processor 6502 include "vcs.h" include "macro.h" include "xmacro.h" ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Now that we know how to draw extra-wide sprites, we can ; apply this technique to another type of object: text. ; ; We can draw scoreboards and other kinds of text using the ; playfield registers. However, these are pretty blocky, and ; limited to 40 pixels in width. But we can draw lines of text ; that are 48 pixels width by five pixels high using the ; sprite retriggering trick. ; ; Instead of fetching our bitmap data from ROM, we build a ; bitmap in RAM using lookup tables. Building the bitmap array ; efficiently is a challenge, because we've got to look up 60 ; bytes in memory and combine those into 30 bytes. If we did ; this without regard to performance, it might consume a few ; thousand CPU cycles, which would require 30 or 40 scanlines ; just to set up the sprite. ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; seg.u Variables org $80 Temp .byte WriteOfs .byte ; offset into dest. array FontBuf LoopCount .byte ; counts scanline when drawing StrPtr .word ; pointer to text string StrLen .byte ; counts chars when building string TempSP .byte ; temp. storage for stack pointer FontBuf ; 30 bytes for text bitmap REPEAT 30 .byte REPEND LoChar equ #41 ; lowest character value HiChar equ #90 ; highest character value THREE_COPIES equ %011 ; for NUSIZ registers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; seg Code org $f000 Start CLEAN_START NextFrame VERTICAL_SYNC TIMER_SETUP 37 lda #$18 sta COLUP0 lda #$28 sta COLUP1 lda #THREE_COPIES sta NUSIZ0 sta NUSIZ1 sta WSYNC SLEEP 20 sta RESP0 sta RESP1 lda #$10 sta HMP1 sta WSYNC sta HMOVE sta HMCLR lda #1 sta VDELP0 sta VDELP1 TIMER_WAIT TIMER_SETUP 192 lda #String0 sta StrPtr+1 jsr BuildText ; build the 48x5 bitmap jsr DrawText ; draw the bitmap lda #String1 sta StrPtr+1 jsr BuildText ; build the 48x5 bitmap jsr DrawText ; draw the bitmap TIMER_WAIT TIMER_SETUP 29 TIMER_WAIT jmp NextFrame ; Create the 48x5 bitmap of a line of text, using ; 12 characters pointed to by StrPtr. ; The bitmap is stored in a 30-byte array starting at FontBuf. BuildText subroutine lda #$80 sta COLUBK ; First, save the original stack pointer. tsx stx TempSP ; Initialize WriteOfs (dest offset) ; and StrLen (source offset) lda #FontBuf+4 ; +4 because PHA goes in decreasing order sta WriteOfs ; offset into dest. array FontBuf ldy #0 sty StrLen ; start at first character .CharLoop ; Get next pair of characters. ; Get first character lda (StrPtr),y ; load next character sec sbc #LoChar ; subtract 32 (1st char is Space) sta Temp asl asl adc Temp ; multiply by 5 tax ; first character offset -> X ; Get second character iny lda (StrPtr),y ; load next character sec sbc #LoChar ; subtract 32 (1st char is Space) sta Temp asl asl adc Temp ; multiply by 5 iny sty StrLen ; StrLen += 2 tay ; second character offset -> Y ; Setup stack pointer so that successive PHA copy bytes ; to decreasing addresses, starting at WriteOfs. txa ldx WriteOfs txs tax ; Write the character to FontBuf, copying all 5 bytes. ; Because we are using PHA, we have essentially three ; registers to work with. lda FontTableLo+4,y ora FontTableHi+4,x pha lda FontTableLo+3,y ora FontTableHi+3,x pha lda FontTableLo+2,y ora FontTableHi+2,x pha lda FontTableLo+1,y ora FontTableHi+1,x pha lda FontTableLo+0,y ora FontTableHi+0,x pha ; Go to next WriteOfs (skip 5 bytess) lda WriteOfs clc adc #5 sta WriteOfs .NoIncOfs ; Repeat until we run out of characters. ldy StrLen cpy #12 bne .CharLoop ; Restore stack pointer. ldx TempSP txs rts ; Display the resulting 48x5 bitmap from FontBuf DrawText subroutine sta WSYNC SLEEP 40 ; start near end of scanline lda #4 sta LoopCount BigLoop ldy LoopCount ; counts backwards lda FontBuf+0,y ; load B0 (1st sprite byte) sta GRP0 ; B0 -> [GRP0] lda FontBuf+5,y ; load B1 -> A sta GRP1 ; B1 -> [GRP1], B0 -> GRP0 sta WSYNC ; sync to next scanline lda FontBuf+10,y ; load B2 -> A sta GRP0 ; B2 -> [GRP0], B1 -> GRP1 lda FontBuf+25,y ; load B5 -> A sta Temp ; B5 -> temp ldx FontBuf+20,y ; load B4 -> X lda FontBuf+15,y ; load B3 -> A ldy Temp ; load B5 -> Y sta GRP1 ; B3 -> [GRP1]; B2 -> GRP0 stx GRP0 ; B4 -> [GRP0]; B3 -> GRP1 sty GRP1 ; B5 -> [GRP1]; B4 -> GRP0 sta GRP0 ; ?? -> [GRP0]; B5 -> GRP1 dec LoopCount ; go to next line bpl BigLoop ; repeat until < 0 lda #0 ; clear the sprite registers sta GRP0 sta GRP1 sta GRP0 sta GRP1 rts ; Unpacked font tables. Each character consists of 5 nibbles ; packed into 5 bytes. There's a table with the bitmap data in ; the low nibble, and one with the bitmap data in the high nibble. align $100 ; make sure data doesn't cross page boundary FontTableLo hex 0402020204050205000002070200000402000000070000000004000000000404 hex 0201010605050503020202060207040201060601020106010107050506010604 hex 0707050704030404020107070507050706010705070400040000040200020001 hex 0204020107000700000402010204020002010703040705020505070502060506 hex 0506030404040306050505060704070407040407040703050704030505070505 hex 0702020207020501010105050605050704040404050507070505070707050205 hex 0505020404060506030705050205060705060601020403020202020703050505 hex 0502020505050507070505050502050502020205050704020107000000000000 align $100 ; make sure data doesn't cross page boundary FontTableHi hex 4020202040502050000020702000004020000000700000000040000000004040 hex 2010106050505030202020602070402010606010201060101070505060106040 hex 7070507040304040201070705070507060107050704000400000402000200010 hex 2040201070007000004020102040200020107030407050205050705020605060 hex 5060304040403060505050607040704070404070407030507040305050705050 hex 7020202070205010101050506050507040404040505070705050707070502050 hex 5050204040605060307050502050607050606010204030202020207030505050 hex 5020205050505070705050505020505020202050507040201070000000000000 String0 dc "HELLO[WORLD?" String1 dc "TEXT[IS[NICE" ; Epilogue org $fffc .word Start .word Start