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104 lines
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; "HORCB Pal" demo 2018 hxlnt
; Inspired by Michael Garber Color Picker
; http://ballyalley.com/ml/ml_homebrew/colorpicker.asm
; From: https://github.com/hxlnt/astrocade
; need these in 1st file sdcc linker sees
.area _HOME
.area _DATA
.area _BSEG
.area _BSS
.area _HEAP
.area _CODE
.include "astrocade.inc"
.globl _main
FrameCount = 0x4F00 ; Reserve a space for a frame counter
.db 0x55 ; ... with the code for a normal menued cartridge
.dw MENUST ; Initialize menu
.dw PrgName ; ... with string at PrgName
.dw PrgStart ; ... such that selecting the program enters PrgStart
PrgName: .ascii "HORCB PAL" ; String
.db 0 ; ... which must be followed by 0
PrgStart: DI ; Disable interrupts
LD SP,#0x4fce ; position stack below BIOS vars
ld hl,#0x20d ; small font -> IX
push hl
pop ix
SYSTEM INTPC ; Begin interpreter mode
DO SETOUT ; Set output ports
.db 96*2 ; ... with VBLANK line set to line 96
.db 0/4 ; ... with color boundary 0 pixels from the left of the screen
.db 0b00001000 ; ... with screen interrupts enabled
DO COLSET ; Set color palettes
.dw Palettes ; ... with the values at Palettes
DO FILL ; Set background fill
.dw NORMEM ; ... starting at the beginning of screen RAM
.dw 24*BYTEPL ; ... and going for 24 lines
.db 0b00011011 ; ... with a fill pattern of four different colored pixels
DO FILL ; Set background fill
.dw 24*BYTEPL ; ... and going for 24 lines
.db 0b00000000 ; ... with a solid fill of color 00
DO FILL ; Set background fill
.dw 24*BYTEPL ; ... and going for 24 lines
.db 0b11111111 ; ... with a solid fill of color 11
DO STRDIS ; Set string display
.db 28 ; ... starting 28 pixels from the left of the screen
.db 40 ; ... and 40 pixels from the top of the screen
.db 0b00001100 ; ... with no enlargement, foreground color = 11, background color = 00
.dw PrgName ; ... with string at PrgName
DONT XINTC ; Exit interpreter mode
Loop: IN A,(POT0) ; Let A = controller 1 knob value
OUT (HORCB),A ; Let horizontal color boundary = A
CALL UpdateDisp ; Call UpdateDisp subroutine
JP Loop ; Go back to beginning of infinite loop
Palettes: .db 0xF4,0x1C,0x1F,0x5F ; Left color palette (11b, 10b, 01b, 00b)
.db 0xED,0xCD,0xD5,0x8E ; Right color palette (11b, 10b, 01b, 00b)
DI ; Disable interrupts
PUSH AF ; Push AF to SP
LD C,A ; Get first hex digit from knob value
SRL C ; ...
SRL C ; ...
SRL C ; ...
SRL C ; ...
LD B,#0 ; Display first hex digit from knob value
LD HL,#Hex ; ... Load HL with address Hex
ADD HL,BC ; ... Offset Hex by BC to get first hex digit
LD A,(HL) ; ... Load A with first hex digit
LD C,#0b00000100 ; ... Load C with string options
LD D,#40 ; ... Load D with string Y-coordinate
LD E,#120 ; ... Load E with X-coordinate
SYSTEM (CHRDIS) ; ... Display first digit
POP AF ; Pop AF off SP
AND A,#0x0F ; Get second hex digit from knob value
LD C,A ; ...
LD B,#0 ; Display second hex digit from knob value
LD HL,#Hex ; ... Load HL with address Hex
ADD HL,BC ; ... Offset Hex by BC to get second hex digit
LD A,(HL) ; ... Load A with second hex digit
LD C,#0b00000100 ; ... Load C with string options
LD D,#40 ; ... Load D with Y-coordinate
LD E,#128 ; ... Load E with X-coordinate
SYSTEM (CHRDIS) ; ... Display second digit
LD A,(FrameCount) ; Increment frame counter
INC A ; ...
LD (FrameCount),A ; ...
AND #0b00000111 ; Every fourth frame, run AnimBars
CP #0b00000100 ; ...
JR Z, AnimBars ; ...
JP AnimDone ; Otherwise, skip AnimBars
AnimBars: SYSSUK RANGED ; Load a random 8-bit number in A
.db 0 ; ...
LD BC,#24*BYTEPL ; Load BC with one scanline length
SYSTEM FILL ; Fill remainder of screen with repeating random tile
AnimDone: EI ; Enable interrupts
RET ; Return from subroutine
Hex: .ascii "0123456789ABCDEF"