import { WASIFilesystem, WASIMemoryFilesystem, WASIRunner } from "../../common/wasi/wasishim"; import { BuildStep, BuildStepResult, gatherFiles, getWASMBinary, loadNative, loadWASMBinary, makeErrorMatcher, putWorkFile, staleFiles, store } from "../workermain"; import JSZip from 'jszip'; let cc7800_fs: WASIFilesystem | null = null; let wasiModule: WebAssembly.Module | null = null; function loadBlobSync(path: string) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.responseType = 'blob';"GET", path, false); // synchronous request xhr.send(null); return xhr.response; } async function loadWASIFilesystemZip(zippath: string) { const jszip = new JSZip(); const path = '../../src/worker/fs/' + zippath; const zipdata = loadBlobSync(path); console.log(zippath, zipdata); await jszip.loadAsync(zipdata); let fs = new WASIMemoryFilesystem(); let promises = []; jszip.forEach(async (relativePath, zipEntry) => { if (zipEntry.dir) { fs.putDirectory(relativePath); } else { let path = './' + relativePath; let prom = zipEntry.async("uint8array").then((data) => { fs.putFile(path, data); }); promises.push(prom); } }); await Promise.all(promises); return fs; } export async function compileCC7800(step: BuildStep): Promise { const errors = []; gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" }); const destpath = "./a.out"; if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) { if (!cc7800_fs) { cc7800_fs = await loadWASIFilesystemZip(""); } if (!wasiModule) { wasiModule = new WebAssembly.Module(loadWASMBinary("cc7800")); } const wasi = new WASIRunner(); wasi.initSync(wasiModule); wasi.fs.setParent(cc7800_fs); for (let file of step.files) { wasi.fs.putFile("./" + file, store.getFileData(file)); } wasi.addPreopenDirectory("headers"); wasi.addPreopenDirectory("."); wasi.setArgs(["cc7800", "-v", "-g", "-S", "-I", "headers", step.path]); try {; } catch (e) { errors.push(e); } // TODO let stdout = wasi.fds[1].getBytesAsString(); let stderr = wasi.fds[2].getBytesAsString(); console.log('stdout', stdout); console.log('stderr', stderr); // Syntax error: Unknown identifier cputes on line 11 of test.c78 if (stderr.indexOf("Syntax error:") >= 0) { const matcher = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /^Syntax error: (.+?) on line (\d+) of (.+)/, 2, 1, step.path, 3); for (let line of stderr.split('\n')) { matcher(line); } } if (errors.length) { return { errors }; } const combinedasm = wasi.fs.getFile(destpath).getBytesAsString(); putWorkFile(destpath, combinedasm); } return { nexttool: "dasm", path: destpath, args: [destpath], files: [destpath] }; }