"use strict"; import { MOS6502, MOS6502State } from "../cpu/MOS6502"; import { Bus, RasterFrameBased, SavesState, AcceptsROM, AcceptsInput, noise, Resettable, SampledAudioSource, SampledAudioSink, HasCPU } from "../devices"; import { KeyFlags } from "../emu"; // TODO import { hex, lzgmini, stringToByteArray, lpad, rpad, rgb2bgr } from "../util"; import { newAddressDecoder, padBytes, Keys, makeKeycodeMap, dumpRAM, EmuHalt, newKeyboardHandler } from "../emu"; import { MasterAudio, POKEYDeviceChannel } from "../audio"; // https://atarihq.com/danb/a7800.shtml // https://atarihq.com/danb/files/maria_r1.txt // https://sites.google.com/site/atari7800wiki/ interface Atari7800StateBase { ram : Uint8Array; regs6532 : Uint8Array; } interface Atari7800ControlsState { in : Uint8Array; } interface Atari7800State extends Atari7800StateBase, Atari7800ControlsState { c : MOS6502State; tia : { regs : Uint8Array, }, maria : { regs : Uint8Array, offset,dll,dlstart : number; dli,h16,h8 : boolean; }, } const SWCHA = 0; const SWCHB = 2; const INPT0 = 8; const Atari7800_KEYCODE_MAP = makeKeycodeMap([ [Keys.A, INPT0+0, 0x80], [Keys.B, INPT0+1, 0x80], [Keys.SELECT, SWCHB, -0x02], [Keys.START, SWCHB, -0x01], [Keys.UP, SWCHA, -0x10], [Keys.DOWN, SWCHA, -0x20], [Keys.LEFT, SWCHA, -0x40], [Keys.RIGHT, SWCHA, -0x80], [Keys.P2_A, INPT0+2, 0x80], [Keys.P2_B, INPT0+3, 0x80], //[Keys.P2_SELECT, 1, 2], //[Keys.P2_START, 1, 3], [Keys.P2_UP, SWCHA, -0x01], [Keys.P2_DOWN, SWCHA, -0x02], [Keys.P2_LEFT, SWCHA, -0x04], [Keys.P2_RIGHT, SWCHA, -0x08], ]); // http://www.ataripreservation.org/websites/freddy.offenga/megazine/ISSUE5-PALNTSC.html // http://7800.8bitdev.org/index.php/7800_Software_Guide#APPENDIX_4:_FRAME_TIMING const CLK = 3579545; const cpuFrequency = 1789772; const linesPerFrame = 262; const numVisibleLines = 258-16; const colorClocksPerLine = 454; // 456? const colorClocksPreDMA = 28; const romLength = 0xc000; // TIA chip class TIA { regs = new Uint8Array(0x20); reset() { this.regs.fill(0); } read(a : number) : number { return this.regs[a] | 0; } write(a : number, v : number) { this.regs[a] = v; } saveState() { return { regs: this.regs.slice(0) }; } loadState(s) { for (let i=0; i<32; i++) this.write(i, s.regs[i]); } static stateToLongString(state) : string { let s = ""; s += dumpRAM(state.regs, 0, 32); return s; } } // MARIA chip class MARIA { bus : Bus; cycles : number = 0; regs = new Uint8Array(0x20); offset : number = -1; dll : number = 0; dlstart : number = 0; dli : boolean = false; h16 : boolean = false; h8 : boolean = false; pixels = new Uint8Array(320); WSYNC : number = 0; reset() { this.regs.fill(0); // TODO? } read(a : number) : number { return this.regs[a] | 0; } write(a : number, v : number) { this.regs[a] = v; if (a == 0x04) this.WSYNC++; //console.log(hex(a), '=', hex(v)); } saveState() { return { regs: this.regs.slice(0), offset: this.offset, dll: this.dll, dlstart: this.dlstart, dli: this.dli, h16: this.h16, h8: this.h8, }; } loadState(s) { for (let i=0; i<32; i++) this.write(i, s.regs[i]|0); this.offset = s.offset|0; this.dll = s.dll|0; this.dlstart = s.dlstart|0; this.dli = !!s.dli; this.h16 = !!s.h16; this.h8 = !!s.h8; } isDMAEnabled() { return (this.regs[0x1c] & 0x60) == 0x40; } getDLLStart() { return (this.regs[0x0c] << 8) + this.regs[0x10]; } getCharBaseAddress() { return (this.regs[0x14] << 8) + this.offset; } setVBLANK(b : boolean) { if (b) { this.regs[0x08] |= 0x80; this.offset = -1; this.dll = this.getDLLStart(); this.dli = this.bus && (this.bus.read(this.dll) & 0x80) != 0; // if DLI on first zone } else { this.regs[0x08] &= ~0x80; } } readDLLEntry(bus) { //this.profiler && this.profiler.logRead(this.dll); let x = bus.read(this.dll); this.offset = (x & 0xf); this.h16 = (x & 0x40) != 0; this.h8 = (x & 0x20) != 0; this.dlstart = (bus.read(this.dll+1)<<8) + bus.read(this.dll+2); //console.log(hex(this.dll,4), this.offset, hex(this.dlstart,4)); this.dll = (this.dll + 3) & 0xffff; // TODO: can also only cross 1 page? this.dli = (bus.read(this.dll) & 0x80) != 0; // DLI flag is from next DLL entry } isHoley(a : number) : boolean { if (a & 0x8000) { if (this.h16 && (a & 0x1000)) return true; if (this.h8 && (a & 0x800)) return true; } return false; } readDMA(a : number) : number { if (this.isHoley(a)) return 0; else { this.cycles += 3; //this.profiler && this.profiler.logRead(a); return this.bus.read(a); } } doDMA(platform : Atari7800) { let bus = this.bus = platform; //let profiler = this.profiler = platform.profiler; this.cycles = 0; this.pixels.fill(this.regs[0x0]); if (this.isDMAEnabled()) { this.cycles += 16; // time for a new DLL entry? if (this.offset < 0) { this.readDLLEntry(bus); } // read the DL (only can span two pages) let dlhi = this.dlstart & 0xff00; let dlofs = this.dlstart & 0xff; do { // read DL entry //profiler && profiler.logRead(dlhi + ((dlofs+0) & 0x1ff)); let b0 = bus.read(dlhi + ((dlofs+0) & 0x1ff)); let b1 = bus.read(dlhi + ((dlofs+1) & 0x1ff)); if (b1 == 0) break; // end of DL let b2 = bus.read(dlhi + ((dlofs+2) & 0x1ff)); let b3 = bus.read(dlhi + ((dlofs+3) & 0x1ff)); let indirect = false; // extended header? if ((b1 & 31) == 0) { var pal = b3 >> 5; var width = 32 - (b3 & 31); var xpos = bus.read(dlhi + ((dlofs+4) & 0x1ff)); var writemode = b1 & 0x80; indirect = (b1 & 0x20) != 0; dlofs += 5; this.cycles += 10; } else { // direct mode var xpos = b3; var pal = b1 >> 5; var width = 32 - (b1 & 31); var writemode = 0; dlofs += 4; this.cycles += 8; } let gfxadr = b0 + (((b2 + (indirect?0:this.offset)) & 0xff) << 8); xpos *= 2; // copy graphics data (direct) let readmode = (this.regs[0x1c] & 0x3) + (writemode?4:0); // double bytes? let dbl = indirect && (this.regs[0x1c] & 0x10) != 0; if (dbl) { width *= 2; } //if (this.offset == 0) console.log(hex(dla,4), hex(gfxadr,4), xpos, width, pal, readmode); for (var i=0; i>1)) : (gfxadr+i) ); if (indirect) { let indadr = ((this.regs[0x14] + this.offset) << 8) + data; if (dbl && (i&1)) indadr++; data = this.readDMA(indadr); } // TODO: more modes switch (readmode) { case 0: // 160 A/B for (let j=0; j<4; j++) { var col = (data >> 6) & 3; if (col > 0) { this.pixels[xpos] = this.pixels[xpos+1] = this.regs[(pal<<2) + col]; } data <<= 2; xpos = (xpos + 2) & 0x1ff; } break; case 2: // 320 B/D (TODO?) case 3: // 320 A/C for (let j=0; j<8; j++) { var col = (data & 128) ? 1 : 0; if (col > 0) { this.pixels[xpos] = this.regs[(pal<<2) + col]; } data <<= 1; xpos = (xpos + 1) & 0x1ff; } break; } } } while (this.cycles < colorClocksPerLine); // TODO? // decrement offset this.offset -= 1; } return this.cycles; } doInterrupt() : boolean { if (this.dli && this.offset < 0) { this.dli = false; return true; } else return false; //return this.dli;// && this.offset == 1; } static stateToLongString(state) : string { let s = ""; s += dumpRAM(state.regs, 0, 32); s += "\n DLL: $" + hex((state.regs[0x0c] << 8) + state.regs[0x10],4) + " @ $" + hex(state.dll,4); s += "\n DL: $" + hex(state.dlstart,4); s += "\nOffset: " + state.offset; s += "\n DLI? " + state.dli; return s; } } // Atari 7800 export class Atari7800 implements HasCPU, Bus, RasterFrameBased, SampledAudioSource, AcceptsROM, Atari7800StateBase, SavesState, AcceptsInput { cpu : MOS6502; ram : Uint8Array = new Uint8Array(0x1000); rom : Uint8Array; bios : Uint8Array; inputs = new Uint8Array(16); regs6532 = new Uint8Array(4); scanline : number = 0; tia : TIA = new TIA(); maria : MARIA = new MARIA(); pokey1; //TODO: type pixels : Uint32Array; audio : SampledAudioSink; handler; // TODO: type, or use ControllerPoller read : (a:number) => number; write : (a:number, v:number) => void; constructor() { this.cpu = new MOS6502(); this.read = newAddressDecoder([ [0x0008, 0x000d, 0x0f, (a) => { return this.readInput(a); }], [0x0000, 0x001f, 0x1f, (a) => { return this.tia.read(a); }], [0x0020, 0x003f, 0x1f, (a) => { return this.maria.read(a); /*this.profiler && this.profiler.logRead(a+0x20);*/ }], [0x0040, 0x00ff, 0xff, (a) => { return this.ram[a + 0x800]; }], [0x0100, 0x013f, 0xff, (a) => { return this.read(a); }], // shadow [0x0140, 0x01ff, 0x1ff, (a) => { return this.ram[a + 0x800]; }], [0x0280, 0x02ff, 0x3, (a) => { return this.inputs[a]; }], [0x1800, 0x27ff, 0xffff, (a) => { return this.ram[a - 0x1800]; }], [0x2800, 0x3fff, 0x7ff, (a) => { return this.read(a | 0x2000); }], // shadow [0x4000, 0xffff, 0xffff, (a) => { return this.rom ? this.rom[a - 0x4000] : 0; }], [0x0000, 0xffff, 0xffff, (a) => { return 0; }], // TODO ]); this.write = newAddressDecoder([ [0x0015, 0x001A, 0x1f, (a,v) => { this.pokey1.setTIARegister(a, v); }], [0x0000, 0x001f, 0x1f, (a,v) => { this.tia.write(a,v); /*this.profiler && this.profiler.logWrite(a);*/ }], [0x0020, 0x003f, 0x1f, (a,v) => { this.maria.write(a,v); /*this.profiler && this.profiler.logWrite(a+0x20);*/ }], [0x0040, 0x00ff, 0xff, (a,v) => { this.ram[a + 0x800] = v; }], [0x0100, 0x013f, 0xff, (a,v) => { this.write(a,v); }], // shadow [0x0140, 0x01ff, 0x1ff, (a,v) => { this.ram[a + 0x800] = v; }], [0x0280, 0x02ff, 0x3, (a,v) => { this.regs6532[a] = v; /*TODO*/ }], [0x1800, 0x27ff, 0xffff, (a,v) => { this.ram[a - 0x1800] = v; }], [0x2800, 0x3fff, 0x7ff, (a,v) => { this.write(a | 0x2000, v); }], // shadow [0xbfff, 0xbfff, 0xffff, (a,v) => { }], // TODO: bank switching? [0x0000, 0xffff, 0xffff, (a,v) => { throw new EmuHalt("Write @ " + hex(a,4) + " " + hex(v,2)); }], ]); this.cpu.connectMemoryBus(this); this.handler = newKeyboardHandler(this.inputs, Atari7800_KEYCODE_MAP); this.pokey1 = new POKEYDeviceChannel(); this.pokey1.setBufferLength(4); this.pokey1.setSampleRate(this.getAudioParams().sampleRate); } readConst(a) { return this.read(a); } //TODO? readInput(a:number) : number { //this.profiler && this.profiler.logRead(a+0x20); switch (a) { case 0xc: return ~this.inputs[0x8] & 0x80; //INPT4 case 0xd: return ~this.inputs[0x9] & 0x80; //INPT5 default: return this.inputs[a]|0; } } getVideoParams() { return {width:320, height:numVisibleLines}; } getAudioParams() { return {sampleRate:linesPerFrame*60*2, stereo:false}; } connectVideo(pixels:Uint32Array) { this.pixels = pixels; } connectAudio(audio:SampledAudioSink) { this.audio = audio; } //TODO this.bios = new Uint8Array(0x1000); // TODO: TIA access wastes a cycle setInput(key:number, code:number, flags:number) : void { this.handler(key,code,flags); } advanceFrame(maxClocks, debugCond) : number { var idata = this.pixels; var iofs = 0; var rgb; var mariaClocks = colorClocksPreDMA; // 7 CPU cycles until DMA var frameClocks = 0; //console.log(hex(this.cpu.getPC()), hex(this.maria.dll)); // visible lines for (var sl=0; sl 0) { // wait for WSYNC? (end of line) if (this.maria.WSYNC) { if (mariaClocks >= colorClocksPreDMA) { this.maria.WSYNC--; mariaClocks = colorClocksPreDMA; // 7 CPU cycles until DMA } else { break; } } // next CPU clock mariaClocks -= 4; if (debugCond && debugCond()) { debugCond = null; sl = 999; break; } this.cpu.advanceClock(); } mariaClocks += colorClocksPerLine; // is this scanline visible? if (visible) { // do DMA for scanline? mariaClocks -= this.maria.doDMA(this); // copy line to frame buffer if (idata) { for (var i=0; i<320; i++) { idata[iofs++] = COLORS_RGBA[this.maria.pixels[i]]; } } } // do interrupt? (if visible or before 1st scanline) if ((visible || sl == linesPerFrame-1) && this.maria.doInterrupt()) { //this.profiler && this.profiler.logInterrupt(0); this.cpu.NMI(); //console.log("NMI", hex(this.cpu.getPC()), hex(this.maria.dll)); } // audio if (this.audio) { const audioGain = 1.0 / 16384; this.pokey1.generate(4); this.audio.feedSample(this.pokey1.getBuffer()[0] * audioGain, 1); this.audio.feedSample(this.pokey1.getBuffer()[2] * audioGain, 1); } } // update video frame /* if (!novideo) { // set background/border color // TODO let bkcol = this.maria.regs[0x0]; // TODO $(this.video.canvas).css('background-color', COLORS_WEB[bkcol]); } */ return frameClocks; } loadROM(data) { if (data.length == 0xc080) data = data.slice(0x80); // strip header this.rom = padBytes(data, romLength, true); } /* loadBIOS(data) { this.bios = padBytes(data, 0x1000); } */ reset() { this.cpu.reset(); this.tia.reset(); this.maria.reset(); this.inputs.fill(0x0); this.inputs[SWCHA] = 0xff; this.inputs[SWCHB] = 1+2+8; //this.cpu.advanceClock(); // TODO: needed for test to pass? } // TODO: don't log if profiler active readAddress(addr : number) { return this.read(addr) | 0; } loadState(state : Atari7800State) { this.cpu.loadState(state.c); this.ram.set(state.ram); this.tia.loadState(state.tia); this.maria.loadState(state.maria); this.regs6532.set(state.regs6532); this.loadControlsState(state); } saveState() : Atari7800State { return { c:this.cpu.saveState(), ram:this.ram.slice(0), tia:this.tia.saveState(), maria:this.maria.saveState(), regs6532:this.regs6532.slice(0), in:this.inputs.slice(0) }; } loadControlsState(state:Atari7800ControlsState) { this.inputs.set(state.in); } saveControlsState() : Atari7800ControlsState { return { in:this.inputs.slice(0) }; } getRasterScanline() { return this.scanline; } getDebugCategories() { return ['CPU','Stack','TIA','MARIA']; } getDebugInfo(category, state) { switch (category) { case 'TIA': return TIA.stateToLongString(state.tia); case 'MARIA': return MARIA.stateToLongString(state.maria) + "\nScanline: " + this.scanline; //default: return super.getDebugInfo(category, state); } } } /// const ATARI_NTSC_RGB = [ 0x000000, // 00 0x404040, // 02 0x6c6c6c, // 04 0x909090, // 06 0xb0b0b0, // 08 0xc8c8c8, // 0A 0xdcdcdc, // 0C 0xf4f4f4, // 0E 0x004444, // 10 0x106464, // 12 0x248484, // 14 0x34a0a0, // 16 0x40b8b8, // 18 0x50d0d0, // 1A 0x5ce8e8, // 1C 0x68fcfc, // 1E 0x002870, // 20 0x144484, // 22 0x285c98, // 24 0x3c78ac, // 26 0x4c8cbc, // 28 0x5ca0cc, // 2A 0x68b4dc, // 2C 0x78c8ec, // 2E 0x001884, // 30 0x183498, // 32 0x3050ac, // 34 0x4868c0, // 36 0x5c80d0, // 38 0x7094e0, // 3A 0x80a8ec, // 3C 0x94bcfc, // 3E 0x000088, // 40 0x20209c, // 42 0x3c3cb0, // 44 0x5858c0, // 46 0x7070d0, // 48 0x8888e0, // 4A 0xa0a0ec, // 4C 0xb4b4fc, // 4E 0x5c0078, // 50 0x74208c, // 52 0x883ca0, // 54 0x9c58b0, // 56 0xb070c0, // 58 0xc084d0, // 5A 0xd09cdc, // 5C 0xe0b0ec, // 5E 0x780048, // 60 0x902060, // 62 0xa43c78, // 64 0xb8588c, // 66 0xcc70a0, // 68 0xdc84b4, // 6A 0xec9cc4, // 6C 0xfcb0d4, // 6E 0x840014, // 70 0x982030, // 72 0xac3c4c, // 74 0xc05868, // 76 0xd0707c, // 78 0xe08894, // 7A 0xeca0a8, // 7C 0xfcb4bc, // 7E 0x880000, // 80 0x9c201c, // 82 0xb04038, // 84 0xc05c50, // 86 0xd07468, // 88 0xe08c7c, // 8A 0xeca490, // 8C 0xfcb8a4, // 8E 0x7c1800, // 90 0x90381c, // 92 0xa85438, // 94 0xbc7050, // 96 0xcc8868, // 98 0xdc9c7c, // 9A 0xecb490, // 9C 0xfcc8a4, // 9E 0x5c2c00, // A0 0x784c1c, // A2 0x906838, // A4 0xac8450, // A6 0xc09c68, // A8 0xd4b47c, // AA 0xe8cc90, // AC 0xfce0a4, // AE 0x2c3c00, // B0 0x485c1c, // B2 0x647c38, // B4 0x809c50, // B6 0x94b468, // B8 0xacd07c, // BA 0xc0e490, // BC 0xd4fca4, // BE 0x003c00, // C0 0x205c20, // C2 0x407c40, // C4 0x5c9c5c, // C6 0x74b474, // C8 0x8cd08c, // CA 0xa4e4a4, // CC 0xb8fcb8, // CE 0x003814, // D0 0x1c5c34, // D2 0x387c50, // D4 0x50986c, // D6 0x68b484, // D8 0x7ccc9c, // DA 0x90e4b4, // DC 0xa4fcc8, // DE 0x00302c, // E0 0x1c504c, // E2 0x347068, // E4 0x4c8c84, // E6 0x64a89c, // E8 0x78c0b4, // EA 0x88d4cc, // EC 0x9cece0, // EE 0x002844, // F0 0x184864, // F2 0x306884, // F4 0x4484a0, // F6 0x589cb8, // F8 0x6cb4d0, // FA 0x7ccce8, // FC 0x8ce0fc // FE ]; var COLORS_RGBA = new Uint32Array(256); var COLORS_WEB = []; for (var i=0; i<256; i++) { COLORS_RGBA[i] = ATARI_NTSC_RGB[i>>1] | 0xff000000; COLORS_WEB[i] = "#"+hex(rgb2bgr(ATARI_NTSC_RGB[i>>1]),6); }