT', title:'Color Bars'}, {id:'examples/playfield', chapter:6, name:'Playfield Graphics'}, {id:'examples/sprite', chapter:7, name:'Players and Sprites'}, {id:'examples/timing2', chapter:9, name:'Fine Positioning', title:'Fine Position'}, {id:'examples/missiles', chapter:10, name:'Player/Missile Graphics', title:'Player/Missile'}, {id:'examples/complexscene', chapter:15, name:'Complex Scene I'}, {id:'examples/complexscene2', chapter:16, name:'Complex Scene II'}, {id:'examples/scoreboard', chapter:18, name:'Scoreboard'}, {id:'examples/collisions', chapter:19, name:'Collisions'}, {id:'examples/bitmap', chapter:20, name:'Async Playfield: Bitmap', title:'Async PF Bitmap'}, {id:'examples/brickgame', chapter:21, name:'Async Playfield: Bricks', title:'Async PF Bricks'}, // {id:'examples/multisprite1', chapter:8, name:'Sprite Kernel'}, {id:'examples/bigsprite', chapter:22, name:'A Big 48-Pixel Sprite', title:'48-Pixel Sprite'}, {id:'examples/tinyfonts2', chapter:23, name:'Tiny Text'}, {id:'examples/score6', chapter:24, name:'6-Digit Score'}, {id:'examples/retrigger', chapter:26, name:'Sprite Formations'}, // {id:'examples/tinyfonts', chapter:23, name:'Tiny Fonts, Slow'}, {id:'examples/multisprite3', chapter:28, name:'Multisprites'}, {id:'examples/procgen1', chapter:30, name:'Procedural Generation'}, {id:'examples/lines', chapter:31, name:'Drawing Lines'}, // {id:'examples/piatable', name:'Timer Table'}, {id:'examples/musicplayer', chapter:32, name:'Music Player'}, {id:'examples/road', chapter:33, name:'Pseudo 3D Road'}, {id:'examples/bankswitching', chapter:35, name:'Bankswitching'}, {id:'examples/wavetable', chapter:36, name:'Wavetable Sound'}, {id:'examples/fracpitch', name:'Fractional Pitch'}, // {id:'examples/music2', name:'Pitch-Accurate Music'}, // {id:'examples/fullgame', name:'Thru Hike: The Game', title:'Thru Hike'}, ]; Javatari.AUTO_START = false; Javatari.SHOW_ERRORS = false; Javatari.CARTRIDGE_CHANGE_DISABLED = true; Javatari.DEBUG_SCANLINE_OVERFLOW = false; // TODO: make a switch Javatari.AUDIO_BUFFER_SIZE = 256; var VCSPlatform = function() { var self = this; this.getPresets = function() { return VCS_PRESETS; } this.start = function() { $("#javatari-div").show(); Javatari.start(); } this.loadROM = function(title, data) { Javatari.loadROM(title, data); this.current_output = data; // TODO: use bus } this.getOpcodeMetadata = function(opcode, offset) { return Javatari.getOpcodeMetadata(opcode, offset); } this.getRasterPosition = function() { var clkfs = Javatari.room.console.getClocksFromFrameStart() - 1; var row = Math.floor(clkfs/76); var col = clkfs - row*76; var xpos = col*3-68; var ypos = row-39; return {x:xpos, y:ypos}; } this.isRunning = function() { return Javatari.room && Javatari.room.console.isRunning(); } this.pause = function() { Javatari.room.console.pause(); Javatari.room.speaker.mute(); } this.resume = function() { Javatari.room.console.go(); Javatari.room.speaker.play(); } this.step = function() { Javatari.room.console.debugSingleStepCPUClock(); } this.stepBack = function() { Javatari.room.console.debugStepBackInstruction(); } this.runEval = function(evalfunc) { Javatari.room.console.debugEval(evalfunc); } this.setupDebug = function(callback) { Javatari.room.console.onBreakpointHit = callback; Javatari.room.speaker.mute(); } this.clearDebug = function() { Javatari.room.console.disableDebug(); Javatari.room.console.onBreakpointHit = null; if (this.isRunning()) Javatari.room.speaker.play(); } this.reset = function() { Javatari.room.console.powerOff(); Javatari.room.console.resetDebug(); Javatari.room.console.powerOn(); Javatari.room.speaker.play(); } this.getOriginPC = function() { return (this.readAddress(0xfffc) | (this.readAddress(0xfffd) << 8)) & 0xffff; } this.newCodeAnalyzer = function() { return new CodeAnalyzer_vcs(this); } /* this.saveState = function() { return Javatari.room.console.saveState(); // TODO } this.loadState = function(state) { return Javatari.room.console.loadState(state); // TODO } */ this.readAddress = function(addr) { return this.current_output[addr & 0xfff]; // TODO: use bus to read } this.runUntilReturn = function() { var depth = 1; self.runEval(function(c) { if (depth <= 0 && c.T == 0) return true; if (c.o == 0x20) depth++; else if (c.o == 0x60 || c.o == 0x40) --depth; return false; }); } this.cpuStateToLongString = function(c) { return cpuStateToLongString_6502(c); } this.getRAMForState = function(state) { return jt.Util.byteStringToUInt8Array(atob(state.r.b)); } this.ramStateToLongString = function(state) { var ram = self.getRAMForState(state); return "\n" + dumpRAM(ram, 0x80, 0x80); } this.getToolForFilename = function(fn) { return "dasm"; } this.getDefaultExtension = function() { return ".a"; }; this.getDebugCategories = function() { return ['CPU','PIA','TIA']; } this.getDebugInfo = function(category, state) { switch (category) { case 'CPU': return this.cpuStateToLongString(state.c); case 'PIA': return this.ramStateToLongString(state) + "\n" + this.piaStateToLongString(state.p); case 'TIA': return this.tiaStateToLongString(state.t); } } this.piaStateToLongString = function(p) { return "Timer " + p.t + "/" + p.c + "\n"; } this.tiaStateToLongString = function(t) { var pos = this.getRasterPosition(); var s = ''; s += "H" + lpad(pos.x,5) + " V" + lpad(pos.y,5) + " "; s += (t.vs?"VSYNC ":"- ") + (t.vb?"VBLANK ":"- ") + "\n"; s += "\n"; s += "Playfield " + t.f + "\n"; s += " " + (t.fr?"REFLECT ":"- ") + (t.fs?"SCOREMODE ":"- ") + (t.ft?"PRIORITY ":"- ") + "\n"; for (var j=0; j<2; j++) { var i = "p"+j; s += "Player"+j+ lpad(tobin(t[i]),11) + lpad(tobin(t[i+'d']),11) + "\n"; } s += "\n"; // TODO? s += " Color {color:0x" + hex(t.fc) + "} {color:0x" + hex(t.fb) + "}\n"; s += " Count Scan Speed\n"; for (var j=0; j<2; j++) { var i = "p"+j; s += "Player"+j+ lpad(t[i+'co'],8) + lpad(nonegstr(t[i+'sc']),5) + lpad(t[i+'ss'],6); s += " " + (t[i+'rr']?"RESET":"") + " " + (t[i+'v']?"DELAY":"") + " " + (t[i+'cc']?"CLOSECOPY":"") + " " + (t[i+'mc']?"MEDCOPY":"") + " " + (t[i+'wc']?"WIDECOPY":"") + " " + (t[i+'r']?"REFLECT":"") + "\n"; } for (var j=0; j<2; j++) { var i = "m"+j; s += "Missile"+j+ lpad(t[i+'co'],7) + lpad(nonegstr(t[i+'sc']),5) + lpad(t[i+'ss'],6); s += " " + (t[i+'rr']?"RESET":"") + " " + (t[i+'r']?"RESET2PLAYER":"") + "\n"; } s += "Ball"+ lpad(t['bco'],11) + lpad(nonegstr(t['bsc']),5) + lpad(t['bss'],6) + "\n"; return s; } }; function nonegstr(n) { return n < 0 ? "-" : n.toString(); } /////////////// var VCSMAMEPlatform = function(mainElement) { var self = this; this.__proto__ = new BaseMAMEPlatform(); // MCFG_SCREEN_RAW_PARAMS( MASTER_CLOCK_NTSC, 228, 26, 26 + 160 + 16, 262, 24 , 24 + 192 + 31 ) this.start = function() { self.startModule(mainElement, { jsfile:'mamea2600.js', driver:'a2600', width:176*2, height:223, romfn:'/emulator/cart.rom', romsize:0x1000, }); } this.loadROM = function(title, data) { this.loadROMFile(data); this.loadRegion(":cartslot:cart:rom", data); } this.getPresets = function() { return VCS_PRESETS; } this.getToolForFilename = function(fn) { return "dasm"; } this.getDefaultExtension = function() { return ".a"; }; this.getOriginPC = function() { return (this.readAddress(0xfffc) | (this.readAddress(0xfffd) << 8)) & 0xffff; } /* this.getOpcodeMetadata = function(opcode, offset) { return Javatari.getOpcodeMetadata(opcode, offset); } */ } //////////////// PLATFORMS['vcs'] = VCSPlatform; PLATFORMS['vcs.mame'] = VCSMAMEPlatform;