mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-25 00:32:27 +00:00
2023-10-31 20:43:10 -05:00

337 lines
13 KiB

import { getFilenamePrefix, getRootBasePlatform } from "../../common/util";
import { CodeListingMap, WorkerError } from "../../common/workertypes";
import { re_crlf, BuildStepResult, anyTargetChanged, execMain, gatherFiles, msvcErrorMatcher, populateEntry, populateExtraFiles, populateFiles, print_fn, putWorkFile, setupFS, staleFiles, BuildStep, emglobal, loadNative, moduleInstFn, fixParamsWithDefines, store, makeErrorMatcher, getWorkFileAsString } from "../workermain";
import { EmscriptenModule } from "../workermain"
000000r 1 .segment "CODE"
000000r 1 .proc _rasterWait: near
000000r 1 ; int main() { return mul2(2); }
000000r 1 .dbg line, "main.c", 3
000014r 1 .dbg func, "main", "00", extern, "_main"
000000r 1 A2 00 ldx #$00
00B700 1 BOOT2:
00B700 1 A2 01 ldx #1 ;track
00B725 1 00 IBLASTDRVN: .byte 0
00B726 1 xx xx IBSECSZ: .res 2
00BA2F 1 2A 2B E8 2C HEX "2A2BE82C2D2E2F303132F0F133343536"
function parseCA65Listing(asmfn: string, code: string, symbols, segments, params, dbg: boolean, listings?: CodeListingMap) {
var segofs = 0;
var offset = 0;
var dbgLineMatch = /^([0-9A-F]+)([r]?)\s+(\d+)\s+[.]dbg\s+(\w+), "([^"]+)", (.+)/;
var funcLineMatch = /"(\w+)", (\w+), "(\w+)"/;
var insnLineMatch = /^([0-9A-F]+)([r]?)\s{1,2}(\d+)\s{1,2}([0-9A-Frx ]{11})\s+(.*)/;
var segMatch = /[.]segment\s+"(\w+)"/i;
var origlines = [];
var lines = origlines;
var linenum = 0;
let curpath = asmfn || '';
// TODO: only does .c functions, not all .s files
for (var line of code.split(re_crlf)) {
var dbgm = dbgLineMatch.exec(line);
if (dbgm && dbgm[1]) {
var dbgtype = dbgm[4];
offset = parseInt(dbgm[1], 16);
curpath = dbgm[5];
// new file?
if (curpath && listings) {
let l = listings[curpath];
if (!l) l = listings[curpath] = {lines:[]};
lines = l.lines;
if (dbgtype == 'func') {
var funcm = funcLineMatch.exec(dbgm[6]);
if (funcm) {
var funcofs = symbols[funcm[3]];
if (typeof funcofs === 'number') {
segofs = funcofs - offset;
//console.log(funcm[3], funcofs, '-', offset);
if (dbg && dbgm && dbgtype == 'line') {
//console.log(dbgm[5], dbgm[6], offset, segofs);
path: dbgm[5],
line: parseInt(dbgm[6]),
offset: offset + segofs,
insns: null
let linem = insnLineMatch.exec(line);
let topfile = linem && linem[3] == '1';
if (topfile) {
let insns = linem[4]?.trim() || '';
// skip extra insns for macro expansions
if (!(insns != '' && linem[5] == '')) {
if (linem[1]) {
var offset = parseInt(linem[1], 16);
if (insns.length) {
//console.log(dbg, curpath, linenum, offset, segofs, insns);
if (!dbg) {
path: curpath,
line: linenum,
offset: offset + segofs,
insns: insns,
iscode: true // TODO: can't really tell unless we parse it
} else {
var sym = null;
var label = linem[5];
if (label?.endsWith(':')) {
sym = label.substring(0, label.length-1);
} else if (label?.toLowerCase().startsWith('.proc')) {
sym = label.split(' ')[1];
if (sym && !sym.startsWith('@')) {
var symofs = symbols[sym];
if (typeof symofs === 'number') {
segofs = symofs - offset;
//console.log(sym, segofs, symofs, '-', offset);
return origlines;
export function assembleCA65(step: BuildStep): BuildStepResult {
var errors = [];
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.s" });
var objpath = step.prefix + ".o";
var lstpath = step.prefix + ".lst";
if (staleFiles(step, [objpath, lstpath])) {
var objout, lstout;
var CA65: EmscriptenModule = emglobal.ca65({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('ca65'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: makeErrorMatcher(errors, /(.+?):(\d+): (.+)/, 2, 3, step.path, 1),
var FS = CA65.FS;
setupFS(FS, '65-' + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform));
populateFiles(step, FS);
fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, step.params);
var args = ['-v', '-g', '-I', '/share/asminc', '-o', objpath, '-l', lstpath, step.path];
args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__8BITWORKSHOP__=1"]);
if (step.mainfile) {
args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__MAIN__=1"]);
execMain(step, CA65, args);
if (errors.length) {
let listings : CodeListingMap = {};
// TODO? change extension to .lst
//listings[step.path] = { lines:[], text:getWorkFileAsString(step.path) };
return { errors, listings };
objout = FS.readFile(objpath, { encoding: 'binary' });
lstout = FS.readFile(lstpath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
putWorkFile(objpath, objout);
putWorkFile(lstpath, lstout);
return {
linktool: "ld65",
files: [objpath, lstpath],
args: [objpath]
export function linkLD65(step: BuildStep): BuildStepResult {
var params = step.params;
var binpath = "main";
if (staleFiles(step, [binpath])) {
var errors = [];
var LD65: EmscriptenModule = emglobal.ld65({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('ld65'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: function (s) { errors.push({ msg: s, line: 0 }); }
var FS = LD65.FS;
setupFS(FS, '65-' + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform));
populateFiles(step, FS);
populateExtraFiles(step, FS, params.extra_link_files);
// populate .cfg file, if it is a custom one
if (store.hasFile(params.cfgfile)) {
populateEntry(FS, params.cfgfile, store.getFileEntry(params.cfgfile), null);
var libargs = params.libargs || [];
var cfgfile = params.cfgfile;
var args = ['--cfg-path', '/share/cfg',
'--lib-path', '/share/lib',
'-C', cfgfile,
'-Ln', 'main.vice',
//'--dbgfile', 'main.dbg', // TODO: get proper line numbers
'-o', 'main',
'-m', 'main.map'].concat(step.args, libargs);
execMain(step, LD65, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors: errors };
var aout = FS.readFile("main", { encoding: 'binary' });
var mapout = FS.readFile("main.map", { encoding: 'utf8' });
var viceout = FS.readFile("main.vice", { encoding: 'utf8' });
// correct binary for PCEngine
if (step.platform == 'pce' && aout.length > 0x2000) {
// move 8 KB from end to front
let newrom = new Uint8Array(aout.length);
newrom.set(aout.slice(aout.length - 0x2000), 0);
newrom.set(aout.slice(0, aout.length - 0x2000), 0x2000);
aout = newrom;
//var dbgout = FS.readFile("main.dbg", {encoding:'utf8'});
putWorkFile("main", aout);
putWorkFile("main.map", mapout);
putWorkFile("main.vice", viceout);
// return unchanged if no files changed
if (!anyTargetChanged(step, ["main", "main.map", "main.vice"]))
// parse symbol map (TODO: omit segments, constants)
var symbolmap = {};
for (var s of viceout.split("\n")) {
var toks = s.split(" ");
if (toks[0] == 'al') {
let ident = toks[2].substr(1);
if (ident.length != 5 || !ident.startsWith('L')) { // no line numbers
let ofs = parseInt(toks[1], 16);
symbolmap[ident] = ofs;
// TODO: move to Platform class
var segments = [];
segments.push({ name: 'CPU Stack', start: 0x100, size: 0x100, type: 'ram' });
segments.push({ name: 'CPU Vectors', start: 0xfffa, size: 0x6, type: 'rom' });
// TODO: CHR, banks, etc
let re_seglist = /(\w+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)\s+([0-9A-F]+)/;
let parseseglist = false;
let m;
for (let s of mapout.split('\n')) {
if (parseseglist && (m = re_seglist.exec(s))) {
let seg = m[1];
let start = parseInt(m[2], 16);
let size = parseInt(m[4], 16);
let type = '';
// TODO: better id of ram/rom
if (seg.startsWith('CODE') || seg == 'STARTUP' || seg == 'RODATA' || seg.endsWith('ROM')) type = 'rom';
else if (seg == 'ZP' || seg == 'DATA' || seg == 'BSS' || seg.endsWith('RAM')) type = 'ram';
segments.push({ name: seg, start, size, type });
if (s == 'Segment list:') parseseglist = true;
if (s == '') parseseglist = false;
// build listings
var listings: CodeListingMap = {};
for (var fn of step.files) {
if (fn.endsWith('.lst')) {
var lstout = FS.readFile(fn, { encoding: 'utf8' });
lstout = lstout.split('\n\n')[1] || lstout; // remove header
putWorkFile(fn, lstout);
//const asmpath = fn.replace(/\.lst$/, '.ca65'); // TODO! could be .s
let isECS = step.debuginfo?.systems?.Init != null; // TODO
if (isECS) {
var asmlines = [];
var srclines = parseCA65Listing(fn, lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, true, listings);
listings[fn] = {
lines: [],
text: lstout
} else {
var asmlines = parseCA65Listing(fn, lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, false);
var srclines = parseCA65Listing('', lstout, symbolmap, segments, params, true);
listings[fn] = {
asmlines: srclines.length ? asmlines : null,
lines: srclines.length ? srclines : asmlines,
text: lstout
return {
output: aout, //.slice(0),
listings: listings,
errors: errors,
symbolmap: symbolmap,
segments: segments
export function compileCC65(step: BuildStep): BuildStepResult {
var params = step.params;
// stderr
var re_err1 = /(.*?):(\d+): (.+)/;
var errors: WorkerError[] = [];
var errline = 0;
function match_fn(s) {
var matches = re_err1.exec(s);
if (matches) {
errline = parseInt(matches[2]);
line: errline,
msg: matches[3],
path: matches[1]
gatherFiles(step, { mainFilePath: "main.c" });
var destpath = step.prefix + '.s';
if (staleFiles(step, [destpath])) {
var CC65: EmscriptenModule = emglobal.cc65({
instantiateWasm: moduleInstFn('cc65'),
noInitialRun: true,
print: print_fn,
printErr: match_fn,
var FS = CC65.FS;
setupFS(FS, '65-' + getRootBasePlatform(step.platform));
populateFiles(step, FS);
fixParamsWithDefines(step.path, params);
var args = [
'-I', '/share/include',
'-I', '.',
"-D", "__8BITWORKSHOP__",
if (params.define) {
params.define.forEach((x) => args.push('-D' + x));
if (step.mainfile) {
args.unshift.apply(args, ["-D", "__MAIN__"]);
var customArgs = params.extra_compiler_args || ['-T', '-g', '-Oirs', '-Cl', '-W', '-pointer-sign,-no-effect'];
args = args.concat(customArgs, args);
execMain(step, CC65, args);
if (errors.length)
return { errors: errors };
var asmout = FS.readFile(destpath, { encoding: 'utf8' });
putWorkFile(destpath, asmout);
return {
nexttool: "ca65",
path: destpath,
args: [destpath],
files: [destpath],