"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const baseplatform_1 = require("../common/baseplatform"); const emu_1 = require("../common/emu"); const audio_1 = require("../common/audio"); // http://www.computerarcheology.com/Arcade/Asteroids/DVG.html // http://arcarc.xmission.com/Tech/neilw_xy.txt var VECTOR_PRESETS = [ { id: 'font.c', name: 'Vector Fonts' }, { id: 'threed.c', name: '3D Transformations' }, { id: 'game.c', name: 'Space Game' }, { id: 'music.c', name: 'POKEY Music' }, ]; var ASTEROIDS_KEYCODE_MAP = (0, emu_1.makeKeycodeMap)([ [emu_1.Keys.B, 3, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.A, 4, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.SELECT, 8, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.VK_6, 9, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.VK_7, 10, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.START, 11, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.P2_START, 12, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.UP, 13, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.RIGHT, 14, 0xff], [emu_1.Keys.LEFT, 15, 0xff], ]); var GRAVITAR_KEYCODE_MAP = (0, emu_1.makeKeycodeMap)([ [emu_1.Keys.B, 1, -0x1], [emu_1.Keys.A, 1, -0x2], [emu_1.Keys.VK_5, 0, 0x2], [emu_1.Keys.VK_6, 0, 0x1], [emu_1.Keys.START, 2, 0x20], [emu_1.Keys.P2_START, 2, 0x40], [emu_1.Keys.UP, 1, -0x10], [emu_1.Keys.DOWN, 1, -0x20], [emu_1.Keys.RIGHT, 1, -0x4], [emu_1.Keys.LEFT, 1, -0x8], ]); var AtariVectorPlatform = function (mainElement) { var XTAL = 12096000; var cpuFrequency = XTAL / 8; var cpuCyclesPer3khz = Math.round(cpuFrequency / (XTAL / 4096)); // ~3 Khz var cpuCyclesPerNMI = Math.round(cpuFrequency * 12 / (XTAL / 4096)); // ~250 Hz var cpuCyclesPerFrame = Math.round(cpuFrequency / 60); var cpu, cpuram, dvgram, rom, vecrom, bus, dvg; var video, audio, timer; var clock; var watchdog = 0; var switches = new emu_1.RAM(16).mem; var nmicount = cpuCyclesPerNMI; this.__proto__ = new baseplatform_1.Base6502Platform(); this.getPresets = function () { return VECTOR_PRESETS; }; this.start = function () { cpuram = new emu_1.RAM(0x400); dvgram = new emu_1.RAM(0x2000); //switches[5] = 0xff; //switches[7] = 0xff; // bus bus = { read: (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0, 0x3ff, 0x3ff, function (a) { return cpuram.mem[a]; }], [0x2001, 0x2001, 0, function (a) { return ((clock / cpuCyclesPer3khz) & 1) ? 0xff : 0x00; }], [0x2000, 0x2007, 0x7, function (a) { return switches[a]; }], [0x2400, 0x2407, 0x7, function (a) { return switches[a + 8]; }], [0x4000, 0x4fff, 0xfff, function (a) { return dvgram.mem[a]; }], [0x5000, 0x5fff, 0xfff, function (a) { return vecrom[a]; }], [0x6800, 0x7fff, 0, function (a) { return rom ? rom[a - 0x6800] : 0; }], ], { gmask: 0x7fff }), write: (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0, 0x3ff, 0x3ff, function (a, v) { cpuram.mem[a] = v; }], [0x3000, 0x3000, 0, function (a, v) { dvg.runUntilHalt(0); }], [0x3400, 0x3400, 0, function (a, v) { watchdog = 0; }], // TODO: draw asynchronous or allow poll of HALT ($2002) [0x4000, 0x5fff, 0x1fff, function (a, v) { dvgram.mem[a] = v; }], ], { gmask: 0x7fff }) }; this.readAddress = bus.read; cpu = this.newCPU(bus); // create video/audio video = new emu_1.VectorVideo(mainElement, 1024, 1024); dvg = new DVGBWStateMachine(bus, video, 0x4000); audio = (0, audio_1.newPOKEYAudio)(2); video.create(); timer = new emu_1.AnimationTimer(60, this.nextFrame.bind(this)); (0, emu_1.setKeyboardFromMap)(video, switches, ASTEROIDS_KEYCODE_MAP); }; this.advance = (novideo) => { if (!novideo) video.clear(); var debugCond = this.getDebugCallback(); clock = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cpuCyclesPerFrame; i++) { if (debugCond && debugCond()) { debugCond = null; break; } clock++; if (--nmicount == 0) { //console.log("NMI", cpu.saveState()); var n = cpu.setNMIAndWait(); clock += n; nmicount = cpuCyclesPerNMI - n; } cpu.clockPulse(); //cpu.executeInstruction(); } //if (++watchdog == 256) { watchdog = 0; cpu.reset(); } }; this.loadROM = function (title, data) { if (data.length != 0x2000) { throw Error("ROM length must be == 0x2000"); } rom = data.slice(0, 0x1800); vecrom = data.slice(0x1800, 0x2000); this.reset(); }; this.isRunning = function () { return timer && timer.isRunning(); }; this.pause = function () { timer.stop(); audio.stop(); }; this.resume = function () { timer.start(); audio.start(); }; this.reset = function () { this.clearDebug(); cpu.reset(); }; this.loadState = function (state) { cpu.loadState(state.c); cpuram.mem.set(state.b); dvgram.mem.set(state.db); switches.set(state.sw); nmicount = state.nmic; }; this.saveState = function () { return { c: cpu.saveState(), b: cpuram.mem.slice(0), db: dvgram.mem.slice(0), sw: switches.slice(0), nmic: nmicount }; }; this.loadControlsState = function (state) { switches.set(state.sw); }; this.saveControlsState = function () { return { sw: switches.slice(0), }; }; this.getCPUState = function () { return cpu.saveState(); }; this.getMemoryMap = function () { return { main: [ { name: 'Switches/POKEY I/O', start: 0x7800, size: 0x1000, type: 'io' }, { name: 'DVG I/O', start: 0x8800, size: 0x100, type: 'io' }, { name: 'EAROM', start: 0x8900, size: 0x100, type: 'ram' }, ] }; }; }; var AtariColorVectorPlatform = function (mainElement) { var masterFrequency = 12096000.0; var cpuFrequency = masterFrequency / 8; var nmiFrequency = masterFrequency / 4096 / 12; var cpuCyclesPerNMI = Math.round(cpuFrequency / nmiFrequency); var cpuCyclesPerFrame = Math.round(cpuFrequency / 60); var cpu, cpuram, dvgram, rom, vecrom, bus, dvg, earom; var video, audio, timer; var clock; var switches = new emu_1.RAM(16).mem; var nmicount = cpuCyclesPerNMI; var earom_offset, earom_data; this.__proto__ = new baseplatform_1.Base6502Platform(); //this.debugPCDelta = 0; this.getPresets = function () { return VECTOR_PRESETS; }; this.start = function () { cpuram = new emu_1.RAM(0x800); dvgram = new emu_1.RAM(0x2000); earom = new emu_1.RAM(0x40); //rom = padBytes(new lzgmini().decode(GRAVITAR_ROM).slice(0), 0x7000+1); //vecrom = padBytes(new lzgmini().decode(GRAVITAR_VECROM).slice(0), 0x6000-0x2800+1); switches[0] = 0x0; switches[1] = 0xff; switches[2] = 0x0; // bus bus = { read: (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0, 0x7ff, 0x7ff, function (a) { return cpuram.mem[a]; }], [0x2000, 0x27ff, 0x7ff, function (a) { return dvgram.mem[a]; }], [0x2800, 0x5fff, 0x7fff, function (a) { return vecrom[a - 0x2800]; }], //[0x2001, 0x2001, 0, function(a) { return ((clock/500) & 1) ? 0xff : 0x00; }], //[0x6000, 0x67ff, 0x7ff, function(a) { /* pokey1 */ return 0; }], //[0x6800, 0x6fff, 0x7ff, function(a) { /* pokey2 */ return 0; }], [0x7800, 0x7800, 0, function (a) { return switches[0]; }], [0x8000, 0x8000, 0, function (a) { return switches[1]; }], [0x8800, 0x8800, 0, function (a) { return switches[2]; }], //[0x7000, 0x7000, 0, function(a) { /* EAROM read */ return 0; }], //[0x8940, 0x897f, 0x3f, function(a) { /* EAROM data */ return 0; }], [0x8900, 0x8900, 0, function (a) { /* EAROM read */ return earom_data; }], [0x9000, 0xffff, 0xffff, function (a) { return rom ? rom[a - 0x9000] : 0; }], ]), write: (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0, 0x7ff, 0x7ff, function (a, v) { cpuram.mem[a] = v; }], [0x2000, 0x27ff, 0x7ff, function (a, v) { dvgram.mem[a] = v; }], [0x2800, 0x5fff, 0x7fff, function (a, v) { vecrom[a - 0x2800] = v; }], [0x6000, 0x67ff, 0xf, function (a, v) { audio.pokey1.setRegister(a, v); }], [0x6800, 0x6fff, 0xf, function (a, v) { audio.pokey2.setRegister(a, v); }], [0x8800, 0x8800, 0, function (a, v) { }], [0x8840, 0x8840, 0, function (a, v) { dvg.runUntilHalt(0); }], [0x8880, 0x8880, 0, function (a, v) { dvg.reset(); }], [0x88c0, 0x88c0, 0, function (a, v) { }], [0x8900, 0x8900, 0, function (a, v) { if (v == 9) earom_data = earom.mem[earom_offset]; if (v == 12) earom.mem[earom_offset] = earom_data; }], [0x8940, 0x897f, 0x3f, function (a, v) { /* EAROM data */ earom_offset = a; earom_data = v; }], [0x8980, 0x8980, 0, function (a, v) { }], // TODO: draw asynchronous or allow poll of HALT ($2002) //[0, 0xffff, 0, function(a,v) { console.log(hex(a,4),hex(v,2)); }], ]) }; this.readAddress = bus.read; cpu = this.newCPU(bus); // create video/audio video = new emu_1.VectorVideo(mainElement, 1024, 1024); dvg = new DVGColorStateMachine(bus, video, 0x2000); audio = (0, audio_1.newPOKEYAudio)(2); video.create(); timer = new emu_1.AnimationTimer(60, this.nextFrame.bind(this)); (0, emu_1.setKeyboardFromMap)(video, switches, GRAVITAR_KEYCODE_MAP); }; this.advance = (novideo) => { if (!novideo) video.clear(); var debugCond = this.getDebugCallback(); clock = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cpuCyclesPerFrame; i++) { if (debugCond && debugCond()) { debugCond = null; break; } clock++; if (--nmicount == 0) { //console.log("NMI", cpu.saveState()); var n = cpu.setIRQAndWait(); // TODO: only if I flag set clock += n; nmicount = cpuCyclesPerNMI - n; //console.log(n, clock, nmicount); } cpu.clockPulse(); //cpu.executeInstruction(); } }; this.loadROM = function (title, data) { rom = data.slice(0, 0x7000); vecrom = (0, emu_1.padBytes)(data.slice(0x7000), 0x3800); this.reset(); }; this.isRunning = function () { return timer && timer.isRunning(); }; this.pause = function () { timer.stop(); audio.stop(); }; this.resume = function () { timer.start(); audio.start(); }; this.reset = function () { this.clearDebug(); cpu.reset(); }; this.loadState = function (state) { this.unfixPC(state.c); cpu.loadState(state.c); this.fixPC(state.c); cpuram.mem.set(state.b); dvgram.mem.set(state.db); switches.set(state.sw); nmicount = state.nmic; }; this.saveState = function () { return { c: this.getCPUState(), b: cpuram.mem.slice(0), db: dvgram.mem.slice(0), sw: switches.slice(0), nmic: nmicount }; }; this.loadControlsState = function (state) { switches.set(state.sw); }; this.saveControlsState = function () { return { sw: switches.slice(0), }; }; this.getCPUState = function () { return this.fixPC(cpu.saveState()); }; }; // var Z80ColorVectorPlatform = function (mainElement, proto) { var cpuFrequency = 4000000.0; var cpuCyclesPerFrame = Math.round(cpuFrequency / 60); var cpu, cpuram, dvgram, rom, bus, dvg; var video, audio, timer; var clock; var switches = new emu_1.RAM(16).mem; var mathram = new emu_1.RAM(16).mem; this.__proto__ = new baseplatform_1.BaseZ80Platform(); this.getPresets = function () { return VECTOR_PRESETS; }; function do_math() { var sum = (((mathram[0] + (mathram[1] << 8)) << 16) >> 16); var a = (mathram[2] << 24) >> 24; var b = (mathram[3] << 24) >> 24; var d = a != 0 ? (sum / a) : 0; sum += (a * b) & 0xffff; mathram[0] = sum & 0xff; mathram[1] = (sum >> 8) & 0xff; mathram[4] = d & 0xff; mathram[5] = (d >> 8) & 0xff; } this.start = function () { cpuram = new emu_1.RAM(0x2000); dvgram = new emu_1.RAM(0x4000); switches[0] = 0x0; switches[1] = 0xff; switches[2] = 0x0; // bus bus = { read: (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x0, 0x7fff, 0, function (a) { return rom ? rom[a] : 0; }], [0x8000, 0x800f, 0xf, function (a) { return switches[a]; }], [0x8100, 0x810f, 0xf, function (a) { return mathram[a]; }], [0xa000, 0xdfff, 0x3fff, function (a) { return dvgram.mem[a]; }], [0xe000, 0xffff, 0x1fff, function (a) { return cpuram.mem[a]; }], ]), write: (0, emu_1.newAddressDecoder)([ [0x8000, 0x800f, 0xf, function (a, v) { audio.pokey1.setRegister(a, v); }], [0x8010, 0x801f, 0xf, function (a, v) { audio.pokey2.setRegister(a, v); }], [0x8100, 0x810e, 0xf, function (a, v) { mathram[a] = v; }], [0x810f, 0x810f, 0, function (a, v) { do_math(); }], [0x8840, 0x8840, 0, function (a, v) { dvg.runUntilHalt(0); }], [0x8880, 0x8880, 0, function (a, v) { dvg.reset(); }], [0x8980, 0x8980, 0, function (a, v) { switches[0xe] = 16; }], [0xa000, 0xdfff, 0x3fff, function (a, v) { dvgram.mem[a] = v; }], [0xe000, 0xffff, 0x1fff, function (a, v) { cpuram.mem[a] = v; }], ]) }; this.readAddress = bus.read; cpu = this.newCPU(bus, bus); // create video/audio video = new emu_1.VectorVideo(mainElement, 1024, 1024); dvg = new DVGColorStateMachine(bus, video, 0xa000); audio = (0, audio_1.newPOKEYAudio)(2); video.create(); timer = new emu_1.AnimationTimer(60, this.nextFrame.bind(this)); (0, emu_1.setKeyboardFromMap)(video, switches, GRAVITAR_KEYCODE_MAP); }; this.advance = (novideo) => { if (!novideo) video.clear(); this.runCPU(cpu, cpuCyclesPerFrame); cpu.interrupt(0xff); // RST 0x38 switches[0xf] = (switches[0xf] + 1) & 0x3; if (--switches[0xe] <= 0) { console.log("WATCHDOG FIRED"); // TODO: alert on video this.reset(); // watchdog reset } }; this.loadROM = function (title, data) { rom = (0, emu_1.padBytes)(data, 0x8000); this.reset(); }; this.isRunning = function () { return timer && timer.isRunning(); }; this.pause = function () { timer.stop(); audio.stop(); }; this.resume = function () { timer.start(); audio.start(); }; this.reset = function () { switches[0xe] = 16; cpu.reset(); }; this.loadState = function (state) { cpu.loadState(state.c); cpuram.mem.set(state.b); dvgram.mem.set(state.db); switches.set(state.sw); mathram.set(state.mr); }; this.saveState = function () { return { c: cpu.saveState(), b: cpuram.mem.slice(0), db: dvgram.mem.slice(0), sw: switches.slice(0), mr: mathram.slice(0), }; }; this.loadControlsState = function (state) { switches.set(state.sw); }; this.saveControlsState = function () { return { sw: switches.slice(0), }; }; this.getCPUState = function () { return cpu.saveState(); }; this.getMemoryMap = function () { return { main: [ { name: 'Switches/POKEY I/O', start: 0x8000, size: 0x100, type: 'io' }, { name: 'Math Box I/O', start: 0x8100, size: 0x100, type: 'io' }, { name: 'DVG I/O', start: 0x8800, size: 0x100, type: 'io' }, { name: 'DVG RAM', start: 0xa000, size: 0x4000, type: 'ram' }, ] }; }; }; // DIGITAL VIDEO GENERATOR var DVGBWStateMachine = function (bus, video, bofs) { var pc = 0; var x = 0; var y = 0; var gsc = 0; var pcstack = []; var running = false; bofs &= 0xffff; function readWord(a) { a &= 0xfff; var v = bus.read(a * 2 + bofs) + (bus.read(a * 2 + bofs + 1) << 8); //console.log(hex(a*2+bofs,4), hex(v,4), hex(x>>2), hex(y>>2)); return v; } function decodeSigned(w, o2) { var s = w & (1 << o2); w = w & ((1 << o2) - 1); if (s) return -w; else return w; } this.reset = function () { pc = 0; gsc = 7; running = false; }; this.go = function () { this.reset(); running = true; }; this.runUntilHalt = function (startpc) { this.go(); pc = startpc; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // TODO: limit execution if (!running) break; this.nextInstruction(); } //console.log('DVG',i); }; var GSCALES = [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8]; this.nextInstruction = function () { if (!running) return; var w = readWord(pc); var op = w >> 12; //console.log(hex(pc*2+bofs), hex(w), hex(x>>2), hex(y>>2), hex(32-pcstack.length*2)); pc++; switch (op) { // VEC case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: { // VCTR var sc = gsc + 9 - op; var w2 = readWord(pc++); var z = w2 >> 12; var x2 = x + ((decodeSigned(w2, 10) << 7) >> sc); var y2 = y + ((decodeSigned(w, 10) << 7) >> sc); video.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, z * 32, 7); //console.log(pc.toString(16), w.toString(16), w2.toString(16), gsc, sc, x, y, x2, y2); x = x2; y = y2; break; } case 10: { // LABS var w2 = readWord(pc++); gsc = GSCALES[w2 >> 12]; x = w2 & 0x3ff; y = w & 0x3ff; break; } case 11: // HALT running = false; break; case 13: // RTSL pc = pcstack.pop(); break; case 12: // JSRL pcstack.push(pc); case 14: // JMPL pc = w & 0xfff; break; case 15: { // SVEC var sc = ((w >> 11) & 1) + ((w >> 2) & 2); sc = gsc - sc - 1; var x2 = x + ((decodeSigned(w, 2) << 7) >> sc); var y2 = y + ((decodeSigned(w >> 8, 2) << 7) >> sc); var z = (w >> 4) & 0xf; video.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, z * 32, 7); x = x2; y = y2; break; } } }; }; var DVGColorStateMachine = function (bus, video, bofs) { var pc = 0; var x = 0; var y = 0; var scale = 1.0; var color; var statz; var sparkle; var pcstack = []; var running = false; bofs &= 0xffff; function readWord(a) { a &= 0x1fff; return bus.read(a * 2 + bofs) + (bus.read(a * 2 + bofs + 1) << 8); } // twos complement function decodeSigned(w, o2) { var s = w & (1 << o2); w = w & ((1 << o2) - 1); if (s) return w - (1 << o2); else return w; } function sparkle_color() { return (Math.random() * 256) & 0x7; } this.reset = function () { pc = 0; scale = 1.0; color = 7; statz = 15; x = 512; y = 512; sparkle = false; running = false; }; this.go = function () { this.reset(); running = true; }; this.runUntilHalt = function (startpc) { this.go(); pc = startpc; for (var i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { // TODO: limit execution if (!running) break; this.nextInstruction(); } //console.log('DVG',i); }; this.nextInstruction = function () { if (!running) return; var w = readWord(pc); var op = w >> 13; //video.drawLine(pc, 1023, pc+1, 1023-op, 7); //console.log(hex(pc), hex(w), op); pc++; switch (op) { case 0: { // VCTR var w2 = readWord(pc++); var z = w2 >> 13; if (z == 2) z = statz; var x2 = x + Math.round(decodeSigned(w2, 12) * scale); var y2 = y + Math.round(decodeSigned(w, 12) * scale); if (sparkle) color = sparkle_color(); video.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, z << 4, color); x = x2; y = y2; break; } case 1: // HALT running = false; break; case 2: { // SVEC var x2 = x + Math.round(decodeSigned(w, 4) * scale * 2); var y2 = y + Math.round(decodeSigned(w >> 8, 4) * scale * 2); var z = (w >> 5) & 0x7; if (z == 2) z = statz; if (sparkle) color = sparkle_color(); video.drawLine(x, y, x2, y2, z << 4, color); x = x2; y = y2; break; } case 3: { // STAT/SCAL if (w & 0x1000) { // SCAL var b = ((w >> 8) & 0x07) + 8; var l = (~w) & 0xff; scale = ((l << 16) >> b) / 32768.0; } else { // STAT color = w & 7; statz = (w >> 4) & 0xf; sparkle = (w & 0x800) != 0; } break; } case 4: // CNTR x = 512; y = 512; break; case 6: // RTSL if (pcstack.length == 0) { //console.log("stack underflow"); // TODO: error? } else { pc = pcstack.pop(); } break; case 5: // JSRL pcstack.push(pc); case 7: // JMPL if (pc == 0) running = false; else pc = w & 0x1fff; break; } }; }; // emu_1.PLATFORMS['vector-ataribw'] = AtariVectorPlatform; emu_1.PLATFORMS['vector-ataricolor'] = AtariColorVectorPlatform; emu_1.PLATFORMS['vector-z80color'] = Z80ColorVectorPlatform; //# sourceMappingURL=vector.js.map