; Atari 5200 "Hello World" sample code ; Written by Daniel Boris (danlb_2000@yahoo.com) ; Modified by Steven Hugg @8bitworkshop ; Assemble with DASM ; processor 6502 include "atari5200.inc" ;*************** Variable *********************** line equ $20 ;Current DLI line pm0pos equ $21 ;Current pos of P0 ;*************** Start of Code ******************* org $4000 ;Start of cartridge area Start sei ;Disable interrupts cld ;Clear decimal mode ;************** Clear zero page and hardware ****** ldx #$00 lda #$00 crloop1 sta $00,x ;Clear zero page sta $D400,x ;Clear ANTIC sta $C000,x ;Clear GTIA sta $E800,x ;Clear POKEY dex bne crloop1 ;************* Clear RAM ************************** ldy #$00 ;Clear Ram lda #$02 ;Start at $0200 sta $81 lda #$00 sta $80 crloop3 lda #$00 sta ($80),y ;Store data iny ;Next byte bne crloop3 ;Branch if not done page inc $81 ;Next page lda $81 cmp #$40 ;Check if end of RAM bne crloop3 ;Branch if not ;************* Setup display list ******************* ldx #$21 ;Number of bytes in list dlloop ;Copy display list to RAM lda dlist,x ;Get byte sta $1000,x ;Copy to RAM dex ;next byte bpl dlloop ;************ Setup IRQ vectors ********************* lda #$03 ;point IRQ vector sta $200 ;to BIOS routine lda #$FC sta $201 lda #$B8 ;point VBI vector sta $202 ;to BIOS routine lda #$FC sta $203 lda #$B2 ;point Deferred VBI sta $204 ;to BIOS routine lda #$FC sta $205 lda #$00 ;point DLI vector sta $206 ;to custom routine lda #$50 sta $207 lda #$00 sta line ;************* Setup hardware registers ************* lda #$22 ;Set color PF0 sta COLOR0 lda #$0F ;Set color PF1 sta COLOR1 lda #$84 ;Set color PF2 sta COLOR2 lda #$00 ;Set Display list pointer sta SDLSTL sta DLISTL lda #$10 sta SDLSTH sta DLISTH lda #$f8 ;Set Charcter Set Base sta CHBASE lda #$22 ;Enable DMA sta SDMCTL lda #$C0 ;Enable NMI + DLI sta NMIEN ;************ Draw display graphics ******************* ldy #$02 ;Draw bars on screen lda #$18 ;Screen memory starts at $1800 sta $81 lda #$00 sta $80 ldx #$18 crloop5 lda #$FF ;Bar 4 pixels wide of color 3 sta ($80),y ;Store data iny iny ;Skip 4 pixels lda #$55 ;Bar 4 pixels wide of color 1 sta ($80),y ;Store data iny iny ;Skip 4 pixels lda #$AA ;Bar 4 pixels wide of color 2 sta ($80),y ;Store data tya clc adc #$06 ;Move pointer to next line tay dex ;Next line bne crloop5 ;Branch if not done ;************* Setup Player/Missile registers *************** lda #$3A ;Enable DMA (single line resolution/ sta SDMCTL ;normal background) lda #$20 ;Set PM base address ($200) sta PMBASE lda #$03 ;Enable players and missiles sta GRACTL lda #$16 ;Color of player 0 sta PCOLR0 ldy #$00 lda #$02 ;Size of player 0 sta SIZEP0 lda #$01 ;Give players priority over playfield sta PRIOR ;************ Copy player data to RAM ******************************** pmloop1 lda pm1,y ;Get data sta $2430,y ;Write it into RAM sta $24C0,y iny cpy #$08 ;Copy 8 bytes bne pmloop1 ;************ Move player ******************************************** ldx #$20 ;Starting position of player mvloop1 jsr waitvb ;Wait for a vertical bank lda #$00 ;Reset line counter sta line stx HPOSP0 ;Set position of player stx pm0pos ;Save position for DLI inx cpx #$C0 ;Check for end of move bne mvloop1 ;If not keep moving right lda #$04 ;Give playfield priority player sta PRIOR mvloop2 jsr waitvb ;Wait for a vertical blank lda #$00 ;Reset line counter sta line stx HPOSP0 ;Set position of player stx pm0pos ;Save position for DLI dex cpx #$30 ;Check for end of move bne mvloop2 ;If not keep moving left lda #$01 ;Give player priority over playfield sta PRIOR jmp mvloop1 ;Continue looping ;************ Wait for vertical blank ************************ waitvb lda $02 ;Read timer (this is incremented during VB) waitvb2 cmp $02 ;Did it change? beq waitvb2 ;If not keep waiting rts ;************ Display list interrupt ************************ org $5000 dli pha ;Save A inc line ;Increment the line counter lda line ;Past the fifth DLI? cmp #$05 bne done ;If not then exit DLI lda pm0pos ;Get player 0 position eor #$FF ;Invert it sta HPOSP0 ;Set player 0 position lda #$0F ;Change player color sta COLPM0 ; ; Note: Player color is changed in hardware register not the shadow ; register so it takes effect immediatly. done pla ;Restore A rti ;Done ;************* Display list data **************************** ; starts at $1000 dlist .byte $70,$70,$70 ;24 blank scanlines .byte $48,$00,$18 ;Mode 8 and Load memory scan $1800 .byte $88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88 ;23 more line of mode 8 .byte $88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88,$88 .byte $88,$88,$88 .byte $41,$00,$10 ;Jump back to start at $1000 ;************* Player shape ********************************* pm1 .byte %00111100 .byte %01000010 .byte %10100101 .byte %10000001 .byte %10100101 .byte %10011001 .byte %01000010 .byte %00111100 ;************** Cart reset vector ************************** org $bffd .byte $FF ;Don't display Atari logo .byte $00,$40 ;Start code at $4000