.setcpu "6502X" ; TIA write registers VSYNC := $00 ; ---- --1- This address controls vertical sync time by writing D1 into the VSYNC latch. VBLANK := $01 ; 76-- --1- 1=Start VBLANK, 6=Enable INPT4, INPT5 latches, 7=Dump INPT1,2,3,6 to ground WSYNC := $02 ; ---- ---- This address halts microprocessor by clearing RDY latch to zero. RDY is set true again by the leading edge of horizontal blank. RSYNC := $03 ; ---- ---- This address resets the horizontal sync counter to define the beginning of horizontal blank time, and is used in chip testing. NUSIZ0 := $04 ; --54 -210 \ 0,1,2: player copys'n'size, 4,5: missile size: 2^x pixels NUSIZ1 := $05 ; --54 -210 / COLUP0 := $06 ; 7654 321- color player 0 COLUP1 := $07 ; 7654 321- color player 1 COLUPF := $08 ; 7654 321- color playfield COLUBK := $09 ; 7654 321- color background CTRLPF := $0A ; --54 -210 0=reflect playfield, 1=pf uses player colors, 2=playfield over sprites 4,5=ballsize:2^x REFP0 := $0B ; ---- 3--- reflect player 0 REFP1 := $0C ; ---- 3--- reflect player 1 PF0 := $0D ; DCBA ---- \ Playfield bits: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST PF1 := $0E ; EFGH IJKL > normal: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST PF2 := $0F ; TSRQ PONM / reflect: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA RESP0 := $10 ; ---- ---- \ RESP1 := $11 ; ---- ---- \ RESM0 := $12 ; ---- ---- > reset players, missiles and the ball. The object will begin its serial graphics at the time of a horizontal line at which the reset address occurs. RESM1 := $13 ; ---- ---- / RESBL := $14 ; ---- ---- / AUDC0 := $15 ; ---- 3210 audio control voice 0 AUDC1 := $16 ; ---- 3210 audio control voice 1 AUDF0 := $17 ; ---4 3210 frequency divider voice 0 AUDF1 := $18 ; ---4 3210 frequency divider voice 1 AUDV0 := $19 ; ---- 3210 audio volume voice 0 AUDV1 := $1A ; ---- 3210 audio volume voice 1 GRP0 := $1B ; 7654 3210 graphics player 0 GRP1 := $1C ; 7654 3210 graphics player 1 ENAM0 := $1D ; ---- --1- enable missile 0 ENAM1 := $1E ; ---- --1- enable missile 1 ENABL := $1F ; ---- --1- enable ball HMP0 := $20 ; 7654 ---- write data (horizontal motion values) into the horizontal motion registers HMP1 := $21 ; 7654 ---- write data (horizontal motion values) into the horizontal motion registers HMM0 := $22 ; 7654 ---- write data (horizontal motion values) into the horizontal motion registers HMM1 := $23 ; 7654 ---- write data (horizontal motion values) into the horizontal motion registers HMBL := $24 ; 7654 ---- write data (horizontal motion values) into the horizontal motion registers VDELP0 := $25 ; ---- ---0 delay player 0 by one vertical line VDELP1 := $26 ; ---- ---0 delay player 1 by one vertical line VDELBL := $27 ; ---- ---0 delay ball by one vertical line RESMP0 := $28 ; ---- --1- keep missile 0 aligned with player 0 RESMP1 := $29 ; ---- --1- keep missile 1 aligned with player 1 HMOVE := $2A ; ---- ---- This address causes the horizontal motion register values to be acted upon during the horizontal blank time in which it occurs. HMCLR := $2B ; ---- ---- This address clears all horizontal motion registers to zero (no motion). CXCLR := $2C ; ---- ---- clears all collision latches ; TIA read registers CXM0P := $00 ; xx00 0000 Read Collision M0-P1 M0-P0 CXM1P := $01 ; xx00 0000 M1-P0 M1-P1 CXP0FB := $02 ; xx00 0000 P0-PF P0-BL CXP1FB := $03 ; xx00 0000 P1-PF P1-BL CXM0FB := $04 ; xx00 0000 M0-PF M0-BL CXM1FB := $05 ; xx00 0000 M1-PF M1-BL CXBLPF := $06 ; x000 0000 BL-PF ----- CXPPMM := $07 ; xx00 0000 P0-P1 M0-M1 INPT0 := $08 ; x000 0000 Read Pot Port 0 INPT1 := $09 ; x000 0000 Read Pot Port 1 INPT2 := $0A ; x000 0000 Read Pot Port 2 INPT3 := $0B ; x000 0000 Read Pot Port 3 INPT4 := $0C ; x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 0 INPT5 := $0D ; x000 0000 Read Input (Trigger) 1 ; RIOT SWCHA := $0280 SWACNT := $0281 SWCHB := $0282 SWBCNT := $0283 INTIM := $0284 ; Timer output TIMINT := $0285 TIM1T := $0294 TIM8T := $0295 TIM64T := $0296 TIM1024T := $0297 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SLEEP duration ; Original author: Thomas Jentzsch ; Inserts code which takes the specified number of cycles to execute. This is ; useful for code where precise timing is required. ; ILLEGAL-OPCODE VERSION DOES NOT AFFECT FLAGS OR REGISTERS. ; LEGAL OPCODE VERSION MAY AFFECT FLAGS ; Uses illegal opcode (DASM 2.20.01 onwards). .macro SLEEP cycles .if cycles < 0 || cycles = 1 .error "MACRO ERROR: 'SLEEP': Duration must be >= 2" .endif .if cycles & 1 .ifndef NO_ILLEGAL_OPCODES nop 0 .else bit VSYNC .endif .repeat (cycles-3)/2 nop .endrep .else .repeat cycles/2 nop .endrep .endif .endmacro ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; VERTICAL_SYNC ; revised version by Edwin Blink -- saves bytes! ; Inserts the code required for a proper 3 scanline vertical sync sequence ; Note: Alters the accumulator ; OUT: A = 0 .macro VERTICAL_SYNC lda #%1110 ; each '1' bits generate a VSYNC ON line (bits 1..3) .local VSLP1 VSLP1: sta WSYNC ; 1st '0' bit resets Vsync, 2nd '0' bit exit loop sta VSYNC lsr bne VSLP1 ; branch until VYSNC has been reset .endmacro ;------------------------------------------------------- ; Usage: TIMER_SETUP lines ; where lines is the number of scanlines to skip (> 2). ; The timer will be set so that it expires before this number ; of scanlines. A WSYNC will be done first. .macro TIMER_SETUP lines .local cycles cycles = ((lines * 76) - 13) ; special case for when we have two timer events in a line ; and our 2nd event straddles the WSYNC boundary .if (cycles .mod 64) < 12 lda #(cycles / 64) - 1 sta WSYNC .else lda #(cycles / 64) sta WSYNC .endif sta TIM64T .endmacro ;------------------------------------------------------- ; Use with TIMER_SETUP to wait for timer to complete. ; Performs a WSYNC afterwards. .macro TIMER_WAIT .local waittimer waittimer: lda INTIM bne waittimer sta WSYNC .endmacro ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; CLEAN_START ; Original author: Andrew Davie ; Standardised start-up code, clears stack, all TIA registers and RAM to 0 ; Sets stack pointer to $FF, and all registers to 0 ; Sets decimal mode off, sets interrupt flag (kind of un-necessary) ; Use as very first section of code on boot (ie: at reset) ; Code written to minimise total ROM usage - uses weird 6502 knowledge :) .macro CLEAN_START .local CLEAR_STACK sei cld ldx #0 txa tay CLEAR_STACK: dex txs pha bne CLEAR_STACK ; SP=$FF, X = A = Y = 0 .endmacro ;------------------------------------------------------- ; SET_POINTER ; Original author: Manuel Rotschkar ; ; Sets a 2 byte RAM pointer to an absolute address. ; ; Usage: SET_POINTER pointer, address ; Example: SET_POINTER SpritePTR, SpriteData ; ; Note: Alters the accumulator, NZ flags ; IN 1: 2 byte RAM location reserved for pointer ; IN 2: absolute address .macro SET_POINTER ptr, addr lda #addr sta ptr+1 .endmacro ; assume NTSC unless PAL defined .ifndef PAL PAL = 0 .endif ; 192 visible scanlines for NTSC, 228 for PAL .if PAL SCANLINES = 228 LINESD12 = 19 .else SCANLINES = 192 LINESD12 = 16 .endif ; start of frame -- vsync and set back porch timer .macro FRAME_START VERTICAL_SYNC .if PAL TIMER_SETUP 44 .else TIMER_SETUP 36 .endif .endmacro ; end of back porch -- start kernel .macro KERNEL_START TIMER_WAIT lda #0 sta VBLANK .if !PAL TIMER_SETUP 194 .endif .endmacro ; end of kernel -- start front porch timer .macro KERNEL_END .if !PAL TIMER_WAIT .endif lda #2 sta VBLANK .if PAL TIMER_SETUP 36 .else TIMER_SETUP 28 .endif .endmacro ; end of frame -- jump to frame start .macro FRAME_END TIMER_WAIT .endmacro ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; SLEEPR - sleep macro that uses JSR/RTS for 12 cycle delays ; Requires a lone RTS instruction with the label "Return" ; (note: may fool 8bitworkshop's Anaylze CPU Timing feature) .macro SLEEPR cycles .if cycles >= 14 || cycles = 12 jsr Return SLEEPR (cycles-12) .else SLEEP cycles .endif .endmacro