mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-10-15 11:23:43 +00:00

9899 lines
291 KiB

(() => {
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
if (__hasOwnProp.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
if (__propIsEnum.call(b, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
return a;
// src/common/util.ts
function hex(v, nd) {
if (!nd)
nd = 2;
if (nd == 8) {
return hex(v >> 16 & 65535, 4) + hex(v & 65535, 4);
} else {
return toradix(v, nd, 16);
function toradix(v, nd, radix) {
try {
var s = v.toString(radix).toUpperCase();
while (s.length < nd)
s = "0" + s;
return s;
} catch (e) {
return v + "";
function stringToByteArray(s) {
var a = new Uint8Array(s.length);
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);
return a;
function byteArrayToString(data) {
var str = "";
if (data != null) {
var charLUT = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < 256; ++i)
charLUT[i] = String.fromCharCode(i);
var len = data.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
str += charLUT[data[i]];
return str;
function getBasePlatform(platform) {
return platform.split(".")[0];
function getRootPlatform(platform) {
return platform.split("-")[0];
function getRootBasePlatform(platform) {
return getRootPlatform(getBasePlatform(platform));
var XMLParseError = class extends Error {
function escapeXML(s) {
if (s.indexOf("&") >= 0) {
return s.replace(/&apos;/g, "'").replace(/&quot;/g, '"').replace(/&gt;/g, ">").replace(/&lt;/g, "<").replace(/&amp;/g, "&");
} else {
return s;
function parseXMLPoorly(s, openfn, closefn) {
const tag_re = /[<]([/]?)([?a-z_-]+)([^>]*)[>]+|(\s*[^<]+)/gi;
const attr_re = /\s*(\w+)="(.*?)"\s*/gi;
var fm;
var stack = [];
var top;
function closetop() {
top = stack.pop();
if (top == null || top.type != ident)
throw new XMLParseError("mismatch close tag: " + ident);
if (closefn) {
top.obj = closefn(top);
if (stack.length == 0)
throw new XMLParseError("close tag without open: " + ident);
stack[stack.length - 1].children.push(top);
function parseattrs(as) {
var am;
var attrs2 = {};
if (as != null) {
while (am = attr_re.exec(as)) {
attrs2[am[1]] = escapeXML(am[2]);
return attrs2;
while (fm = tag_re.exec(s)) {
var [_m0, close, ident, attrs, content] = fm;
if (close) {
} else if (ident) {
var node = { type: ident, text: null, children: [], attrs: parseattrs(attrs), obj: null };
if (attrs) {
if (openfn) {
node.obj = openfn(node);
if (attrs && attrs.endsWith("/"))
} else if (content != null) {
if (stack.length == 0)
throw new XMLParseError("content without element");
var txt = escapeXML(content).trim();
if (txt.length)
stack[stack.length - 1].text = txt;
if (stack.length != 1)
throw new XMLParseError("tag not closed");
if (stack[0].type != "?xml")
throw new XMLParseError("?xml needs to be first element");
return top;
// src/common/basic/compiler.ts
var CompileError = class extends Error {
constructor(msg, loc) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CompileError.prototype);
this.$loc = loc;
var re_toks = /([0-9.]+[E][+-]?\d+|\d+[.][E0-9]*|[.][E0-9]+)|[0]*(\d+)|&([OH][0-9A-F]+)|(['].*)|([A-Z_]\w*[$]?)|(".*?")|([<>]?[=<>#])|(\*\*)|([-+*/^,;:()\[\]\?\\])|(\S+)|(\s+)/gi;
var TokenType;
(function(TokenType3) {
TokenType3[TokenType3["EOL"] = 0] = "EOL";
TokenType3[TokenType3["Float"] = 1] = "Float";
TokenType3[TokenType3["Int"] = 2] = "Int";
TokenType3[TokenType3["HexOctalInt"] = 3] = "HexOctalInt";
TokenType3[TokenType3["Remark"] = 4] = "Remark";
TokenType3[TokenType3["Ident"] = 5] = "Ident";
TokenType3[TokenType3["String"] = 6] = "String";
TokenType3[TokenType3["Relational"] = 7] = "Relational";
TokenType3[TokenType3["DoubleStar"] = 8] = "DoubleStar";
TokenType3[TokenType3["Operator"] = 9] = "Operator";
TokenType3[TokenType3["CatchAll"] = 10] = "CatchAll";
TokenType3[TokenType3["Whitespace"] = 11] = "Whitespace";
TokenType3[TokenType3["_LAST"] = 12] = "_LAST";
})(TokenType || (TokenType = {}));
"IMP": { f: "bimp", p: 4 },
"EQV": { f: "beqv", p: 5 },
"XOR": { f: "bxor", p: 6 },
"OR": { f: "bor", p: 7 },
"AND": { f: "band", p: 8 },
"||": { f: "lor", p: 17 },
"&&": { f: "land", p: 18 },
"=": { f: "eq", p: 50 },
"==": { f: "eq", p: 50 },
"<>": { f: "ne", p: 50 },
"><": { f: "ne", p: 50 },
"!=": { f: "ne", p: 50 },
"#": { f: "ne", p: 50 },
"<": { f: "lt", p: 50 },
">": { f: "gt", p: 50 },
"<=": { f: "le", p: 50 },
">=": { f: "ge", p: 50 },
"MIN": { f: "min", p: 75 },
"MAX": { f: "max", p: 75 },
"+": { f: "add", p: 100 },
"-": { f: "sub", p: 100 },
"%": { f: "mod", p: 140 },
"MOD": { f: "mod", p: 140 },
"\\": { f: "idiv", p: 150 },
"*": { f: "mul", p: 200 },
"/": { f: "div", p: 200 },
"^": { f: "pow", p: 300 },
"**": { f: "pow", p: 300 }
function getOperator(op) {
return OPERATORS[op];
function getPrecedence(tok) {
switch (tok.type) {
case 9:
case 8:
case 7:
case 5:
let op = getOperator(tok.str);
if (op)
return op.p;
return -1;
function isEOS(tok) {
return tok.type == 0 || tok.type == 4 || tok.str == ":" || tok.str == "ELSE";
function stripQuotes(s) {
return s.substr(1, s.length - 2);
function isLiteral(arg) {
return arg.value != null;
function isLookup(arg) {
return arg.name != null;
function isBinOp(arg) {
return arg.op != null && arg.left != null && arg.right != null;
function isUnOp(arg) {
return arg.op != null && arg.expr != null;
function mergeLocs(a, b) {
return {
line: Math.min(a.line, b.line),
start: Math.min(a.start, b.start),
end: Math.max(a.end, b.end),
label: a.label || b.label,
path: a.path || b.path
var BASICParser = class {
constructor() {
this.opts = DIALECTS["DEFAULT"];
this.maxlinelen = 255;
this.optionCount = 0;
this.lineno = 0;
this.curlabel = null;
this.stmts = [];
this.labels = {};
this.targets = {};
this.errors = [];
this.listings = {};
this.vardefs = {};
this.varrefs = {};
this.fnrefs = {};
this.scopestack = [];
this.elseifcount = 0;
addError(msg, loc) {
var tok = this.lasttoken || this.peekToken();
if (!loc)
loc = tok.$loc;
this.errors.push({ path: loc.path, line: loc.line, label: this.curlabel, start: loc.start, end: loc.end, msg });
compileError(msg, loc, loc2) {
this.addError(msg, loc);
throw new CompileError(msg, loc);
dialectError(what, loc) {
this.compileError(`${what} in this dialect of BASIC (${this.opts.dialectName}).`, loc);
dialectErrorNoSupport(what, loc) {
this.compileError(`You can't use ${what} in this dialect of BASIC (${this.opts.dialectName}).`, loc);
consumeToken() {
var tok = this.lasttoken = this.tokens.shift() || this.eol;
return tok;
expectToken(str, msg) {
var tok = this.consumeToken();
var tokstr = tok.str;
if (str != tokstr) {
this.compileError(msg || `There should be a "${str}" here.`);
return tok;
expectTokens(strlist, msg) {
var tok = this.consumeToken();
var tokstr = tok.str;
if (strlist.indexOf(tokstr) < 0) {
this.compileError(msg || `There should be a ${strlist.map((s) => `"${s}"`).join(" or ")} here.`);
return tok;
peekToken(lookahead) {
var tok = this.tokens[lookahead || 0];
return tok ? tok : this.eol;
pushbackToken(tok) {
parseOptLabel() {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
switch (tok.type) {
case 5:
if (this.opts.optionalLabels || tok.str == "OPTION") {
if (this.peekToken().str == ":" && !this.supportsCommand(tok.str)) {
} else {
} else
this.dialectError(`Each line must begin with a line number`);
case 2:
case 3:
case 1:
this.compileError(`Line numbers must be positive integers.`);
case 9:
if (this.supportsCommand(tok.str) && this.validKeyword(tok.str)) {
if (this.opts.optionalLabels)
this.compileError(`A line must start with a line number, command, or label.`);
this.compileError(`A line must start with a line number.`);
case 4:
this.addLabel("#" + this.lineno);
getPC() {
return this.stmts.length;
addStatement(stmt, cmdtok, endtok) {
if (endtok == null)
endtok = this.peekToken();
stmt.$loc = {
path: cmdtok.$loc.path,
line: cmdtok.$loc.line,
start: cmdtok.$loc.start,
end: endtok.$loc.start,
label: this.curlabel,
offset: this.stmts.length
addLabel(str, offset) {
if (this.labels[str] != null)
this.compileError(`There's a duplicated label named "${str}".`);
this.labels[str] = this.getPC() + (offset || 0);
this.curlabel = str;
this.tokens.forEach((tok) => tok.$loc.label = str);
parseFile(file, path) {
this.path = path;
var txtlines = file.split(/\n|\r\n?/);
txtlines.forEach((line) => this.parseLine(line));
var program = { opts: this.opts, stmts: this.stmts, labels: this.labels };
this.listings[path] = this.generateListing(file, program);
return program;
parseLine(line) {
try {
} catch (e) {
if (!(e instanceof CompileError))
throw e;
_tokenize(line) {
let splitre = this.opts.optionalWhitespace && new RegExp("(" + this.opts.validKeywords.map((s) => `${s}`).join("|") + ")");
var lastTokType = 10;
var m;
while (m = re_toks.exec(line)) {
for (var i = 1; i <= lastTokType; i++) {
let s = m[i];
if (s != null) {
let loc = { path: this.path, line: this.lineno, start: m.index, end: m.index + s.length };
if (this.opts.asciiOnly && !/^[\x00-\x7F]*$/.test(s))
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`non-ASCII characters`);
if (i == 5 || i == 3 || this.opts.uppercaseOnly) {
s = s.toUpperCase();
if (s == "DATA")
lastTokType = 11;
if (s == "DATA")
splitre = null;
if (s == "OPTION")
splitre = null;
if (lastTokType == 10 && s.startsWith("REM")) {
s = "REM";
lastTokType = 0;
if (s == "[" || s == "]") {
if (!this.opts.squareBrackets)
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`square brackets`);
if (s == "[")
s = "(";
if (s == "]")
s = ")";
if (splitre && i == 5) {
var splittoks = s.split(splitre).filter((s2) => s2 != "");
if (splittoks.length > 1) {
splittoks.forEach((ss) => {
if (/^[0-9]+$/.test(ss))
i = 2;
else if (/^[A-Z_]\w*[$]?$/.test(ss))
i = 5;
this.compileError(`Try adding whitespace before "${ss}".`);
this.tokens.push({ str: ss, type: i, $loc: loc });
s = null;
if (s)
this.tokens.push({ str: s, type: i, $loc: loc });
tokenize(line) {
this.tokens = [];
this.eol = { type: 0, str: "", $loc: { path: this.path, line: this.lineno, start: line.length } };
if (line.length > this.maxlinelen)
this.compileError(`A line should be no more than ${this.maxlinelen} characters long.`);
parse() {
if (this.tokens.length) {
if (this.tokens.length) {
var next = this.peekToken();
if (!isEOS(next))
this.compileError(`Expected end of line or ':'`, next.$loc);
this.curlabel = null;
parseCompoundStatement() {
if (this.opts.multipleStmtsPerLine) {
this.parseList(this.parseStatement, ":");
} else {
this.parseList(this.parseStatement, "\0");
if (this.peekToken().str == ":")
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`multiple statements on a line`);
validKeyword(keyword) {
return this.opts.validKeywords && this.opts.validKeywords.indexOf(keyword) < 0 ? null : keyword;
validFunction(funcname) {
return this.opts.validFunctions && this.opts.validFunctions.indexOf(funcname) < 0 ? null : funcname;
supportsCommand(cmd) {
if (cmd == "?")
return this.stmt__PRINT;
return this["stmt__" + cmd];
parseStatement() {
if (this.opts.optionalWhitespace && this.peekToken().str == ":")
return null;
var cmdtok = this.consumeToken();
var cmd = cmdtok.str;
var stmt;
switch (cmdtok.type) {
case 4:
if (cmdtok.str.startsWith("'") && !this.opts.tickComments)
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`tick comments`);
return null;
case 9:
if (cmd == this.validKeyword("?"))
cmd = "PRINT";
case 5:
if (cmd == "REM")
return null;
if (cmd == "GO" && this.peekToken().str == "TO") {
cmd = "GOTO";
} else if (cmd == "GO" && this.peekToken().str == "SUB") {
cmd = "GOSUB";
var fn = this.supportsCommand(cmd);
if (fn) {
if (this.validKeyword(cmd) == null)
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`the ${cmd} statement`);
stmt = fn.bind(this)();
} else if (this.peekToken().str == "=" || this.peekToken().str == "(") {
if (!this.opts.optionalLet)
this.dialectError(`Assignments must have a preceding LET`);
stmt = this.stmt__LET();
} else {
this.compileError(`I don't understand the command "${cmd}".`);
case 0:
if (this.opts.optionalWhitespace)
return null;
this.compileError(`There should be a command here.`);
return null;
if (stmt != null)
this.addStatement(stmt, cmdtok);
return stmt;
modifyScope(stmt) {
if (this.opts.compiledBlocks) {
var cmd = stmt.command;
if (cmd == "FOR" || cmd == "WHILE" || cmd == "SUB") {
} else if (cmd == "NEXT") {
this.popScope(stmt, "FOR");
} else if (cmd == "WEND") {
this.popScope(stmt, "WHILE");
popScope(close, open) {
var popidx = this.scopestack.pop();
var popstmt = popidx != null ? this.stmts[popidx] : null;
if (popstmt == null)
this.compileError(`There's a ${close.command} without a matching ${open}.`, close.$loc);
else if (popstmt.command != open)
this.compileError(`There's a ${close.command} paired with ${popstmt.command}, but it should be paired with ${open}.`, close.$loc, popstmt.$loc);
else if (close.command == "NEXT" && !this.opts.optionalNextVar && close.lexpr.name != popstmt.lexpr.name)
this.compileError(`This NEXT statement is matched with the wrong FOR variable (${close.lexpr.name}).`, close.$loc, popstmt.$loc);
close.startpc = popidx;
popstmt.endpc = this.getPC();
popIfThenScope(nextpc) {
var popidx = this.scopestack.pop();
var popstmt = popidx != null ? this.stmts[popidx] : null;
if (popstmt == null)
this.compileError(`There's an END IF without a matching IF or ELSE.`);
if (popstmt.command == "ELSE") {
popstmt.endpc = this.getPC();
this.popIfThenScope(popidx + 1);
} else if (popstmt.command == "IF") {
popstmt.endpc = nextpc != null ? nextpc : this.getPC();
} else {
this.compileError(`There's an END IF paired with a ${popstmt.command}, not IF or ELSE.`, this.lasttoken.$loc, popstmt.$loc);
parseVarSubscriptOrFunc() {
var tok = this.consumeToken();
switch (tok.type) {
case 5:
let args = null;
if (this.peekToken().str == "(") {
args = this.parseExprList();
this.expectToken(")", `There should be another expression or a ")" here.`);
var loc = mergeLocs(tok.$loc, this.lasttoken.$loc);
var valtype = this.exprTypeForSubscript(tok.str, args, loc);
return { valtype, name: tok.str, args, $loc: loc };
this.compileError(`There should be a variable name here.`);
parseLexpr() {
var lexpr = this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc();
this.vardefs[lexpr.name] = lexpr;
return lexpr;
parseForNextLexpr() {
var lexpr = this.parseLexpr();
if (lexpr.args || lexpr.name.endsWith("$"))
this.compileError(`A FOR ... NEXT loop can only use numeric variables.`, lexpr.$loc);
return lexpr;
parseList(parseFunc, delim) {
var sep;
var list = [];
do {
var el = parseFunc.bind(this)();
if (el != null)
sep = this.consumeToken();
} while (sep.str == delim);
return list;
parseLexprList() {
return this.parseList(this.parseLexpr, ",");
parseExprList() {
return this.parseList(this.parseExpr, ",");
parseLabelList() {
return this.parseList(this.parseLabel, ",");
parseLabel() {
if (this.opts.computedGoto) {
var expr = this.parseExpr();
if (isLiteral(expr))
this.targets[expr.value] = this.lasttoken.$loc;
return expr;
} else {
var tok = this.consumeToken();
switch (tok.type) {
case 5:
if (!this.opts.optionalLabels)
this.dialectError(`All labels must be line numbers`);
case 2:
var label = tok.str;
this.targets[label] = tok.$loc;
return { valtype: "label", value: label };
var what = this.opts.optionalLabels ? "label or line number" : "line number";
this.compileError(`There should be a ${what} here.`);
parseDatumList() {
return this.parseList(this.parseDatum, ",");
parseDatum() {
var tok = this.consumeToken();
while (tok.type == 11)
tok = this.consumeToken();
if (isEOS(tok))
this.compileError(`There should be a datum here.`);
if (tok.type <= 3) {
return this.parseValue(tok);
if (tok.str == "-" && this.peekToken().type <= 3) {
tok = this.consumeToken();
return { valtype: "number", value: -this.parseValue(tok).value };
if (tok.str == "+" && this.peekToken().type <= 3) {
tok = this.consumeToken();
return this.parseValue(tok);
var s = "";
while (!isEOS(tok) && tok.str != ",") {
s += this.parseValue(tok).value;
tok = this.consumeToken();
return { valtype: "string", value: s };
parseValue(tok) {
switch (tok.type) {
case 3:
if (!this.opts.hexOctalConsts)
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`hex/octal constants`);
let base = tok.str.startsWith("H") ? 16 : 8;
return { valtype: "number", value: parseInt(tok.str.substr(1), base) };
case 2:
case 1:
return { valtype: "number", value: this.parseNumber(tok.str) };
case 6:
return { valtype: "string", value: stripQuotes(tok.str) };
return { valtype: "string", value: tok.str };
parsePrimary() {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
switch (tok.type) {
case 3:
case 2:
case 1:
case 6:
return this.parseValue(tok);
case 5:
if (tok.str == "NOT") {
let expr = this.parsePrimary();
return { valtype: "number", op: this.opts.bitwiseLogic ? "bnot" : "lnot", expr };
} else {
return this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc();
case 9:
if (tok.str == "(") {
let expr = this.parseExpr();
this.expectToken(")", `There should be another expression or a ")" here.`);
return expr;
} else if (tok.str == "-") {
let expr = this.parsePrimary();
return { valtype: "number", op: "neg", expr };
} else if (tok.str == "+") {
return this.parsePrimary();
this.compileError(`The expression is incomplete.`);
parseNumber(str) {
var n = parseFloat(str);
if (isNaN(n))
this.compileError(`The number ${str} is not a valid floating-point number.`);
if (this.opts.checkOverflow && !isFinite(n))
this.compileError(`The number ${str} is too big to fit into a floating-point value.`);
return n;
parseExpr1(left, minPred) {
let look = this.peekToken();
while (getPrecedence(look) >= minPred) {
let op = this.consumeToken();
if (this.opts.validOperators && this.opts.validOperators.indexOf(op.str) < 0)
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`the "${op.str}" operator`);
let right = this.parsePrimary();
look = this.peekToken();
while (getPrecedence(look) > getPrecedence(op)) {
right = this.parseExpr1(right, getPrecedence(look));
look = this.peekToken();
var opfn = getOperator(op.str).f;
if (!this.opts.bitwiseLogic && op.str == "AND")
opfn = "land";
if (!this.opts.bitwiseLogic && op.str == "OR")
opfn = "lor";
var valtype = this.exprTypeForOp(opfn, left, right, op);
left = { valtype, op: opfn, left, right };
return left;
parseExpr() {
var startloc = this.peekToken().$loc;
var expr = this.parseExpr1(this.parsePrimary(), 0);
var endloc = this.lasttoken.$loc;
expr.$loc = mergeLocs(startloc, endloc);
return expr;
parseExprWithType(expecttype) {
var expr = this.parseExpr();
if (expr.valtype != expecttype)
this.compileError(`There should be a ${expecttype} here, but this expression evaluates to a ${expr.valtype}.`, expr.$loc);
return expr;
validateVarName(lexpr) {
switch (this.opts.varNaming) {
case "A":
if (!/^[A-Z]$/i.test(lexpr.name))
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`variable names other than a single letter`);
case "A1":
if (lexpr.args == null && !/^[A-Z][0-9]?[$]?$/i.test(lexpr.name))
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`variable names other than a letter followed by an optional digit`);
if (lexpr.args != null && !/^[A-Z]?[$]?$/i.test(lexpr.name))
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`array names other than a single letter`);
case "A1$":
if (!/^[A-Z][0-9]?[$]?$/i.test(lexpr.name))
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`variable names other than a letter followed by an optional digit`);
case "AA":
if (lexpr.args == null && !/^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]?[$]?$/i.test(lexpr.name))
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`variable names other than a letter followed by an optional letter or digit`);
case "*":
visitExpr(expr, callback) {
if (isBinOp(expr)) {
this.visitExpr(expr.left, callback);
this.visitExpr(expr.right, callback);
if (isUnOp(expr)) {
this.visitExpr(expr.expr, callback);
if (isLookup(expr) && expr.args != null) {
for (var arg of expr.args)
this.visitExpr(arg, callback);
exprTypeForOp(fnname, left, right, optok) {
if (left.valtype == "string" || right.valtype == "string") {
if (fnname == "add") {
if (this.opts.stringConcat)
return "string";
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`the "+" operator to concatenate strings`, optok.$loc);
} else if (fnname.length != 2)
this.compileError(`You can't do math on strings until they're converted to numbers.`, optok.$loc);
return "number";
exprTypeForSubscript(fnname, args, loc) {
args = args || [];
var defs = BUILTIN_MAP[fnname];
if (defs != null) {
if (!this.validFunction(fnname))
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`the ${fnname} function`, loc);
for (var def of defs) {
if (args.length == def.args.length)
return def.result;
this.compileError(`The ${fnname} function takes ${def.args.length} arguments, but ${args.length} are given.`, loc);
this.varrefs[fnname] = loc;
return fnname.endsWith("$") ? "string" : "number";
stmt__LET() {
var lexprs = [this.parseLexpr()];
while (this.opts.chainAssignments && this.peekToken().type == 5 && this.peekToken(1).str == "=") {
var right = this.parseExprWithType(lexprs[0].valtype);
return { command: "LET", lexprs, right };
stmt__PRINT() {
var sep, lastsep;
var list = [];
do {
sep = this.peekToken();
if (isEOS(sep)) {
} else if (sep.str == ";") {
lastsep = sep;
} else if (sep.str == ",") {
list.push({ value: " " });
lastsep = sep;
} else {
lastsep = null;
} while (true);
if (!(lastsep && (lastsep.str == ";" || sep.str != ","))) {
list.push({ value: "\n" });
return { command: "PRINT", args: list };
stmt__GOTO() {
return this.__GO("GOTO");
stmt__GOSUB() {
return this.__GO("GOSUB");
__GO(cmd) {
var expr = this.parseLabel();
if (this.peekToken().str == this.validKeyword("OF")) {
let newcmd = cmd == "GOTO" ? "ONGOTO" : "ONGOSUB";
return { command: newcmd, expr, labels: this.parseLabelList() };
} else {
return { command: cmd, label: expr };
stmt__IF() {
var cmdtok = this.lasttoken;
var cond = this.parseExprWithType("number");
var ifstmt = { command: "IF", cond };
this.addStatement(ifstmt, cmdtok);
var thengoto = this.expectTokens(["THEN", "GOTO", "GO"]);
if (thengoto.str == "GO")
if (this.opts.multilineIfThen && isEOS(this.peekToken())) {
this.scopestack.push(this.getPC() - 1);
} else {
if (this.peekToken().str == "ELSE") {
ifstmt.endpc = this.getPC() + 1;
} else {
ifstmt.endpc = this.getPC();
stmt__ELSE() {
var elsestmt = { command: "ELSE" };
this.addStatement(elsestmt, this.lasttoken);
var nexttok = this.peekToken();
if (this.opts.multilineIfThen && isEOS(nexttok)) {
this.scopestack.push(this.getPC() - 1);
} else if (this.opts.multilineIfThen && nexttok.str == "IF") {
this.scopestack.push(this.getPC() - 1);
} else {
elsestmt.endpc = this.getPC();
parseGotoOrStatements() {
var lineno = this.peekToken();
if (lineno.type == 2) {
var gotostmt = { command: "GOTO", label: { valtype: "label", value: lineno.str } };
this.addStatement(gotostmt, lineno);
} else {
stmt__FOR() {
var lexpr = this.parseForNextLexpr();
var init = this.parseExprWithType("number");
var targ = this.parseExprWithType("number");
if (this.peekToken().str == "STEP") {
var step = this.parseExprWithType("number");
return { command: "FOR", lexpr, initial: init, target: targ, step };
stmt__NEXT() {
var lexpr = null;
if (!this.opts.optionalNextVar || !isEOS(this.peekToken())) {
lexpr = this.parseForNextLexpr();
if (this.opts.multipleNextVars && this.peekToken().str == ",") {
this.tokens.unshift({ type: 5, str: "NEXT", $loc: this.peekToken().$loc });
this.tokens.unshift({ type: 9, str: ":", $loc: this.peekToken().$loc });
return { command: "NEXT", lexpr };
stmt__WHILE() {
var cond = this.parseExprWithType("number");
return { command: "WHILE", cond };
stmt__WEND() {
return { command: "WEND" };
stmt__DIM() {
var lexprs = this.parseLexprList();
lexprs.forEach((arr) => {
if (arr.args == null || arr.args.length == 0)
this.compileError(`An array defined by DIM must have at least one dimension.`);
else if (arr.args.length > this.opts.maxDimensions)
this.dialectErrorNoSupport(`arrays with more than ${this.opts.maxDimensions} dimensionals`);
for (var arrdim of arr.args) {
if (arrdim.valtype != "number")
this.compileError(`Array dimensions must be numeric.`, arrdim.$loc);
if (isLiteral(arrdim) && typeof arrdim.value === "number" && arrdim.value < this.opts.defaultArrayBase)
this.compileError(`An array dimension cannot be less than ${this.opts.defaultArrayBase}.`, arrdim.$loc);
return { command: "DIM", args: lexprs };
stmt__INPUT() {
var prompt = this.consumeToken();
var promptstr;
if (prompt.type == 6) {
this.expectTokens([";", ","]);
promptstr = stripQuotes(prompt.str);
} else {
promptstr = "";
return { command: "INPUT", prompt: { valtype: "string", value: promptstr }, args: this.parseLexprList() };
stmt__ENTER() {
var timeout = this.parseExpr();
var elapsed = this.parseLexpr();
return { command: "INPUT", prompt: null, args: this.parseLexprList(), timeout, elapsed };
stmt__DATA() {
return { command: "DATA", datums: this.parseDatumList() };
stmt__READ() {
return { command: "READ", args: this.parseLexprList() };
stmt__RESTORE() {
var label = null;
if (this.opts.restoreWithLabel && !isEOS(this.peekToken()))
label = this.parseLabel();
return { command: "RESTORE", label };
stmt__RETURN() {
return { command: "RETURN" };
stmt__STOP() {
return { command: "STOP" };
stmt__END() {
if (this.opts.multilineIfThen && this.scopestack.length) {
let endtok = this.expectTokens(["IF", "SUB"]);
if (endtok.str == "IF") {
while (this.elseifcount--)
this.elseifcount = 0;
} else if (endtok.str == "SUB") {
this.addStatement({ command: "RETURN" }, endtok);
this.popScope({ command: "END" }, "SUB");
} else {
return { command: "END" };
stmt__ON() {
var expr = this.parseExprWithType("number");
var gotok = this.consumeToken();
var cmd = { GOTO: "ONGOTO", THEN: "ONGOTO", GOSUB: "ONGOSUB" }[gotok.str];
if (!cmd)
this.compileError(`There should be a GOTO or GOSUB here.`);
var labels = this.parseLabelList();
return { command: cmd, expr, labels };
stmt__DEF() {
var lexpr = this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc();
if (lexpr.args && lexpr.args.length > this.opts.maxDefArgs)
this.compileError(`There can be no more than ${this.opts.maxDefArgs} arguments to a function or subscript.`, lexpr.$loc);
if (!lexpr.name.startsWith("FN"))
this.compileError(`Functions defined with DEF must begin with the letters "FN".`, lexpr.$loc);
var func = this.parseExpr();
this.visitExpr(func, (expr) => {
if (isLookup(expr) && expr.name.startsWith("FN")) {
if (!this.fnrefs[lexpr.name])
this.fnrefs[lexpr.name] = [];
this.checkCallGraph(lexpr.name, new Set());
return { command: "DEF", lexpr, def: func };
stmt__SUB() {
var lexpr = this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc();
this.addLabel(lexpr.name, 1);
return { command: "SUB", lexpr };
stmt__CALL() {
return { command: "CALL", call: this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc() };
markVarDefs(lexpr) {
this.vardefs[lexpr.name] = lexpr;
if (lexpr.args != null)
for (let arg of lexpr.args) {
if (isLookup(arg) && arg.args == null)
this.vardefs[arg.name] = arg;
this.compileError(`A definition can only define symbols, not expressions.`);
checkCallGraph(name, visited) {
if (visited.has(name))
this.compileError(`There was a cycle in the function definition graph for ${name}.`);
var refs = this.fnrefs[name] || [];
for (var ref of refs)
this.checkCallGraph(ref, visited);
stmt__POP() {
return { command: "POP" };
stmt__GET() {
var lexpr = this.parseLexpr();
return { command: "GET", lexpr };
stmt__CLEAR() {
return { command: "CLEAR" };
stmt__RANDOMIZE() {
return { command: "RANDOMIZE" };
stmt__CHANGE() {
var src = this.parseExpr();
var dest = this.parseLexpr();
if (dest.valtype == src.valtype)
this.compileError(`CHANGE can only convert strings to numeric arrays, or vice-versa.`, mergeLocs(src.$loc, dest.$loc));
return { command: "CHANGE", src, dest };
stmt__CONVERT() {
var src = this.parseExpr();
var dest = this.parseLexpr();
if (dest.valtype == src.valtype)
this.compileError(`CONVERT can only convert strings to numbers, or vice-versa.`, mergeLocs(src.$loc, dest.$loc));
return { command: "CONVERT", src, dest };
stmt__OPTION() {
var tokname = this.consumeToken();
var optname = tokname.str.toUpperCase();
if (tokname.type != 5)
this.compileError(`There must be a name after the OPTION statement.`);
var tokarg = this.consumeToken();
var arg = tokarg.str.toUpperCase();
switch (optname) {
case "DIALECT":
if (this.optionCount > 1)
this.compileError(`OPTION DIALECT must be the first OPTION statement in the file.`, tokname.$loc);
let dname = arg || "";
if (dname == "")
this.compileError(`OPTION DIALECT requires a dialect name.`, tokname.$loc);
let dialect = DIALECTS[dname.toUpperCase()];
if (dialect)
this.opts = dialect;
this.compileError(`${dname} is not a valid dialect.`);
case "BASE":
let base = parseInt(arg);
if (base == 0 || base == 1)
this.opts.defaultArrayBase = base;
this.compileError("OPTION BASE can only be 0 or 1.");
case "CPUSPEED":
if (!(this.opts.commandsPerSec = Math.min(1e7, arg == "MAX" ? Infinity : parseFloat(arg))))
this.compileError(`OPTION CPUSPEED takes a positive number or MAX.`);
let propname = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.opts).find((n) => n.toUpperCase() == optname);
if (propname == null)
this.compileError(`${optname} is not a valid option.`, tokname.$loc);
if (arg == null)
this.compileError(`OPTION ${optname} requires a parameter.`);
switch (typeof this.opts[propname]) {
case "boolean":
this.opts[propname] = arg.toUpperCase().startsWith("T") || arg > 0;
case "number":
this.opts[propname] = parseFloat(arg);
case "string":
this.opts[propname] = arg;
case "object":
if (Array.isArray(this.opts[propname]) && arg == "ALL") {
this.opts[propname] = null;
this.compileError(`OPTION ${optname} ALL is the only option supported.`);
return { command: "OPTION", optname, optargs: [arg] };
generateListing(file, program) {
var srclines = [];
var laststmt;
program.stmts.forEach((stmt, idx) => {
laststmt = stmt;
if (this.opts.endStmtRequired && (laststmt == null || laststmt.command != "END"))
this.dialectError(`All programs must have a final END statement`);
return { lines: srclines };
getListings() {
return this.listings;
checkAll(program) {
checkLabels() {
for (let targ in this.targets) {
if (this.labels[targ] == null) {
var what = this.opts.optionalLabels && isNaN(parseInt(targ)) ? "label named" : "line number";
this.addError(`There isn't a ${what} ${targ}.`, this.targets[targ]);
checkScopes() {
if (this.opts.compiledBlocks && this.scopestack.length) {
var open = this.stmts[this.scopestack.pop()];
var close = { FOR: "NEXT", WHILE: "WEND", IF: "END IF", SUB: "END SUB" };
this.compileError(`Don't forget to add a matching ${close[open.command]} statement.`, open.$loc);
checkVarRefs() {
if (!this.opts.defaultValues) {
for (var varname in this.varrefs) {
if (this.vardefs[varname] == null)
this.compileError(`The variable ${varname} isn't defined anywhere in the program.`, this.varrefs[varname]);
var ECMA55_MINIMAL = {
dialectName: "ECMA55",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: true,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: false,
multipleStmtsPerLine: false,
varNaming: "A1",
staticArrays: true,
sharedArrayNamespace: true,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: false,
stringConcat: false,
maxDimensions: 2,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: false,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 15,
numericPadding: true,
checkOverflow: true,
testInitialFor: true,
optionalNextVar: false,
multipleNextVars: false,
bitwiseLogic: false,
checkOnGotoIndex: true,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: false,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: true,
chainAssignments: false,
optionalLet: false,
compiledBlocks: true
dialectName: "DARTMOUTH4",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: true,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: false,
multipleStmtsPerLine: false,
varNaming: "A1",
staticArrays: true,
sharedArrayNamespace: false,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: false,
stringConcat: false,
maxDimensions: 2,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: true,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 15,
numericPadding: true,
checkOverflow: true,
testInitialFor: true,
optionalNextVar: false,
multipleNextVars: false,
bitwiseLogic: false,
checkOnGotoIndex: true,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: false,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: true,
chainAssignments: true,
optionalLet: false,
compiledBlocks: true
var TINY_BASIC = {
dialectName: "TINY",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: true,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: false,
multipleStmtsPerLine: false,
varNaming: "A",
staticArrays: false,
sharedArrayNamespace: true,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 0,
defaultValues: true,
stringConcat: false,
maxDimensions: 0,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: false,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [],
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 1,
numericPadding: false,
checkOverflow: false,
testInitialFor: false,
optionalNextVar: false,
multipleNextVars: false,
bitwiseLogic: false,
checkOnGotoIndex: false,
computedGoto: true,
restoreWithLabel: false,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: false,
chainAssignments: false,
optionalLet: false,
compiledBlocks: false
dialectName: "HP2000",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: true,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: false,
multipleStmtsPerLine: true,
varNaming: "A1$",
staticArrays: true,
sharedArrayNamespace: false,
defaultArrayBase: 1,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: false,
stringConcat: false,
maxDimensions: 2,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: false,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 15,
numericPadding: true,
checkOverflow: false,
testInitialFor: true,
optionalNextVar: false,
multipleNextVars: false,
bitwiseLogic: false,
checkOnGotoIndex: false,
computedGoto: true,
restoreWithLabel: true,
squareBrackets: true,
arraysContainChars: true,
endStmtRequired: true,
chainAssignments: true,
optionalLet: true,
compiledBlocks: true,
maxArrayElements: 5e3
var DEC_BASIC_11 = {
dialectName: "DEC11",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: true,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: false,
multipleStmtsPerLine: false,
varNaming: "A1",
staticArrays: true,
sharedArrayNamespace: false,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: true,
stringConcat: true,
maxDimensions: 2,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: false,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 14,
numericPadding: true,
checkOverflow: true,
testInitialFor: true,
optionalNextVar: false,
multipleNextVars: false,
bitwiseLogic: false,
checkOnGotoIndex: true,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: false,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: false,
chainAssignments: false,
optionalLet: true,
compiledBlocks: true
dialectName: "DECPLUS",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: false,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: false,
multipleStmtsPerLine: true,
varNaming: "A1",
staticArrays: true,
sharedArrayNamespace: false,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: true,
stringConcat: true,
maxDimensions: 2,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: true,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 14,
numericPadding: true,
checkOverflow: true,
testInitialFor: true,
optionalNextVar: false,
multipleNextVars: false,
bitwiseLogic: false,
checkOnGotoIndex: true,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: false,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: false,
chainAssignments: false,
optionalLet: true,
compiledBlocks: true
var BASICODE = {
dialectName: "BASICODE",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: false,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: true,
multipleStmtsPerLine: true,
varNaming: "AA",
staticArrays: true,
sharedArrayNamespace: false,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: false,
stringConcat: true,
maxDimensions: 2,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: false,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 15,
numericPadding: true,
checkOverflow: true,
testInitialFor: true,
optionalNextVar: false,
multipleNextVars: false,
bitwiseLogic: false,
checkOnGotoIndex: true,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: false,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: false,
chainAssignments: false,
optionalLet: true,
compiledBlocks: false
var ALTAIR_BASIC41 = {
dialectName: "ALTAIR41",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: true,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: true,
multipleStmtsPerLine: true,
varNaming: "*",
staticArrays: false,
sharedArrayNamespace: true,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: true,
stringConcat: true,
maxDimensions: 128,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: false,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 15,
numericPadding: true,
checkOverflow: true,
testInitialFor: false,
optionalNextVar: true,
multipleNextVars: true,
bitwiseLogic: true,
checkOnGotoIndex: false,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: false,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: false,
chainAssignments: false,
optionalLet: true,
compiledBlocks: false
dialectName: "APPLESOFT",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: false,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: true,
multipleStmtsPerLine: true,
varNaming: "*",
staticArrays: false,
sharedArrayNamespace: false,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: true,
stringConcat: true,
maxDimensions: 88,
maxDefArgs: 1,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: false,
hexOctalConsts: false,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 16,
numericPadding: false,
checkOverflow: true,
testInitialFor: false,
optionalNextVar: true,
multipleNextVars: true,
bitwiseLogic: false,
checkOnGotoIndex: false,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: false,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: false,
chainAssignments: false,
optionalLet: true,
compiledBlocks: false
var BASIC80 = {
dialectName: "BASIC80",
asciiOnly: true,
uppercaseOnly: false,
optionalLabels: false,
optionalWhitespace: true,
multipleStmtsPerLine: true,
varNaming: "*",
staticArrays: false,
sharedArrayNamespace: true,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 11,
defaultValues: true,
stringConcat: true,
maxDimensions: 255,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 255,
tickComments: true,
hexOctalConsts: true,
validKeywords: [
validFunctions: [
validOperators: [
printZoneLength: 14,
numericPadding: true,
checkOverflow: false,
testInitialFor: true,
optionalNextVar: true,
multipleNextVars: true,
bitwiseLogic: true,
checkOnGotoIndex: false,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: true,
squareBrackets: false,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: false,
chainAssignments: false,
optionalLet: true,
compiledBlocks: false
dialectName: "MODERN",
asciiOnly: false,
uppercaseOnly: false,
optionalLabels: true,
optionalWhitespace: false,
multipleStmtsPerLine: true,
varNaming: "*",
staticArrays: false,
sharedArrayNamespace: false,
defaultArrayBase: 0,
defaultArraySize: 0,
defaultValues: false,
stringConcat: true,
maxDimensions: 255,
maxDefArgs: 255,
maxStringLength: 2048,
tickComments: true,
hexOctalConsts: true,
validKeywords: null,
validFunctions: null,
validOperators: null,
printZoneLength: 16,
numericPadding: false,
checkOverflow: true,
testInitialFor: true,
optionalNextVar: true,
multipleNextVars: true,
bitwiseLogic: true,
checkOnGotoIndex: true,
computedGoto: false,
restoreWithLabel: true,
squareBrackets: true,
arraysContainChars: false,
endStmtRequired: false,
chainAssignments: true,
optionalLet: true,
compiledBlocks: true,
multilineIfThen: true
["ABS", ["number"], "number"],
["ASC", ["string"], "number"],
["ATN", ["number"], "number"],
["CHR$", ["number"], "string"],
["CINT", ["number"], "number"],
["COS", ["number"], "number"],
["COT", ["number"], "number"],
["CTL", ["number"], "string"],
["EXP", ["number"], "number"],
["FIX", ["number"], "number"],
["HEX$", ["number"], "string"],
["INSTR", ["number", "string", "string"], "number"],
["INSTR", ["string", "string"], "number"],
["INT", ["number"], "number"],
["LEFT$", ["string", "number"], "string"],
["LEN", ["string"], "number"],
["LIN", ["number"], "string"],
["LOG", ["number"], "number"],
["LOG10", ["number"], "number"],
["MID$", ["string", "number"], "string"],
["MID$", ["string", "number", "number"], "string"],
["OCT$", ["number"], "string"],
["PI", [], "number"],
["POS", ["number"], "number"],
["POS", ["string", "string"], "number"],
["RIGHT$", ["string", "number"], "string"],
["RND", [], "number"],
["RND", ["number"], "number"],
["ROUND", ["number"], "number"],
["SGN", ["number"], "number"],
["SIN", ["number"], "number"],
["SPACE$", ["number"], "string"],
["SPC", ["number"], "string"],
["SQR", ["number"], "number"],
["STR$", ["number"], "string"],
["STRING$", ["number", "number"], "string"],
["STRING$", ["number", "string"], "string"],
["TAB", ["number"], "string"],
["TAN", ["number"], "number"],
["TIM", ["number"], "number"],
["TIMER", [], "number"],
["UPS$", ["string"], "string"],
["VAL", ["string"], "number"],
["LPAD$", ["string", "number"], "string"],
["RPAD$", ["string", "number"], "string"],
["NFORMAT$", ["number", "number"], "string"]
var BUILTIN_MAP = {};
BUILTIN_DEFS.forEach((def, idx) => {
let [name, args, result] = def;
if (!BUILTIN_MAP[name])
BUILTIN_MAP[name] = [];
BUILTIN_MAP[name].push({ args, result });
var DIALECTS = {
"DEC11": DEC_BASIC_11,
// src/worker/tools/misc.ts
function translateShowdown(step) {
var showdown = emglobal["showdown"];
var converter = new showdown.Converter({
tables: "true",
smoothLivePreview: "true",
requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText: "true",
emoji: "true"
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
var html = converter.makeHtml(code);
delete emglobal["require"];
return {
output: html
function compileInform6(step) {
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.inf" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".z5";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
var errorMatcher = msvcErrorMatcher(errors);
var lstout = "";
var match_fn = (s) => {
if (s.indexOf("Error:") >= 0) {
} else {
lstout += s;
lstout += "\n";
var args = ["-afjnops", "-v5", "-Cu", "-E1", "-k", "+/share/lib", step.path];
var inform = emglobal.inform({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("inform"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn,
printErr: match_fn
var FS = inform.FS;
setupFS(FS, "inform");
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, inform, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath]))
var symbolmap = {};
var segments = [];
var entitymap = {
"object": {},
"property": {},
"attribute": {},
"constant": {},
"global-variable": {},
"routine": {}
var dbgout = FS.readFile("gameinfo.dbg", { encoding: "utf8" });
var xmlroot = parseXMLPoorly(dbgout);
var segtype = "ram";
xmlroot.children.forEach((node) => {
switch (node.type) {
case "global-variable":
case "routine":
var ident = node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "identifier").text;
var address = parseInt(node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "address").text);
symbolmap[ident] = address;
entitymap[node.type][address] = ident;
case "object":
case "property":
case "attribute":
var ident = node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "identifier").text;
var value = parseInt(node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "value").text);
entitymap[node.type][value] = ident;
case "story-file-section":
var name = node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "type").text;
var address = parseInt(node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "address").text);
var endAddress = parseInt(node.children.find((c, v) => c.type == "end-address").text);
if (name == "grammar table")
segtype = "rom";
segments.push({ name, start: address, size: endAddress - address, type: segtype });
var listings = {};
var lines = parseListing(lstout, /\s*(\d+)\s+[+]([0-9a-f]+)\s+([<*>]*)\s*(\w+)\s+(.+)/i, -1, 2, 4);
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
listings[lstpath] = { lines: [], asmlines: lines, text: lstout };
return {
output: objout,
debuginfo: entitymap
function compileBASIC(step) {
var jsonpath = step.path + ".json";
if (staleFiles(step, [jsonpath])) {
var parser = new BASICParser();
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
try {
var ast = parser.parseFile(code, step.path);
} catch (e) {
if (parser.errors.length == 0)
throw e;
if (parser.errors.length) {
return { errors: parser.errors };
var json = JSON.stringify(ast, (key, value) => {
return key == "$loc" ? void 0 : value;
putWorkFile(jsonpath, json);
if (anyTargetChanged(step, [jsonpath]))
return {
output: ast,
listings: parser.getListings()
function compileWiz(step) {
var params = step.params;
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.wiz" });
var destpath = step.prefix + (params.wiz_rom_ext || ".bin");
var errors = [];
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
var wiz = emglobal.wiz({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("wiz"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /(.+?):(\d+):\s*(.+)/, 2, 3, step.path, 1)
var FS = wiz.FS;
setupFS(FS, "wiz");
populateFiles(step, FS);
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_compile_files);
const FWDIR = "/share/common";
var args = [
FWDIR + "/" + (params.wiz_inc_dir || getRootBasePlatform(step.platform)),
args.push("--system", params.wiz_sys_type || params.arch);
execMain(step, wiz, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var binout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "binary" });
putWorkFile(destpath, binout);
var dbgout = FS.readFile(step.prefix + ".sym", { encoding: "utf8" });
var symbolmap = {};
for (var s of dbgout.split("\n")) {
var toks = s.split(/ /);
if (toks && toks.length >= 2) {
var tokrange = toks[0].split(":");
var start = parseInt(tokrange[1], 16);
var sym = toks[1];
symbolmap[sym] = start;
return {
output: binout,
// src/worker/tools/cc65.ts
function parseCA65Listing(code, symbols, segments, params, dbg, listings) {
var segofs = 0;
var offset = 0;
var dbgLineMatch = /^([0-9A-F]+)([r]?)\s+(\d+)\s+[.]dbg\s+(\w+), "([^"]+)", (.+)/;
var funcLineMatch = /"(\w+)", (\w+), "(\w+)"/;
var insnLineMatch = /^([0-9A-F]+)([r]?)\s{1,2}(\d+)\s{1,2}([0-9A-Frx ]{11})\s+(.*)/;
var segMatch = /[.]segment\s+"(\w+)"/i;
var origlines = [];
var lines = origlines;
var linenum = 0;
let curpath = "";
for (var line of code.split(re_crlf)) {
var dbgm = dbgLineMatch.exec(line);
if (dbgm && dbgm[1]) {
var dbgtype = dbgm[4];
offset = parseInt(dbgm[1], 16);
curpath = dbgm[5];
if (curpath && listings) {
let l = listings[curpath];
if (!l)
l = listings[curpath] = { lines: [] };
lines = l.lines;
if (dbgtype == "func") {
var funcm = funcLineMatch.exec(dbgm[6]);
if (funcm) {
var funcofs = symbols[funcm[3]];
if (typeof funcofs === "number") {
segofs = funcofs - offset;
if (dbg && dbgm && dbgtype == "line") {
path: dbgm[5],
line: parseInt(dbgm[6]),
offset: offset + segofs,
insns: null
var linem = insnLineMatch.exec(line);
var topfile = linem && linem[3] == "1";
if (topfile && linem[1]) {
var offset = parseInt(linem[1], 16);
var insns = linem[4].trim();
if (insns.length) {
if (!dbg) {
path: curpath,
line: linenum,
offset: offset + segofs,
iscode: true
} else {
var sym = linem[5];
if (sym.endsWith(":") && !sym.startsWith("@")) {
var symofs = symbols[sym.substring(0, sym.length - 1)];
if (typeof symofs === "number") {
segofs = symofs - offset;
return origlines;
function assembleCA65(step) {
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.s" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".o";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath, lstpath])) {
var objout, lstout;
var CA65 = emglobal.ca65({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("ca65"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /(.+?):(\d+): (.+)/, 2, 3, step.path, 1)
var FS = CA65.FS;
setupFS(FS, "65-" + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform));
populateFiles(step, FS);
fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, step.params);
var args = ["-v", "-g", "-I", "/share/asminc", "-o", objpath, "-l", lstpath, step.path];
args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__8BITWORKSHOP__=1"]);
if (step.mainfile) {
args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__MAIN__=1"]);
execMain(step, CA65, args);
if (errors.length) {
let listings = {};
return { errors, listings };
objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" });
lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout);
return {
linktool: "ld65",
files: [objpath, lstpath],
args: [objpath]
function linkLD65(step) {
var _a;
var params = step.params;
var binpath = "main";
if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) {
var errors = [];
var LD65 = emglobal.ld65({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("ld65"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: function(s2) {
errors.push({ msg: s2, line: 0 });
var FS = LD65.FS;
setupFS(FS, "65-" + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform));
populateFiles(step, FS);
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files);
if (store.hasFile(params.cfgfile)) {
populateEntry(FS, params.cfgfile, store.getFileEntry(params.cfgfile), null);
var libargs = params.libargs || [];
var cfgfile = params.cfgfile;
var args = [
].concat(step.args, libargs);
execMain(step, LD65, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var aout = FS.readFile("main", { encoding: "binary" });
var mapout = FS.readFile("main.map", { encoding: "utf8" });
var viceout = FS.readFile("main.vice", { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile("main", aout);
putWorkFile("main.map", mapout);
putWorkFile("main.vice", viceout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, ["main", "main.map", "main.vice"]))
var symbolmap = {};
for (var s of viceout.split("\n")) {
var toks = s.split(" ");
if (toks[0] == "al") {
let ident = toks[2].substr(1);
if (ident.length != 5 || !ident.startsWith("L")) {
let ofs = parseInt(toks[1], 16);
symbolmap[ident] = ofs;
var segments = [];
segments.push({ name: "CPU Stack", start: 256, size: 256, type: "ram" });
segments.push({ name: "CPU Vectors", start: 65530, size: 6, type: "rom" });
let re_seglist = /(\w+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)/;
let parseseglist = false;
let m;
for (let s2 of mapout.split("\n")) {
if (parseseglist && (m = re_seglist.exec(s2))) {
let seg = m[1];
let start = parseInt(m[2], 16);
let size = parseInt(m[4], 16);
let type = "";
if (seg.startsWith("CODE") || seg == "STARTUP" || seg == "RODATA" || seg.endsWith("ROM"))
type = "rom";
else if (seg == "ZP" || seg == "DATA" || seg == "BSS" || seg.endsWith("RAM"))
type = "ram";
segments.push({ name: seg, start, size, type });
if (s2 == "Segment list:")
parseseglist = true;
if (s2 == "")
parseseglist = false;
var listings = {};
for (var fn of step.files) {
if (fn.endsWith(".lst")) {
var lstout = FS.readFile(fn, { encoding: "utf8" });
lstout = lstout.split("\n\n")[1] || lstout;
putWorkFile(fn, lstout);
let isECS = ((_a = step.debuginfo) == null ? void 0 : _a.entities) != null;
if (isECS) {
var asmlines = [];
var srclines = parseCA65Listing(lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, true, listings);
listings[fn] = {
lines: [],
text: lstout
} else {
var asmlines = parseCA65Listing(lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, false);
var srclines = parseCA65Listing(lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, true);
listings[fn] = {
asmlines: srclines.length ? asmlines : null,
lines: srclines.length ? srclines : asmlines,
text: lstout
return {
output: aout,
function compileCC65(step) {
var params = step.params;
var re_err1 = /(.*?):(\d+): (.+)/;
var errors = [];
var errline = 0;
function match_fn(s) {
var matches = re_err1.exec(s);
if (matches) {
errline = parseInt(matches[2]);
line: errline,
msg: matches[3],
path: matches[1]
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" });
var destpath = step.prefix + ".s";
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
var CC65 = emglobal.cc65({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("cc65"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: match_fn
var FS = CC65.FS;
setupFS(FS, "65-" + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform));
populateFiles(step, FS);
fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, params);
var args = [
if (params.define) {
params.define.forEach((x) => args.push("-D" + x));
if (step.mainfile) {
args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__MAIN__"]);
var customArgs = params.extra_compiler_args || ["-T", "-g", "-Oirs", "-Cl", "-W", "-pointer-sign,-no-effect"];
args = args.concat(customArgs, args);
execMain(step, CC65, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile(destpath, asmout);
return {
nexttool: "ca65",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath]
// src/worker/tools/dasm.ts
function parseDASMListing(lstpath, lsttext, listings, errors, unresolved) {
let lineMatch = /\s*(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+([?0-9a-f][?0-9a-f ]+)?\s+(.+)?/i;
let equMatch = /\bequ\b/i;
let macroMatch = /\bMAC\s+(\S+)?/i;
let lastline = 0;
let macros = {};
let lstline = 0;
let lstlist = listings[lstpath];
for (let line of lsttext.split(re_crlf)) {
let linem = lineMatch.exec(line + " ");
if (linem && linem[1] != null) {
let linenum = parseInt(linem[1]);
let filename = linem[2];
let offset = parseInt(linem[3], 16);
let insns = linem[4];
let restline = linem[5];
if (insns && insns.startsWith("?"))
insns = null;
if (lstlist && lstlist.lines) {
line: lstline,
iscode: true
let lst = listings[filename];
if (lst) {
var lines = lst.lines;
let macmatch = macroMatch.exec(restline);
if (macmatch) {
macros[macmatch[1]] = { line: parseInt(linem[1]), file: linem[2].toLowerCase() };
} else if (insns && restline && !restline.match(equMatch)) {
line: linenum,
iscode: restline[0] != "."
lastline = linenum;
} else {
let mac = macros[filename.toLowerCase()];
if (mac && linenum == 0) {
line: lastline + 1,
iscode: true
if (insns && mac) {
let maclst = listings[mac.file];
if (maclst && maclst.lines) {
path: mac.file,
line: mac.line + linenum,
iscode: true
} else {
if (insns && linem[3] && lastline > 0) {
line: lastline + 1,
insns: null
for (let key in unresolved) {
let l = restline || line;
let pos = l.indexOf(key);
if (pos >= 0) {
let cmt = l.indexOf(";");
if (cmt < 0 || cmt > pos) {
if (new RegExp("\\b" + key + "\\b").exec(l)) {
path: filename,
line: linenum,
msg: "Unresolved symbol '" + key + "'"
let errm = re_msvc.exec(line);
if (errm) {
path: errm[1],
line: parseInt(errm[2]),
msg: errm[4]
function assembleDASM(step) {
var re_usl = /(\w+)\s+0000\s+[?][?][?][?]/;
var unresolved = {};
var errors = [];
var errorMatcher = msvcErrorMatcher(errors);
function match_fn(s2) {
var matches = re_usl.exec(s2);
if (matches) {
var key = matches[1];
if (key != "NO_ILLEGAL_OPCODES") {
unresolved[matches[1]] = 0;
} else if (s2.startsWith("Warning:")) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: s2.substr(9) });
} else if (s2.startsWith("unable ")) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: s2 });
} else if (s2.startsWith("segment: ")) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "Segment overflow: " + s2.substring(9) });
} else if (s2.toLowerCase().indexOf("error:") >= 0) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: s2.trim() });
} else {
var Module = emglobal.DASM({
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn
var FS = Module.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS, {
mainFilePath: "main.a"
var binpath = step.prefix + ".bin";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
var sympath = step.prefix + ".sym";
execMain(step, Module, [
"-l" + lstpath,
"-o" + binpath,
"-s" + sympath
var alst = FS.readFile(lstpath, { "encoding": "utf8" });
var listings = {};
for (let path of step.files) {
listings[path] = { lines: [] };
parseDASMListing(lstpath, alst, listings, errors, unresolved);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors };
var aout, asym;
aout = FS.readFile(binpath);
try {
asym = FS.readFile(sympath, { "encoding": "utf8" });
} catch (e) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "No symbol table generated, maybe segment overflow?" });
return { errors };
putWorkFile(binpath, aout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, alst);
putWorkFile(sympath, asym);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [binpath]))
var symbolmap = {};
for (var s of asym.split("\n")) {
var toks = s.split(/\s+/);
if (toks && toks.length >= 2 && !toks[0].startsWith("-")) {
symbolmap[toks[0]] = parseInt(toks[1], 16);
if (step["bblines"]) {
let lst = listings[step.path];
if (lst) {
lst.asmlines = lst.lines;
lst.text = alst;
lst.lines = [];
return {
output: aout,
function preprocessBatariBasic(code) {
var bbout = "";
function addbbout_fn(s) {
bbout += s;
bbout += "\n";
var BBPRE = emglobal.preprocess({
noInitialRun: true,
print: addbbout_fn,
printErr: print_fn,
noFSInit: true
var FS = BBPRE.FS;
setupStdin(FS, code);
console.log("preprocess " + code.length + " -> " + bbout.length + " bytes");
return bbout;
function compileBatariBasic(step) {
var params = step.params;
var asmout = "";
function addasmout_fn(s) {
asmout += s;
asmout += "\n";
var re_err1 = /[(](\d+)[)]:?\s*(.+)/;
var errors = [];
var errline = 0;
function match_fn(s) {
var matches = re_err1.exec(s);
if (matches) {
errline = parseInt(matches[1]);
line: errline,
msg: matches[2]
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.bas" });
var destpath = step.prefix + ".asm";
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
var BB = emglobal.bb2600basic({
noInitialRun: true,
print: addasmout_fn,
printErr: match_fn,
noFSInit: true,
TOTAL_MEMORY: 64 * 1024 * 1024
var FS = BB.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
code = preprocessBatariBasic(code);
setupStdin(FS, code);
setupFS(FS, "2600basic");
execMain(step, BB, ["-i", "/share", step.path]);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var includesout = FS.readFile("includes.bB", { encoding: "utf8" });
var redefsout = FS.readFile("2600basic_variable_redefs.h", { encoding: "utf8" });
var includes = includesout.trim().split("\n");
var combinedasm = "";
var splitasm = asmout.split("bB.asm file is split here");
for (var incfile of includes) {
var inctext;
if (incfile == "bB.asm")
inctext = splitasm[0];
else if (incfile == "bB2.asm")
inctext = splitasm[1];
inctext = FS.readFile("/share/includes/" + incfile, { encoding: "utf8" });
console.log(incfile, inctext.length);
combinedasm += "\n\n;;;" + incfile + "\n\n";
combinedasm += inctext;
putWorkFile(destpath, combinedasm);
putWorkFile("2600basic.h", FS.readFile("/share/includes/2600basic.h"));
putWorkFile("2600basic_variable_redefs.h", redefsout);
return {
nexttool: "dasm",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath, "2600basic.h", "2600basic_variable_redefs.h"],
bblines: true
// src/worker/tools/sdcc.ts
function hexToArray(s, ofs) {
var buf = new ArrayBuffer(s.length / 2);
var arr = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = parseInt(s.slice(i * 2 + ofs, i * 2 + ofs + 2), 16);
return arr;
function parseIHX(ihx, rom_start, rom_size, errors) {
var output = new Uint8Array(new ArrayBuffer(rom_size));
var high_size = 0;
for (var s of ihx.split("\n")) {
if (s[0] == ":") {
var arr = hexToArray(s, 1);
var count = arr[0];
var address = (arr[1] << 8) + arr[2] - rom_start;
var rectype = arr[3];
if (rectype == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
var b = arr[4 + i];
output[i + address] = b;
if (i + address > high_size)
high_size = i + address;
} else if (rectype == 1) {
} else {
if (high_size > rom_size) {
return output;
function assembleSDASZ80(step) {
var objout, lstout, symout;
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".rel";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath, lstpath])) {
var match_asm_re1 = / in line (\d+) of (\S+)/;
var match_asm_re2 = / <\w> (.+)/;
var errline = 0;
var errpath = step.path;
var match_asm_fn = (s) => {
var m = match_asm_re1.exec(s);
if (m) {
errline = parseInt(m[1]);
errpath = m[2];
} else {
m = match_asm_re2.exec(s);
if (m) {
line: errline,
path: errpath,
msg: m[1]
var ASZ80 = emglobal.sdasz80({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("sdasz80"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_asm_fn,
printErr: match_asm_fn
var FS = ASZ80.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, ASZ80, ["-plosgffwy", step.path]);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors };
objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout);
return {
linktool: "sdldz80",
files: [objpath, lstpath],
args: [objpath]
function linkSDLDZ80(step) {
var errors = [];
var binpath = "main.ihx";
if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) {
var match_aslink_re = /\?ASlink-(\w+)-(.+)/;
var match_aslink_fn = (s2) => {
var matches = match_aslink_re.exec(s2);
if (matches) {
line: 0,
msg: matches[2]
var params = step.params;
var LDZ80 = emglobal.sdldz80({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("sdldz80"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_aslink_fn,
printErr: match_aslink_fn
var FS = LDZ80.FS;
setupFS(FS, "sdcc");
populateFiles(step, FS);
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files);
if (step.platform.startsWith("coleco")) {
FS.writeFile("crt0.rel", FS.readFile("/share/lib/coleco/crt0.rel", { encoding: "utf8" }));
FS.writeFile("crt0.lst", "\n");
var args = [
"_CODE=0x" + params.code_start.toString(16),
"_DATA=0x" + params.data_start.toString(16),
if (params.extra_link_args)
args.push.apply(args, params.extra_link_args);
args.push.apply(args, step.args);
execMain(step, LDZ80, args);
var hexout = FS.readFile("main.ihx", { encoding: "utf8" });
var noiout = FS.readFile("main.noi", { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile("main.ihx", hexout);
putWorkFile("main.noi", noiout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, ["main.ihx", "main.noi"]))
var binout = parseIHX(hexout, params.rom_start !== void 0 ? params.rom_start : params.code_start, params.rom_size, errors);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors };
var listings = {};
for (var fn of step.files) {
if (fn.endsWith(".lst")) {
var rstout = FS.readFile(fn.replace(".lst", ".rst"), { encoding: "utf8" });
var asmlines = parseListing(rstout, /^\s*([0-9A-F]{4})\s+([0-9A-F][0-9A-F r]*[0-9A-F])\s+\[([0-9 ]+)\]?\s+(\d+) (.*)/i, 4, 1, 2, 3);
var srclines = parseSourceLines(rstout, /^\s+\d+ ;<stdin>:(\d+):/i, /^\s*([0-9A-F]{4})/i);
putWorkFile(fn, rstout);
listings[fn] = {
asmlines: srclines.length ? asmlines : null,
lines: srclines.length ? srclines : asmlines,
text: rstout
var symbolmap = {};
for (var s of noiout.split("\n")) {
var toks = s.split(" ");
if (toks[0] == "DEF" && !toks[1].startsWith("A$")) {
symbolmap[toks[1]] = parseInt(toks[2], 16);
var seg_re = /^s__(\w+)$/;
var segments = [];
for (let ident in symbolmap) {
let m = seg_re.exec(ident);
if (m) {
let seg = m[1];
let segstart = symbolmap[ident];
let segsize = symbolmap["l__" + seg];
if (segstart >= 0 && segsize > 0) {
var type = null;
if (["INITIALIZER", "GSINIT", "GSFINAL"].includes(seg))
type = "rom";
else if (seg.startsWith("CODE"))
type = "rom";
else if (["DATA", "INITIALIZED"].includes(seg))
type = "ram";
if (type == "rom" || segstart > 0)
segments.push({ name: seg, start: segstart, size: segsize, type });
return {
output: binout,
function compileSDCC(step) {
gatherFiles(step, {
mainFilePath: "main.c"
var outpath = step.prefix + ".asm";
if (staleFiles(step, [outpath])) {
var errors = [];
var params = step.params;
var SDCC = emglobal.sdcc({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("sdcc"),
noInitialRun: true,
noFSInit: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: msvcErrorMatcher(errors)
var FS = SDCC.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
var preproc = preprocessMCPP(step, "sdcc");
if (preproc.errors) {
return { errors: preproc.errors };
} else
code = preproc.code;
setupStdin(FS, code);
setupFS(FS, "sdcc");
var args = [
if (!/^\s*#pragma\s+opt_code/m.exec(code)) {
args.push.apply(args, [
if (params.extra_compile_args) {
args.push.apply(args, params.extra_compile_args);
execMain(step, SDCC, args);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors };
var asmout = FS.readFile(outpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
asmout = " .area _HOME\n .area _CODE\n .area _INITIALIZER\n .area _DATA\n .area _INITIALIZED\n .area _BSEG\n .area _BSS\n .area _HEAP\n" + asmout;
putWorkFile(outpath, asmout);
return {
nexttool: "sdasz80",
path: outpath,
args: [outpath],
files: [outpath]
// src/worker/assembler.ts
var isError = (o) => o.error !== void 0;
function hex2(v, nd) {
try {
if (!nd)
nd = 2;
if (nd == 8) {
return hex2(v >> 16 & 65535, 4) + hex2(v & 65535, 4);
var s = v.toString(16).toUpperCase();
while (s.length < nd)
s = "0" + s;
return s;
} catch (e) {
return v + "";
function stringToData(s) {
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
data[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);
return data;
var Assembler = class {
constructor(spec) {
this.ip = 0;
this.origin = 0;
this.linenum = 0;
this.symbols = {};
this.errors = [];
this.outwords = [];
this.asmlines = [];
this.fixups = [];
this.width = 8;
this.codelen = 0;
this.aborted = false;
this.spec = spec;
if (spec) {
rule2regex(rule, vars) {
var s = rule.fmt;
if (!s || !(typeof s === "string"))
throw Error('Each rule must have a "fmt" string field');
if (!rule.bits || !(rule.bits instanceof Array))
throw Error('Each rule must have a "bits" array field');
var varlist = [];
rule.prefix = s.split(/\s+/)[0];
s = s.replace(/\+/g, "\\+");
s = s.replace(/\*/g, "\\*");
s = s.replace(/\s+/g, "\\s+");
s = s.replace(/\[/g, "\\[");
s = s.replace(/\]/g, "\\]");
s = s.replace(/\(/g, "\\(");
s = s.replace(/\)/g, "\\)");
s = s.replace(/\./g, "\\.");
s = s.replace(/~\w+/g, (varname) => {
varname = varname.substr(1);
var v = vars[varname];
if (!v)
throw Error('Could not find variable definition for "~' + varname + '"');
else if (v.toks)
return "(\\w+)";
return "([0-9]+|[$][0-9a-f]+|\\w+)";
try {
rule.re = new RegExp("^" + s + "$", "i");
} catch (e) {
throw Error('Bad regex for rule "' + rule.fmt + '": /' + s + "/ -- " + e);
rule.varlist = varlist;
return rule;
preprocessRules() {
if (this.spec.width) {
this.width = this.spec.width || 8;
for (var rule of this.spec.rules) {
this.rule2regex(rule, this.spec.vars);
warning(msg, line) {
this.errors.push({ msg, line: line ? line : this.linenum });
fatal(msg, line) {
this.warning(msg, line);
this.aborted = true;
fatalIf(msg, line) {
if (msg)
this.fatal(msg, line);
addBytes(result) {
line: this.linenum,
offset: this.ip,
nbits: result.nbits
var op = result.opcode;
var nb = result.nbits / this.width;
for (var i = 0; i < nb; i++) {
if (this.width < 32)
this.outwords[this.ip++ - this.origin] = op >> (nb - 1 - i) * this.width & (1 << this.width) - 1;
this.outwords[this.ip++ - this.origin] = op;
addWords(data) {
line: this.linenum,
offset: this.ip,
nbits: this.width * data.length
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
if (this.width < 32)
this.outwords[this.ip++ - this.origin] = data[i] & (1 << this.width) - 1;
this.outwords[this.ip++ - this.origin] = data[i];
parseData(toks) {
var data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < toks.length; i++) {
data[i] = this.parseConst(toks[i]);
return data;
alignIP(align) {
if (align < 1 || align > this.codelen)
this.fatal("Invalid alignment value");
this.ip = Math.floor((this.ip + align - 1) / align) * align;
parseConst(s, nbits) {
if (s && s[0] == "$")
return parseInt(s.substr(1), 16);
return parseInt(s);
swapEndian(x, nbits) {
var y = 0;
while (nbits > 0) {
var n = Math.min(nbits, this.width);
var mask = (1 << n) - 1;
y <<= n;
y |= x & mask;
x >>>= n;
nbits -= n;
return y;
buildInstruction(rule, m) {
var opcode = 0;
var oplen = 0;
for (let b of rule.bits) {
let n, x;
if (typeof b === "string") {
n = b.length;
x = parseInt(b, 2);
} else {
var index = typeof b === "number" ? b : b.a;
var id = m[index + 1];
var v = this.spec.vars[rule.varlist[index]];
if (!v) {
return { error: `Could not find matching identifier for '${m[0]}' index ${index}` };
n = v.bits;
var shift = 0;
if (typeof b !== "number") {
n = b.n;
shift = b.b;
if (v.toks) {
x = v.toks.indexOf(id);
if (x < 0)
return { error: "Can't use '" + id + "' here, only one of: " + v.toks.join(", ") };
} else {
x = this.parseConst(id, n);
if (isNaN(x)) {
sym: id,
ofs: this.ip,
size: v.bits,
line: this.linenum,
dstlen: n,
dstofs: oplen,
srcofs: shift,
endian: v.endian,
iprel: !!v.iprel,
ipofs: v.ipofs + 0,
ipmul: v.ipmul || 1
x = 0;
} else {
var mask = (1 << v.bits) - 1;
if ((x & mask) != x)
return { error: "Value " + x + " does not fit in " + v.bits + " bits" };
if (v.endian == "little")
x = this.swapEndian(x, v.bits);
if (typeof b !== "number") {
x = x >>> shift & (1 << b.n) - 1;
opcode = opcode << n | x;
oplen += n;
if (oplen == 0)
this.warning("Opcode had zero length");
else if (oplen > 32)
this.warning("Opcodes > 32 bits not supported");
else if (oplen % this.width != 0)
this.warning("Opcode was not word-aligned (" + oplen + " bits)");
return { opcode, nbits: oplen };
loadArch(arch) {
if (this.loadJSON) {
var json = this.loadJSON(arch + ".json");
if (json && json.vars && json.rules) {
this.spec = json;
} else {
return "Could not load arch file '" + arch + ".json'";
parseDirective(tokens) {
var cmd = tokens[0].toLowerCase();
if (cmd == ".define")
this.symbols[tokens[1].toLowerCase()] = { value: tokens[2] };
else if (cmd == ".org")
this.ip = this.origin = parseInt(tokens[1]);
else if (cmd == ".len")
this.codelen = parseInt(tokens[1]);
else if (cmd == ".width")
this.width = parseInt(tokens[1]);
else if (cmd == ".arch")
else if (cmd == ".include")
else if (cmd == ".module")
else if (cmd == ".data")
else if (cmd == ".string")
this.addWords(stringToData(tokens.slice(1).join(" ")));
else if (cmd == ".align")
this.warning("Unrecognized directive: " + tokens);
assemble(line) {
line = line.replace(/[;].*/g, "").trim();
if (line[0] == ".") {
var tokens = line.split(/\s+/);
line = line.toLowerCase();
line = line.replace(/(\w+):/, (_label, label) => {
this.symbols[label] = { value: this.ip };
return "";
line = line.trim();
if (line == "")
if (!this.spec) {
this.fatal("Need to load .arch first");
var lastError;
for (var rule of this.spec.rules) {
var m = rule.re.exec(line);
if (m) {
var result = this.buildInstruction(rule, m);
if (!isError(result)) {
return result;
} else {
lastError = result.error;
this.warning(lastError ? lastError : "Could not decode instruction: " + line);
applyFixup(fix, sym) {
var ofs = fix.ofs + Math.floor(fix.dstofs / this.width);
var mask = (1 << fix.size) - 1;
var value = this.parseConst(sym.value + "", fix.dstlen);
if (fix.iprel)
value = (value - fix.ofs) * fix.ipmul - fix.ipofs;
if (fix.srcofs == 0 && (value > mask || value < -mask))
this.warning("Symbol " + fix.sym + " (" + value + ") does not fit in " + fix.dstlen + " bits", fix.line);
if (fix.srcofs > 0)
value >>>= fix.srcofs;
value &= (1 << fix.dstlen) - 1;
if (this.width == 32) {
var shift = 32 - fix.dstofs - fix.dstlen;
value <<= shift;
if (fix.size <= this.width) {
this.outwords[ofs - this.origin] ^= value;
} else {
if (fix.endian == "big")
value = this.swapEndian(value, fix.size);
while (value) {
if (value & this.outwords[ofs - this.origin]) {
this.warning("Instruction bits overlapped: " + hex2(this.outwords[ofs - this.origin], 8), hex2(value, 8));
} else {
this.outwords[ofs - this.origin] ^= value & (1 << this.width) - 1;
value >>>= this.width;
finish() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.fixups.length; i++) {
var fix = this.fixups[i];
var sym = this.symbols[fix.sym];
if (sym) {
this.applyFixup(fix, sym);
} else {
this.warning("Symbol '" + fix.sym + "' not found");
for (var i = 0; i < this.asmlines.length; i++) {
var al = this.asmlines[i];
al.insns = "";
for (var j = 0; j < al.nbits / this.width; j++) {
var word = this.outwords[al.offset + j - this.origin];
if (j > 0)
al.insns += " ";
al.insns += hex2(word, this.width / 4);
while (this.outwords.length < this.codelen) {
this.fixups = [];
return this.state();
assembleFile(text) {
var lines = text.split(/\n/g);
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length && !this.aborted; i++) {
try {
} catch (e) {
this.fatal("Exception during assembly: " + e);
return this.finish();
state() {
return {
ip: this.ip,
line: this.linenum,
origin: this.origin,
codelen: this.codelen,
intermediate: {},
output: this.outwords,
lines: this.asmlines,
errors: this.errors,
fixups: this.fixups
// src/common/hdl/hdltypes.ts
function isVarDecl(arg) {
return typeof arg.isParam !== "undefined";
function isConstExpr(arg) {
return typeof arg.cvalue === "number";
// src/common/hdl/vxmlparser.ts
var CompileError2 = class extends Error {
constructor($loc, msg) {
this.$loc = $loc;
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CompileError2.prototype);
var VerilogXMLParser = class {
constructor() {
this.files = {};
this.dtypes = {};
this.modules = {};
this.hierarchies = {};
this.cur_deferred = [];
this.dtypes["QData"] = { left: 63, right: 0, signed: false };
this.dtypes["IData"] = { left: 31, right: 0, signed: false };
this.dtypes["SData"] = { left: 15, right: 0, signed: false };
this.dtypes["CData"] = { left: 7, right: 0, signed: false };
this.dtypes["byte"] = { left: 7, right: 0, signed: true };
this.dtypes["shortint"] = { left: 15, right: 0, signed: true };
this.dtypes["int"] = { left: 31, right: 0, signed: true };
this.dtypes["integer"] = { left: 31, right: 0, signed: true };
this.dtypes["longint"] = { left: 63, right: 0, signed: true };
this.dtypes["time"] = { left: 63, right: 0, signed: false };
defer(fn) {
defer2(fn) {
run_deferred() {
this.cur_deferred.forEach((fn) => fn());
this.cur_deferred = [];
name2js(s) {
if (s == null)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `no name`);
return s.replace(/[^a-z0-9_]/gi, "$");
findChildren(node, type, required) {
var arr = node.children.filter((n) => n.type == type);
if (arr.length == 0 && required)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `no child of type ${type}`);
return arr;
parseSourceLocation(node) {
var loc = node.attrs["loc"];
if (loc) {
if (loc == this.cur_loc_str) {
return this.cur_loc;
} else {
var [fileid, line, col, end_line, end_col] = loc.split(",");
var $loc = {
hdlfile: this.files[fileid],
path: this.files[fileid].filename,
line: parseInt(line),
start: parseInt(col) - 1,
end_line: parseInt(end_line),
end: parseInt(end_col) - 1
this.cur_loc = $loc;
this.cur_loc_str = loc;
return $loc;
} else {
return null;
open_module(node) {
var module = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
name: node.attrs["name"],
origName: node.attrs["origName"],
blocks: [],
instances: [],
vardefs: {}
if (this.cur_module)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `nested modules not supported`);
this.cur_module = module;
return module;
deferDataType(node, def) {
var dtype_id = node.attrs["dtype_id"];
if (dtype_id != null) {
this.defer(() => {
def.dtype = this.dtypes[dtype_id];
if (!def.dtype) {
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `Unknown data type ${dtype_id} for ${node.type}`);
parseConstValue(s) {
const re_const = /(\d+)'([s]?)h([0-9a-f]+)/i;
var m = re_const.exec(s);
if (m) {
var numstr = m[3];
if (numstr.length <= 8)
return parseInt(numstr, 16);
return BigInt("0x" + numstr);
} else {
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `could not parse constant "${s}"`);
resolveVar(s, mod) {
var def = mod.vardefs[s];
if (def == null)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `could not resolve variable "${s}"`);
return def;
resolveModule(s) {
var mod = this.modules[s];
if (mod == null)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `could not resolve module "${s}"`);
return mod;
visit_verilator_xml(node) {
visit_package(node) {
visit_module(node) {
this.findChildren(node, "var", false).forEach((n) => {
if (isVarDecl(n.obj)) {
this.cur_module.vardefs[n.obj.name] = n.obj;
this.modules[this.cur_module.name] = this.cur_module;
this.cur_module = null;
visit_var(node) {
var name = node.attrs["name"];
name = this.name2js(name);
var vardef = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
origName: node.attrs["origName"],
isInput: node.attrs["dir"] == "input",
isOutput: node.attrs["dir"] == "output",
isParam: node.attrs["param"] == "true",
dtype: null
this.deferDataType(node, vardef);
var const_nodes = this.findChildren(node, "const", false);
if (const_nodes.length) {
vardef.constValue = const_nodes[0].obj;
var init_nodes = this.findChildren(node, "initarray", false);
if (init_nodes.length) {
vardef.initValue = init_nodes[0].obj;
return vardef;
visit_const(node) {
var name = node.attrs["name"];
var cvalue = this.parseConstValue(name);
var constdef = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
dtype: null,
cvalue: typeof cvalue === "number" ? cvalue : null,
bigvalue: typeof cvalue === "bigint" ? cvalue : null
this.deferDataType(node, constdef);
return constdef;
visit_varref(node) {
var name = node.attrs["name"];
name = this.name2js(name);
var varref = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
dtype: null,
refname: name
this.deferDataType(node, varref);
var mod = this.cur_module;
return varref;
visit_sentree(node) {
visit_always(node) {
var sentree;
var expr;
if (node.children.length == 2) {
sentree = node.children[0].obj;
expr = node.children[1].obj;
} else {
sentree = null;
expr = node.children[0].obj;
var always = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
blocktype: node.type,
name: null,
senlist: sentree,
exprs: [expr]
return always;
visit_begin(node) {
var exprs = [];
node.children.forEach((n) => exprs.push(n.obj));
return {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
blocktype: node.type,
name: node.attrs["name"],
visit_initarray(node) {
return this.visit_begin(node);
visit_inititem(node) {
this.expectChildren(node, 1, 1);
return {
index: parseInt(node.attrs["index"]),
expr: node.children[0].obj
visit_cfunc(node) {
if (this.cur_module == null) {
var block = this.visit_begin(node);
block.exprs = [];
node.children.forEach((n) => block.exprs.push(n.obj));
return block;
visit_cuse(node) {
visit_instance(node) {
var instance = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
name: node.attrs["name"],
origName: node.attrs["origName"],
ports: [],
module: null
node.children.forEach((child) => {
this.defer(() => {
instance.module = this.resolveModule(node.attrs["defName"]);
return instance;
visit_iface(node) {
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `interfaces not supported`);
visit_intfref(node) {
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `interfaces not supported`);
visit_port(node) {
this.expectChildren(node, 1, 1);
var varref = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
name: node.attrs["name"],
expr: node.children[0].obj
return varref;
visit_netlist(node) {
visit_files(node) {
visit_module_files(node) {
node.children.forEach((n) => {
if (n.obj) {
var file = this.files[n.obj.id];
if (file)
file.isModule = true;
visit_file(node) {
return this.visit_file_or_module(node, false);
visit_scope(node) {
visit_topscope(node) {
visit_file_or_module(node, isModule) {
var file = {
id: node.attrs["id"],
filename: node.attrs["filename"],
this.files[file.id] = file;
return file;
visit_cells(node) {
this.expectChildren(node, 1, 9999);
var hier = node.children[0].obj;
if (hier != null) {
var hiername = hier.name;
this.hierarchies[hiername] = hier;
visit_cell(node) {
var hier = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
name: node.attrs["name"],
module: null,
parent: null,
children: node.children.map((n) => n.obj)
if (node.children.length > 0)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `multiple non-flattened modules not yet supported`);
node.children.forEach((n) => n.obj.parent = hier);
this.defer(() => {
hier.module = this.resolveModule(node.attrs["submodname"]);
return hier;
visit_basicdtype(node) {
let id = node.attrs["id"];
var dtype;
var dtypename = node.attrs["name"];
switch (dtypename) {
case "logic":
case "integer":
case "bit":
let dlogic = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
left: parseInt(node.attrs["left"] || "0"),
right: parseInt(node.attrs["right"] || "0"),
signed: node.attrs["signed"] == "true"
dtype = dlogic;
case "string":
let dstring = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
jstype: "string"
dtype = dstring;
dtype = this.dtypes[dtypename];
if (dtype == null) {
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `unknown data type ${dtypename}`);
this.dtypes[id] = dtype;
return dtype;
visit_refdtype(node) {
visit_enumdtype(node) {
visit_enumitem(node) {
visit_packarraydtype(node) {
return this.visit_unpackarraydtype(node);
visit_memberdtype(node) {
throw new CompileError2(null, `structs not supported`);
visit_constdtype(node) {
visit_paramtypedtype(node) {
visit_unpackarraydtype(node) {
let id = node.attrs["id"];
let sub_dtype_id = node.attrs["sub_dtype_id"];
let range = node.children[0].obj;
if (isConstExpr(range.left) && isConstExpr(range.right)) {
var dtype = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
subtype: null,
low: range.left,
high: range.right
this.dtypes[id] = dtype;
this.defer(() => {
dtype.subtype = this.dtypes[sub_dtype_id];
if (!dtype.subtype)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `Unknown data type ${sub_dtype_id} for array`);
return dtype;
} else {
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `could not parse constant exprs in array`);
visit_senitem(node) {
var edgeType = node.attrs["edgeType"];
if (edgeType != "POS" && edgeType != "NEG")
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, "POS/NEG required");
return {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
expr: node.obj
visit_text(node) {
visit_cstmt(node) {
visit_cfile(node) {
visit_typetable(node) {
visit_constpool(node) {
visit_comment(node) {
expectChildren(node, low, high) {
if (node.children.length < low || node.children.length > high)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `expected between ${low} and ${high} children`);
__visit_unop(node) {
this.expectChildren(node, 1, 1);
var expr = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
op: node.type,
dtype: null,
left: node.children[0].obj
this.deferDataType(node, expr);
return expr;
visit_extend(node) {
var unop = this.__visit_unop(node);
unop.width = parseInt(node.attrs["width"]);
unop.widthminv = parseInt(node.attrs["widthminv"]);
if (unop.width != 32)
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `extends width ${unop.width} != 32`);
return unop;
visit_extends(node) {
return this.visit_extend(node);
__visit_binop(node) {
this.expectChildren(node, 2, 2);
var expr = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
op: node.type,
dtype: null,
left: node.children[0].obj,
right: node.children[1].obj
this.deferDataType(node, expr);
return expr;
visit_if(node) {
this.expectChildren(node, 2, 3);
var expr = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
op: "if",
dtype: null,
cond: node.children[0].obj,
left: node.children[1].obj,
right: node.children[2] && node.children[2].obj
return expr;
visit_while(node) {
this.expectChildren(node, 2, 4);
var expr = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
op: "while",
dtype: null,
precond: node.children[0].obj,
loopcond: node.children[1].obj,
body: node.children[2] && node.children[2].obj,
inc: node.children[3] && node.children[3].obj
return expr;
__visit_triop(node) {
this.expectChildren(node, 3, 3);
var expr = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
op: node.type,
dtype: null,
cond: node.children[0].obj,
left: node.children[1].obj,
right: node.children[2].obj
this.deferDataType(node, expr);
return expr;
__visit_func(node) {
var expr = {
$loc: this.parseSourceLocation(node),
dtype: null,
funcname: node.attrs["func"] || "$" + node.type,
args: node.children.map((n) => n.obj)
this.deferDataType(node, expr);
return expr;
visit_not(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_negate(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_redand(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_redor(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_redxor(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_initial(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_ccast(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_creset(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_creturn(node) {
return this.__visit_unop(node);
visit_contassign(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_assigndly(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_assignpre(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_assignpost(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_assign(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_arraysel(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_wordsel(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_eq(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_neq(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_lte(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_gte(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_lt(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_gt(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_and(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_or(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_xor(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_add(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_sub(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_concat(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_shiftl(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_shiftr(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_shiftrs(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_mul(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_div(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_moddiv(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_muls(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_divs(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_moddivs(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_gts(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_lts(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_gtes(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_ltes(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_range(node) {
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_cond(node) {
return this.__visit_triop(node);
visit_condbound(node) {
return this.__visit_triop(node);
visit_sel(node) {
return this.__visit_triop(node);
visit_changedet(node) {
if (node.children.length == 0)
return null;
return this.__visit_binop(node);
visit_ccall(node) {
return this.__visit_func(node);
visit_finish(node) {
return this.__visit_func(node);
visit_stop(node) {
return this.__visit_func(node);
visit_rand(node) {
return this.__visit_func(node);
visit_time(node) {
return this.__visit_func(node);
visit_display(node) {
return null;
visit_sformatf(node) {
return null;
visit_scopename(node) {
return null;
visit_readmem(node) {
return this.__visit_func(node);
xml_open(node) {
this.cur_node = node;
var method = this[`open_${node.type}`];
if (method) {
return method.bind(this)(node);
xml_close(node) {
this.cur_node = node;
var method = this[`visit_${node.type}`];
if (method) {
return method.bind(this)(node);
} else {
throw new CompileError2(this.cur_loc, `no visitor for ${node.type}`);
parse(xmls) {
parseXMLPoorly(xmls, this.xml_open.bind(this), this.xml_close.bind(this));
this.cur_node = null;
// src/worker/tools/verilog.ts
function detectModuleName(code) {
var m = /^\s*module\s+(\w+_top)\b/m.exec(code) || /^\s*module\s+(top|t)\b/m.exec(code) || /^\s*module\s+(\w+)\b/m.exec(code);
return m ? m[1] : null;
function detectTopModuleName(code) {
var topmod = detectModuleName(code) || "top";
var m = /^\s*module\s+(\w+?_top)/m.exec(code);
if (m && m[1])
topmod = m[1];
return topmod;
var jsasm_module_top;
var jsasm_module_output;
var jsasm_module_key;
function compileJSASM(asmcode, platform, options, is_inline) {
var asm = new Assembler(null);
var includes = [];
asm.loadJSON = (filename) => {
var jsontext = getWorkFileAsString(filename);
if (!jsontext)
throw Error("could not load " + filename);
return JSON.parse(jsontext);
asm.loadInclude = (filename) => {
if (!filename.startsWith('"') || !filename.endsWith('"'))
return 'Expected filename in "double quotes"';
filename = filename.substr(1, filename.length - 2);
var loaded_module = false;
asm.loadModule = (top_module) => {
loaded_module = true;
var key = top_module + "/" + includes;
if (jsasm_module_key != key) {
jsasm_module_key = key;
jsasm_module_output = null;
jsasm_module_top = top_module;
var main_filename = includes[includes.length - 1];
var voutput = compileVerilator({ platform, files: includes, path: main_filename, tool: "verilator" });
if (voutput)
jsasm_module_output = voutput;
return null;
var result = asm.assembleFile(asmcode);
if (loaded_module && jsasm_module_output) {
if (jsasm_module_output.errors && jsasm_module_output.errors.length)
return jsasm_module_output;
var asmout = result.output;
result.output = jsasm_module_output.output;
result.output.program_rom = asmout;
result.output.program_rom_variable = jsasm_module_top + "$program_rom";
result.listings = {};
result.listings[options.path] = { lines: result.lines };
return result;
} else {
return result;
function compileJSASMStep(step) {
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
var platform = step.platform || "verilog";
return compileJSASM(code, platform, step, false);
function compileInlineASM(code, platform, options, errors, asmlines) {
code = code.replace(/__asm\b([\s\S]+?)\b__endasm\b/g, function(s, asmcode, index) {
var firstline = code.substr(0, index).match(/\n/g).length;
var asmout = compileJSASM(asmcode, platform, options, true);
if (asmout.errors && asmout.errors.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < asmout.errors.length; i++) {
asmout.errors[i].line += firstline;
return "";
} else if (asmout.output) {
let s2 = "";
var out = asmout.output;
for (var i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
s2 += ",";
if ((i & 255) == 0)
s2 += "\n";
s2 += 0 | out[i];
if (asmlines) {
var al = asmout.lines;
for (var i = 0; i < al.length; i++) {
al[i].line += firstline;
return s2;
return code;
function compileVerilator(step) {
var platform = step.platform || "verilog";
var errors = [];
if (staleFiles(step, [xmlPath])) {
var match_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /%(.+?): (.+?):(\d+)?[:]?\s*(.+)/i, 3, 4, step.path, 2);
var verilator_mod = emglobal.verilator_bin({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("verilator_bin"),
noInitialRun: true,
noExitRuntime: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: match_fn,
wasmMemory: getWASMMemory()
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
var topmod = detectTopModuleName(code);
var FS = verilator_mod.FS;
var listings = {};
populateFiles(step, FS, {
mainFilePath: step.path,
processFn: (path, code2) => {
if (typeof code2 === "string") {
let asmlines = [];
code2 = compileInlineASM(code2, platform, step, errors, asmlines);
if (asmlines.length) {
listings[path] = { lines: asmlines };
return code2;
var xmlPath = `obj_dir/V${topmod}.xml`;
try {
var args = [
"-DTOPMOD__" + topmod,
execMain(step, verilator_mod, args);
} catch (e) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "Compiler internal error: " + e });
errors = errors.filter(function(e) {
return !/Exiting due to \d+/.exec(e.msg);
}, errors);
errors = errors.filter(function(e) {
return !/Use ["][/][*]/.exec(e.msg);
}, errors);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors };
var xmlParser = new VerilogXMLParser();
try {
var xmlContent = FS.readFile(xmlPath, { encoding: "utf8" });
var xmlScrubbed = xmlContent.replace(/ fl=".+?" loc=".+?"/g, "");
putWorkFile(xmlPath, xmlScrubbed);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [xmlPath]))
} catch (e) {
console.log(e, e.stack);
if (e.$loc != null) {
let $loc = e.$loc;
errors.push({ msg: "" + e, path: $loc.path, line: $loc.line });
} else {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "" + e });
return { errors, listings };
} finally {
return {
output: xmlParser,
function compileYosys(step) {
var code = step.code;
var errors = [];
var match_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /ERROR: (.+?) in line (.+?[.]v):(\d+)[: ]+(.+)/i, 3, 4, step.path);
var yosys_mod = emglobal.yosys({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("yosys"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: match_fn
endtime("create module");
var topmod = detectTopModuleName(code);
var FS = yosys_mod.FS;
FS.writeFile(topmod + ".v", code);
try {
execMain(step, yosys_mod, ["-q", "-o", topmod + ".json", "-S", topmod + ".v"]);
} catch (e) {
return { errors };
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
try {
var json_file = FS.readFile(topmod + ".json", { encoding: "utf8" });
var json = JSON.parse(json_file);
return { output: json, errors };
} catch (e) {
return { errors };
function compileSilice(step) {
var params = step.params;
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.ice" });
var destpath = step.prefix + ".v";
var errors = [];
var errfile;
var errline;
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
var match_fn = (s) => {
s = s.replaceAll(/\033\[\d+\w/g, "");
var mf = /file:\s*(\w+)/.exec(s);
var ml = /line:\s+(\d+)/.exec(s);
var preproc = /\[preprocessor\] (\d+)\] (.+)/.exec(s);
if (mf)
errfile = mf[1];
else if (ml)
errline = parseInt(ml[1]);
else if (preproc) {
errors.push({ path: step.path, line: parseInt(preproc[1]), msg: preproc[2] });
} else if (errfile && errline && s.length > 1) {
if (s.length > 2) {
errors.push({ path: errfile + ".ice", line: errline, msg: s });
} else {
errfile = null;
errline = null;
} else
var silice = emglobal.silice({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("silice"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn,
printErr: match_fn
var FS = silice.FS;
setupFS(FS, "Silice");
populateFiles(step, FS);
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_compile_files);
const FWDIR = "/share/frameworks";
var args = [
execMain(step, silice, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var vout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile(destpath, vout);
return {
nexttool: "verilator",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath]
// src/worker/tools/m6809.ts
function assembleXASM6809(step) {
var alst = "";
var lasterror = null;
var errors = [];
function match_fn(s) {
alst += s;
alst += "\n";
if (lasterror) {
var line = parseInt(s.slice(0, 5)) || 0;
msg: lasterror
lasterror = null;
} else if (s.startsWith("***** ")) {
lasterror = s.slice(6);
var Module = emglobal.xasm6809({
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn,
printErr: print_fn
var FS = Module.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS, {
mainFilePath: "main.asm"
var binpath = step.prefix + ".bin";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
execMain(step, Module, ["-c", "-l", "-s", "-y", "-o=" + binpath, step.path]);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var aout = FS.readFile(binpath, { encoding: "binary" });
if (aout.length == 0) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "Empty output file" });
return { errors };
putWorkFile(binpath, aout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, alst);
var symbolmap = {};
var asmlines = parseListing(alst, /^\s*([0-9]+) .+ ([0-9A-F]+)\s+\[([0-9 ]+)\]\s+([0-9A-F]+) (.*)/i, 1, 2, 4, 3);
var listings = {};
listings[step.prefix + ".lst"] = { lines: asmlines, text: alst };
return {
output: aout,
function compileCMOC(step) {
var params = step.params;
var re_err1 = /^[/]*([^:]*):(\d+): (.+)$/;
var errors = [];
var errline = 0;
function match_fn(s) {
var matches = re_err1.exec(s);
if (matches) {
line: parseInt(matches[2]),
msg: matches[3],
path: matches[1] || step.path
} else {
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" });
var destpath = step.prefix + ".s";
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
var args = [
var CMOC = emglobal.cmoc({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("cmoc"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn,
printErr: match_fn
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
var preproc = preprocessMCPP(step, null);
if (preproc.errors) {
return { errors: preproc.errors };
} else
code = preproc.code;
var FS = CMOC.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
FS.writeFile(step.path, code);
fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, params);
if (params.extra_compile_args) {
args.unshift.apply(args, params.extra_compile_args);
execMain(step, CMOC, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
if (step.params.set_stack_end)
asmout = asmout.replace("stack space in bytes", `
lds #${step.params.set_stack_end}
putWorkFile(destpath, asmout);
return {
nexttool: "lwasm",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath]
function assembleLWASM(step) {
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.s" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".o";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
const isRaw = step.path.endsWith(".asm");
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath, lstpath])) {
var objout, lstout;
var args = ["-9", "-I/share/asminc", "-o" + objpath, "-l" + lstpath, step.path];
args.push(isRaw ? "-r" : "--obj");
var LWASM = emglobal.lwasm({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("lwasm"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: msvcErrorMatcher(errors)
var FS = LWASM.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, step.params);
execMain(step, LWASM, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" });
lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout);
if (isRaw) {
return {
output: objout
return {
linktool: "lwlink",
files: [objpath, lstpath],
args: [objpath]
function linkLWLINK(step) {
var params = step.params;
var binpath = "main";
if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) {
var errors = [];
var LWLINK = emglobal.lwlink({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("lwlink"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: function(s2) {
if (s2.startsWith("Warning:"))
errors.push({ msg: s2, line: 0 });
populateFiles(step, FS);
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files);
var libargs = params.extra_link_args || [];
var args = [
].concat(libargs, step.args);
execMain(step, LWLINK, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var aout = FS.readFile("main", { encoding: "binary" });
var mapout = FS.readFile("main.map", { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile("main", aout);
putWorkFile("main.map", mapout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, ["main", "main.map"]))
var symbolmap = {};
var segments = [];
for (var s of mapout.split("\n")) {
var toks = s.split(" ");
if (toks[0] == "Symbol:") {
let ident = toks[1];
let ofs = parseInt(toks[4], 16);
if (ident && ofs >= 0 && !ident.startsWith("l_") && !ident.startsWith("funcsize_") && !ident.startsWith("funcend_")) {
symbolmap[ident] = ofs;
} else if (toks[0] == "Section:") {
let seg = toks[1];
let segstart = parseInt(toks[5], 16);
let segsize = parseInt(toks[7], 16);
segments.push({ name: seg, start: segstart, size: segsize });
const re_segment = /\s*SECTION\s+(\w+)/i;
const re_function = /\s*([0-9a-f]+).+?(\w+)\s+EQU\s+[*]/i;
var listings = {};
for (var fn of step.files) {
if (fn.endsWith(".lst")) {
var lstout = FS.readFile(fn, { encoding: "utf8" });
var asmlines = parseListing(lstout, /^([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+[(]\s*(.+?)[)]:(\d+) (.*)/i, 4, 1, 2, 3, re_function, re_segment);
for (let l of asmlines) {
l.offset += symbolmap[l.func] || 0;
var srclines = parseSourceLines(lstout, /Line .+?:(\d+)/i, /^([0-9A-F]{4})/i, re_function, re_segment);
for (let l of srclines) {
l.offset += symbolmap[l.func] || 0;
putWorkFile(fn, lstout);
lstout = lstout.split("\n").map((l) => l.substring(0, 15) + l.substring(56)).join("\n");
listings[fn] = {
asmlines: srclines.length ? asmlines : null,
lines: srclines.length ? srclines : asmlines,
text: lstout
return {
output: aout,
// src/worker/tools/m6502.ts
function assembleNESASM(step) {
var re_filename = /\#\[(\d+)\]\s+(\S+)/;
var re_insn = /\s+(\d+)\s+([0-9A-F]+):([0-9A-F]+)/;
var re_error = /\s+(.+)/;
var errors = [];
var state = 0;
var lineno = 0;
var filename;
function match_fn(s2) {
var m2;
switch (state) {
case 0:
m2 = re_filename.exec(s2);
if (m2) {
filename = m2[2];
m2 = re_insn.exec(s2);
if (m2) {
lineno = parseInt(m2[1]);
state = 1;
case 1:
m2 = re_error.exec(s2);
if (m2) {
errors.push({ path: filename, line: lineno, msg: m2[1] });
state = 0;
var Module = emglobal.nesasm({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("nesasm"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn
var FS = Module.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS, {
mainFilePath: "main.a"
var binpath = step.prefix + ".nes";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
var sympath = step.prefix + ".fns";
execMain(step, Module, [step.path, "-s", "-l", "2"]);
var listings = {};
try {
var alst = FS.readFile(lstpath, { "encoding": "utf8" });
var asmlines = parseListing(alst, /^\s*(\d+)\s+([0-9A-F]+):([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F ]+?) (.*)/i, 1, 3, 4);
putWorkFile(lstpath, alst);
listings[lstpath] = {
lines: asmlines,
text: alst
} catch (e) {
if (errors.length) {
return { errors };
var aout, asym;
aout = FS.readFile(binpath);
try {
asym = FS.readFile(sympath, { "encoding": "utf8" });
} catch (e) {
errors.push({ line: 0, msg: "No symbol table generated, maybe missing ENDM or segment overflow?" });
return { errors };
putWorkFile(binpath, aout);
putWorkFile(sympath, asym);
if (alst)
putWorkFile(lstpath, alst);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [binpath, sympath]))
var symbolmap = {};
for (var s of asym.split("\n")) {
if (!s.startsWith(";")) {
var m = /(\w+)\s+=\s+[$]([0-9A-F]+)/.exec(s);
if (m) {
symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[2], 16);
return {
output: aout,
function assembleMerlin32(step) {
var errors = [];
var lstfiles = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.lnk" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".bin";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
var args = ["-v", step.path];
var merlin32 = emglobal.merlin32({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("merlin32"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: (s) => {
var m = /\s*=>\s*Creating Output file '(.+?)'/.exec(s);
if (m) {
var errpos = s.indexOf("Error");
if (errpos >= 0) {
s = s.slice(errpos + 6).trim();
var mline = /\bline (\d+)\b/.exec(s);
var mpath = /\bfile '(.+?)'/.exec(s);
line: parseInt(mline[1]) || 0,
msg: s,
path: mpath[1] || step.path
printErr: print_fn
var FS = merlin32.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, merlin32, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var errout = null;
try {
errout = FS.readFile("error_output.txt", { encoding: "utf8" });
} catch (e) {
var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath]))
var symbolmap = {};
var segments = [];
var listings = {};
lstfiles.forEach((lstfn) => {
var lst = FS.readFile(lstfn, { encoding: "utf8" });
lst.split("\n").forEach((line) => {
var toks = line.split(/\s*\|\s*/);
if (toks && toks[6]) {
var toks2 = toks[1].split(/\s+/);
var toks3 = toks[6].split(/[:/]/, 4);
var path = toks2[1];
if (path && toks2[2] && toks3[1]) {
var lstline = {
line: parseInt(toks2[2]),
offset: parseInt(toks3[1].trim(), 16),
insns: toks3[2],
cycles: null,
iscode: false
var lst2 = listings[path];
if (!lst2)
listings[path] = lst2 = { lines: [] };
return {
output: objout,
function compileFastBasic(step) {
var params = step.params;
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.fb" });
var destpath = step.prefix + ".s";
var errors = [];
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
var fastbasic = emglobal.fastbasic({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("fastbasic-int"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /(.+?):(\d+):(\d+):\s*(.+)/, 2, 4, step.path, 1)
var FS = fastbasic.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
var libfile = "fastbasic-int.lib";
params.libargs = [libfile];
params.cfgfile = params.fastbasic_cfgfile;
params.extra_link_files = [libfile, params.cfgfile];
var args = [step.path, destpath];
execMain(step, fastbasic, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile(destpath, asmout);
return {
nexttool: "ca65",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath]
// src/worker/tools/z80.ts
function assembleZMAC(step) {
var hexout, lstout, binout;
var errors = [];
var params = step.params;
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" });
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
var binpath = step.prefix + ".cim";
if (staleFiles(step, [binpath, lstpath])) {
var ZMAC = emglobal.zmac({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("zmac"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /([^( ]+)\s*[(](\d+)[)]\s*:\s*(.+)/, 2, 3, step.path)
var FS = ZMAC.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, ZMAC, ["-z", "-c", "--oo", "lst,cim", step.path]);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors };
lstout = FS.readFile("zout/" + lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
binout = FS.readFile("zout/" + binpath, { encoding: "binary" });
putWorkFile(binpath, binout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [binpath, lstpath]))
var lines = parseListing(lstout, /\s*(\d+):\s*([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.+)/i, 1, 2, 3);
var listings = {};
listings[lstpath] = { lines };
var symbolmap = {};
var sympos = lstout.indexOf("Symbol Table:");
if (sympos > 0) {
var symout = lstout.slice(sympos + 14);
symout.split("\n").forEach(function(l) {
var m = l.match(/(\S+)\s+([= ]*)([0-9a-f]+)/i);
if (m) {
symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[3], 16);
return {
output: binout,
// src/worker/tools/x86.ts
function compileSmallerC(step) {
var params = step.params;
var re_err1 = /^Error in "[/]*(.+)" [(](\d+):(\d+)[)]/;
var errors = [];
var errline = 0;
var errpath = step.path;
function match_fn(s) {
var matches = re_err1.exec(s);
if (matches) {
errline = parseInt(matches[2]);
errpath = matches[1];
} else {
line: errline,
msg: s,
path: errpath
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" });
var destpath = step.prefix + ".asm";
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
var args = [
var smlrc = emglobal.smlrc({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("smlrc"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn,
printErr: match_fn
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
var preproc = preprocessMCPP(step, null);
if (preproc.errors) {
return { errors: preproc.errors };
} else
code = preproc.code;
var FS = smlrc.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
FS.writeFile(step.path, code);
fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, params);
if (params.extra_compile_args) {
args.unshift.apply(args, params.extra_compile_args);
execMain(step, smlrc, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile(destpath, asmout);
return {
nexttool: "yasm",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath]
function assembleYASM(step) {
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".exe";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
var mappath = step.prefix + ".map";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
var args = [
"--mapfile=" + mappath,
var YASM = emglobal.yasm({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("yasm"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: msvcErrorMatcher(errors)
var FS = YASM.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, YASM, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var objout, lstout, mapout;
objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" });
lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
mapout = FS.readFile(mappath, { encoding: "utf8" });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath]))
var symbolmap = {};
var segments = [];
var lines = parseListing(lstout, /\s*(\d+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+([0-9a-f]+)\s+(.+)/i, 1, 2, 3);
var listings = {};
listings[lstpath] = { lines, text: lstout };
return {
output: objout,
// src/worker/tools/arm.ts
function assembleARMIPS(step) {
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" });
var objpath = "main.bin";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
var sympath = step.prefix + ".sym";
var error_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /^(.+?)\((\d+)\)\s+(fatal error|error|warning):\s+(.+)/, 2, 4, step.path, 1);
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
var args = [step.path, "-temp", lstpath, "-sym", sympath, "-erroronwarning"];
var armips = emglobal.armips({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("armips"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: error_fn,
printErr: error_fn
var FS = armips.FS;
var code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
code = `.arm.little :: .create "${objpath}",0 :: ${code}
putWorkFile(step.path, code);
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, armips, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath]))
var symbolmap = {};
var segments = [];
var listings = {};
var lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
var lines = lstout.split(re_crlf);
var re_asmline = /^([0-9A-F]+) (.+?); [/](.+?) line (\d+)/;
var lastofs = -1;
for (var line of lines) {
var m;
if (m = re_asmline.exec(line)) {
var path = m[3];
var path2 = getPrefix(path) + ".lst";
var lst = listings[path2];
if (lst == null) {
lst = listings[path2] = { lines: [] };
var ofs = parseInt(m[1], 16);
if (lastofs == ofs) {
} else if (ofs > lastofs) {
var lastline = lst.lines[lst.lines.length - 1];
if (lastline && !lastline.insns) {
var insns = objout.slice(lastofs, ofs).reverse();
lastline.insns = Array.from(insns).map((b) => hex(b, 2)).join("");
line: parseInt(m[4]),
offset: ofs
lastofs = ofs;
var symout = FS.readFile(sympath, { encoding: "utf8" });
var re_symline = /^([0-9A-F]+)\s+(.+)/;
for (var line of symout.split(re_crlf)) {
var m;
if (m = re_symline.exec(line)) {
symbolmap[m[2]] = parseInt(m[1], 16);
return {
output: objout,
function assembleVASMARM(step) {
var re_err1 = /^(fatal error|error|warning)? (\d+) in line (\d+) of "(.+)": (.+)/;
var re_err2 = /^(fatal error|error|warning)? (\d+): (.+)/;
var re_undefsym = /symbol <(.+?)>/;
var errors = [];
var undefsyms = [];
function findUndefinedSymbols(line2) {
undefsyms.forEach((sym) => {
if (line2.indexOf(sym) >= 0) {
path: curpath,
line: curline,
msg: "Undefined symbol: " + sym
function match_fn(s) {
let matches = re_err1.exec(s);
if (matches) {
line: parseInt(matches[3]),
path: matches[4],
msg: matches[5]
} else {
matches = re_err2.exec(s);
if (matches) {
let m2 = re_undefsym.exec(matches[3]);
if (m2) {
} else {
line: 0,
msg: s
} else {
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.asm" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".bin";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath])) {
var args = ["-Fbin", "-m7tdmi", "-x", "-wfail", step.path, "-o", objpath, "-L", lstpath];
var vasm = emglobal.vasm({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn("vasmarm_std"),
noInitialRun: true,
print: match_fn,
printErr: match_fn
var FS = vasm.FS;
populateFiles(step, FS);
execMain(step, vasm, args);
if (errors.length) {
return { errors };
if (undefsyms.length == 0) {
var objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: "binary" });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, [objpath]))
var lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: "utf8" });
var symbolmap = {};
var segments = [];
var listings = {};
var re_asmline = /^(\d+):([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F ]+)\s+(\d+)([:M])/;
var re_secline = /^(\d+):\s+"(.+)"/;
var re_nameline = /^Source:\s+"(.+)"/;
var re_symline = /^(\w+)\s+(\d+):([0-9A-F]+)/;
var re_emptyline = /^\s+(\d+)([:M])/;
var curpath = step.path;
var curline = 0;
var sections = {};
var lines = lstout.split(re_crlf);
var lstlines = [];
for (var line of lines) {
var m;
if (m = re_secline.exec(line)) {
sections[m[1]] = m[2];
} else if (m = re_nameline.exec(line)) {
curpath = m[1];
} else if (m = re_symline.exec(line)) {
symbolmap[m[1]] = parseInt(m[3], 16);
} else if (m = re_asmline.exec(line)) {
if (m[5] == ":") {
curline = parseInt(m[4]);
} else {
path: curpath,
line: curline,
offset: parseInt(m[2], 16),
insns: m[3].replaceAll(" ", "")
} else if (m = re_emptyline.exec(line)) {
curline = parseInt(m[1]);
} else {
listings[lstpath] = { lines: lstlines, text: lstout };
if (undefsyms.length && errors.length == 0) {
line: 0,
msg: "Undefined symbols: " + undefsyms.join(", ")
return {
output: objout,
// src/common/tokenizer.ts
var CompileError3 = class extends Error {
constructor(msg, loc) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, CompileError3.prototype);
this.$loc = loc;
function mergeLocs2(a, b) {
return {
line: Math.min(a.line, b.line),
start: Math.min(a.start, b.start),
end: Math.max(a.end, b.end),
label: a.label || b.label,
path: a.path || b.path
var TokenType2;
(function(TokenType3) {
TokenType3["EOF"] = "eof";
TokenType3["EOL"] = "eol";
TokenType3["Ident"] = "ident";
TokenType3["Comment"] = "comment";
TokenType3["Ignore"] = "ignore";
TokenType3["CatchAll"] = "catch-all";
})(TokenType2 || (TokenType2 = {}));
{ type: TokenType2.CatchAll, regex: /.+?/ }
function re_escape(rule) {
return `(${rule.regex.source})`;
var TokenizerRuleSet = class {
constructor(rules) {
this.rules = rules.concat(CATCH_ALL_RULES);
var pattern = this.rules.map(re_escape).join("|");
this.regex = new RegExp(pattern, "gs");
var Tokenizer = class {
constructor() {
this.errorOnCatchAll = false;
this.deferred = [];
this.errors = [];
this.lineno = 0;
this.lineindex = [];
this.tokens = [];
setTokenRuleSet(ruleset) {
this.ruleset = ruleset;
setTokenRules(rules) {
this.setTokenRuleSet(new TokenizerRuleSet(rules));
tokenizeFile(contents, path) {
this.path = path;
let m;
let re = /\n|\r\n?/g;
while (m = re.exec(contents)) {
this.eof = { type: TokenType2.EOF, str: "", eol: true, $loc: { path: this.path, line: this.lineno } };
_tokenize(text) {
let m;
this.lineno = 0;
while (m = this.ruleset.regex.exec(text)) {
let found = false;
while (m.index >= this.lineindex[this.lineno]) {
let rules = this.ruleset.rules;
for (let i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
let s = m[i + 1];
if (s != null) {
found = true;
let col = m.index - (this.lineindex[this.lineno - 1] || -1) - 1;
let loc = { path: this.path, line: this.lineno, start: col, end: col + s.length };
let rule = rules[i];
switch (rule.type) {
case TokenType2.CatchAll:
if (this.errorOnCatchAll) {
this.compileError(`I didn't expect the character "${m[0]}" here.`, loc);
this.pushToken({ str: s, type: rule.type, $loc: loc, eol: false });
case TokenType2.EOL:
if (this.tokens.length)
this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1].eol = true;
case TokenType2.Comment:
case TokenType2.Ignore:
if (!found) {
this.compileError(`Could not parse token: <<${m[0]}>>`);
pushToken(token) {
addError(msg, loc) {
let tok = this.lasttoken || this.peekToken();
if (!loc)
loc = tok.$loc;
this.errors.push({ path: loc.path, line: loc.line, label: this.curlabel, start: loc.start, end: loc.end, msg });
internalError() {
return this.compileError("Internal error.");
notImplementedError() {
return this.compileError("Not yet implemented.");
compileError(msg, loc, loc2) {
this.addError(msg, loc);
let e = new CompileError3(msg, loc);
throw e;
return e;
peekToken(lookahead) {
let tok = this.tokens[lookahead || 0];
return tok ? tok : this.eof;
consumeToken() {
let tok = this.lasttoken = this.tokens.shift() || this.eof;
return tok;
ifToken(match) {
if (this.peekToken().str == match)
return this.consumeToken();
expectToken(str, msg) {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
let tokstr = tok.str;
if (str != tokstr) {
this.compileError(msg || `There should be a "${str}" here.`);
return tok;
expectTokens(strlist, msg) {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
let tokstr = tok.str;
if (!strlist.includes(tokstr)) {
this.compileError(msg || `These keywords are valid here: ${strlist.join(", ")}`);
return tok;
parseModifiers(modifiers) {
let result = {};
do {
var tok = this.peekToken();
if (modifiers.indexOf(tok.str) < 0)
return result;
result[tok.str] = true;
} while (tok != null);
expectIdent(msg) {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
if (tok.type != TokenType2.Ident)
this.compileError(msg || `There should be an identifier here.`);
return tok;
pushbackToken(tok) {
isEOF() {
return this.tokens.length == 0 || this.peekToken().type == "eof";
expectEOL(msg) {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
if (tok.type != TokenType2.EOL)
this.compileError(msg || `There's too much stuff on this line.`);
skipBlankLines() {
skipTokenTypes(types) {
while (types.includes(this.peekToken().type))
expectTokenTypes(types, msg) {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
if (!types.includes(tok.type))
this.compileError(msg || `There should be a ${types.map((s) => `"${s}"`).join(" or ")} here. not a "${tok.type}".`);
return tok;
parseList(parseFunc, delim) {
var sep;
var list = [];
do {
var el = parseFunc.bind(this)();
if (el != null)
sep = this.consumeToken();
} while (sep.str == delim);
return list;
runDeferred() {
while (this.deferred.length) {
// src/common/ecs/binpack.ts
var debug = false;
var BoxPlacement;
(function(BoxPlacement2) {
BoxPlacement2[BoxPlacement2["TopLeft"] = 0] = "TopLeft";
BoxPlacement2[BoxPlacement2["TopRight"] = 1] = "TopRight";
BoxPlacement2[BoxPlacement2["BottomLeft"] = 2] = "BottomLeft";
BoxPlacement2[BoxPlacement2["BottomRight"] = 3] = "BottomRight";
})(BoxPlacement || (BoxPlacement = {}));
function boxesIntersect(a, b) {
return !(b.left >= a.right || b.right <= a.left || b.top >= a.bottom || b.bottom <= a.top);
function boxesContain(a, b) {
return b.left >= a.left && b.top >= a.top && b.right <= a.right && b.bottom <= a.bottom;
var Bin = class {
constructor(binbounds) {
this.binbounds = binbounds;
this.boxes = [];
this.free = [];
this.extents = { left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 };
getBoxes(bounds, limit, boxes) {
let result = [];
if (!boxes)
boxes = this.boxes;
for (let box of boxes) {
if (boxesIntersect(bounds, box)) {
if (result.length >= limit)
return result;
fits(b) {
if (!boxesContain(this.binbounds, b)) {
if (debug)
console.log("out of bounds!", b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom);
return false;
if (this.getBoxes(b, 1).length > 0) {
if (debug)
console.log("intersect!", b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom);
return false;
return true;
bestFit(b) {
let bestscore = 0;
let best = null;
for (let f of this.free) {
if (b.left != null && b.left < f.left)
if (b.left != null && b.left + b.width > f.right)
if (b.top != null && b.top < f.top)
if (b.top != null && b.top + b.height > f.bottom)
let dx = f.right - f.left - b.width;
let dy = f.bottom - f.top - b.height;
if (dx >= 0 && dy >= 0) {
let score = 1 / (1 + dx + dy + f.left * 1e-3);
if (score > bestscore) {
best = f;
bestscore = score;
if (score == 1)
return best;
anyFit(b) {
let bestscore = 0;
let best = null;
for (let f of this.free) {
let box = {
left: b.left != null ? b.left : f.left,
right: f.left + b.width,
top: b.top != null ? b.top : f.top,
bottom: f.top + b.height
if (this.fits(box)) {
let score = 1 / (1 + box.left + box.top);
if (score > bestscore) {
best = f;
if (score == 1)
return best;
add(b) {
if (debug)
console.log("add", b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom);
if (!this.fits(b)) {
throw new Error(`bad fit ${b.left} ${b.top} ${b.right} ${b.bottom}`);
this.extents.right = Math.max(this.extents.right, b.right);
this.extents.bottom = Math.max(this.extents.bottom, b.bottom);
for (let p of b.parents) {
let i = this.free.indexOf(p);
if (i < 0)
throw new Error("cannot find parent");
if (debug)
console.log("removed", p.left, p.top, p.right, p.bottom);
this.free.splice(i, 1);
this.addFree(p.left, p.top, b.left, p.bottom);
this.addFree(b.right, p.top, p.right, p.bottom);
this.addFree(b.left, p.top, b.right, b.top);
this.addFree(b.left, b.bottom, b.right, p.bottom);
addFree(left, top, right, bottom) {
if (bottom > top && right > left) {
let b = { left, top, right, bottom };
if (debug)
console.log("free", b.left, b.top, b.right, b.bottom);
var Packer = class {
constructor() {
this.bins = [];
this.boxes = [];
this.defaultPlacement = 0;
pack() {
for (let bc of this.boxes) {
let box = this.bestPlacement(bc);
if (!box)
return false;
bc.box = box;
return true;
bestPlacement(b) {
for (let bin of this.bins) {
let parent = bin.bestFit(b);
let approx = false;
if (!parent) {
parent = bin.anyFit(b);
approx = true;
if (debug)
console.log("anyfit", parent == null ? void 0 : parent.left, parent == null ? void 0 : parent.top);
if (parent) {
let place = this.defaultPlacement;
let box = {
left: parent.left,
top: parent.top,
right: parent.left + b.width,
bottom: parent.top + b.height
if (b.left != null) {
box.left = b.left;
box.right = b.left + b.width;
if (b.top != null) {
box.top = b.top;
box.bottom = b.top + b.height;
if (place == 2 || place == 3) {
let h = box.bottom - box.top;
box.top = parent.bottom - h;
box.bottom = parent.bottom;
if (place == 1 || place == 3) {
let w = box.right - box.left;
box.left = parent.right - w;
box.right = parent.right;
if (debug)
console.log("place", b.label, box.left, box.top, box.right, box.bottom, parent == null ? void 0 : parent.left, parent == null ? void 0 : parent.top);
let parents = [parent];
if (approx)
parents = bin.getBoxes(box, 100, bin.free);
return __spreadValues({ parents, place, bin }, box);
if (debug)
console.log("cannot place!", b.left, b.top, b.width, b.height);
return null;
toSVG() {
let s = "";
let r = { width: 100, height: 70 };
for (let bin of this.bins) {
r.width = Math.max(r.width, bin.binbounds.right);
r.height = Math.max(r.height, bin.binbounds.bottom);
s += `<svg viewBox="0 0 ${r.width} ${r.height}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><style><![CDATA[text {font: 1px sans-serif;}]]></style>`;
for (let bin of this.bins) {
let be = bin.extents;
s += "<g>";
s += `<rect width="${be.right - be.left}" height="${be.bottom - be.top}" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.5" fill="none"/>`;
let textx = be.right + 1;
let texty = 0;
for (let box of this.boxes) {
let b = box.box;
if (b) {
if (b.bin == bin)
s += `<rect width="${b.right - b.left}" height="${b.bottom - b.top}" x="${b.left}" y="${b.top}" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.25" fill="#ccc"/>`;
if (b.top == texty)
textx += 10;
textx = be.right + 1;
texty = b.top;
if (box.label)
s += `<text x="${textx}" y="${texty}" height="1">${box.label}</text>`;
s += "</g>";
s += `</svg>`;
return s;
toSVGUrl() {
return `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${btoa(this.toSVG())}`;
// src/common/ecs/ecs.ts
var ECSError = class extends Error {
constructor(msg, obj) {
this.$sources = [];
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ECSError.prototype);
if (obj)
this.$loc = obj.$loc || obj;
function mksymbol(c, fieldName) {
return c.name + "_" + fieldName;
function mkscopesymbol(s, c, fieldName) {
return s.name + "_" + c.name + "_" + fieldName;
var SystemStats = class {
var SELECT_TYPE = ["once", "foreach", "join", "with", "if", "select", "unroll"];
function isLiteral2(arg) {
return arg.value != null;
function isLiteralInt(arg) {
return isLiteral2(arg) && arg.valtype.dtype == "int";
function isBinOp2(arg) {
return arg.op != null && arg.left != null && arg.right != null;
function isUnOp2(arg) {
return arg.op != null && arg.expr != null;
function isBlockStmt(arg) {
return arg.stmts != null;
function isInlineCode(arg) {
return arg.code != null;
function isQueryExpr(arg) {
return arg.query != null;
var Dialect_CA65 = class {
constructor() {
ldx #0
cpx #{{%ecount}}
jne @__each
ldx #{{%ecount}}-1
jpl @__each
ldy #0
ldx {{%joinfield}},y
cpy #{{%ecount}}
jne @__each
ldy #{{%ecount}}-1
ldx {{%joinfield}},y
jpl @__each
cpx #{{%xofs}}
jcc @__skipxlo
cpx #{{%xofs}}+{{%ecount}}
jcs @__skipxhi
ldx {{%reffield}}
ldy #{{%nbytes}}
: lda {{%src}}-1,y
sta {{%dest}}-1,y
bne :-
comment(s) {
return `
;;; ${s}
absolute(ident, offset) {
return this.addOffset(ident, offset || 0);
addOffset(ident, offset) {
if (offset > 0)
return `${ident}+${offset}`;
if (offset < 0)
return `${ident}-${-offset}`;
return ident;
indexed_x(ident, offset) {
return this.addOffset(ident, offset) + ",x";
indexed_y(ident, offset) {
return this.addOffset(ident, offset) + ",y";
fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs) {
return `${component.name}_${field.name}_b${bitofs}`;
datasymbol(component, field, eid, bitofs) {
return `${component.name}_${field.name}_e${eid}_b${bitofs}`;
debug_file(path) {
return `.dbg file, "${path}", 0, 0`;
debug_line(path, line) {
return `.dbg line, "${path}", ${line}`;
startScope(name) {
return `.scope ${name}`;
endScope(name) {
return `.endscope
${this.scopeSymbol(name)} = ${name}::__Start`;
scopeSymbol(name) {
return `${name}__Start`;
align(value) {
return `.align ${value}`;
alignSegmentStart() {
return this.label("__ALIGNORIGIN");
warningIfPageCrossed(startlabel) {
return `
.assert >(${startlabel}) = >(*), error, "${startlabel} crosses a page boundary!"`;
warningIfMoreThan(bytes, startlabel) {
return `
.assert (* - ${startlabel}) <= ${bytes}, error, .sprintf("${startlabel} does not fit in ${bytes} bytes, it took %d!", (* - ${startlabel}))`;
alignIfLessThan(bytes) {
return `
.if <(* - __ALIGNORIGIN) > 256-${bytes}
.align $100
segment(segtype) {
if (segtype == "bss") {
return `.zeropage`;
} else if (segtype == "rodata") {
return ".rodata";
} else {
return `.code`;
label(sym) {
return `${sym}:`;
byte(b) {
if (b === void 0) {
return `.res 1`;
} else if (typeof b === "number") {
if (b < 0 || b > 255)
throw new ECSError(`out of range byte ${b}`);
return `.byte ${b}`;
} else {
if (b.bitofs == 0)
return `.byte <${b.symbol}`;
else if (b.bitofs == 8)
return `.byte >${b.symbol}`;
return `.byte ((${b.symbol} >> ${b.bitofs})&255)`;
tempLabel(inst) {
return `${inst.system.name}__${inst.id}__tmp`;
equate(symbol, value) {
return `${symbol} = ${value}`;
define(symbol, value) {
if (value)
return `.define ${symbol} ${value}`;
return `.define ${symbol}`;
call(symbol) {
return ` jsr ${symbol}`;
jump(symbol) {
return ` jmp ${symbol}`;
return() {
return " rts";
var SourceFileExport = class {
constructor() {
this.lines = [];
line(s) {
text(s) {
for (let l of s.split("\n"))
toString() {
return this.lines.join("\n");
var CodeSegment = class {
constructor() {
this.codefrags = [];
addCodeFragment(code) {
dump(file) {
for (let code of this.codefrags) {
var DataSegment = class {
constructor() {
this.symbols = {};
this.equates = {};
this.ofs2sym = new Map();
this.fieldranges = {};
this.size = 0;
this.initdata = [];
allocateBytes(name, bytes) {
let ofs = this.symbols[name];
if (ofs == null) {
ofs = this.size;
this.declareSymbol(name, ofs);
this.size += bytes;
return ofs;
declareSymbol(name, ofs) {
var _a;
this.symbols[name] = ofs;
if (!this.ofs2sym.has(ofs))
this.ofs2sym.set(ofs, []);
(_a = this.ofs2sym.get(ofs)) == null ? void 0 : _a.push(name);
findExistingInitData(bytes) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.size - bytes.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < bytes.length; j++) {
if (this.initdata[i + j] !== bytes[j])
if (j == bytes.length)
return i;
return -1;
allocateInitData(name, bytes) {
let ofs = this.findExistingInitData(bytes);
if (ofs >= 0) {
this.declareSymbol(name, ofs);
} else {
ofs = this.allocateBytes(name, bytes.length);
for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
this.initdata[ofs + i] = bytes[i];
dump(file, dialect) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
let syms = this.ofs2sym.get(i);
if (syms) {
for (let sym of syms)
for (let [symbol, value] of Object.entries(this.equates)) {
file.line(dialect.equate(symbol, value));
getFieldRange(component, fieldName) {
return this.fieldranges[mksymbol(component, fieldName)];
getByteOffset(range, access, entityID) {
if (entityID < range.elo)
throw new ECSError(`entity ID ${entityID} too low for ${access.symbol}`);
if (entityID > range.ehi)
throw new ECSError(`entity ID ${entityID} too high for ${access.symbol}`);
let ofs = this.symbols[access.symbol];
if (ofs !== void 0) {
return ofs + entityID - range.elo;
throw new ECSError(`cannot find field access for ${access.symbol}`);
getOriginSymbol() {
let a = this.ofs2sym.get(0);
if (!a)
throw new ECSError("getOriginSymbol(): no symbol at offset 0");
return a[0];
var UninitDataSegment = class extends DataSegment {
var ConstDataSegment = class extends DataSegment {
function getFieldBits(f) {
let n = f.hi - f.lo + 1;
return Math.ceil(Math.log2(n));
function getFieldLength(f) {
if (f.dtype == "int") {
return f.hi - f.lo + 1;
} else {
return 1;
function getPackedFieldSize(f, constValue) {
if (f.dtype == "int") {
return getFieldBits(f);
if (f.dtype == "array" && f.index) {
return 0;
if (f.dtype == "array" && constValue != null && Array.isArray(constValue)) {
return constValue.length * getPackedFieldSize(f.elem);
if (f.dtype == "ref") {
return 8;
return 0;
var EntitySet = class {
constructor(scope, query, e) {
this.scope = scope;
if (query) {
if (query.entities) {
this.entities = query.entities.slice(0);
} else {
this.atypes = scope.em.archetypesMatching(query);
this.entities = scope.entitiesMatching(this.atypes);
if (query.limit) {
this.entities = this.entities.slice(0, query.limit);
} else if (e) {
this.entities = e;
} else {
throw new ECSError("invalid EntitySet constructor");
if (!this.atypes) {
let at = new Set();
for (let e2 of this.entities)
this.atypes = Array.from(at.values());
contains(c, f, where) {
return this.scope.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(this.atypes, f.name, where);
intersection(qr) {
let ents = this.entities.filter((e) => qr.entities.includes(e));
return new EntitySet(this.scope, void 0, ents);
union(qr) {
let ents = this.entities.concat(qr.entities);
let atypes = this.atypes.concat(qr.atypes);
return new EntitySet(this.scope, void 0, ents);
isContiguous() {
if (this.entities.length == 0)
return true;
let id = this.entities[0].id;
for (let i = 1; i < this.entities.length; i++) {
if (this.entities[i].id != ++id)
return false;
return true;
var IndexRegister = class {
constructor(scope, eset) {
this.scope = scope;
this.elo = 0;
this.ehi = scope.entities.length - 1;
this.lo = null;
this.hi = null;
if (eset) {
entityCount() {
return this.ehi - this.elo + 1;
clone() {
return Object.assign(new IndexRegister(this.scope), this);
narrow(eset, action) {
let i = this.clone();
return i.narrowInPlace(eset, action) ? i : null;
narrowInPlace(eset, action) {
if (this.scope != eset.scope)
throw new ECSError(`scope mismatch`, action);
if (!eset.isContiguous())
throw new ECSError(`entities are not contiguous`, action);
if (this.eset) {
this.eset = this.eset.intersection(eset);
} else {
this.eset = eset;
if (this.eset.entities.length == 0) {
return false;
let newelo = this.eset.entities[0].id;
let newehi = this.eset.entities[this.eset.entities.length - 1].id;
if (this.lo === null || this.hi === null) {
this.lo = 0;
this.hi = newehi - newelo;
this.elo = newelo;
this.ehi = newehi;
} else {
this.lo += newelo - this.elo;
this.hi += newehi - this.ehi;
return true;
offset() {
return this.lo || 0;
var ActionCPUState = class {
constructor() {
this.xreg = null;
this.yreg = null;
var ActionEval = class {
constructor(scope, instance, action, eventargs) {
this.scope = scope;
this.instance = instance;
this.action = action;
this.eventargs = eventargs;
this.tmplabel = "";
this.em = scope.em;
this.dialect = scope.em.dialect;
this.tmplabel = this.dialect.tempLabel(this.instance);
this.seq = this.em.seq++;
this.label = `${this.instance.system.name}__${action.event}__${this.seq}`;
begin() {
end() {
codeToString() {
let code = this.exprToCode(this.action.expr);
return code;
replaceTags(code, action, props) {
const tag_re = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g;
code = code.replace(tag_re, (entire, group) => {
let toks = group.split(/\s+/);
if (toks.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`empty command`, action);
let cmd = group.charAt(0);
let arg0 = toks[0].substring(1).trim();
let args = [arg0].concat(toks.slice(1));
switch (cmd) {
case "!":
return this.__emit(args);
case "$":
return this.__local(args);
case "^":
return this.__use(args);
case "#":
return this.__arg(args);
case "&":
return this.__eid(args);
case "<":
return this.__get([arg0, "0"]);
case ">":
return this.__get([arg0, "8"]);
let value = props[toks[0]];
if (value)
return value;
let fn = this["__" + toks[0]];
if (fn)
return fn.bind(this)(toks.slice(1));
throw new ECSError(`unrecognized command {{${toks[0]}}}`, action);
return code;
replaceLabels(code) {
const label_re = /@(\w+)\b/g;
let seq = this.em.seq++;
let label = `${this.instance.system.name}__${this.action.event}__${seq}`;
code = code.replace(label_re, (s, a) => `${label}__${a}`);
return code;
__get(args) {
return this.getset(args, false);
__set(args) {
return this.getset(args, true);
getset(args, canwrite) {
let fieldName = args[0];
let bitofs = parseInt(args[1] || "0");
return this.generateCodeForField(fieldName, bitofs, canwrite);
parseFieldArgs(args) {
let fieldName = args[0];
let bitofs = parseInt(args[1] || "0");
let component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(this.scope.state.working.atypes, fieldName, this.action);
let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == fieldName);
if (field == null)
throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`, this.action);
return { component, field, bitofs };
__base(args) {
let { component, field, bitofs } = this.parseFieldArgs(args);
return this.dialect.fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs);
__data(args) {
let { component, field, bitofs } = this.parseFieldArgs(args);
let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
if (entities.length != 1)
throw new ECSError(`data operates on exactly one entity`, this.action);
let eid = entities[0].id;
return this.dialect.datasymbol(component, field, eid, bitofs);
__const(args) {
let { component, field, bitofs } = this.parseFieldArgs(args);
let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
if (entities.length != 1)
throw new ECSError(`const operates on exactly one entity`, this.action);
let constVal = entities[0].consts[mksymbol(component, field.name)];
if (constVal === void 0)
throw new ECSError(`field is not constant`, this.action);
if (typeof constVal !== "number")
throw new ECSError(`field is not numeric`, this.action);
return constVal << bitofs;
__index(args) {
let ident = args[0];
let index = parseInt(args[1] || "0");
let entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
if (entities.length == 1) {
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else {
return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident, index);
__eid(args) {
let e = this.scope.getEntityByName(args[0] || "?");
if (!e)
throw new ECSError(`can't find entity named "${args[0]}"`, this.action);
return e.id.toString();
__use(args) {
return this.scope.includeResource(args[0]);
__emit(args) {
let event = args[0];
let eventargs = args.slice(1);
try {
return this.scope.generateCodeForEvent(event, eventargs);
} catch (e) {
if (e.$sources)
throw e;
__local(args) {
let tempinc = parseInt(args[0]);
let tempbytes = this.instance.system.tempbytes;
if (isNaN(tempinc))
throw new ECSError(`bad temporary offset`, this.action);
if (!tempbytes)
throw new ECSError(`this system has no locals`, this.action);
if (tempinc < 0 || tempinc >= tempbytes)
throw new ECSError(`this system only has ${tempbytes} locals`, this.action);
return `${this.tmplabel}+${tempinc}`;
__arg(args) {
let argindex = parseInt(args[0] || "0");
let argvalue = this.eventargs[argindex] || "";
return argvalue;
__start(args) {
let startSymbol = this.dialect.scopeSymbol(args[0]);
return this.dialect.jump(startSymbol);
generateCodeForField(fieldName, bitofs, canWrite) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
const action = this.action;
const qr = this.scope.state.working;
var component;
var baseLookup = false;
var entityLookup = false;
let entities;
if (fieldName.indexOf(".") > 0) {
let [entname, fname] = fieldName.split(".");
let ent = this.scope.getEntityByName(entname);
if (ent == null)
throw new ECSError(`no entity named "${entname}" in this scope`, action);
component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([ent.etype], fname, action);
fieldName = fname;
entities = [ent];
entityLookup = true;
} else if (fieldName.indexOf(":") > 0) {
let [cname, fname] = fieldName.split(":");
component = this.em.getComponentByName(cname);
if (component == null)
throw new ECSError(`no component named "${cname}"`, action);
entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
fieldName = fname;
baseLookup = true;
} else {
component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(qr.atypes, fieldName, action);
entities = this.scope.state.working.entities;
let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == fieldName);
if (field == null)
throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`, action);
let ident = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs);
let constValues = new Set();
let isConst = false;
for (let e of entities) {
let constVal = e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)];
if (constVal !== void 0)
isConst = true;
if (isConst && canWrite)
throw new ECSError(`can't write to constant field ${fieldName}`, action);
if (constValues.size == 1) {
let value = constValues.values().next().value;
if (typeof value === "number") {
return `#${value >> bitofs & 255}`;
let range = this.scope.getFieldRange(component, field.name);
if (!range)
throw new ECSError(`couldn't find field for ${component.name}:${fieldName}, maybe no entities?`);
if (baseLookup) {
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else if (entities.length == 1) {
let eidofs = entities[0].id - range.elo;
return this.dialect.absolute(ident, eidofs);
} else {
let ir;
let int;
let eidofs;
let xreg = this.scope.state.xreg;
let yreg = this.scope.state.yreg;
if (xreg && (int = (_a = xreg.eset) == null ? void 0 : _a.intersection(qr))) {
ir = xreg.eset;
eidofs = xreg.elo - range.elo;
} else if (yreg && (int = (_b = yreg.eset) == null ? void 0 : _b.intersection(qr))) {
ir = yreg.eset;
eidofs = yreg.elo - range.elo;
} else {
ir = null;
eidofs = 0;
if (!ir) {
throw new ECSError(`no intersection for index register`, action);
if (ir.entities.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`no common entities for index register`, action);
if (!ir.isContiguous())
throw new ECSError(`entities in query are not contiguous`, action);
if (ir == ((_c = this.scope.state.xreg) == null ? void 0 : _c.eset))
return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident, eidofs);
if (ir == ((_d = this.scope.state.yreg) == null ? void 0 : _d.eset))
return this.dialect.indexed_y(ident, eidofs);
throw new ECSError(`cannot find "${component.name}:${field.name}" in state`, action);
getJoinField(action, atypes, jtypes) {
let refs = Array.from(this.scope.iterateArchetypeFields(atypes, (c, f) => f.dtype == "ref"));
if (refs.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`cannot find join fields`, action);
if (refs.length > 1)
throw new ECSError(`cannot join multiple fields (${refs.map((r) => r.f.name).join(" ")})`, action);
return refs[0];
isSubroutineSized(code) {
if (code.length > 2e4)
return false;
if (code.split("\n ").length >= 4)
return true;
return false;
exprToCode(expr) {
if (isQueryExpr(expr)) {
return this.queryExprToCode(expr);
if (isBlockStmt(expr)) {
return this.blockStmtToCode(expr);
if (isInlineCode(expr)) {
return this.evalInlineCode(expr.code);
throw new ECSError(`cannot convert expression to code`, expr);
evalInlineCode(code) {
let props = this.scope.state.props || {};
code = this.replaceLabels(code);
code = this.replaceTags(code, this.action, props);
return code;
blockStmtToCode(expr) {
return expr.stmts.map((node) => this.exprToCode(node)).join("\n");
queryExprToCode(qexpr) {
let q = this.startQuery(qexpr);
const allowEmpty = ["if", "foreach", "join"];
if (q.working.entities.length == 0 && allowEmpty.includes(qexpr.select)) {
return "";
} else {
this.scope.state.working = q.working;
this.scope.state.props = q.props;
q.code = this.evalInlineCode(q.code);
let body = this.blockStmtToCode(qexpr);
body = q.code.replace("%%CODE%%", body);
return body;
queryWorkingSet(qexpr) {
const scope = this.scope;
const instance = this.instance;
let select = qexpr.select;
let q = qexpr.query;
let qr = new EntitySet(scope, q);
if (!(qexpr.all || q.entities)) {
let ir = qr.intersection(scope.state.working);
if (ir.entities.length || select == "if") {
qr = ir;
if (instance.params.refEntity && instance.params.refField) {
let rf = instance.params.refField;
if (rf.f.dtype == "ref") {
let rq = rf.f.query;
qr = qr.intersection(new EntitySet(scope, rq));
} else if (instance.params.query) {
qr = qr.intersection(new EntitySet(scope, instance.params.query));
return qr;
updateIndexRegisters(qr, jr, select) {
const action = this.action;
const scope = this.scope;
const instance = this.instance;
const state = this.scope.state;
if (qr.entities.length > 1) {
switch (select) {
case "once":
case "foreach":
case "unroll":
if (state.xreg && state.yreg)
throw new ECSError("no more index registers", action);
if (state.xreg)
state.yreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr);
state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr);
case "join":
if (state.xreg || state.yreg)
throw new ECSError("no free index registers for join", action);
if (jr)
state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, jr);
state.yreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr);
case "if":
case "with":
if (state.xreg && state.xreg.eset) {
state.xreg = state.xreg.narrow(qr, action);
} else if (select == "with") {
if (instance.params.refEntity && instance.params.refField) {
if (state.xreg)
state.xreg.eset = qr;
state.xreg = new IndexRegister(scope, qr);
getCodeAndProps(qexpr, qr, jr, oldState) {
const entities = qr.entities;
const select = qexpr.select;
let code = "%%CODE%%";
let props = {};
if (select == "join" && jr) {
if (qr.entities.length) {
let joinfield = this.getJoinField(this.action, qr.atypes, jr.atypes);
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, qexpr, qr.entities, joinfield);
props["%joinfield"] = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(joinfield.c, joinfield.f, 0);
let fullEntityCount = qr.entities.length;
if (select == "with") {
if (this.instance.params.refEntity && this.instance.params.refField) {
let re = this.instance.params.refEntity;
let rf = this.instance.params.refField;
code = this.wrapCodeInRefLookup(code);
let range = this.scope.getFieldRange(rf.c, rf.f.name);
let eidofs = re.id - range.elo;
props["%reffield"] = `${this.dialect.fieldsymbol(rf.c, rf.f, 0)}+${eidofs}`;
} else {
code = this.wrapCodeInFilter(code, qr, oldState, props);
if (select == "if") {
code = this.wrapCodeInFilter(code, qr, oldState, props);
if (select == "foreach" && entities.length > 1) {
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, qexpr, qr.entities);
if (select == "unroll" && entities.length > 1) {
throw new ECSError("unroll is not yet implemented");
if (entities.length) {
props["%elo"] = entities[0].id.toString();
props["%ehi"] = entities[entities.length - 1].id.toString();
props["%ecount"] = entities.length.toString();
props["%efullcount"] = fullEntityCount.toString();
return { code, props };
startQuery(qexpr) {
const scope = this.scope;
const action = this.action;
const select = qexpr.select;
const oldState = this.scope.state;
this.scope.state = Object.assign(new ActionCPUState(), oldState);
const qr = this.queryWorkingSet(qexpr);
const jr = qexpr.join && qr.entities.length ? new EntitySet(scope, qexpr.join) : null;
this.updateIndexRegisters(qr, jr, select);
const { code, props } = this.getCodeAndProps(qexpr, qr, jr, oldState);
let working = jr ? qr.union(jr) : qr;
return { working, oldState, props, code };
endQuery(q) {
this.scope.state = q.oldState;
wrapCodeInLoop(code, qexpr, ents, joinfield) {
let dir = qexpr.direction;
let s = dir == "desc" ? this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_DESC : this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH_ASC;
if (joinfield)
s = dir == "desc" ? this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_DESC : this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN_ASC;
s = s.replace("{{%code}}", code);
return s;
wrapCodeInFilter(code, qr, oldState, props) {
var _a, _b;
const ents = qr.entities;
const ents2 = (_b = (_a = oldState.xreg) == null ? void 0 : _a.eset) == null ? void 0 : _b.entities;
if (ents && ents.length && ents2) {
let lo = ents[0].id;
let hi = ents[ents.length - 1].id;
let lo2 = ents2[0].id;
let hi2 = ents2[ents2.length - 1].id;
if (lo != lo2) {
code = this.dialect.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_LO_X.replace("{{%code}}", code);
props["%xofs"] = lo - lo2;
if (hi != hi2) {
code = this.dialect.ASM_FILTER_RANGE_HI_X.replace("{{%code}}", code);
return code;
wrapCodeInRefLookup(code) {
code = this.dialect.ASM_LOOKUP_REF_X.replace("{{%code}}", code);
return code;
var EventCodeStats = class {
constructor(inst, action, eventcode) {
this.inst = inst;
this.action = action;
this.eventcode = eventcode;
this.labels = [];
this.count = 0;
var EntityScope = class {
constructor(em, dialect, name, parent) {
this.em = em;
this.dialect = dialect;
this.name = name;
this.parent = parent;
this.childScopes = [];
this.instances = [];
this.entities = [];
this.fieldtypes = {};
this.sysstats = new Map();
this.bss = new UninitDataSegment();
this.rodata = new ConstDataSegment();
this.code = new CodeSegment();
this.componentsInScope = new Set();
this.resources = new Set();
this.isDemo = false;
this.filePath = "";
this.inCritical = 0;
parent == null ? void 0 : parent.childScopes.push(this);
this.state = new ActionCPUState();
this.state.working = new EntitySet(this, void 0, this.entities);
newEntity(etype, name) {
if (name && this.getEntityByName(name))
throw new ECSError(`already an entity named "${name}"`);
let id = this.entities.length;
etype = this.em.addArchetype(etype);
let entity = { id, etype, consts: {}, inits: {} };
for (let c of etype.components) {
entity.name = name;
return entity;
newSystemInstance(inst) {
if (!inst)
throw new Error();
inst.id = this.instances.length + 1;
return inst;
newSystemInstanceWithDefaults(system) {
return this.newSystemInstance({ system, params: {}, id: 0 });
getSystemInstanceNamed(name) {
return this.instances.find((sys) => sys.system.name == name);
getEntityByName(name) {
return this.entities.find((e) => e.name == name);
*iterateEntityFields(entities) {
for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
let e = entities[i];
for (let c of e.etype.components) {
for (let f of c.fields) {
yield { i, e, c, f, v: e.consts[mksymbol(c, f.name)] };
*iterateArchetypeFields(arch, filter) {
for (let i = 0; i < arch.length; i++) {
let a = arch[i];
for (let c of a.components) {
for (let f of c.fields) {
if (!filter || filter(c, f))
yield { i, c, f };
*iterateChildScopes() {
for (let scope of this.childScopes) {
yield scope;
entitiesMatching(atypes) {
let result = [];
for (let e of this.entities) {
for (let a of atypes) {
if (e.etype === a) {
return result;
hasComponent(ctype) {
return this.componentsInScope.has(ctype.name);
buildSegments() {
let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities);
for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) {
let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value;
let cfname = mksymbol(c, f.name);
let ftype = this.fieldtypes[cfname];
let isConst = ftype == "const";
let segment = isConst ? this.rodata : this.bss;
if (v === void 0 && isConst)
throw new ECSError(`no value for const field ${cfname}`, e);
let array = segment.fieldranges[cfname];
if (!array) {
array = segment.fieldranges[cfname] = { component: c, field: f, elo: i, ehi: i };
} else {
array.ehi = i;
if (array.ehi - array.elo + 1 >= 256)
throw new ECSError(`too many entities have field ${cfname}, limit is 256`);
if (!isConst) {
if (f.dtype == "int" && f.defvalue !== void 0) {
let ecfname = mkscopesymbol(this, c, f.name);
if (e.inits[ecfname] == null) {
this.setInitValue(e, c, f, f.defvalue);
allocateSegment(segment, alloc, type) {
let fields = Object.values(segment.fieldranges);
for (let f of fields) {
if (this.fieldtypes[mksymbol(f.component, f.field.name)] == type) {
let rangelen = f.ehi - f.elo + 1;
let bits = getPackedFieldSize(f.field);
if (bits == 0)
bits = 16;
let bytesperelem = Math.ceil(bits / 8);
let access = [];
for (let i = 0; i < bits; i += 8) {
let symbol = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(f.component, f.field, i);
access.push({ symbol, bit: i, width: 8 });
if (alloc) {
segment.allocateBytes(symbol, rangelen);
f.access = access;
allocateROData(segment) {
let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities);
for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) {
let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value;
let cfname = mksymbol(c, f.name);
if (this.fieldtypes[cfname] == "const") {
let range = segment.fieldranges[cfname];
let entcount = range ? range.ehi - range.elo + 1 : 0;
if (v == null && f.dtype == "int")
v = 0;
if (v == null && f.dtype == "ref")
v = 0;
if (v == null && f.dtype == "array")
throw new ECSError(`no default value for array ${cfname}`, e);
if (v instanceof Uint8Array && f.dtype == "array") {
let ptrlosym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 0);
let ptrhisym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 8);
let loofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrlosym, entcount);
let hiofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrhisym, entcount);
let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id, 0);
segment.allocateInitData(datasym, v);
if (f.baseoffset)
datasym = `(${datasym}+${f.baseoffset})`;
segment.initdata[loofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 0 };
segment.initdata[hiofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 8 };
} else if (typeof v === "number") {
if (!range.access)
throw new ECSError(`no access for field ${cfname}`);
for (let a of range.access) {
segment.allocateBytes(a.symbol, entcount);
let ofs = segment.getByteOffset(range, a, e.id);
if (e.id < range.elo)
throw new ECSError("entity out of range " + c.name + " " + f.name, e);
if (segment.initdata[ofs] !== void 0)
throw new ECSError("initdata already set " + ofs), e;
segment.initdata[ofs] = v >> a.bit & 255;
} else if (v == null && f.dtype == "array" && f.index) {
let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id, 0);
let databytes = getFieldLength(f.index);
let offset = this.bss.allocateBytes(datasym, databytes);
let ptrlosym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 0);
let ptrhisym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 8);
let loofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrlosym, entcount);
let hiofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrhisym, entcount);
if (f.baseoffset)
datasym = `(${datasym}+${f.baseoffset})`;
segment.initdata[loofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 0 };
segment.initdata[hiofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 8 };
} else {
throw new ECSError(`unhandled constant ${e.id}:${cfname} -- ${typeof v}`);
allocateInitData(segment) {
if (segment.size == 0)
return "";
let initbytes = new Uint8Array(segment.size);
let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities);
for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) {
let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value;
let scfname = mkscopesymbol(this, c, f.name);
let initvalue = e.inits[scfname];
if (initvalue !== void 0) {
let range = segment.getFieldRange(c, f.name);
if (!range)
throw new ECSError(`no init range for ${scfname}`, e);
if (!range.access)
throw new ECSError(`no init range access for ${scfname}`, e);
if (typeof initvalue === "number") {
for (let a of range.access) {
let offset = segment.getByteOffset(range, a, e.id);
initbytes[offset] = initvalue >> a.bit & (1 << a.width) - 1;
} else if (initvalue instanceof Uint8Array) {
let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id, 0);
let ofs = this.bss.symbols[datasym];
initbytes.set(initvalue, ofs);
} else {
throw new ECSError(`cannot initialize ${scfname} = ${initvalue}`);
let bufsym = this.name + "__INITDATA";
let bufofs = this.rodata.allocateInitData(bufsym, initbytes);
let code = this.dialect.INIT_FROM_ARRAY;
code = code.replace("{{%nbytes}}", initbytes.length.toString());
code = code.replace("{{%src}}", bufsym);
code = code.replace("{{%dest}}", segment.getOriginSymbol());
return code;
getFieldRange(c, fn) {
return this.bss.getFieldRange(c, fn) || this.rodata.getFieldRange(c, fn);
setConstValue(e, component, field, value) {
this.setConstInitValue(e, component, field, value, "const");
setInitValue(e, component, field, value) {
this.setConstInitValue(e, component, field, value, "init");
setConstInitValue(e, component, field, value, type) {
this.checkFieldValue(field, value);
let fieldName = field.name;
let cfname = mksymbol(component, fieldName);
let ecfname = mkscopesymbol(this, component, fieldName);
if (e.consts[cfname] !== void 0)
throw new ECSError(`"${fieldName}" is already defined as a constant`, e);
if (e.inits[ecfname] !== void 0)
throw new ECSError(`"${fieldName}" is already defined as a variable`, e);
if (type == "const")
e.consts[cfname] = value;
if (type == "init")
e.inits[ecfname] = value;
this.fieldtypes[cfname] = type;
isConstOrInit(component, fieldName) {
return this.fieldtypes[mksymbol(component, fieldName)];
getConstValue(entity, fieldName) {
let component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([entity.etype], fieldName, entity);
let cfname = mksymbol(component, fieldName);
return entity.consts[cfname];
checkFieldValue(field, value) {
if (field.dtype == "array") {
if (!(value instanceof Uint8Array))
throw new ECSError(`This "${field.name}" value should be an array.`);
} else if (typeof value !== "number") {
throw new ECSError(`This "${field.name}" ${field.dtype} value should be an number.`);
} else {
if (field.dtype == "int") {
if (value < field.lo || value > field.hi)
throw new ECSError(`This "${field.name}" value is out of range, should be between ${field.lo} and ${field.hi}.`);
} else if (field.dtype == "ref") {
let eset = new EntitySet(this, field.query);
if (value < 0 || value >= eset.entities.length)
throw new ECSError(`This "${field.name}" value is out of range for this ref type.`);
generateCodeForEvent(event, args, codelabel) {
let systems = this.em.event2systems[event];
if (!systems || systems.length == 0) {
console.log(`warning: no system responds to "${event}"`);
return "";
let code = "";
if (codelabel) {
code += this.dialect.label(codelabel) + "\n";
if (event == "start") {
code += this.allocateInitData(this.bss);
let eventCount = 0;
let instances = this.instances.filter((inst) => systems.includes(inst.system));
for (let inst of instances) {
let sys = inst.system;
for (let action of sys.actions) {
if (action.event == event) {
let codeeval = new ActionEval(this, inst, action, args || []);
if (action.critical)
let eventcode = codeeval.codeToString();
if (action.critical)
if (!this.inCritical && codeeval.isSubroutineSized(eventcode)) {
let normcode = this.normalizeCode(eventcode, action);
let estats = this.eventCodeStats[normcode];
if (!estats) {
estats = this.eventCodeStats[normcode] = new EventCodeStats(inst, action, eventcode);
if (action.critical)
let s = "";
s += this.dialect.comment(`start action ${codeeval.label}`);
s += eventcode;
s += this.dialect.comment(`end action ${codeeval.label}`);
code += s;
if (eventCount == 0) {
console.log(`warning: event ${event} not handled`);
return code;
normalizeCode(code, action) {
code = code.replace(/\b(\w+__\w+__)(\d+)__(\w+)\b/g, (z, a, b, c) => a + c);
return code;
getSystemStats(inst) {
let stats = this.sysstats.get(inst);
if (!stats) {
stats = new SystemStats();
this.sysstats.set(inst, stats);
return stats;
updateTempLiveness(inst) {
let stats = this.getSystemStats(inst);
let n = this.eventSeq;
if (stats.tempstartseq && stats.tempendseq) {
stats.tempstartseq = Math.min(stats.tempstartseq, n);
stats.tempendseq = Math.max(stats.tempendseq, n);
} else {
stats.tempstartseq = stats.tempendseq = n;
includeResource(symbol) {
return symbol;
allocateTempVars() {
let pack = new Packer();
let maxTempBytes = 128 - this.bss.size;
let bssbin = new Bin({ left: 0, top: 0, bottom: this.eventSeq + 1, right: maxTempBytes });
for (let instance of this.instances) {
let stats = this.getSystemStats(instance);
if (instance.system.tempbytes && stats.tempstartseq && stats.tempendseq) {
let v = {
inst: instance,
top: stats.tempstartseq,
bottom: stats.tempendseq + 1,
width: instance.system.tempbytes,
height: stats.tempendseq - stats.tempstartseq + 1,
label: instance.system.name
if (!pack.pack())
console.log("cannot pack temporary local vars");
if (bssbin.extents.right > 0) {
let tempofs = this.bss.allocateBytes("TEMP", bssbin.extents.right);
for (let b of pack.boxes) {
let inst = b.inst;
if (b.box)
this.bss.declareSymbol(this.dialect.tempLabel(inst), tempofs + b.box.left);
analyzeEntities() {
this.allocateSegment(this.bss, true, "init");
this.allocateSegment(this.bss, true, void 0);
this.allocateSegment(this.rodata, false, "const");
generateCode() {
this.eventSeq = 0;
this.eventCodeStats = {};
let isMainScope = this.parent == null;
let start;
let initsys = this.em.getSystemByName("Init");
if (isMainScope && initsys) {
start = this.generateCodeForEvent("main_init");
} else {
start = this.generateCodeForEvent("start");
start = this.replaceSubroutines(start);
for (let sub of Array.from(this.resources.values())) {
if (!this.getSystemInstanceNamed(sub)) {
let sys = this.em.getSystemByName(sub);
if (!sys)
throw new ECSError(`cannot find resource named "${sub}"`);
let code = this.generateCodeForEvent(sub, [], sub);
replaceSubroutines(code) {
let allsubs = [];
for (let stats of Object.values(this.eventCodeStats)) {
if (stats.count > 1) {
if (allsubs.length == 0) {
allsubs = [
} else if (stats.action.fitbytes) {
let subcall = this.dialect.call(stats.labels[0]);
for (let label of stats.labels) {
let startdelim = this.dialect.comment(`start action ${label}`).trim();
let enddelim = this.dialect.comment(`end action ${label}`).trim();
let istart = code.indexOf(startdelim);
let iend = code.indexOf(enddelim, istart);
if (istart >= 0 && iend > istart) {
code = code.substring(0, istart) + subcall + code.substring(iend + enddelim.length);
let substart = stats.labels[0];
let sublines = [
if (stats.action.critical) {
if (stats.action.fitbytes) {
sublines.push(this.dialect.warningIfMoreThan(stats.action.fitbytes, substart));
allsubs = allsubs.concat(sublines);
code += allsubs.join("\n");
return code;
showStats() {
for (let inst of this.instances) {
console.log(inst.system.name, this.getSystemStats(inst));
dumpCodeTo(file) {
let dialect = this.dialect;
this.bss.dump(file, dialect);
this.rodata.dump(file, dialect);
for (let subscope of this.childScopes) {
dump(file) {
var EntityManager = class {
constructor(dialect) {
this.dialect = dialect;
this.archetypes = {};
this.components = {};
this.systems = {};
this.topScopes = {};
this.event2systems = {};
this.name2cfpairs = {};
this.mainPath = "";
this.imported = {};
this.seq = 1;
newScope(name, parent) {
let existing = this.topScopes[name];
if (existing && !existing.isDemo)
throw new ECSError(`scope ${name} already defined`, existing);
let scope = new EntityScope(this, this.dialect, name, parent);
if (!parent)
this.topScopes[name] = scope;
return scope;
deferComponent(name) {
this.components[name] = { name, fields: [] };
defineComponent(ctype) {
let existing = this.components[ctype.name];
if (existing && existing.fields.length > 0)
throw new ECSError(`component ${ctype.name} already defined`, existing);
if (existing) {
existing.fields = ctype.fields;
ctype = existing;
for (let field of ctype.fields) {
let list = this.name2cfpairs[field.name];
if (!list)
list = this.name2cfpairs[field.name] = [];
list.push({ c: ctype, f: field });
this.components[ctype.name] = ctype;
return ctype;
defineSystem(system) {
let existing = this.systems[system.name];
if (existing)
throw new ECSError(`system ${system.name} already defined`, existing);
return this.systems[system.name] = system;
registerSystemEvents(system) {
for (let a of system.actions) {
let event = a.event;
let list = this.event2systems[event];
if (list == null)
list = this.event2systems[event] = [];
if (!list.includes(system))
addArchetype(atype) {
let key = atype.components.map((c) => c.name).join(",");
if (this.archetypes[key])
return this.archetypes[key];
return this.archetypes[key] = atype;
componentsMatching(q, etype) {
var _a;
let list = [];
for (let c of etype.components) {
if ((_a = q.exclude) == null ? void 0 : _a.includes(c)) {
return [];
if (q.include.length == 0 || q.include.includes(c)) {
return list.length == q.include.length ? list : [];
archetypesMatching(q) {
let result = new Set();
for (let etype of Object.values(this.archetypes)) {
let cmatch = this.componentsMatching(q, etype);
if (cmatch.length > 0) {
return Array.from(result.values());
componentsWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName) {
let comps = new Set();
for (let at of atypes) {
for (let c of at.components) {
for (let f of c.fields) {
if (f.name == fieldName)
return Array.from(comps);
getComponentByName(name) {
return this.components[name];
getSystemByName(name) {
return this.systems[name];
singleComponentWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName, where) {
let cfpairs = this.name2cfpairs[fieldName];
if (!cfpairs)
throw new ECSError(`cannot find field named "${fieldName}"`, where);
let filtered = cfpairs.filter((cf) => atypes.find((a) => a.components.includes(cf.c)));
if (filtered.length == 0) {
throw new ECSError(`cannot find component with field "${fieldName}" in this context`, where);
if (filtered.length > 1) {
throw new ECSError(`ambiguous field name "${fieldName}"`, where);
return filtered[0].c;
toJSON() {
return JSON.stringify({
components: this.components,
systems: this.systems
exportToFile(file) {
for (let event of Object.keys(this.event2systems)) {
file.line(this.dialect.equate(`EVENT__${event}`, "1"));
for (let scope of Object.values(this.topScopes)) {
if (!scope.isDemo || scope.filePath == this.mainPath) {
*iterateScopes() {
for (let scope of Object.values(this.topScopes)) {
yield scope;
getDebugTree() {
let scopes = this.topScopes;
let components = this.components;
let fields = this.name2cfpairs;
let systems = this.systems;
let events = this.event2systems;
let entities = {};
for (let scope of Array.from(this.iterateScopes())) {
for (let e of scope.entities)
entities[e.name || "#" + e.id.toString()] = e;
return { scopes, components, fields, systems, events, entities };
evalExpr(expr, scope) {
if (isLiteral2(expr))
return expr;
if (isBinOp2(expr) || isUnOp2(expr)) {
var fn = this["evalop__" + expr.op];
if (!fn)
throw new ECSError(`no eval function for "${expr.op}"`);
if (isBinOp2(expr)) {
expr.left = this.evalExpr(expr.left, scope);
expr.right = this.evalExpr(expr.right, scope);
let e = fn(expr.left, expr.right);
return e || expr;
if (isUnOp2(expr)) {
expr.expr = this.evalExpr(expr.expr, scope);
let e = fn(expr.expr);
return e || expr;
return expr;
evalop__neg(arg) {
if (isLiteralInt(arg)) {
let valtype = {
dtype: "int",
lo: -arg.valtype.hi,
hi: arg.valtype.hi
return { valtype, value: -arg.value };
evalop__add(left, right) {
if (isLiteralInt(left) && isLiteralInt(right)) {
let valtype = {
dtype: "int",
lo: left.valtype.lo + right.valtype.lo,
hi: left.valtype.hi + right.valtype.hi
return { valtype, value: left.value + right.value };
evalop__sub(left, right) {
if (isLiteralInt(left) && isLiteralInt(right)) {
let valtype = {
dtype: "int",
lo: left.valtype.lo - right.valtype.hi,
hi: left.valtype.hi - right.valtype.lo
return { valtype, value: left.value - right.value };
// src/common/ecs/decoder.ts
var LineDecoder = class {
constructor(text) {
this.curline = 0;
this.lines = text.split("\n").map((s) => s.trim()).filter((s) => !!s).map((s) => s.split(/\s+/));
decodeBits(s, n, msbfirst) {
if (s.length != n)
throw new ECSError(`Expected ${n} characters`);
let b = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
let bit;
let ch = s.charAt(i);
if (ch == "x" || ch == "X" || ch == "1")
bit = 1;
else if (ch == "." || ch == "0")
bit = 0;
throw new ECSError("need x or . (or 0 or 1)");
if (bit) {
if (msbfirst)
b |= 1 << n - 1 - i;
b |= 1 << i;
return b;
assertTokens(toks, count) {
if (toks.length != count)
throw new ECSError(`Expected ${count} tokens on line.`);
hex(s) {
let v = parseInt(s, 16);
if (isNaN(v))
throw new ECSError(`Invalid hex value: ${s}`);
return v;
getErrorLocation($loc) {
$loc.line += this.curline + 1;
return $loc;
var VCSSpriteDecoder = class extends LineDecoder {
parse() {
let height = this.lines.length;
let bitmapdata = new Uint8Array(height);
let colormapdata = new Uint8Array(height);
for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
this.curline = height - 1 - i;
let toks = this.lines[this.curline];
this.assertTokens(toks, 2);
bitmapdata[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0], 8, true);
colormapdata[i] = this.hex(toks[1]);
return {
properties: {
height: height - 1
var VCSBitmapDecoder = class extends LineDecoder {
parse() {
let height = this.lines.length;
let bitmapdata = new Uint8Array(height);
for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
this.curline = height - 1 - i;
let toks = this.lines[this.curline];
this.assertTokens(toks, 1);
bitmapdata[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0], 8, true);
return {
properties: {
height: height - 1
var VCSPlayfieldDecoder = class extends LineDecoder {
parse() {
let height = this.lines.length;
let pf = new Uint32Array(height);
for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
this.curline = height - 1 - i;
let toks = this.lines[this.curline];
this.assertTokens(toks, 1);
let pf0 = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(0, 4), 4, false) << 4;
let pf1 = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(4, 12), 8, true);
let pf2 = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(12, 20), 8, false);
pf[i] = pf0 << 0 | pf1 << 8 | pf2 << 16;
return {
properties: {
var VCSVersatilePlayfieldDecoder = class extends LineDecoder {
parse() {
let height = this.lines.length;
let data = new Uint8Array(height * 2);
const regs = [13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 63];
let prev = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
let cur = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
let dataofs = height * 2 - i * 2;
this.curline = i;
let toks = this.lines[this.curline];
if (toks.length == 2) {
data[dataofs - 1] = this.hex(toks[0]);
data[dataofs - 2] = this.hex(toks[1]);
this.assertTokens(toks, 4);
cur[0] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(0, 4), 4, false) << 4;
cur[1] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(4, 12), 8, true);
cur[2] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].substring(12, 20), 8, false);
if (toks[1] != "..")
cur[3] = this.hex(toks[1]);
if (toks[2] != "..")
cur[4] = this.hex(toks[2]);
if (toks[3] != "..")
cur[5] = this.hex(toks[3]);
let changed = [];
for (let j = 0; j < cur.length; j++) {
if (cur[j] != prev[j])
if (changed.length > 1) {
console.log(changed, cur, prev);
throw new ECSError(`More than one register change in line ${i + 1}: [${changed}]`);
let chgidx = changed.length ? changed[0] : regs.length - 1;
data[dataofs - 1] = regs[chgidx];
data[dataofs - 2] = cur[chgidx];
prev[chgidx] = cur[chgidx];
return {
properties: {
var VCSBitmap48Decoder = class extends LineDecoder {
parse() {
let height = this.lines.length;
let bitmap0 = new Uint8Array(height);
let bitmap1 = new Uint8Array(height);
let bitmap2 = new Uint8Array(height);
let bitmap3 = new Uint8Array(height);
let bitmap4 = new Uint8Array(height);
let bitmap5 = new Uint8Array(height);
for (let i = 0; i < height; i++) {
this.curline = height - 1 - i;
let toks = this.lines[this.curline];
this.assertTokens(toks, 1);
bitmap0[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(0, 8), 8, true);
bitmap1[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(8, 16), 8, true);
bitmap2[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(16, 24), 8, true);
bitmap3[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(24, 32), 8, true);
bitmap4[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(32, 40), 8, true);
bitmap5[i] = this.decodeBits(toks[0].slice(40, 48), 8, true);
return {
properties: {
height: height - 1
function newDecoder(name, text) {
let cons = DECODERS[name];
if (cons)
return new cons(text);
var DECODERS = {
"vcs_sprite": VCSSpriteDecoder,
"vcs_bitmap": VCSBitmapDecoder,
"vcs_playfield": VCSPlayfieldDecoder,
"vcs_versatile": VCSVersatilePlayfieldDecoder,
"vcs_bitmap48": VCSBitmap48Decoder
// src/common/ecs/compiler.ts
var ECSTokenType;
(function(ECSTokenType2) {
ECSTokenType2["Ellipsis"] = "ellipsis";
ECSTokenType2["Operator"] = "operator";
ECSTokenType2["Relational"] = "relational";
ECSTokenType2["QuotedString"] = "quoted-string";
ECSTokenType2["Integer"] = "integer";
ECSTokenType2["CodeFragment"] = "code-fragment";
ECSTokenType2["Placeholder"] = "placeholder";
})(ECSTokenType || (ECSTokenType = {}));
var OPERATORS2 = {
"IMP": { f: "bimp", p: 4 },
"EQV": { f: "beqv", p: 5 },
"XOR": { f: "bxor", p: 6 },
"OR": { f: "bor", p: 7 },
"AND": { f: "band", p: 8 },
"||": { f: "lor", p: 17 },
"&&": { f: "land", p: 18 },
"=": { f: "eq", p: 50 },
"==": { f: "eq", p: 50 },
"<>": { f: "ne", p: 50 },
"><": { f: "ne", p: 50 },
"!=": { f: "ne", p: 50 },
"#": { f: "ne", p: 50 },
"<": { f: "lt", p: 50 },
">": { f: "gt", p: 50 },
"<=": { f: "le", p: 50 },
">=": { f: "ge", p: 50 },
"MIN": { f: "min", p: 75 },
"MAX": { f: "max", p: 75 },
"+": { f: "add", p: 100 },
"-": { f: "sub", p: 100 }
function getOperator2(op) {
return OPERATORS2[op];
function getPrecedence2(tok) {
switch (tok.type) {
case ECSTokenType.Operator:
case ECSTokenType.Relational:
case TokenType2.Ident:
let op = getOperator2(tok.str);
if (op)
return op.p;
return -1;
var ECSCompiler = class extends Tokenizer {
constructor(em, isMainFile) {
this.em = em;
this.isMainFile = isMainFile;
this.currentScope = null;
this.currentContext = null;
this.includeDebugInfo = false;
{ type: ECSTokenType.Ellipsis, regex: /\.\./ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.QuotedString, regex: /".*?"/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.CodeFragment, regex: /---.*?---/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /0[xX][A-Fa-f0-9]+/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /\$[A-Fa-f0-9]+/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /[%][01]+/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Integer, regex: /\d+/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Relational, regex: /[=<>][=<>]?/ },
{ type: ECSTokenType.Operator, regex: /[.#,:(){}\[\]\-\+]/ },
{ type: TokenType2.Ident, regex: /[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*/ },
{ type: TokenType2.Ignore, regex: /\/\/.*?[\n\r]/ },
{ type: TokenType2.Ignore, regex: /\/\*.*?\*\// },
{ type: TokenType2.EOL, regex: /[\n\r]+/ },
{ type: TokenType2.Ignore, regex: /\s+/ }
this.errorOnCatchAll = true;
annotate(fn) {
let start = this.peekToken();
let obj = fn();
let end = this.lasttoken;
let $loc = end ? mergeLocs2(start.$loc, end.$loc) : start.$loc;
if (obj)
obj.$loc = $loc;
return obj;
parseFile(text, path) {
this.tokenizeFile(text, path);
while (!this.isEOF()) {
let top = this.parseTopLevel();
if (top) {
let t = top;
this.annotate(() => t);
importFile(path) {
if (!this.em.imported[path]) {
let text = this.getImportFile && this.getImportFile(path);
if (!text)
this.compileError(`I can't find the import file "${path}".`);
this.em.imported[path] = true;
let comp = new ECSCompiler(this.em, false);
comp.includeDebugInfo = this.includeDebugInfo;
try {
comp.parseFile(text, path);
} catch (e) {
for (var err of comp.errors)
throw e;
parseTopLevel() {
let tok = this.expectTokens(["component", "system", "scope", "resource", "import", "demo", "comment"]);
if (tok.str == "component") {
return this.em.defineComponent(this.parseComponentDefinition());
if (tok.str == "system") {
return this.em.defineSystem(this.parseSystem());
if (tok.str == "scope") {
return this.parseScope();
if (tok.str == "resource") {
return this.em.defineSystem(this.parseResource());
if (tok.str == "import") {
let tok2 = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.QuotedString]);
let path = tok2.str.substring(1, tok2.str.length - 1);
return this.importFile(path);
if (tok.str == "demo") {
if (this.isMainFile) {
let scope = this.parseScope();
scope.isDemo = true;
return scope;
} else {
if (tok.str == "comment") {
this.compileError(`Unexpected top-level keyword: ${tok.str}`);
skipDemo() {
var tok;
while ((tok = this.consumeToken()) && !this.isEOF()) {
if (tok.str == "end" && this.peekToken().str == "demo") {
throw new ECSError(`Expected "end demo" after a "demo" declaration.`);
parseComponentDefinition() {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let fields = [];
while (this.peekToken().str != "end") {
return { name, fields };
parseComponentField() {
let name = this.expectIdent();
this.expectToken(":", 'I expected either a ":" or "end" here.');
let type = this.parseDataType();
return __spreadValues({ name: name.str, $loc: name.$loc }, type);
parseDataType() {
if (this.peekToken().type == "integer") {
let lo = this.parseIntegerConstant();
let hi = this.parseIntegerConstant();
this.checkLowerLimit(lo, -2147483648, "lower int range");
this.checkUpperLimit(hi, 2147483647, "upper int range");
this.checkUpperLimit(hi - lo, 4294967295, "int range");
this.checkLowerLimit(hi, lo, "int range");
let defvalue;
if (this.ifToken("default")) {
defvalue = this.parseIntegerConstant();
return { dtype: "int", lo, hi, defvalue };
if (this.peekToken().str == "[") {
return { dtype: "ref", query: this.parseQuery() };
if (this.ifToken("array")) {
let index = void 0;
if (this.peekToken().type == ECSTokenType.Integer) {
index = this.parseDataType();
let elem = this.parseDataType();
let baseoffset;
if (this.ifToken("baseoffset")) {
baseoffset = this.parseIntegerConstant();
this.checkLowerLimit(baseoffset, -32768, "base offset");
this.checkUpperLimit(baseoffset, 32767, "base offset");
return { dtype: "array", index, elem, baseoffset };
if (this.ifToken("enum")) {
let enumtoks = this.parseList(this.parseEnumIdent, ",");
if (enumtoks.length == 0)
this.compileError(`must define at least one enum`);
let lo = 0;
let hi = enumtoks.length - 1;
this.checkLowerLimit(hi, 0, "enum count");
this.checkUpperLimit(hi, 255, "enum count");
let enums = {};
for (let i = 0; i <= hi; i++)
enums[enumtoks[i].str] = i;
let defvalue;
if (this.ifToken("default")) {
defvalue = this.parseIntegerConstant();
return { dtype: "int", lo, hi, defvalue, enums };
throw this.compileError(`I expected a data type here.`);
parseEnumIdent() {
let tok = this.expectTokenTypes([TokenType2.Ident]);
return tok;
parseEnumValue(tok, field) {
if (!field.enums)
throw new ECSError(`field is not an enum`);
let value = field.enums[tok.str];
if (value == null)
throw new ECSError(`unknown enum "${tok.str}"`);
return value;
parseDataValue(field) {
var _a, _b;
let tok = this.peekToken();
if (tok.type == TokenType2.Ident && field.dtype == "int") {
return this.parseEnumValue(this.consumeToken(), field);
if (tok.type == TokenType2.Ident) {
let entity = (_a = this.currentScope) == null ? void 0 : _a.getEntityByName(tok.str);
if (!entity)
this.compileError('no entity named "${tok.str}"');
else {
let fieldName = this.expectIdent().str;
let constValue = (_b = this.currentScope) == null ? void 0 : _b.getConstValue(entity, fieldName);
if (constValue == null)
throw new ECSError(`"${fieldName}" is not defined as a constant`, entity);
return constValue;
if (tok.str == "[") {
return new Uint8Array(this.parseDataArray());
if (tok.str == "#") {
let reftype = field.dtype == "ref" ? field : void 0;
return this.parseEntityForwardRef(reftype);
return this.parseIntegerConstant();
parseEntityForwardRef(reftype) {
let token = this.expectIdent();
return { reftype, token };
parseDataArray() {
let arr = this.parseList(this.parseIntegerConstant, ",");
return arr;
expectInteger() {
let s = this.consumeToken().str;
let i;
if (s.startsWith("$"))
i = parseInt(s.substring(1), 16);
else if (s.startsWith("%"))
i = parseInt(s.substring(1), 2);
i = parseInt(s);
if (isNaN(i))
this.compileError("There should be an integer here.");
return i;
parseSystem() {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let actions = [];
let system = { name, actions };
let cmd;
while ((cmd = this.expectTokens(["on", "locals", "end"]).str) != "end") {
if (cmd == "on") {
let action = this.annotate(() => this.parseAction(system));
} else if (cmd == "locals") {
system.tempbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant();
} else {
this.compileError(`Unexpected system keyword: ${cmd}`);
return system;
parseResource() {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let tempbytes;
if (this.peekToken().str == "locals") {
tempbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant();
let system = { name, tempbytes, actions: [] };
let expr = this.annotate(() => this.parseBlockStatement());
let action = { expr, event: name };
return system;
parseAction(system) {
const event = this.expectIdent().str;
let fitbytes = void 0;
let critical = void 0;
if (this.ifToken("critical"))
critical = true;
if (this.ifToken("fit"))
fitbytes = this.parseIntegerConstant();
let expr = this.annotate(() => this.parseBlockStatement());
let action = { expr, event, fitbytes, critical };
return action;
parseQuery() {
let q = { include: [] };
let start = this.expectToken("[");
this.parseList(() => this.parseQueryItem(q), ",");
q.$loc = mergeLocs2(start.$loc, this.lasttoken.$loc);
return q;
parseQueryItem(q) {
let prefix = this.peekToken();
if (prefix.type != TokenType2.Ident) {
if (prefix.type == TokenType2.Ident) {
let cref = this.parseComponentRef();
} else if (prefix.str == "-") {
let cref = this.parseComponentRef();
if (!q.exclude)
q.exclude = [];
} else if (prefix.str == "#") {
const scope = this.currentScope;
if (scope == null) {
throw this.compileError("You can only reference specific entities inside of a scope.");
let eref = this.parseEntityForwardRef();
this.deferred.push(() => {
let refvalue = this.resolveEntityRef(scope, eref);
if (!q.entities)
q.entities = [];
} else {
this.compileError(`Query components may be preceded only by a '-'.`);
parseEventName() {
return this.expectIdent().str;
parseEventList() {
return this.parseList(this.parseEventName, ",");
parseCode() {
let tok = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]);
let code = tok.str.substring(3, tok.str.length - 3);
let lines = code.split("\n");
if (this.includeDebugInfo)
this.addDebugInfo(lines, tok.$loc.line);
code = lines.join("\n");
return code;
addDebugInfo(lines, startline) {
const re = /^\s*(;|\/\/|$)/;
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (!lines[i].match(re))
lines[i] = this.em.dialect.debug_line(this.path, startline + i) + "\n" + lines[i];
parseScope() {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let scope = this.em.newScope(name, this.currentScope || void 0);
scope.filePath = this.path;
this.currentScope = scope;
let cmd;
while ((cmd = this.expectTokens(["end", "using", "entity", "scope", "comment", "system"]).str) != "end") {
if (cmd == "using") {
if (cmd == "entity") {
this.annotate(() => this.parseEntity());
if (cmd == "scope") {
this.annotate(() => this.parseScope());
if (cmd == "comment") {
if (cmd == "system") {
let sys = this.annotate(() => this.parseSystem());
this.currentScope = scope.parent || null;
return scope;
parseScopeUsing() {
var _a;
let instlist = this.parseList(this.parseSystemInstanceRef, ",");
let params = {};
if (this.peekToken().str == "with") {
params = this.parseSystemInstanceParameters();
for (let inst of instlist) {
inst.params = params;
(_a = this.currentScope) == null ? void 0 : _a.newSystemInstance(inst);
parseEntity() {
if (!this.currentScope) {
throw this.internalError();
const scope = this.currentScope;
let entname = "";
if (this.peekToken().type == TokenType2.Ident) {
entname = this.expectIdent().str;
let etype = this.parseEntityArchetype();
let entity = this.currentScope.newEntity(etype, entname);
let cmd2;
while ((cmd2 = this.expectTokens(["const", "init", "var", "decode", "end"]).str) != "end") {
let cmd = cmd2;
if (cmd == "var")
cmd = "init";
if (cmd == "init" || cmd == "const") {
this.parseInitConst(cmd, scope, entity);
} else if (cmd == "decode") {
this.parseDecode(scope, entity);
return entity;
parseInitConst(cmd, scope, entity) {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let { c, f } = this.getEntityField(entity, name);
let symtype = scope.isConstOrInit(c, name);
if (symtype && symtype != cmd)
this.compileError(`I can't mix const and init values for a given field in a scope.`);
let valueOrRef = this.parseDataValue(f);
if (valueOrRef.token != null) {
this.deferred.push(() => {
this.lasttoken = valueOrRef.token;
let refvalue = this.resolveEntityRef(scope, valueOrRef);
if (cmd == "const")
scope.setConstValue(entity, c, f, refvalue);
if (cmd == "init")
scope.setInitValue(entity, c, f, refvalue);
} else {
if (cmd == "const")
scope.setConstValue(entity, c, f, valueOrRef);
if (cmd == "init")
scope.setInitValue(entity, c, f, valueOrRef);
parseDecode(scope, entity) {
let decoderid = this.expectIdent().str;
let codetok = this.expectTokenTypes([ECSTokenType.CodeFragment]);
let code = codetok.str;
code = code.substring(3, code.length - 3);
let decoder = newDecoder(decoderid, code);
if (!decoder) {
throw this.compileError(`I can't find a "${decoderid}" decoder.`);
let result;
try {
result = decoder.parse();
} catch (e) {
throw new ECSError(e.message, decoder.getErrorLocation(codetok.$loc));
for (let entry of Object.entries(result.properties)) {
let { c, f } = this.getEntityField(entity, entry[0]);
scope.setConstValue(entity, c, f, entry[1]);
getEntityField(e, name) {
if (!this.currentScope) {
throw this.internalError();
let comps = this.em.componentsWithFieldName([e.etype], name);
if (comps.length == 0)
this.compileError(`I couldn't find a field named "${name}" for this entity.`);
if (comps.length > 1)
this.compileError(`I found more than one field named "${name}" for this entity.`);
let component = comps[0];
let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == name);
if (!field) {
throw this.internalError();
return { c: component, f: field };
parseEntityArchetype() {
let components = this.parseList(this.parseComponentRef, ",");
return { components };
parseComponentRef() {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let cref = this.em.getComponentByName(name);
if (!cref)
this.compileError(`I couldn't find a component named "${name}".`);
return cref;
findEntityByName(scope, token) {
let name = token.str;
let eref = scope.entities.find((e) => e.name == name);
if (!eref) {
throw this.compileError(`I couldn't find an entity named "${name}" in this scope.`, token.$loc);
return eref;
resolveEntityRef(scope, ref) {
let id = this.findEntityByName(scope, ref.token).id;
if (ref.reftype) {
let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(ref.reftype.query);
let entities = scope.entitiesMatching(atypes);
if (entities.length == 0)
throw this.compileError(`This entity doesn't seem to fit the reference type.`, ref.token.$loc);
id -= entities[0].id;
return id;
parseSystemInstanceRef() {
let name = this.expectIdent().str;
let system = this.em.getSystemByName(name);
if (!system)
throw this.compileError(`I couldn't find a system named "${name}".`, this.lasttoken.$loc);
let params = {};
let inst = { system, params, id: 0 };
return inst;
parseSystemInstanceParameters() {
let scope = this.currentScope;
if (scope == null)
throw this.internalError();
if (this.peekToken().str == "[") {
return { query: this.parseQuery() };
let entname = this.expectIdent();
let fieldname = this.expectIdent();
let entity = this.findEntityByName(scope, entname);
let cf = this.getEntityField(entity, fieldname.str);
return { refEntity: entity, refField: cf };
exportToFile(src) {
export() {
let src = new SourceFileExport();
for (let path of Object.keys(this.em.imported))
return src.toString();
checkUpperLimit(value, upper, what) {
if (value > upper)
this.compileError(`This ${what} is too high; must be ${upper} or less`);
checkLowerLimit(value, lower, what) {
if (value < lower)
this.compileError(`This ${what} is too low; must be ${lower} or more`);
parseConstant() {
let expr = this.parseExpr();
expr = this.em.evalExpr(expr, this.currentScope);
if (isLiteral2(expr))
return expr.value;
throw this.compileError("This expression is not a constant.");
parseIntegerConstant() {
let value = this.parseConstant();
if (typeof value === "number")
return value;
throw this.compileError("This expression is not an integer.");
parseExpr() {
var startloc = this.peekToken().$loc;
var expr = this.parseExpr1(this.parsePrimary(), 0);
var endloc = this.lasttoken.$loc;
expr.$loc = mergeLocs2(startloc, endloc);
return expr;
parseExpr1(left, minPred) {
let look = this.peekToken();
while (getPrecedence2(look) >= minPred) {
let op = this.consumeToken();
let right = this.parsePrimary();
look = this.peekToken();
while (getPrecedence2(look) > getPrecedence2(op)) {
right = this.parseExpr1(right, getPrecedence2(look));
look = this.peekToken();
var opfn = getOperator2(op.str).f;
if (op.str == "and")
opfn = "land";
if (op.str == "or")
opfn = "lor";
var valtype = this.exprTypeForOp(opfn, left, right, op);
left = { valtype, op: opfn, left, right };
return left;
parsePrimary() {
let tok = this.consumeToken();
switch (tok.type) {
case ECSTokenType.Integer:
let value = this.expectInteger();
let valtype = { dtype: "int", lo: value, hi: value };
return { valtype, value };
case TokenType2.Ident:
if (tok.str == "not") {
let expr = this.parsePrimary();
let valtype2 = { dtype: "int", lo: 0, hi: 1 };
return { valtype: valtype2, op: "lnot", expr };
} else {
return this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc();
case ECSTokenType.Operator:
if (tok.str == "(") {
let expr = this.parseExpr();
this.expectToken(")", `There should be another expression or a ")" here.`);
return expr;
} else if (tok.str == "-") {
let expr = this.parsePrimary();
let valtype2 = expr.valtype;
if ((valtype2 == null ? void 0 : valtype2.dtype) == "int") {
let hi = Math.abs(valtype2.hi);
let negtype = { dtype: "int", lo: -hi, hi };
return { valtype: negtype, op: "neg", expr };
} else if (tok.str == "+") {
return this.parsePrimary();
throw this.compileError(`The expression is incomplete.`);
parseVarSubscriptOrFunc() {
var tok = this.consumeToken();
switch (tok.type) {
case TokenType2.Ident:
if (this.ifToken(":")) {
let ftok = this.consumeToken();
let component = this.em.getComponentByName(tok.str);
if (!component)
throw this.compileError(`A component named "${tok.str}" has not been defined.`);
let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == ftok.str);
if (!field)
throw this.compileError(`There is no "${ftok.str}" field in the ${tok.str} component.`);
if (!this.currentScope)
throw this.compileError(`This operation only works inside of a scope.`);
let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching({ include: [component] });
let entities = this.currentScope.entitiesMatching(atypes);
return { entities, field };
if (this.ifToken(".")) {
let ftok = this.consumeToken();
if (!this.currentScope)
throw this.compileError(`This operation only works inside of a scope.`);
let entity = this.currentScope.getEntityByName(tok.str);
if (!entity)
throw this.compileError(`An entity named "${tok.str}" has not been defined.`);
let component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([entity.etype], ftok.str, ftok);
let field = component.fields.find((f) => f.name == ftok.str);
if (!field)
throw this.compileError(`There is no "${ftok.str}" field in this entity.`);
let entities = [entity];
return { entities, field };
let args = [];
if (this.ifToken("(")) {
args = this.parseExprList();
this.expectToken(")", `There should be another expression or a ")" here.`);
var loc = mergeLocs2(tok.$loc, this.lasttoken.$loc);
var valtype = this.exprTypeForSubscript(tok.str, args, loc);
return { valtype, name: tok.str, args, $loc: loc };
throw this.compileError(`There should be a variable name here.`);
parseLexpr() {
var lexpr = this.parseVarSubscriptOrFunc();
return lexpr;
exprTypeForOp(fnname, left, right, optok) {
return { dtype: "int", lo: 0, hi: 255 };
exprTypeForSubscript(fnname, args, loc) {
return { dtype: "int", lo: 0, hi: 255 };
parseLexprList() {
return this.parseList(this.parseLexpr, ",");
parseExprList() {
return this.parseList(this.parseExpr, ",");
parseBlockStatement() {
let valtype = { dtype: "int", lo: 0, hi: 0 };
if (this.peekToken().type == ECSTokenType.CodeFragment) {
return { valtype, code: this.parseCode() };
if (this.ifToken("begin")) {
let stmts = [];
while (this.peekToken().str != "end") {
stmts.push(this.annotate(() => this.parseBlockStatement()));
return { valtype, stmts };
let cmd = this.peekToken();
if (SELECT_TYPE.includes(cmd.str)) {
return this.parseQueryStatement();
throw this.compileError(`There should be a statement or "end" here.`, cmd.$loc);
parseQueryStatement() {
const select = this.expectTokens(SELECT_TYPE).str;
let all = this.ifToken("all") != null;
let query = void 0;
let join = void 0;
if (select == "once") {
if (this.peekToken().str == "[")
this.compileError(`A "${select}" action can't include a query.`);
} else {
query = this.parseQuery();
if (select == "join") {
join = this.parseQuery();
if (this.ifToken("limit")) {
if (!query) {
this.compileError(`A "${select}" query can't include a limit.`);
} else
query.limit = this.parseIntegerConstant();
const all_modifiers = ["asc", "desc"];
const modifiers = this.parseModifiers(all_modifiers);
let direction = void 0;
if (modifiers["asc"])
direction = "asc";
else if (modifiers["desc"])
direction = "desc";
let body = this.annotate(() => this.parseBlockStatement());
return { select, query, join, direction, all, stmts: [body], loop: select == "foreach" };
// src/worker/tools/ecs.ts
function assembleECS(step) {
let em = new EntityManager(new Dialect_CA65());
let compiler = new ECSCompiler(em, true);
compiler.getImportFile = (path) => {
return getWorkFileAsString(path);
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.ecs" });
if (step.mainfile)
em.mainPath = step.path;
var destpath = step.prefix + ".ca65";
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
let code = getWorkFileAsString(step.path);
fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, step.params);
try {
compiler.includeDebugInfo = true;
compiler.parseFile(code, step.path);
let outtext = compiler.export().toString();
putWorkFile(destpath, outtext);
var listings = {};
listings[destpath] = { lines: [], text: outtext };
var debuginfo = compiler.em.getDebugTree();
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ECSError) {
compiler.addError(e.message, e.$loc);
for (let obj of e.$sources) {
let name = obj.event;
if (name == "start")
compiler.addError(`... ${name}`, obj.$loc);
return { errors: compiler.errors };
} else if (e instanceof CompileError3) {
return { errors: compiler.errors };
} else {
throw e;
return {
nexttool: "ca65",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath].concat(step.files),
// src/common/workertypes.ts
function isUnchanged(result) {
return "unchanged" in result;
function isErrorResult(result) {
return "errors" in result;
function isOutputResult(result) {
return "output" in result;
// src/worker/tools/remote.ts
var REMOTE_URL = "http://localhost:3009/build";
var sessionID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15) + Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 15);
async function buildRemote(step) {
var binpath = "a.out";
if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) {
let updates = [];
for (var i = 0; i < step.files.length; i++) {
let path = step.files[i];
let entry = store.workfs[path];
let data = typeof entry.data === "string" ? entry.data : btoa(byteArrayToString(entry.data));
updates.push({ path, data });
let cmd = { buildStep: step, updates, sessionID };
console.log("POST", cmd);
let result = await fetch(REMOTE_URL, {
method: "POST",
mode: "cors",
body: JSON.stringify(cmd),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
let json = await result.json();
if (isUnchanged(json))
return json;
if (isErrorResult(json))
return json;
if (isOutputResult(json)) {
json.output = stringToByteArray(atob(json.output));
return json;
throw new Error(`Unexpected result from remote build: ${JSON.stringify(json)}`);
// src/worker/workermain.ts
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB = typeof window === "object";
var ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER = typeof importScripts === "function";
var emglobal = ENVIRONMENT_IS_WORKER ? self : ENVIRONMENT_IS_WEB ? window : global;
if (!emglobal["require"]) {
emglobal["require"] = (modpath) => {
if (modpath.endsWith(".js"))
modpath = modpath.slice(-3);
var modname = modpath.split("/").slice(-1)[0];
var hasNamespace = emglobal[modname] != null;
console.log("@@@ require", modname, modpath, hasNamespace);
if (!hasNamespace) {
exports = {};
if (emglobal[modname] == null) {
emglobal[modname] = exports;
return emglobal[modname];
var _WASM_module_cache = {};
var wasmMemory;
function getWASMMemory() {
if (wasmMemory == null) {
wasmMemory = new WebAssembly.Memory({
"initial": 1024,
"maximum": 16384
return wasmMemory;
function getWASMModule(module_id) {
var module = _WASM_module_cache[module_id];
if (!module) {
module = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmBlob[module_id]);
_WASM_module_cache[module_id] = module;
delete wasmBlob[module_id];
endtime("module creation " + module_id);
return module;
function moduleInstFn(module_id) {
return function(imports, ri) {
var mod = getWASMModule(module_id);
var inst = new WebAssembly.Instance(mod, imports);
return inst.exports;
"vcs": {
arch: "6502",
code_start: 4096,
code_size: 61440,
data_start: 128,
data_size: 128,
wiz_rom_ext: ".a26",
wiz_inc_dir: "2600",
extra_link_files: ["atari2600.cfg"],
cfgfile: "atari2600.cfg"
"mw8080bw": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 8192,
data_start: 8192,
data_size: 1024,
stack_end: 9216
"vicdual": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 16416,
data_start: 58368,
data_size: 1024,
stack_end: 59392
"galaxian": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 16384,
data_start: 16384,
data_size: 1024,
stack_end: 18432
"galaxian-scramble": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 20512,
data_start: 16384,
data_size: 1024,
stack_end: 18432
"williams": {
arch: "6809",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 49152,
data_start: 38912,
data_size: 10240,
stack_end: 49152,
set_stack_end: 49152,
extra_link_files: ["williams.scr", "libcmoc-crt-vec.a", "libcmoc-std-vec.a"],
extra_link_args: ["-swilliams.scr", "-lcmoc-crt-vec", "-lcmoc-std-vec"],
extra_compile_files: ["assert.h", "cmoc.h", "stdarg.h", "stdlib.h"]
"williams-defender": {
arch: "6809",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 49152,
data_start: 38912,
data_size: 10240,
stack_end: 49152
"williams-z80": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 38912,
data_start: 38912,
data_size: 10240,
stack_end: 49152
"vector-z80color": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 32768,
data_start: 57344,
data_size: 8192,
stack_end: 0
"vector-ataricolor": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__VECTOR__"],
cfgfile: "vector-color.cfg",
libargs: ["crt0.o", "none.lib"],
extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "vector-color.cfg"]
"sound_williams-z80": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 16384,
data_start: 16384,
data_size: 1024,
stack_end: 32768
"base_z80": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 32768,
data_start: 32768,
data_size: 32768,
stack_end: 0
"coleco": {
arch: "z80",
rom_start: 32768,
code_start: 33024,
rom_size: 32768,
data_start: 28672,
data_size: 1024,
stack_end: 32768,
extra_preproc_args: ["-I", "/share/include/coleco", "-D", "CV_CV"],
extra_link_args: ["-k", "/share/lib/coleco", "-l", "libcv", "-l", "libcvu", "crt0.rel"]
"msx": {
arch: "z80",
rom_start: 16384,
code_start: 16384,
rom_size: 32768,
data_start: 49152,
data_size: 12288,
stack_end: 65535,
extra_link_args: ["crt0-msx.rel"],
extra_link_files: ["crt0-msx.rel", "crt0-msx.lst"],
wiz_sys_type: "z80",
wiz_inc_dir: "msx"
"msx-libcv": {
arch: "z80",
rom_start: 16384,
code_start: 16384,
rom_size: 32768,
data_start: 49152,
data_size: 12288,
stack_end: 65535,
extra_preproc_args: ["-I", ".", "-D", "CV_MSX"],
extra_link_args: ["-k", ".", "-l", "libcv-msx", "-l", "libcvu-msx", "crt0-msx.rel"],
extra_link_files: ["libcv-msx.lib", "libcvu-msx.lib", "crt0-msx.rel", "crt0-msx.lst"],
extra_compile_files: ["cv.h", "cv_graphics.h", "cv_input.h", "cv_sound.h", "cv_support.h", "cvu.h", "cvu_c.h", "cvu_compression.h", "cvu_f.h", "cvu_graphics.h", "cvu_input.h", "cvu_sound.h"]
"sms-sg1000-libcv": {
arch: "z80",
rom_start: 0,
code_start: 256,
rom_size: 49152,
data_start: 49152,
data_size: 1024,
stack_end: 57344,
extra_preproc_args: ["-I", ".", "-D", "CV_SMS"],
extra_link_args: ["-k", ".", "-l", "libcv-sms", "-l", "libcvu-sms", "crt0-sms.rel"],
extra_link_files: ["libcv-sms.lib", "libcvu-sms.lib", "crt0-sms.rel", "crt0-sms.lst"],
extra_compile_files: ["cv.h", "cv_graphics.h", "cv_input.h", "cv_sound.h", "cv_support.h", "cvu.h", "cvu_c.h", "cvu_compression.h", "cvu_f.h", "cvu_graphics.h", "cvu_input.h", "cvu_sound.h"]
"nes": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__NES__"],
cfgfile: "neslib2.cfg",
libargs: [
extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "neslib2.lib", "neslib2.cfg", "nesbanked.cfg"],
wiz_rom_ext: ".nes"
"apple2": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__APPLE2__"],
cfgfile: "apple2.cfg",
libargs: ["--lib-path", "/share/target/apple2/drv", "-D", "__EXEHDR__=0", "apple2.lib"],
__CODE_RUN__: 16384,
code_start: 2051
"apple2-e": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__APPLE2__"],
cfgfile: "apple2.cfg",
libargs: ["apple2.lib"]
"atari8-800xl.disk": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__ATARI__"],
cfgfile: "atari.cfg",
libargs: ["atari.lib"],
fastbasic_cfgfile: "fastbasic-cart.cfg"
"atari8-800xl": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__ATARI__"],
cfgfile: "atari-cart.cfg",
libargs: ["atari.lib", "-D", "__CARTFLAGS__=4"],
fastbasic_cfgfile: "fastbasic-cart.cfg"
"atari8-800": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__ATARI__"],
cfgfile: "atari-cart.cfg",
libargs: ["atari.lib", "-D", "__CARTFLAGS__=4"],
fastbasic_cfgfile: "fastbasic-cart.cfg"
"atari8-5200": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__ATARI5200__"],
cfgfile: "atari5200.cfg",
libargs: ["atari5200.lib", "-D", "__CARTFLAGS__=255"],
fastbasic_cfgfile: "fastbasic-cart.cfg"
"verilog": {
arch: "verilog",
extra_compile_files: ["8bitworkshop.v"]
"astrocade": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 8192,
rom_size: 8192,
data_start: 19984,
data_size: 496,
stack_end: 20480
"astrocade-arcade": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 16384,
data_start: 32224,
data_size: 544,
stack_end: 32768
"astrocade-bios": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 8192,
data_start: 20430,
data_size: 50,
stack_end: 20430
"atari7800": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__ATARI7800__"],
cfgfile: "atari7800.cfg",
libargs: ["crt0.o", "none.lib"],
extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "atari7800.cfg"]
"c64": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__CBM__", "__C64__"],
cfgfile: "c64.cfg",
libargs: ["c64.lib"]
"vic20": {
arch: "6502",
define: ["__CBM__", "__VIC20__"],
cfgfile: "vic20.cfg",
libargs: ["vic20.lib"]
"kim1": {
arch: "6502"
"vectrex": {
arch: "6809",
code_start: 0,
rom_size: 32768,
data_start: 51328,
data_size: 896,
stack_end: 52224,
extra_compile_files: ["assert.h", "cmoc.h", "stdarg.h", "vectrex.h", "stdlib.h", "bios.h"],
extra_link_files: ["vectrex.scr", "libcmoc-crt-vec.a", "libcmoc-std-vec.a"],
extra_compile_args: ["--vectrex"],
extra_link_args: ["-svectrex.scr", "-lcmoc-crt-vec", "-lcmoc-std-vec"]
"x86": {
arch: "x86"
"zx": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 23755,
rom_size: 65368 - 23755,
data_start: 61440,
data_size: 65024 - 61440,
stack_end: 65368,
extra_link_args: ["crt0-zx.rel"],
extra_link_files: ["crt0-zx.rel", "crt0-zx.lst"]
"devel-6502": {
arch: "6502",
cfgfile: "devel-6502.cfg",
libargs: ["crt0.o", "none.lib"],
extra_link_files: ["crt0.o", "devel-6502.cfg"]
"cpc.rslib": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 16384,
rom_size: 45312 - 16384,
data_start: 45312,
data_size: 45312 - 49152,
stack_end: 49152,
extra_compile_files: ["cpcrslib.h"],
extra_link_args: ["crt0-cpc.rel", "cpcrslib.lib"],
extra_link_files: ["crt0-cpc.rel", "crt0-cpc.lst", "cpcrslib.lib", "cpcrslib.lst"]
"cpc": {
arch: "z80",
code_start: 16384,
rom_size: 45312 - 16384,
data_start: 45312,
data_size: 45312 - 49152,
stack_end: 49152,
extra_compile_files: ["cpctelera.h"],
extra_link_args: ["crt0-cpc.rel", "cpctelera.lib"],
extra_link_files: ["crt0-cpc.rel", "crt0-cpc.lst", "cpctelera.lib", "cpctelera.lst"]
PLATFORM_PARAMS["sms-sms-libcv"] = PLATFORM_PARAMS["sms-sg1000-libcv"];
PLATFORM_PARAMS["sms-gg-libcv"] = PLATFORM_PARAMS["sms-sms-libcv"];
var _t1;
function starttime() {
_t1 = new Date();
function endtime(msg) {
var _t2 = new Date();
console.log(msg, _t2.getTime() - _t1.getTime(), "ms");
var FileWorkingStore = class {
constructor() {
this.workfs = {};
this.workerseq = 0;
reset() {
this.workfs = {};
currentVersion() {
return this.workerseq;
newVersion() {
let ts = new Date().getTime();
if (ts <= this.workerseq)
ts = ++this.workerseq;
return ts;
putFile(path, data) {
var encoding = typeof data === "string" ? "utf8" : "binary";
var entry = this.workfs[path];
if (!entry || !compareData(entry.data, data) || entry.encoding != encoding) {
this.workfs[path] = entry = { path, data, encoding, ts: this.newVersion() };
console.log("+++", entry.path, entry.encoding, entry.data.length, entry.ts);
return entry;
hasFile(path) {
return this.workfs[path] != null;
getFileData(path) {
return this.workfs[path] && this.workfs[path].data;
getFileAsString(path) {
let data = this.getFileData(path);
if (data != null && typeof data !== "string")
throw new Error(`${path}: expected string`);
return data;
getFileEntry(path) {
return this.workfs[path];
setItem(key, value) {
this.items[key] = value;
var store = new FileWorkingStore();
function errorResult(msg) {
return { errors: [{ line: 0, msg }] };
var Builder = class {
constructor() {
this.steps = [];
this.startseq = 0;
wasChanged(entry) {
return entry.ts > this.startseq;
async executeBuildSteps() {
this.startseq = store.currentVersion();
var linkstep = null;
while (this.steps.length) {
var step = this.steps.shift();
var platform = step.platform;
var [tool, remoteTool] = step.tool.split(":", 2);
var toolfn = TOOLS[tool];
if (!toolfn) {
throw Error(`no tool named "${tool}"`);
if (remoteTool) {
step.tool = remoteTool;
step.params = PLATFORM_PARAMS[getBasePlatform(platform)];
try {
step.result = await toolfn(step);
} catch (e) {
console.log("EXCEPTION", e, e.stack);
return errorResult(e + "");
if (step.result) {
step.result.params = step.params;
if (step.debuginfo) {
let r = step.result;
if (!r.debuginfo)
r.debuginfo = {};
Object.assign(r.debuginfo, step.debuginfo);
if ("errors" in step.result && step.result.errors.length) {
applyDefaultErrorPath(step.result.errors, step.path);
return step.result;
if ("output" in step.result && step.result.output) {
return step.result;
if ("linktool" in step.result) {
if (linkstep) {
linkstep.files = linkstep.files.concat(step.result.files);
linkstep.args = linkstep.args.concat(step.result.args);
} else {
linkstep = {
tool: step.result.linktool,
files: step.result.files,
args: step.result.args
linkstep.debuginfo = step.debuginfo;
if ("nexttool" in step.result) {
var asmstep = __spreadValues({
tool: step.result.nexttool,
}, step.result);
if (this.steps.length == 0 && linkstep) {
linkstep = null;
async handleMessage(data) {
this.steps = [];
if (data.updates) {
data.updates.forEach((u) => store.putFile(u.path, u.data));
if (data.setitems) {
data.setitems.forEach((i) => store.setItem(i.key, i.value));
if (data.buildsteps) {
this.steps.push.apply(this.steps, data.buildsteps);
if (data.code) {
if (this.steps.length) {
var result = await this.executeBuildSteps();
return result ? result : { unchanged: true };
console.log("Unknown message", data);
var builder = new Builder();
function applyDefaultErrorPath(errors, path) {
if (!path)
for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
var err = errors[i];
if (!err.path && err.line)
err.path = path;
function compareData(a, b) {
if (a.length != b.length)
return false;
if (typeof a === "string" && typeof b === "string") {
return a == b;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i])
return false;
return true;
function putWorkFile(path, data) {
return store.putFile(path, data);
function getWorkFileAsString(path) {
return store.getFileAsString(path);
function populateEntry(fs, path, entry, options) {
var data = entry.data;
if (options && options.processFn) {
data = options.processFn(path, data);
var toks = path.split("/");
if (toks.length > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i < toks.length - 1; i++)
try {
} catch (e) {
fs.writeFile(path, data, { encoding: entry.encoding });
var time = new Date(entry.ts);
fs.utime(path, time, time);
console.log("<<<", path, entry.data.length);
function gatherFiles(step, options) {
var maxts = 0;
if (step.files) {
for (var i = 0; i < step.files.length; i++) {
var path = step.files[i];
var entry = store.workfs[path];
if (!entry) {
throw new Error("No entry for path '" + path + "'");
} else {
maxts = Math.max(maxts, entry.ts);
} else if (step.code) {
var path = step.path ? step.path : options.mainFilePath;
if (!path)
throw Error("need path or mainFilePath");
var code = step.code;
var entry = putWorkFile(path, code);
step.path = path;
step.files = [path];
maxts = entry.ts;
} else if (step.path) {
var path = step.path;
var entry = store.workfs[path];
maxts = entry.ts;
step.files = [path];
if (step.path && !step.prefix) {
step.prefix = getPrefix(step.path);
step.maxts = maxts;
return maxts;
function getPrefix(s) {
var pos = s.lastIndexOf(".");
return pos > 0 ? s.substring(0, pos) : s;
function populateFiles(step, fs, options) {
gatherFiles(step, options);
if (!step.files)
throw Error("call gatherFiles() first");
for (var i = 0; i < step.files.length; i++) {
var path = step.files[i];
populateEntry(fs, path, store.workfs[path], options);
function populateExtraFiles(step, fs, extrafiles) {
if (extrafiles) {
for (var i = 0; i < extrafiles.length; i++) {
var xfn = extrafiles[i];
if (store.workfs[xfn]) {
fs.writeFile(xfn, store.workfs[xfn].data, { encoding: "binary" });
var xpath = "lib/" + getBasePlatform(step.platform) + "/" + xfn;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.open("GET", PWORKER + xpath, false);
if (xhr.response && xhr.status == 200) {
var data = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
fs.writeFile(xfn, data, { encoding: "binary" });
putWorkFile(xfn, data);
console.log(":::", xfn, data.length);
} else {
throw Error("Could not load extra file " + xpath);
function staleFiles(step, targets) {
if (!step.maxts)
throw Error("call populateFiles() first");
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
var entry = store.workfs[targets[i]];
if (!entry || step.maxts > entry.ts)
return true;
console.log("unchanged", step.maxts, targets);
return false;
function anyTargetChanged(step, targets) {
if (!step.maxts)
throw Error("call populateFiles() first");
for (var i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {
var entry = store.workfs[targets[i]];
if (!entry || entry.ts > step.maxts)
return true;
console.log("unchanged", step.maxts, targets);
return false;
function execMain(step, mod, args) {
var run = mod.callMain || mod.run;
var fsMeta = {};
var fsBlob = {};
var wasmBlob = {};
var PSRC = "../../src/";
var PWORKER = PSRC + "worker/";
function loadFilesystem(name) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = "blob";
xhr.open("GET", PWORKER + "fs/fs" + name + ".data", false);
fsBlob[name] = xhr.response;
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = "json";
xhr.open("GET", PWORKER + "fs/fs" + name + ".js.metadata", false);
fsMeta[name] = xhr.response;
console.log("Loaded " + name + " filesystem", fsMeta[name].files.length, "files", fsBlob[name].size, "bytes");
var loaded = {};
function load(modulename, debug2) {
if (!loaded[modulename]) {
importScripts(PWORKER + "asmjs/" + modulename + (debug2 ? "." + debug2 + ".js" : ".js"));
loaded[modulename] = 1;
function loadWASM(modulename, debug2) {
if (!loaded[modulename]) {
importScripts(PWORKER + "wasm/" + modulename + (debug2 ? "." + debug2 + ".js" : ".js"));
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer";
xhr.open("GET", PWORKER + "wasm/" + modulename + ".wasm", false);
if (xhr.response) {
wasmBlob[modulename] = new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
console.log("Loaded " + modulename + ".wasm (" + wasmBlob[modulename].length + " bytes)");
loaded[modulename] = 1;
} else {
throw Error("Could not load WASM file " + modulename + ".wasm");
function loadNative(modulename) {
if (CACHE_WASM_MODULES && typeof WebAssembly === "object") {
} else {
function setupFS(FS, name) {
var WORKERFS = FS.filesystems["WORKERFS"];
if (name === "65-vector")
name = "65-none";
if (name === "65-atari7800")
name = "65-none";
if (name === "65-devel")
name = "65-none";
if (name === "65-vcs")
name = "65-none";
if (!fsMeta[name])
throw Error("No filesystem for '" + name + "'");
FS.mount(WORKERFS, {
packages: [{ metadata: fsMeta[name], blob: fsBlob[name] }]
}, "/share");
var reader = WORKERFS.reader;
var blobcache = {};
WORKERFS.stream_ops.read = function(stream, buffer, offset, length, position) {
if (position >= stream.node.size)
return 0;
var contents = blobcache[stream.path];
if (!contents) {
var ab = reader.readAsArrayBuffer(stream.node.contents);
contents = blobcache[stream.path] = new Uint8Array(ab);
if (position + length > contents.length)
length = contents.length - position;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
buffer[offset + i] = contents[position + i];
return length;
var print_fn = function(s) {
var re_msvc = /[/]*([^( ]+)\s*[(](\d+)[)]\s*:\s*(.+?):\s*(.*)/;
var re_msvc2 = /\s*(at)\s+(\d+)\s*(:)\s*(.*)/;
function msvcErrorMatcher(errors) {
return function(s) {
var matches = re_msvc.exec(s) || re_msvc2.exec(s);
if (matches) {
var errline = parseInt(matches[2]);
line: errline,
path: matches[1],
msg: matches[4]
} else {
function makeErrorMatcher(errors, regex, iline, imsg, mainpath, ifilename) {
return function(s) {
var matches = regex.exec(s);
if (matches) {
line: parseInt(matches[iline]) || 1,
msg: matches[imsg],
path: ifilename ? matches[ifilename] : mainpath
} else {
console.log("??? " + s);
function extractErrors(regex, strings, path, iline, imsg, ifilename) {
var errors = [];
var matcher = makeErrorMatcher(errors, regex, iline, imsg, path, ifilename);
for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
return errors;
var re_crlf = /\r?\n/;
var re_lineoffset = /\s*(\d+)\s+[%]line\s+(\d+)\+(\d+)\s+(.+)/;
function parseListing(code, lineMatch, iline, ioffset, iinsns, icycles, funcMatch, segMatch) {
var lines = [];
var lineofs = 0;
var segment = "";
var func = "";
var funcbase = 0;
code.split(re_crlf).forEach((line, lineindex) => {
let segm = segMatch && segMatch.exec(line);
if (segm) {
segment = segm[1];
let funcm = funcMatch && funcMatch.exec(line);
if (funcm) {
funcbase = parseInt(funcm[1], 16);
func = funcm[2];
var linem = lineMatch.exec(line);
if (linem && linem[1]) {
var linenum = iline < 0 ? lineindex : parseInt(linem[iline]);
var offset = parseInt(linem[ioffset], 16);
var insns = linem[iinsns];
var cycles = icycles ? parseInt(linem[icycles]) : null;
var iscode = cycles > 0;
if (insns) {
line: linenum + lineofs,
offset: offset - funcbase,
} else {
let m = re_lineoffset.exec(line);
if (m) {
lineofs = parseInt(m[2]) - parseInt(m[1]) - parseInt(m[3]);
return lines;
function parseSourceLines(code, lineMatch, offsetMatch, funcMatch, segMatch) {
var lines = [];
var lastlinenum = 0;
var segment = "";
var func = "";
var funcbase = 0;
for (var line of code.split(re_crlf)) {
let segm = segMatch && segMatch.exec(line);
if (segm) {
segment = segm[1];
let funcm = funcMatch && funcMatch.exec(line);
if (funcm) {
funcbase = parseInt(funcm[1], 16);
func = funcm[2];
var linem = lineMatch.exec(line);
if (linem && linem[1]) {
lastlinenum = parseInt(linem[1]);
} else if (lastlinenum) {
var linem = offsetMatch.exec(line);
if (linem && linem[1]) {
var offset = parseInt(linem[1], 16);
line: lastlinenum,
offset: offset - funcbase,
lastlinenum = 0;
return lines;
function setupStdin(fs, code) {
var i = 0;
fs.init(function() {
return i < code.length ? code.charCodeAt(i++) : null;
function fixParamsWithDefines(path, params) {
var libargs = params.libargs;
if (path && libargs) {
var code = getWorkFileAsString(path);
if (code) {
var oldcfgfile = params.cfgfile;
var ident2index = {};
for (var i = 0; i < libargs.length; i++) {
var toks = libargs[i].split("=");
if (toks.length == 2) {
ident2index[toks[0]] = i;
var re = /^[;]?#define\s+(\w+)\s+(\S+)/gmi;
var m;
while (m = re.exec(code)) {
var ident = m[1];
var value = m[2];
var index = ident2index[ident];
if (index >= 0) {
libargs[index] = ident + "=" + value;
console.log("Using libargs", index, libargs[index]);
if (ident == "NES_MAPPER" && value == "4") {
params.cfgfile = "nesbanked.cfg";
console.log("using config file", params.cfgfile);
} else if (ident == "CFGFILE" && value) {
params.cfgfile = value;
} else if (ident == "LIBARGS" && value) {
params.libargs = value.split(",").filter((s) => {
return s != "";
console.log("Using libargs", params.libargs);
} else if (ident == "CC65_FLAGS" && value) {
params.extra_compiler_args = value.split(",").filter((s) => {
return s != "";
console.log("Using compiler flags", params.extra_compiler_args);
function makeCPPSafe(s) {
return s.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_]/g, "_");
function preprocessMCPP(step, filesys) {
var platform = step.platform;
var params = PLATFORM_PARAMS[getBasePlatform(platform)];
if (!params)
throw Error("Platform not supported: " + platform);
var errors = [];
var match_fn = makeErrorMatcher(errors, /<stdin>:(\d+): (.+)/, 1, 2, step.path);
var MCPP = emglobal.mcpp({
noInitialRun: true,
noFSInit: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: match_fn
var FS = MCPP.FS;
if (filesys)
setupFS(FS, filesys);
populateFiles(step, FS);
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_compile_files);
var args = [
if (step.mainfile) {
args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__MAIN__"]);
let platform_def = platform.toUpperCase().replaceAll(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "_");
args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", `__PLATFORM_${platform_def}__`]);
if (params.extra_preproc_args) {
args.push.apply(args, params.extra_preproc_args);
execMain(step, MCPP, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors };
var iout = FS.readFile("main.i", { encoding: "utf8" });
iout = iout.replace(/^#line /gm, "\n# ");
try {
var errout = FS.readFile("mcpp.err", { encoding: "utf8" });
if (errout.length) {
var errors = extractErrors(/([^:]+):(\d+): (.+)/, errout.split("\n"), step.path, 2, 3, 1);
if (errors.length == 0) {
errors = errorResult(errout).errors;
return { errors };
} catch (e) {
return { code: iout };
function setupRequireFunction() {
var exports2 = {};
exports2["jsdom"] = {
JSDOM: function(a, b) {
this.window = {};
emglobal["require"] = (modname) => {
console.log("require", modname, exports2[modname] != null);
return exports2[modname];
var TOOLS = {
"dasm": assembleDASM,
"cc65": compileCC65,
"ca65": assembleCA65,
"ld65": linkLD65,
"sdasz80": assembleSDASZ80,
"sdldz80": linkSDLDZ80,
"sdcc": compileSDCC,
"xasm6809": assembleXASM6809,
"cmoc": compileCMOC,
"lwasm": assembleLWASM,
"lwlink": linkLWLINK,
"verilator": compileVerilator,
"yosys": compileYosys,
"jsasm": compileJSASMStep,
"zmac": assembleZMAC,
"nesasm": assembleNESASM,
"smlrc": compileSmallerC,
"yasm": assembleYASM,
"bataribasic": compileBatariBasic,
"markdown": translateShowdown,
"inform6": compileInform6,
"merlin32": assembleMerlin32,
"fastbasic": compileFastBasic,
"basic": compileBASIC,
"silice": compileSilice,
"wiz": compileWiz,
"armips": assembleARMIPS,
"vasmarm": assembleVASMARM,
"ecs": assembleECS,
"remote": buildRemote
"cc65-apple2": "65-apple2",
"ca65-apple2": "65-apple2",
"cc65-c64": "65-c64",
"ca65-c64": "65-c64",
"cc65-vic20": "65-vic20",
"ca65-vic20": "65-vic20",
"cc65-nes": "65-nes",
"ca65-nes": "65-nes",
"cc65-atari8": "65-atari8",
"ca65-atari8": "65-atari8",
"cc65-vector": "65-none",
"ca65-vector": "65-none",
"cc65-atari7800": "65-none",
"ca65-atari7800": "65-none",
"cc65-devel": "65-none",
"ca65-devel": "65-none",
"ca65-vcs": "65-none",
"sdasz80": "sdcc",
"sdcc": "sdcc",
"sccz80": "sccz80",
"bataribasic": "2600basic",
"inform6": "inform",
"fastbasic": "65-atari8",
"silice": "Silice",
"wiz": "wiz",
"ecs-vcs": "65-none",
"ecs-nes": "65-nes",
"ecs-c64": "65-c64"
async function handleMessage(data) {
if (data.preload) {
var fs = TOOL_PRELOADFS[data.preload];
if (!fs && data.platform)
fs = TOOL_PRELOADFS[data.preload + "-" + getBasePlatform(data.platform)];
if (!fs && data.platform)
fs = TOOL_PRELOADFS[data.preload + "-" + getRootBasePlatform(data.platform)];
if (fs && !fsMeta[fs])
if (data.reset) {
return builder.handleMessage(data);
lastpromise = null;
onmessage = async function(e) {
await lastpromise;
lastpromise = handleMessage(e.data);
var result = await lastpromise;
lastpromise = null;
if (result) {
try {
} catch (e2) {
var lastpromise;
//# sourceMappingURL=bundle.js.map