mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-10 06:29:28 +00:00

208 lines
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import { FileData, WorkingStore } from "../../workertypes";
// remote resource cache
var $$cache: WeakMap<object,FileData> = new WeakMap();
// file read/write interface
var $$store: WorkingStore;
// backing store for data
var $$data: {} = {};
// events
var $$seq = 0;
// if an event is specified, it goes here
export const EVENT_KEY = "$$event";
export function $$setupFS(store: WorkingStore) {
$$store = store;
export function $$getData() {
return $$data;
export function $$loadData(data: {}) {
Object.assign($$data, data);
// object that can load state from backing store
export interface Loadable {
// called during script, from io.data.load()
$$reset() : void;
$$setstate?(newstate: {}) : void;
// called after script, from io.data.save()
$$getstate() : {};
export namespace data {
export function load(object: Loadable, key: string): Loadable {
if (object == null) return object;
let override = $$data && $$data[key];
if (override && object.$$setstate) {
} else if (override) {
Object.assign(object, override);
} else if (object.$$reset) {
data.save(object, key);
return object;
export function save(object: Loadable, key: string): Loadable {
if ($$data && object.$$getstate) {
$$data[key] = object.$$getstate();
return object;
export class IOWaitError extends Error {
export function canonicalurl(url: string) : string {
// get raw resource URL for github
if (url.startsWith('https://github.com/')) {
let toks = url.split('/');
if (toks[5] === 'blob') {
return `https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${toks[3]}/${toks[4]}/${toks.slice(6).join('/')}`
return url;
export function clearcache() {
$$cache = new WeakMap();
export function fetchurl(url: string, type?: 'binary' | 'text'): FileData {
// TODO: only works in web worker
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.responseType = type === 'text' ? 'text' : 'arraybuffer';
xhr.open("GET", url, false); // synchronous request
if (xhr.response != null && xhr.status == 200) {
if (type === 'text') {
return xhr.response as string;
} else {
return new Uint8Array(xhr.response);
} else {
throw new Error(`The resource at "${url}" responded with status code of ${xhr.status}.`)
export function readnocache(url: string, type?: 'binary' | 'text'): FileData {
if (url.startsWith('http:') || url.startsWith('https:')) {
return fetchurl(url, type);
if ($$store) {
return $$store.getFileData(url);
// TODO: read files too
export function read(url: string, type?: 'binary' | 'text'): FileData {
url = canonicalurl(url);
// check cache
let cachekey = {url: url};
if ($$cache.has(cachekey)) {
return $$cache.get(cachekey);
let data = readnocache(url, type);
if (data == null) throw new Error(`Cannot find resource "${url}"`);
if (type === 'text' && typeof data !== 'string') throw new Error(`Resource "${url}" is not a string`);
if (type === 'binary' && !(data instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error(`Resource "${url}" is not a binary file`);
$$cache.set(cachekey, data);
return data;
export function readbin(url: string): Uint8Array {
var data = read(url, 'binary');
if (data instanceof Uint8Array)
return data;
throw new Error(`The resource at "${url}" is not a binary file.`);
export function readlines(url: string) : string[] {
return (read(url, 'text') as string).split('\n');
export function splitlines(text: string) : string[] {
return text.split(/\n|\r\n/g);
// an object that can become interactive, identified by ID
export interface Interactive {
$$interact: InteractionRecord;
export interface InteractEvent {
interactid : number;
type: string;
x?: number;
y?: number;
button?: boolean;
// InteractionRecord maps a target object to an interaction ID
// the $$callback is used once per script eval, then gets nulled
// whether or not it's invoked
// event comes from $$data.$$event
export class InteractionRecord implements Loadable {
interactid : number;
lastevent : {} = null;
public readonly interacttarget: Interactive,
private $$callback
) {
$$reset() {
this.$$setstate({interactid: ++$$seq})
$$setstate(newstate: {interactid: number}) {
this.interactid = newstate.interactid;
this.interacttarget.$$interact = this;
let event : InteractEvent = $$data[EVENT_KEY];
if (event && event.interactid == this.interactid) {
if (this.$$callback) {
this.lastevent = event;
$$data[EVENT_KEY] = null;
this.$$callback = null;
$$getstate() {
//TODO: this isn't always cleared before we serialize (e.g. if exception or move element)
this.$$callback = null;
return this;
export function isInteractive(obj: object): obj is Interactive {
return !!((obj as Interactive).$$interact);
export function interact(object: any, callback) : InteractionRecord {
// TODO: limit to Bitmap, etc
if (typeof object === 'object') {
return new InteractionRecord(object, callback);
throw new Error(`This object is not capable of interaction.`);
// TODO: what if this isn't top level?
export class Mutable<T> implements Loadable {
value : T;
constructor(public readonly initial : T) { }
$$reset() {
this.value = this.initial;
$$setstate(newstate) {
this.value = newstate.value;
$$getstate() {
return { value: this.value };