; ****** HVGLIB.H (formally called ballyequ.h) (C)1977,78 ; *** Bally Astrocade Equates and Macros Header File *** ; From the nutting_manual and reformatted using Mixed Case ; Version 3.01 - thru December 29, 2010 ; by Richard C Degler, from scratch ; ; > Retyped and proofread by Adam Trionfo and Lance F. Squire ; > Version 1.0 (as ballyequ.h) - January 17, 2002 ; > Version 2.52 (Version 1.0 of HVGLIB.H) - March 28, 2003 ; > Version 2.6 - March 2, 2004 - as seen on BallyAlley.com ; > Version 3.0 - 2009 ; > Version 3.01 - Changed "FonT BASE character" comment ; > (also patched for latest zmac with default args) ; > ; > This file contains the equates and macros that Bally ; > programs require for assembly. This file has been ; > written to assemble with ZMAC 1.3 (a freely distribut- ; > able Z-80 assembler (with C source), that has a 25-year ; > history. ZMAC can be compiled under just about any O.S. ; > in existence, so try it out. This file will probably ; > require changes to be assembled under other assemblers. ; > ; > To assemble your Z-80 source code using ZMAC: ; > ; > zmac -d -o -x ; > ; > For example, assemble this Astrocade Z-80 ROM file: ; > ; > zmac -d -o BallyROM.bin -x BallyROM.lst BallyROM.asm ; > ; > Currently the Listing file is full of 'Undeclared' ; > errors. When all of the source is typed-in, these will ; > vanish. I'm leaving the others until all the source is ; > re-typed. ; > ; ; *************************** ; * Home Video Game EQUates * ; *************************** ; ; ASSEMBLY CONTROL ; XPNDON EQU 1 ; ** SET TO 1 WHEN HARDWARE EXP NWHDWR EQU 1 ; ** SET TO 1 WHEN NEW HARDWARE ; ; General goodies (HEX and Decimal values): NORMEM EQU $4000 ; 8192 ; NORmal MEMory start FIRSTC EQU $2000 ; 4096 ; FIRST address in Cartridge SCREEN EQU $0000 ; 0 ; magic SCREEN start BYTEPL EQU $28 ; 40 ; BYTEs Per Line BITSPL EQU $A0 ; 160 ; BITS Per Line ; ; Stuff in SYSTEM DOPE VECTOR (valid for ALL system ROMs): STIMER EQU $0200 ; Seconds and game TIMER, music CTIMER EQU $0203 ; Custom TIMERs FNTSYS EQU $0206 ; FoNT descriptor for SYStem font FNTSML EQU $020D ; FoNT descriptor for SMaLl font ALKEYS EQU $0214 ; ALl KEYS keypad mask MENUST EQU $0218 ; head of onboard MENU STart MXSCR EQU $021E ; address of 'MaX SCoRe' text string NOPLAY EQU $0228 ; address of 'Number Of PLAYers' string NOGAME EQU $0235 ; address of 'Number Of GAMEs' string ; ; BITS in PROCESSOR FLAG byte: PSWCY EQU 0 ; Processor Status Word, CarrY bit PSWPV EQU 2 ; Processor Status Word, Parity or oVerflow bit PSWZRO EQU 6 ; Processor Status Word, ZeRO bit PSWSGN EQU 7 ; Processor Status Word, SiGN bit ; ; BITS in GAME STATUS Byte: GSBTIM EQU 0 ; Game Status Byte, if TIMe is up set end bit GSBSCR EQU 1 ; Game Status Byte, if SCoRe reached set end bit GSBEND EQU 7 ; Game Status Byte, END flag bit ; ; Standard VECTOR DISPLACEMENTS and bits: VBMR EQU $00 ; +0 ; Vector Block, Magic Register VBSTAT EQU $01 ; +1 ; Vector Block, STATus byte VBTIMB EQU $02 ; +2 ; Vector Block, TIMe Base VBDXL EQU $03 ; +3 ; Vector Block, Delta for X Low VBDXH EQU $04 ; +4 ; Vector Block, Delta for X Hi VBXL EQU $05 ; +5 ; Vector Block, X coord Low VBXH EQU $06 ; +6 ; Vector Block, X coord Hi VBXCHK EQU $07 ; +7 ; Vector Block, X CHecK flags VBDYL EQU $08 ; +8 ; Vector Block, Delta for Y Low VBDYH EQU $09 ; +9 ; Vector Block, Delta for Y Hi VBYL EQU $0A ; +10 ; Vector Block, Y coord Low VBYH EQU $0B ; +11 ; Vector Block, Y coord Hi VBYCHK EQU $0C ; +12 ; Vector Block, Y CHecK flags VBOAL EQU $0D ; +13 ; Vector Block, Old Address Low VBOAH EQU $0E ; +14 ; Vector Block, Old Address Hi ; ; DISPLACEMENTS from start of COORDINATE AREA (X or Y): VBDCL EQU $00 ; +0 ; Vector Block, Delta for Coord Low VBDCH EQU $01 ; +1 ; Vector Block, Delta for Coord Hi VBCL EQU $02 ; +2 ; Vector Block, Coord Low VBCH EQU $03 ; +3 ; Vector Block, Coord Hi VBCCHK EQU $04 ; +4 ; Vector Block, Coord CHecK flags ; ; BITS in STATUS byte: VBBLNK EQU 6 ; Vector Block status, BLaNK bit VBSACT EQU 7 ; Vector Block Status, ACTive bit ; ; BITS in (X or Y) VB CHECK FLAG bit mask: VBCLMT EQU 0 ; Vector Block Check, LiMiT bit VBCREV EQU 1 ; Vector Block Check, REVerse delta on limit attain VBCLAT EQU 3 ; Vector Block Check, coordinate Limit ATtained ; ; FONT TABLE DISPLACEMENTS for CHARACTER DESCRIPTOR BLOCK: FTBASE EQU $00 ; +0 ; FonT BASE character (normally $A0) FTFSX EQU $01 ; +1 ; FonT Frame X Size width FTFSY EQU $02 ; +2 ; FonT Frame Y Size height FTBYTE EQU $03 ; +3 ; FonT X size for char in BYTEs FTYSIZ EQU $04 ; +4 ; FonT Y SIZe height in rows FTPTL EQU $05 ; +5 ; FonT Pattern Table address Low FTPTH EQU $06 ; +6 ; FonT Pattern Table address Hi ; ; BITS for MAGIC REGISTER (write option) byte: MRSHFT EQU $03 ; Magic Register, mask of SHiFT amount 0-3 MRROT EQU 2 ; Magic Register, write with ROTata bit MRXPND EQU 3 ; Magic Register, write with eXPaND bit MROR EQU 4 ; Magic Register, write with OR bit MRXOR EQU 5 ; Magic Register, write with eXclusive-OR bit MRFLOP EQU 6 ; Magic Register, write with FLOP bit ; ; BITS of CONTROL HANDLE Input port: CHUP EQU 0 ; Control Handle, UP bit CHDOWN EQU 1 ; Control Handle, DOWN bit CHLEFT EQU 2 ; Control Handle, joystick LEFT bit CHRIGH EQU 3 ; Control Handle, joystick RIGHT bit CHTRIG EQU 4 ; Control Handle, TRIGger bit ; ; CONTEXT BLOCK Register DISPLACEMENTS: CBIYL EQU $00 ; +0 ; Context Block, IY register Low CBIYH EQU $01 ; +1 ; Context Block, IY register Hi CBIXL EQU $02 ; +2 ; Context Block, IX register Low CBIXH EQU $03 ; +3 ; Context Block, IX register Hi CBE EQU $04 ; +4 ; Context Block, E register CBD EQU $05 ; +5 ; Context Block, D register CBC EQU $06 ; +6 ; Context Block, C register CBB EQU $07 ; +7 ; Context Block, B register CBFLAG EQU $08 ; +8 ; Context Block, FLAGs register CBA EQU $09 ; +9 ; Context Block, A register CBL EQU $0A ; +10 ; Context Block, L register CBH EQU $0B ; +11 ; Context Block, H register ; ; SENTRY RETURN Codes EQUates: SNUL EQU $00 ; Sentry return NULl, nothing happened SCT0 EQU $01 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 0 has counted down SCT1 EQU $02 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 1 has counted down SCT2 EQU $03 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 2 has counted down SCT3 EQU $04 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 3 has counted down SCT4 EQU $05 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 4 has counted down SCT5 EQU $06 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 5 has counted down SCT6 EQU $07 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 6 has counted down SCT7 EQU $08 ; Sentry, Counter-Timer 7 has counted down SF0 EQU $09 ; Sentry, Flag bit 0 has changed SF1 EQU $0A ; Sentry, Flag bit 1 has changed SF2 EQU $0B ; Sentry, Flag bit 2 has changed SF3 EQU $0C ; Sentry, Flag bit 3 has changed SF4 EQU $0D ; Sentry, Flag bit 4 has changed SF5 EQU $0E ; Sentry, Flag bit 5 has changed SF6 EQU $0F ; Sentry, Flag bit 6 has changed SF7 EQU $10 ; Sentry, Flag bit 7 has changed SSEC EQU $11 ; Sentry, SEConds timer has counted down SKYU EQU $12 ; Sentry, KeY is now Up SKYD EQU $13 ; Sentry, KeY is now Down ST0 EQU $14 ; Sentry, Trigger 0 for player 1 has changed SJ0 EQU $15 ; Sentry, Joystick 0 for player 1 has changed ST1 EQU $16 ; Sentry, Trigger 1 for player 2 has changed SJ1 EQU $17 ; Sentry, Joystick 1 for player 2 has changed ST2 EQU $18 ; Sentry, Trigger 2 for player 3 has changed SJ2 EQU $19 ; Sentry, Joystick 2 for player 3 has changed ST3 EQU $1A ; Sentry, Trigger 3 for player 4 has changed SJ3 EQU $1B ; Sentry, Joystick 3 for player 4 has changed SP0 EQU $1C ; Sentry, POTentiometer 0 has changed SP1 EQU $1D ; Sentry, POTentiometer 1 has changed SP2 EQU $1E ; Sentry, POTentiometer 2 has changed SP3 EQU $1F ; Sentry, POTentiometer 3 has changed ; ; ; ******************************** ; * Home Video Game PORT EQUates * ; ******************************** ; ; OUTPUT Ports for VIRTUAL COLOR: COL0R EQU $00 ; &(0)= ; write COLor 0 Right COL1R EQU $01 ; &(1)= ; write COLor 1 Right COL2R EQU $02 ; &(2)= ; write COLor 2 Right COL3R EQU $03 ; &(3)= ; write COLor 3 Right COL0L EQU $04 ; &(4)= ; write COLor 0 Left COL1L EQU $05 ; &(5)= ; write COLor 1 Left COL2L EQU $06 ; &(6)= ; write COLor 2 Left COL3L EQU $07 ; &(7)= ; write COLor 3 Left HORCB EQU $09 ; &(9)= ; write HORizontal Color Boundary VERBL EQU $0A ;&(10)= ; write VERtical Blanking Line COLBX EQU $0B ;&(11)= ; write COLor BloCK multi-port ; ; OUTPUT Ports for MUSIC and SOUNDS: TONMO EQU $10 ;&(16)= ; write TONe Master Oscillator TONEA EQU $11 ;&(17)= ; write TONe A oscillator TONEB EQU $12 ;&(18)= ; write TONe B oscillator TONEC EQU $13 ;&(19)= ; write TONe C oscillator VIBRA EQU $14 ;&(20)= ; write VIBRAto frequency & range VOLC EQU $15 ;&(21)= ; write VOLume of tone C VOLAB EQU $16 ;&(22)= ; write VOLumes of tones A & B VOLN EQU $17 ;&(23)= ; write VOLume of Noise SNDBX EQU $18 ;&(24)= ; write SouND BloCK multi-port ; ; INTERRUPT and CONTROL OUTPUT Ports: CONCM EQU $08 ; &(8)= ; write 0 for CONsumer, 1 for CoMmercial mode MAGIC EQU $0C ;&(12)= ; write MAGIC register INFBK EQU $0D ;&(13)= ; write INterrupt FeedBacK INMOD EQU $0E ;&(14)= ; write INterrupt MODe INLIN EQU $0F ;&(15)= ; write INterrupt LINe XPAND EQU $19 ;&(25)= ; eXPANDer pixel definition port ; ; INTERRUPT and INTERCEPT INPUT Ports: INTST EQU $08 ; =&(8) ; read INTercept STatus VERAF EQU $0E ;=&(14) ; read VERtical Address Feedback HORAF EQU $0F ;=&(15) ; read HORizontal Address Feedback ; ; HAND CONTROL INPUT Ports: SW0 EQU $10 ;=&(16) ; read SWitch bank 0 for player 1 hand control SW1 EQU $11 ;=&(17) ; read SWitch bank 1 for player 2 hand control SW2 EQU $12 ;=&(18) ; read SWitch bank 2 for player 3 hand control SW3 EQU $13 ;=&(19) ; read SWitch bank 3 for player 4 hand control POT0 EQU $1C ;=&(28) ; read POTentiometer 0 for player 1 knob POT1 EQU $1D ;=&(29) ; read POTentiometer 1 for player 2 knob POT2 EQU $1E ;=&(30) ; read POTentiometer 2 for player 3 knob POT3 EQU $1F ;=&(31) ; read POTentiometer 3 for player 4 knob ; ; KEYBOARD INPUT Ports: KEY0 EQU $14 ;=&(20) ; KEYboard column 0 (right side) KEY1 EQU $15 ;=&(21) ; KEYboard column 1 (center right) KEY2 EQU $16 ;=&(22) ; KEYboard column 2 (center left) KEY3 EQU $17 ;=&(23) ; KEYboard column 3 (left side) ; ; ; *************************************** ; * Home Video Game SYSTEM CALL Indexes * ; *************************************** ; ; USER PROGRAM Interface: INTPC EQU $00 ; # 0 ; INTerPret with Context create XINTC EQU $02 ; # 2 ; eXit INTerpreter with Context RCALL EQU $04 ; # 4 ; Real CALL asm language subroutine MCALL EQU $06 ; # 6 ; Macro CALL interpreter subroutine MRET EQU $08 ; # 8 ; Macro RETurn from interpreter subroutine MJUMP EQU $0A ; # 10 ; Macro JUMP to interpreter subroutine SUCK EQU $0C ; # 12 ; SUCK inline args into context block ; ; SCHEDULER Routines: ACTINT EQU $0E ; # 14 ; ACTivate sub timer INTerrupts DECCTS EQU $10 ; # 16 ; DECrement CT'S under mask ; ; MUSIC and SOUNDS: BMUSIC EQU $12 ; # 18 ; Begin playing MUSIC EMUSIC EQU $14 ; # 20 ; End playing MUSIC ; ; SCREEN HANDLER Routines: SETOUT EQU $16 ; # 22 ; SET some OUTput ports COLSET EQU $18 ; # 24 ; COLors SET FILL EQU $1A ; # 26 ; FILL memory with data RECTAN EQU $1C ; # 28 ; paint a RECTANgle VWRITR EQU $1E ; # 30 ; Vector WRITe Relative WRITR EQU $20 ; # 32 ; WRITe Relative WRITP EQU $22 ; # 34 ; WRITe with Pattern size lookup WRIT EQU $24 ; # 36 ; WRITe with sizes provided WRITA EQU $26 ; # 38 ; WRITe Absolute VBLANK EQU $28 ; # 40 ; Vector BLANK area BLANK EQU $2A ; # 42 ; BLANK area SAVE EQU $2C ; # 44 ; SAVE area RESTOR EQU $2E ; # 46 ; RESTORe area SCROLL EQU $30 ; # 48 ; SCROLL area of screen ; CHRDIS EQU $32 ; # 50 ; CHaRacter DISplay STRDIS EQU $34 ; # 52 ; STRing DISplay DISNUM EQU $36 ; # 54 ; DISplay NUMber ; RELABS EQU $38 ; # 56 ; RELative to ABSolute conversion RELAB1 EQU $3A ; # 58 ; RELative to non-magic ABSolute VECTC EQU $3C ; # 60 ; VECTor move single Coordinate VECT EQU $3E ; # 62 ; VECTor move coordinate pair ; ; HUMAN INTERFACE Routines: KCTASC EQU $40 ; # 64 ; Key Code in B To ASCii SENTRY EQU $42 ; # 66 ; SENse TRansition Y DOIT EQU $44 ; # 68 ; DOIT table, branch to translation handler DOITB EQU $46 ; # 70 ; DOIT table, use B instead of A PIZBRK EQU $48 ; # 72 ; take a PIZza BReaK MENU EQU $4A ; # 74 ; display a MENU GETPAR EQU $4C ; # 76 ; GET game PARameter from user GETNUM EQU $4E ; # 78 ; GET NUMber from user PAWS EQU $50 ; # 80 ; PAUSE DISTIM EQU $52 ; # 82 ; DISplay TIMe INCSCR EQU $54 ; # 84 ; INCrement SCoRe ; ; MATH Routines: INDEXN EQU $56 ; # 86 ; INDEX Nibble by C STOREN EQU $58 ; # 88 ; STORE Nibble in A by C INDEXW EQU $5A ; # 90 ; INDEX Word by A INDEXB EQU $5C ; # 92 ; INDEX Byte by A MOVE EQU $5E ; # 94 ; MOVE block transfer SHIFTU EQU $60 ; # 96 ; SHIFT Up digit in A BCDADD EQU $62 ; # 98 ; BCD ADDition BCDSUB EQU $64 ;# 100 ; BCD SUBtraction BCDMUL EQU $66 ;# 102 ; BCD MULtiplication BCDDIV EQU $68 ;# 104 ; BCD DIVision BCDCHS EQU $6A ;# 106 ; BCD CHange Sign BCDNEG EQU $6C ;# 108 ; BCD NEGate to decimal DADD EQU $6E ;# 110 ; Decimal ADDition DSMG EQU $70 ;# 112 ; Decimal convert to Sign MaGnitude DABS EQU $72 ;# 114 ; Decimal ABSolute value NEGT EQU $74 ;# 116 ; decimal NEGaTe RANGED EQU $76 ;# 118 ; RANGED random number QUIT EQU $78 ;# 120 ; QUIT cassette execution SETB EQU $7A ;# 122 ; SET Byte SETW EQU $7C ;# 124 ; SET Word MSKTD EQU $7E ;# 127 ; MaSK joystick in B To Deltas ; ; ; ********** ; * MACROS * ; ********** ; Assembler directives in lower case to distinguish from OPCODEs. ; ; MACROs to define PATTERNs: DEF2 macro AA,AB DB AA DB AB endm DEF3 macro BA,BB,BCC DB BA DB BB DB BCC ; 'BC' reserved, so used 'BCC' endm DEF4 macro CA,CB,CC,CD DB CA DB CB DB CC DB CD endm DEF5 macro DA,DBB,DC,DD,DEE DB DA DB DBB DB DC DB DD DB DEE endm DEF6 macro EA,EB,EC,ED,EE,EF DB EA DB EB DB EC DB ED DB EE DB EF endm DEF8 macro GA,GB,GC,GD,GEE,GF,GG,GH DB GA DB GB DB GC DB GD DB GEE ; 'GE' reserved, so used 'GEE' DB GF DB GG DB GH endm ; ; MACRO to compute CONSTANT SCREEN Addresses: XYRELL macro p1,p2,p3 ; RELative LOAD LD p1,[(p3 SHL 8) + p2] endm ; ; MACROs to generate SYSTEM CALLs: SYSTEM macro NUMBA RST $38 DB NUMBA if NUMBA = INTPC INTPCC DEFL 1 endif endm ; MACRO to generate SYSTEM CALL with SUCK option ON: SYSSUK macro UMBA RST $38 DB UMBA + 1 if UMBA = INTPC INTPCC DEFL 1 endif endm ; ; MACROs to generate MACRO INTERPRETER CALLs: ; INTERPRET without INLINE SUCK: DONT macro CID DB CID endm ; INTERPRET with INLINE SUCK option ON: DO macro CID DB CID + 1 endm ; ; FILL screen with constant data (was 'FILL?'): FILLq macro START,NBYTES,DATA DB FILL + 1 DW START DW NBYTES DB DATA endm ; DISPLAY a STRING: (only inside interpreter?) TEXTD macro AA,BB,CC,DD DB STRDIS + 1 DB BB DB CC DB DD DW AA endm ; ; EXIT interpreter with context restore: EXIT macro DB XINTC INTPCC DEFL 0 endm ; ENDx EQU $C0 ; END of DOIT Table ; ; MACRO CALLs from DOIT Table (only): MCALL macro AA, BB, EE DB AA + $80 DW BB if EE = ENDx DB EE endif endm ; REAL CALL from DOIT Table: RCALL macro AA,BB,EE DB AA + $40 DW BB if EE = ENDx DB EE endif endm ; REAL JUMP from DOIT Table: JMPd macro AA,BB,EE DB AA DW BB if EE = ENDx DB EE endif endm ; ;************** ; MUSIC MACROS: ; $00 to $7F = NOTE DURation, FREQuency(s): NOTE1 macro DUR,N1 DB (DUR) AND ($7F) DB N1 endm NOTE2 macro DUR,N1,N2 DB (DUR) AND ($7F) DB N1 DB N2 endm NOTE3 macro DUR,N1,N2,N3 DB (DUR) AND ($7F) DB N1 DB N2 DB N3 endm NOTE4 macro DUR,N1,N2,N3,N4 DB (DUR) AND ($7F) DB N1 DB N2 DB N3 DB N4 endm NOTE5 macro DUR,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5 DB (DUR) AND ($7F) DB N1 DB N2 DB N3 DB N4 DB N5 endm ; $80 = Set MASTER Osc, Offset: MASTER macro OFFSET DB $80 DB OFFSET endm ; $80 to $88 = Stuff OUTPUT Port# (0 to 7 only!), Data ; or OUTPUT SNDBX, Data10, D11,..., Data17: OUTPUT macro PORT,D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D7 if PORT != $18 DB $80 + ((PORT) AND ($7F)) DB D0 ; <-- D0 is NOT $D0 else ; on PORT = $18 DB $88 DEF8 D7,D6,D5,D4,D3,D2,D1,D0 endif endm ; $90 = Set VOICE MASK byte: ; The format of the Voice MASK is: ; * I * A * I * B * I * C * V * N * ; bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 ; read right-to-left, where I = INC PC and ; A, B, or C = load TONE A,B,C with data at PC ; V = load Vibrato with data at PC and INC PC ; N = load Noise with data at PC and INC PC VOICEM macro MASK ; 'VOICES' TO 'VOICEM' DB $90 DB MASK endm ; $A0 to $AF = PUSH Number 1 to 16 onto music stack: PUSHN macro NUMB DB $A0 + ((NUMB-1) AND $0F) endm ; $BO = Set VOLUMEs: VOLUME macro P1,P2 DB $B0 DB P1 DB P2 endm ; $C0 = Dec Stack top and JNZ: DSJNZ macro ADD_IT DB $C0 DW ADD_IT endm ; note: Music Processor also uses standard codes as $C3 for ; music JumP, $C9 for music RETurn, and $CD for music CALL. ; ; $D0 = Call RELative self+1 plus 0 to 15: CREL macro BY DB $D0 + (BY AND $0F) endm ; $E0 = Flip LEGatto to STAcato: LEGSTA macro DB $E0 endm REST macro TIME DB $E1 DB TIME endm QUIET macro DB $F0 endm ; ; ***************** ; * MUSIC EQUATES * ; ***************** ; NOTE Values: G0 EQU $FD ; 253 GS0 EQU $EE ; 238 A0 EQU $E1 ; 225 AS0 EQU $D4 ; 212 B0 EQU $C8 ; 200 C1 EQU $BD ; 189 CS1 EQU $B2 ; 178 D1 EQU $A8 ; 168 DS1 EQU $9F ; 159 E1 EQU $96 ; 150 F1 EQU $8D ; 141 FS1 EQU $85 ; 133 G1 EQU $7E ; 126 GS1 EQU $77 ; 119 A1 EQU $70 ; 112 AS1 EQU $6A ; 106 B1 EQU $64 ; 100 C2 EQU $5E ; 94 CS2 EQU $59 ; 89 D2 EQU $54 ; 84 DS2 EQU $4F ; 79 E2 EQU $4A ; 74 F2 EQU $46 ; 70 FS2 EQU $42 ; 66 G2 EQU $3E ; 62 GS2 EQU $3B ; 59 A2 EQU $37 ; 55 AS2 EQU $34 ; 52 B2 EQU $31 ; 49 C3 EQU $2E ; 46 CS3 EQU $2C ; 44 D3 EQU $29 ; 41 DS3 EQU $27 ; 39 E3 EQU $25 ; 37 F3 EQU $22 ; 34 FS3 EQU $20 ; 32 G3 EQU $1F ; 31 GS3 EQU $1D ; 29 A3 EQU $1B ; 27 AS3 EQU $1A ; 26 B3 EQU $18 ; 24 C4 EQU $17 ; 23 CS4 EQU $15 ; 21 D4 EQU $14 ; 20 DS4 EQU $13 ; 19 E4 EQU $12 ; 18 F4 EQU $11 ; 17 FS4 EQU $10 ; 16 G4 EQU $0F ; 15 GS4 EQU $0E ; 14 A4 EQU $0D ; 13 C5 EQU $0B ; 11 CS5 EQU $0A ; 10 DS5 EQU $09 ; 9 F5 EQU $08 ; 8 G5 EQU $07 ; 7 A5 EQU $06 ; 6 C6 EQU $05 ; 5 DS6 EQU $04 ; 4 G6 EQU $03 ; 3 C7 EQU $02 ; 2 G7 EQU $01 ; 1 G8 EQU $00 ; 0 ; ; MASTER OSCILATOR Offsets: OB0 EQU $FE ; 254 OC0 EQU $F1 ; 241 OD1 EQU $D6 ; 214 OE1 EQU $BF ; 191 OF1 EQU $B4 ; 180 OG1 EQU $A0 ; 160 OA1 EQU $8F ; 143 OA2 EQU $47 ; 71 OA3 EQU $23 ; 35 OA4 EQU $11 ; 17 OA5 EQU $08 ; 8 ; ; ; *************************** ; * SYSTEM RAM MEMORY Cells * ; *************************** WASTE EQU $0FFF WASTER EQU WASTE ; SYSRAM EQU $4FCE ; Resides at the highest possible address BEGRAM EQU SYSRAM ; typically used for initial Stack Pointer ; Used by MUSIC PROCESSOR: MUZPC EQU $4FCE ; MUSic Program Counter MUZSP EQU $4FD0 ; MUSic Stack Pointer PVOLAB EQU $4FD2 ; Preset VOLume for tones A and B PVOLMC EQU $4FD3 ; Preset VOLuMe for tone C and Noise Mode VOICES EQU $4FD4 ; music VOICES mask ; COUNTER TIMERS (used by DECCTS,ACTINT,CTIMER): CT0 EQU $4FD5 ; Counter Timer 0 CT1 EQU $4FD6 ; Counter Timer 1 CT2 EQU $4FD7 ; Counter Timer 2 CT3 EQU $4FD8 ; Counter Timer 3 CT4 EQU $4FD9 ; Counter Timer 4 CT5 EQU $4FDA ; Counter Timer 5 CT6 EQU $4FDB ; Counter Timer 6 CT7 EQU $4FDC ; Counter Timer 7 ;Used by SENTRY to track controls: CNT EQU $4FDD ; Counter update & Number Tracking SEMI4S EQU $4FDE ; SEMAPHORE flag bitS OPOT0 EQU $4FDF ; Old POT 0 tracking byte OPOT1 EQU $4FE0 ; Old POT 1 tracking byte OPOT2 EQU $4FE1 ; Old POT 2 tracking byte OPOT3 EQU $4FE2 ; Old POT 3 tracking byte KEYSEX EQU $4FE3 ; KEYS-EX tracking byte OSW0 EQU $4FE4 ; Old SWitch 0 tracking byte OSW1 EQU $4FE5 ; Old SWitch 1 tracking byte OSW2 EQU $4FE6 ; Old SWitch 2 tracking byte OSW3 EQU $4FE7 ; Old SWitch 3 tracking byte COLLST EQU $4FE8 ; COLset LaST address for P.B. A ; Used by STIMER: DURAT EQU $4FEA ; note DURATion TMR60 EQU $4FEB ; TiMeR for SIXTY'ths of sec TIMOUT EQU $4FEC ; TIMer for blackOUT GTSECS EQU $4FED ; Game Time SECondS GTMINS EQU $4FEE ; Game Time MINuteS ; Used by MENU: RANSHT EQU $4FEF ; RANdom number SHifT register NUMPLY EQU $4FF3 ; NUMber of PLaYers ENDSCR EQU $4FF4 ; END SCoRe to 'play to' MRLOCK EQU $4FF7 ; Magic Register LOCK out flag GAMSTB EQU $4FF8 ; GAMe STatus Byte PRIOR EQU $4FF9 ; PRIOR music protect flag SENFLG EQU $4FFA ; SENtry control seizure FLaG ; User UPI Routines, even numbers from $80 to $FE ( + 1 for SUCK): UMARGT EQU $4FFB ; User Mask ARGument Table + (routine / 2) USERTB EQU $4FFD ; USER Table Base + routine = JumP address ; URINAL EQU $4FFF ; WASTER flushes here! ; ;