mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-10-17 09:23:57 +00:00
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417 lines
12 KiB

; LZ4FH uncompression for 6502
; By Andy McFadden
; Version 1.0.1, August 2015
; Refactored for size & speed
; by Peter Ferrie.
; Developed with Merlin-16
; Ported to DASM by Steven Hugg
; Apache 2.0 license
; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
processor 6502
org $0803
; Constants
lz4fh_magic equ $66 ;ascii 'f'
tok_empty equ 253
tok_eod equ 254
; Variable storage
srcptr equ $3c ;2b a1l
dstptr equ $3e ;2b a1h
copyptr equ $00 ;2b
savmix equ $02 ;1b
savlen equ $03 ;1b
; ROM routines
bell equ $ff3a
monitor equ $ff69
sta $c050
sta $c052
sta $c057
jsr ClrScr
jsr UnpackLZ4FH
jmp .endless
lda #<LZDATA ;copy source address to zero page
sta srcptr
lda #>LZDATA
sta srcptr+1
lda #0 ;copy destination address to zero page
sta dstptr
lda #$20
sta dstptr+1
sta _desthi+1
ldy #$00
lda (srcptr),y
cmp #lz4fh_magic ;does magic match?
beq goodmagic
jsr bell
jmp monitor
; These stubs increment the high byte and then jump
; back. This saves a cycle because branch-not-taken
; becomes the common case. We assume that we're not
; unpacking data at $FFxx, so BNE is branch-always.
inc srcptr+1
bne nohi2
inc srcptr+1
bcc nohi3
inc dstptr+1
bne nohi4
cmp #tok_eod
bne fail
rts ;success!
; handle "special" match values (value in A)
cmp #tok_empty
bne notempty
tya ;empty match, advance srcptr
adc srcptr ; past and jump to main loop
sta srcptr
bcc mainloop
inc srcptr+1
bne mainloop
inc srcptr+1
bcc nohi5
inc srcptr
bne mainloop
inc srcptr+1
; Get the mixed-length byte and handle the literal.
ldy #$00
lda (srcptr),y ;get mixed-length byte
sta savmix
lsr ;get the literal length
beq noliteral
cmp #$0f ;sets carry for >= 15
bne shortlit
inc srcptr
beq hi2
lda (srcptr),y ;get length extension
adc #14 ;(carry set) add 15 - will not exceed 255
; at this point, srcptr holds the address of the "mix"
; word or the length extension, and dstptr holds the
; address of the next output location. So we want to
; read from (srcptr),y+1 and write to (dstptr),y.
; we can do this by sticking the DEY between the LDa
; and STa.
; We could save a couple of cycles by substituting
; addr,y in place of (dp),y, but the added setup cost
; would only benefit longer literal strings.
shortlit tax
lda (srcptr),y ;5
dey ;2 if len is 255, copy 0-254
sta (dstptr),y ;6
bne .litloop ;3 -> 16 cycles/byte
; advance srcptr by savlen+1, and dstptr by savlen
sec ;this gets us the +1
adc srcptr
sta srcptr
bcs hi3
nohi3 ;carry cleared by hi3
adc dstptr
sta dstptr
bcs hi4
dey ;Y=0; DEY so next INY goes to 0
; Handle match. Y holds an offset into srcptr such
; that we need to increment it once to get the next
; interesting byte.
lda savmix
and #$0f
cmp #$0f
bcc .shortmatch ;BCC
lda (srcptr),y ;get length extension
cmp #237 ;"normal" values are 0-236
bcs specialmatch ;BCS
adc #15 ;will not exceed 255
; Put the destination address into copyptr.
adc #4 ;min match; won't exceed 255
sta savlen ;save match len for later
tax ;and keep it in X
lda (srcptr),y ;match offset, lo
sta copyptr
lda (srcptr),y ;match offset, hi
_desthi ora #$00 ;OR in hi-res page
sta copyptr+1
; advance srcptr past the encoded match while we still
; remember how many bytes it took to encode. Y is
; indexing the last value used, so we want to go
; advance srcptr by Y+1.
adc srcptr
sta srcptr
bcs hi5
nohi5 ;hi5 clears carry
; Copy the match. The length is in X. Note this
; must be a forward copy so overlapped data works.
; We know the match is at least 4 bytes long, so
; we could save a few cycles by not doing the
; aDC #4 earlier, and unrolling the first 4
; load/store operations here.
ldy #$00
lda (copyptr),y ;5
sta (dstptr),y ;6
iny ;2
dex ;2
bne .copyloop ;3 -> 18 cycles/byte
; advance dstptr past copied data
lda dstptr
adc savlen ;carry is clear
sta dstptr
bcc mainloop
inc dstptr+1
bne mainloop ;always (not unpacking at $FFxx)
lda #$20
sta .clrloop+2
ldy #0
lda #0
.clrloop sta $2000,y
bne .clrloop
inc .clrloop+2
ldx .clrloop+2
cpx #$40
bne .clrloop
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