import { dumpRAM } from "../../common/emu"; import { hex, lpad, safe_extend } from "../../common/util"; // ANTIC // // // // // // // const PF_LEFT = [0, 29, 21, 13]; const PF_RIGHT = [0, 29 + 64, 21 + 80, 13 + 96]; const DMACTL = 0; const CHACTL = 1; const DLISTL = 2; const DLISTH = 3; const HSCROL = 4; const VSCROL = 5; const PMBASE = 7; const CHBASE = 9; const WSYNC = 10; const VCOUNT = 11; const PENH = 12; const PENV = 13; const NMIEN = 14; const NMIRES = 15; const NMIST = 15; const PFNONE = 0; const PFNARROW = 1; const PFNORMAL = 2; const PFWIDE = 3; const NMIST_CYCLE = 12; const NMI_CYCLE = 24; const WSYNC_CYCLE = 212; const ANTIC_LEFT = 17; // gtia 34 const ANTIC_RIGHT = 110; // gtia 221 const MODE_LINES = [0, 0, 8, 10, 8, 16, 8, 16, 8, 4, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1]; // how many bits before DMA clock repeats? const MODE_PERIOD = [0, 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2]; const MODE_YPERIOD = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]; //const MODE_BPP = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1]; // how many color clocks / pixel * 2 export const MODE_SHIFT = [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 8, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1]; export class ANTIC { read: (address: number) => number; // bus read function nmi: () => void; // generate NMI regs = new Uint8Array(0x10); // registers left: number; right: number; // left/right clocks for mode dma_enabled: boolean = false; dliop: number = 0; // dli operation mode: number = 0; // current mode jmp = false; // TODO lms = false; // TODO dlarg_lo: number = 0; dlarg_hi: number = 0; period: number = 0; // current mode period bitmask scanaddr: number = 0; // Scan Address (via LMS) startaddr: number = 0; // Start of line Address pfbyte: number = 0; // playfield byte fetched ch: number = 0; // char read linesleft: number = 0; // # of lines left in mode yofs: number = 0; // yofs fine v: number = 0; // vertical scanline # h: number = 0; // horizontal color clock linebuf = new Uint8Array(48); dmaclock: number = 0; dmaidx: number = 0; output: number = 0; dramrefresh = false; vscroll = 0; constructor(readfn, nmifn) { = readfn; // bus read function this.nmi = nmifn; // NMI function } reset() { this.regs.fill(0); this.regs[NMIEN] = 0x00; this.regs[NMIST] = 0x7f; this.regs[PENH] = 0x00; this.regs[PENV] = 0xff; this.setReg(DMACTL, 0x0); this.h = this.v = 0; this.startaddr = this.scanaddr = 0; this.dmaclock = 0; } saveState() { return safe_extend(0, {}, this); } loadState(s) { safe_extend(0, this, s); this.setReg(DMACTL, s.regs[DMACTL]); } static stateToLongString(state): string { let s = ""; s += "H: " + lpad(state.h, 3) + " V: " + lpad(state.v, 3) + "\n"; s += "DLIOp: " + hex(state.dliop, 2) + " Lines: " + state.yofs + "/" + state.linesleft; s += " DMA " + (state.dma_enabled ? "ON " : "off") + "\n"; s += "Addr: " + hex(state.scanaddr, 4) + "\n"; s += dumpRAM(state.regs, 0, 16).replace('$00', 'Regs'); return s; } setReg(a: number, v: number) { switch (a) { case WSYNC: this.regs[WSYNC] = 0xff; return; // this is readonly (we reset it) case NMIRES: this.regs[NMIST] = 0x1f; return; // this is readonly, don't mess with it } this.regs[a] = v; } readReg(a: number) { switch (a) { case NMIST: return this.regs[a]; case VCOUNT: return this.v >> 1; default: return 0xff; } } processDLIEntry() { if (this.mode == 0) { // N Blank Lines this.linesleft = ((this.dliop >> 4) & 7) + 1; } else { this.linesleft = MODE_LINES[this.mode]; this.period = MODE_PERIOD[this.mode]; if ( { this.regs[DLISTL] = this.dlarg_lo; this.regs[DLISTH] = this.dlarg_hi; this.mode = this.period = 0; // JVB (Jump and wait for Vertical Blank) if (this.dliop & 0x40) { this.linesleft = 1; //(248 - this.v) & 0xff; // TODO? this.dma_enabled = false; } } else if (this.lms) { this.scanaddr = this.dlarg_lo + (this.dlarg_hi << 8); //console.log('scanaddr', hex(this.scanaddr)); } this.startaddr = this.scanaddr; } // horiz scroll let effwidth = this.regs[DMACTL] & 3; let hscroll = (this.dliop & 0x10) ? (this.regs[HSCROL] & 15) >> 1 : 0; if ((this.dliop & 0x10) && effwidth < 3) effwidth++; this.left = PF_LEFT[effwidth] + hscroll; this.right = PF_RIGHT[effwidth] + hscroll; // vertical scroll let vscrol = this.regs[VSCROL] & 0xf; if ((this.dliop & 0x20) ^ this.vscroll) { if (this.vscroll) { this.linesleft -= vscrol; } else { this.linesleft -= vscrol; this.yofs += vscrol; } this.vscroll ^= 0x20; } } nextLine() { if (this.linesleft > 0) { this.linesleft--; this.yofs++; if (this.mode >= 8 && this.linesleft) { this.scanaddr = this.startaddr; // reset line addr } } } triggerNMI(mask: number) { this.regs[NMIST] = mask | 0x1f; if (this.regs[NMIEN] & mask) { this.nmi(); } } nextInsn(): number { let pc = this.regs[DLISTL] + (this.regs[DLISTH] << 8); let b =; //console.log('nextInsn', hex(pc), hex(b), this.v); pc = ((pc + 1) & 0x3ff) | (pc & ~0x3ff); this.regs[DLISTL] = pc & 0xff; this.regs[DLISTH] = pc >> 8; return b; } nextScreen(): number { let b =; this.scanaddr = ((this.scanaddr + 1) & 0xfff) | (this.scanaddr & ~0xfff); return b; } dlDMAEnabled() { return this.regs[DMACTL] & 0b100000; } isVisibleScanline() { return this.v >= 8 && this.v < 248; } isPlayfieldDMAEnabled() { return this.dma_enabled && !this.linesleft; } isPlayerDMAEnabled() { return this.dma_enabled && this.regs[DMACTL] & 0b1000; } isMissileDMAEnabled() { return this.dma_enabled && this.regs[DMACTL] & 0b1100; } clockPulse(): boolean { let did_dma = this.regs[WSYNC] != 0; if (!this.isVisibleScanline()) { this.doVBlank(); } else { switch (this.h) { case 0: if (this.isMissileDMAEnabled()) { this.doPlayerMissileDMA(3); did_dma = true; } break; case 1: if (this.isPlayfieldDMAEnabled()) { let op = this.nextInsn(); // get mode // TODO: too many booleans = (op & ~0x40) == 0x01; // JMP insn? this.lms = (op & 0x40) != 0 && (op & 0xf) != 0; // LMS insn? this.mode = op & 0xf; this.dliop = op; this.yofs = 0; did_dma = true; } break; case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: if (this.isPlayerDMAEnabled()) { this.doPlayerMissileDMA(this.h + 2); did_dma = true; } break; case 6: case 7: if (this.isPlayfieldDMAEnabled() && this.yofs == 0 && ( || this.lms)) { if (this.h == 6) this.dlarg_lo = this.nextInsn(); if (this.h == 7) this.dlarg_hi = this.nextInsn(); did_dma = true; } break; case 8: // TODO? is this at cycle 8? if (this.yofs == 0) { this.processDLIEntry(); } if (this.dliop & 0x80) { // TODO: what if DLI disabled? if (this.linesleft == 1) { this.triggerNMI(0x80); // DLI interrupt } } break; case 9: break; case 111: if (this.dma_enabled) this.nextLine(); ++this.v; break; } this.output = 0; // background color (TODO: only for blank lines) if (this.mode >= 2 && this.period) { let candma = this.h < 106; this.dmaclock <<= 1; if (this.dmaclock & (1 << this.period)) { this.dmaclock |= 1; } if (this.h == this.left) { this.dmaclock |= 1; this.dmaidx = 0; } if (this.h == this.right) { this.dmaclock &= ~1; this.dmaidx++; } if (this.dmaclock & 1) { if (this.mode < 8 && this.yofs == 0) { // only read chars on 1st line this.linebuf[this.dmaidx] = this.nextScreen(); // read char name did_dma = candma; } this.dmaidx++; } else if (this.dmaclock & 8) { = this.linebuf[this.dmaidx - 4 / this.period]; // latch char this.readBitmapData(); // read bitmap did_dma = candma; } this.output = this.h >= this.left + 3 && this.h <= this.right + 2 ? 4 : 0; } } if (this.h < ANTIC_LEFT || this.h > ANTIC_RIGHT) this.output = 2; this.incHorizCounter(); if (!did_dma && this.dramrefresh) {; // to log a VRAM_READ event this.dramrefresh = false; did_dma = true; } return did_dma; } incHorizCounter() { switch (this.h) { case 25: case 25 + 4 * 1: case 25 + 4 * 2: case 25 + 4 * 3: case 25 + 4 * 4: case 25 + 4 * 5: case 25 + 4 * 6: case 25 + 4 * 7: case 25 + 4 * 8: this.dramrefresh = true; break; case 102: this.regs[WSYNC] = 0; // TODO: dram refresh delay to 106? break; case 113: this.h = 0; return } ++this.h; } doVBlank() { this.linesleft = this.mode = this.period = 0; if (this.h == 111) { this.v++; } if (this.v == 248 && this.h == 0) { this.triggerNMI(0x40); } // VBI if (this.v == 262 && this.h == 112) { this.v = 0; } if (this.v == 7 && this.h == 113) { this.dma_enabled = this.dlDMAEnabled() != 0; } this.output = 2; // blank } doPlayerMissileDMA(section: number) { let oneline = this.regs[DMACTL] & 0x10; let pmaddr = this.regs[PMBASE] << 8; if (oneline) { pmaddr &= 0xf800; pmaddr |= section << 8; pmaddr |= this.v & 0xff; } else { pmaddr &= 0xfc00; pmaddr |= section << 7; pmaddr |= this.v >> 1; }; } readBitmapData() { const mode = this.mode; if (mode < 8) { // character mode let ch =; let y = this.yofs >> MODE_YPERIOD[this.mode]; let addrofs = y & 7; let chbase = this.regs[CHBASE]; // modes 6 & 7 if ((mode & 0xe) == 6) { // or 7 ch &= 0x3f; chbase &= 0xfe; } else { ch &= 0x7f; chbase &= 0xfc; } let addr = (ch << 3) + (chbase << 8); // modes 2 & 3 if ((mode & 0xe) == 2) { // or 3 let chactl = this.regs[CHACTL]; let mode3lc = mode == 3 && (ch & 0x60) == 0x60; if (chactl & 4) this.pfbyte = + (addrofs ^ 7)); // mirror else this.pfbyte = + addrofs); if (mode3lc && y < 2) { this.pfbyte = 0; } if (!mode3lc && y > 7) { this.pfbyte = 0; } if ( & 0x80) { if (chactl & 1) this.pfbyte = 0x0; // blank if (chactl & 2) this.pfbyte ^= 0xff; // invert } } else { this.pfbyte = + addrofs); } } else { // map mode this.pfbyte = this.nextScreen(); } } shiftout() { if (this.output == 4) { // visible pixel? switch (this.mode) { case 2: case 3: case 15: { let v = (this.pfbyte >> 7) & 1; this.pfbyte <<= 1; return v ? 8 : 6; } case 6: case 7: { let v = (this.pfbyte >> 7) & 1; this.pfbyte <<= 1; return v ? ( >> 6) + 4 : 0; } case 9: case 11: case 12: { let v = (this.pfbyte >> 7) & 1; this.pfbyte <<= 1; return v ? 4 : 0; } case 4: case 5: case 8: case 10: case 13: case 14: { let v = (this.pfbyte >> 6) & 3; this.pfbyte <<= 2; return [0, 4, 5, 6][v]; // TODO: 5th color } } } return this.output; } }