mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-09-27 08:54:48 +00:00
2022-02-11 10:25:35 -06:00

522 lines
20 KiB

import { mergeLocs, Token, Tokenizer, TokenType } from "../tokenizer";
import { SourceLocated, SourceLocation } from "../workertypes";
import { newDecoder } from "./decoder";
import { Action, ActionContext, ActionNode, ActionWithJoin, ArrayType, CodeLiteralNode, CodePlaceholderNode, ComponentType, DataField, DataType, DataValue, ECSError, Entity, EntityArchetype, EntityManager, EntityScope, IntType, Query, RefType, SelectType, SELECT_TYPE, SourceFileExport, System, SystemInstance, SystemInstanceParameters, ComponentFieldPair } from "./ecs";
export enum ECSTokenType {
Ellipsis = 'ellipsis',
Operator = 'delimiter',
QuotedString = 'quoted-string',
Integer = 'integer',
CodeFragment = 'code-fragment',
Placeholder = 'placeholder',
interface ForwardRef {
reftype: RefType | undefined
token: Token
export class ECSCompiler extends Tokenizer {
currentScope: EntityScope | null = null;
currentContext: ActionContext | null = null;
debuginfo = false;
public readonly em: EntityManager)
//this.includeEOL = true;
{ type: ECSTokenType.Ellipsis, regex: /\.\./ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.QuotedString, regex: /".*?"/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.CodeFragment, regex: /---.*?---/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[-]?0[xX][A-Fa-f0-9]+/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[-]?\$[A-Fa-f0-9]+/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[-]?\d+/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[%][01]+/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Operator, regex: /[.#=,:(){}\[\]\-]/ },
{ type: TokenType.Ident, regex: /[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*/ },
{ type: TokenType.Ignore, regex: /\/\/.*?[\n\r]/ },
{ type: TokenType.Ignore, regex: /\/\*.*?\*\// },
{ type: TokenType.Ignore, regex: /\s+/ },
this.errorOnCatchAll = true;
annotate<T extends SourceLocated>(fn: () => T) {
let tok = this.peekToken();
let obj = fn();
if (obj) (obj as SourceLocated).$loc = tok.$loc;
return obj;
parseFile(text: string, path: string) {
this.tokenizeFile(text, path);
while (!this.isEOF()) {
let top = this.parseTopLevel();
if (top) {
let t = top;
this.annotate(() => t); // TODO? typescript bug?
getImportFile: (path: string) => string;
importFile(path: string) {
if (!this.em.imported[path]) { // already imported?
let text = this.getImportFile && this.getImportFile(path);
if (!text) this.compileError(`I can't find the import file "${path}".`);
this.em.imported[path] = true;
let comp = new ECSCompiler(this.em);
comp.debuginfo = this.debuginfo; // TODO: clone compiler
try {
comp.parseFile(text, path);
} catch (e) {
for (var err of comp.errors) this.errors.push(err);
parseTopLevel() {
let tok = this.expectTokens(['component', 'system', 'scope', 'resource', 'import', 'demo', 'comment']);
if (tok.str == 'component') {
return this.em.defineComponent(this.parseComponentDefinition());
if (tok.str == 'system') {
return this.em.defineSystem(this.parseSystem());
if (tok.str == 'scope') {
return this.parseScope();
if (tok.str == 'resource') {
return this.em.defineSystem(this.parseResource());
if (tok.str == 'import') {
let tok = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.QuotedString]);
let path = tok.str.substring(1, tok.str.length-1);
return this.importFile(path);
if (tok.str == 'demo') {
let scope = this.parseScope();
scope.isDemo = true;
return scope;
if (tok.str == 'comment') {
this.compileError(`Unexpected top-level keyword: ${tok.str}`);
parseComponentDefinition(): ComponentType {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let fields = [];
while (this.peekToken().str != 'end') {
return { name, fields };
parseComponentField(): DataField {
let name = this.expectIdent();
this.expectToken(':', 'I expected either a ":" or "end" here.'); // TODO
let type = this.parseDataType();
return { name: name.str, ...type };
parseDataType(): DataType {
if (this.peekToken().type == 'integer') {
let lo = this.expectInteger();
let hi = this.expectInteger();
return { dtype: 'int', lo, hi } as IntType;
if (this.peekToken().str == '[') {
return { dtype: 'ref', query: this.parseQuery() } as RefType;
if (this.ifToken('array')) {
let index : IntType | undefined = undefined;
if (this.peekToken().type == ECSTokenType.Integer) {
index = this.parseDataType() as IntType;
let elem = this.parseDataType();
let baseoffset;
if (this.ifToken('baseoffset')) {
baseoffset = this.expectInteger();
return { dtype: 'array', index, elem, baseoffset } as ArrayType;
this.compileError(`I expected a data type here.`); throw new Error();
parseDataValue(field: DataField) : DataValue | ForwardRef {
let tok = this.peekToken();
if (tok.type == 'integer') {
return this.expectInteger();
if (tok.str == '[') {
// TODO: 16-bit?
return new Uint8Array(this.parseDataArray());
if (tok.str == '#') {
let reftype = field.dtype == 'ref' ? field as RefType : undefined;
let token = this.expectIdent();
return { reftype, token };
this.compileError(`I expected a ${field.dtype} here.`); throw new Error();
parseDataArray() {
let arr = this.parseList(this.expectInteger, ',');
return arr;
expectInteger(): number {
let s = this.consumeToken().str;
let i : number;
if (s.startsWith('$'))
i = parseInt(s.substring(1), 16); // hex $...
else if (s.startsWith('%'))
i = parseInt(s.substring(1), 2); // binary %...
i = parseInt(s); // default base 10 or 16 (0x...)
if (isNaN(i)) this.compileError('There should be an integer here.');
return i;
parseSystem(): System {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let actions: Action[] = [];
let system: System = { name, actions };
let cmd;
while ((cmd = this.expectTokens(['on','locals','end']).str) != 'end') {
if (cmd == 'on') {
let action = this.annotate(() => this.parseAction(system));
} else if (cmd == 'locals') {
system.tempbytes = this.expectInteger();
} else {
this.compileError(`Unexpected system keyword: ${cmd}`);
return system;
parseResource(): System {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let tempbytes;
if (this.peekToken().str == 'locals') {
tempbytes = this.expectInteger();
let system : System = { name, tempbytes, actions: [] };
let context : ActionContext = { scope: null, system };
let text = this.parseCode(context);
let select : SelectType = 'once';
let action : Action = { text, event: name, select };
return system;
parseAction(system: System): Action {
// TODO: unused events?
const event = this.expectIdent().str;
// TODO: include modifiers in error msg
const select = this.expectTokens(SELECT_TYPE).str as SelectType; // TODO: type check?
const all_modifiers = ['cyclecritical','asc','desc']; // TODO
const modifiers = this.parseModifiers(all_modifiers);
let query = undefined;
let join = undefined;
if (select == 'once') {
if (this.peekToken().str == '[') this.compileError(`A "${select}" action can't include a query.`)
} else {
query = this.parseQuery();
if (select == 'join') {
join = this.parseQuery();
if (this.ifToken('limit')) {
if (!query) { this.compileError(`A "${select}" query can't include a limit.`); }
else query.limit = this.expectInteger();
let context : ActionContext = { scope: null, system };
let text = this.parseCode(context);
let direction = undefined;
if (modifiers['asc']) direction = 'asc';
else if (modifiers['desc']) direction = 'desc';
let action = { text, event, query, join, select, direction };
return action as ActionWithJoin;
parseQuery() {
let q: Query = { include: [] };
let start = this.expectToken('[');
this.parseList(() => this.parseQueryItem(q), ',');
// TODO: other params
q.$loc = mergeLocs(start.$loc, this.lasttoken.$loc);
return q;
parseQueryItem(q: Query) {
let prefix = this.peekToken();
if (prefix.type != TokenType.Ident) {
let cref = this.parseComponentRef();
if (prefix.type == TokenType.Ident) {
} else if (prefix.str == '-') {
if (!q.exclude) q.exclude = [];
} else {
this.compileError(`Query components may be preceded only by a '-'.`);
parseEventName() {
return this.expectIdent().str;
parseEventList() {
return this.parseList(this.parseEventName, ",");
parseCode(context: ActionContext): string { // TODOActionNode[] {
// TODO: add $loc
let tok = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]);
let code = tok.str.substring(3, tok.str.length-3);
// TODO: add after parsing maybe?
let lines = code.split('\n');
if (this.debuginfo) this.addDebugInfo(lines, tok.$loc.line);
code = lines.join('\n');
let acomp = new ECSActionCompiler(context);
let nodes = acomp.parseFile(code, this.path);
// TODO: return nodes
return code;
addDebugInfo(lines: string[], startline: number) {
const re = /^\s*(;|\/\/|$)/; // ignore comments and blank lines
for (let i=0; i<lines.length; i++) {
if (!lines[i].match(re))
lines[i] = this.em.dialect.debug_line(this.path, startline+i) + '\n' + lines[i];
parseScope() : EntityScope {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let scope = this.em.newScope(name, this.currentScope || undefined);
scope.filePath = this.path;
this.currentScope = scope;
let cmd;
while ((cmd = this.expectTokens(['end', 'using', 'entity', 'scope', 'comment', 'system']).str) != 'end') {
if (cmd == 'using') {
if (cmd == 'entity') {
this.annotate(() => this.parseEntity());
if (cmd == 'scope') {
this.annotate(() => this.parseScope());
if (cmd == 'comment') {
if (cmd == 'system') {
let sys = this.annotate(() => this.parseSystem());
this.currentScope = scope.parent || null;
return scope;
parseScopeUsing() {
let instlist = this.parseList(this.parseSystemInstanceRef, ',');
for (let inst of instlist) {
parseEntity() : Entity {
if (!this.currentScope) { this.internalError(); throw new Error(); }
const scope = this.currentScope;
let entname = '';
if (this.peekToken().type == TokenType.Ident) {
entname = this.expectIdent().str;
let etype = this.parseEntityArchetype();
let entity = this.currentScope.newEntity(etype);
entity.name = entname;
let cmd2 : string;
// TODO: remove init?
while ((cmd2 = this.expectTokens(['const', 'init', 'var', 'decode', 'end']).str) != 'end') {
let cmd = cmd2; // put in scope
if (cmd == 'var') cmd = 'init';
if (cmd == 'init' || cmd == 'const') {
// TODO: check data types
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let { c, f } = this.getEntityField(entity, name);
let symtype = this.currentScope.isConstOrInit(c, name);
if (symtype && symtype != cmd)
this.compileError(`I can't mix const and init values for a given field in a scope.`);
let valueOrRef = this.parseDataValue(f);
if ((valueOrRef as ForwardRef).token != null) {
this.deferred.push(() => {
let refvalue = this.resolveEntityRef(scope, valueOrRef as ForwardRef);
if (cmd == 'const') scope.setConstValue(entity, c, name, refvalue);
if (cmd == 'init') scope.setInitValue(entity, c, name, refvalue);
} else {
if (cmd == 'const') scope.setConstValue(entity, c, name, valueOrRef as DataValue);
if (cmd == 'init') scope.setInitValue(entity, c, name, valueOrRef as DataValue);
} else if (cmd == 'decode') {
let decoderid = this.expectIdent().str;
let code = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]).str;
code = code.substring(3, code.length-3);
let decoder = newDecoder(decoderid, code);
if (!decoder) { this.compileError(`I can't find a "${decoderid}" decoder.`); throw new Error() }
let result = decoder.parse();
for (let entry of Object.entries(result.properties)) {
let { c, f } = this.getEntityField(entity, entry[0]);
scope.setConstValue(entity, c, f.name, entry[1]);
return entity;
getEntityField(e: Entity, name: string) : ComponentFieldPair {
if (!this.currentScope) { this.internalError(); throw new Error(); }
let comps = this.em.componentsWithFieldName([e.etype], name);
if (comps.length == 0) this.compileError(`I couldn't find a field named "${name}" for this entity.`)
if (comps.length > 1) this.compileError(`I found more than one field named "${name}" for this entity.`)
let component = comps[0];
let field = component.fields.find(f => f.name == name);
if (!field) { this.internalError(); throw new Error(); }
return { c: component, f: field };
parseEntityArchetype() : EntityArchetype {
let components = this.parseList(this.parseComponentRef, ',');
return {components};
parseComponentRef() : ComponentType {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let cref = this.em.getComponentByName(name);
if (!cref) this.compileError(`I couldn't find a component named "${name}".`)
return cref;
findEntityByName(scope: EntityScope, token: Token) {
let name = token.str;
let eref = scope.entities.find(e => e.name == name);
if (!eref) {
this.compileError(`I couldn't find an entity named "${name}" in this scope.`, token.$loc)
throw new Error();
return eref;
resolveEntityRef(scope: EntityScope, ref: ForwardRef) : number {
let id = this.findEntityByName(scope, ref.token).id;
if (ref.reftype) {
// TODO: make this a function? elo ehi etc?
let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(ref.reftype.query);
let entities = scope.entitiesMatching(atypes);
if (entities.length == 0)
this.compileError(`This entity doesn't seem to fit the reference type.`, ref.token.$loc);
id -= entities[0].id;
return id;
parseSystemInstanceRef() : SystemInstance {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let system = this.em.getSystemByName(name);
if (!system) this.compileError(`I couldn't find a system named "${name}".`, this.lasttoken.$loc);
let params = {};
if (this.peekToken().str == 'with') {
params = this.parseSystemInstanceParameters();
let inst = { system, params, id: 0 };
return inst;
parseSystemInstanceParameters() : SystemInstanceParameters {
let scope = this.currentScope;
if (scope == null) throw new Error();
let entname = this.expectIdent();
let fieldname = this.expectIdent();
let entity = this.findEntityByName(scope, entname);
let cf = this.getEntityField(entity, fieldname.str);
return { refEntity: entity, refField: cf };
exportToFile(src: SourceFileExport) {
export() {
let src = new SourceFileExport();
for (let path of Object.keys(this.em.imported))
return src.toString();
export class ECSActionCompiler extends Tokenizer {
public readonly context: ActionContext)
{ type: ECSTokenType.Placeholder, regex: /\{\{.*?\}\}/ },
{ type: TokenType.CatchAll, regex: /[^{\n]+\n*/ },
this.errorOnCatchAll = false;
parseFile(text: string, path: string) {
this.tokenizeFile(text, path);
let nodes = [];
while (!this.isEOF()) {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
if (tok.type == ECSTokenType.Placeholder) {
let args = tok.str.substring(2, tok.str.length-2).split(/\s+/);
nodes.push(new CodePlaceholderNode(this.context, tok.$loc, args));
} else if (tok.type == TokenType.CatchAll) {
nodes.push(new CodeLiteralNode(this.context, tok.$loc, tok.str));
return nodes;