mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-09-29 06:55:37 +00:00

407 lines
15 KiB

import { Z80, Z80State } from "../common/cpu/ZilogZ80";
import { BasicScanlineMachine } from "../common/devices";
import { KeyFlags, newAddressDecoder, padBytes, noise, Keys, makeKeycodeMap, newKeyboardHandler, EmuHalt } from "../common/emu";
import { TssChannelAdapter, MasterAudio, AY38910_Audio } from "../common/audio";
import { hex } from "../common/util";
const GALAXIAN_KEYCODE_MAP = makeKeycodeMap([
[Keys.A, 0, 0x10], // P1
[Keys.LEFT, 0, 0x4],
[Keys.RIGHT, 0, 0x8],
[Keys.P2_A, 1, 0x10], // P2
[Keys.P2_LEFT, 1, 0x4],
[Keys.P2_RIGHT, 1, 0x8],
[Keys.SELECT, 0, 0x1],
[Keys.START, 1, 0x1],
[Keys.VK_2, 1, 0x2],
const SCRAMBLE_KEYCODE_MAP = makeKeycodeMap([
[Keys.UP, 0, -0x1], // P1
[Keys.B, 0, -0x2], // fire
[Keys.VK_7, 0, -0x4], // credit
[Keys.A, 0, -0x8], // bomb
[Keys.RIGHT, 0, -0x10],
[Keys.LEFT, 0, -0x20],
[Keys.VK_6, 0, -0x40],
[Keys.SELECT, 0, -0x80],
[Keys.START, 1, -0x80],
[Keys.VK_2, 1, -0x40],
[Keys.DOWN, 2, -0x40],
//[Keys.VK_UP, 2, -0x10],
const bitcolors = [
0x000021, 0x000047, 0x000097, // red
0x002100, 0x004700, 0x009700, // green
0x510000, 0xae0000 // blue
const GalaxianVideo = function (rom: Uint8Array, vram: Uint8Array, oram: Uint8Array, palette: Uint32Array, options) {
var gfxBase = options.gfxBase || 0x2800;
this.missileWidth = options.missileWidth || 4;
this.missileOffset = options.missileOffset || 0;
this.showOffscreenObjects = false;
this.frameCounter = 0;
this.starsEnabled = 0;
var stars = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++)
stars[i] = noise();
this.advanceFrame = function () {
this.frameCounter = (this.frameCounter + 1) & 0xff;
this.drawScanline = function (pixels, sl) {
var pixofs = sl * 264;
// hide offscreen on left + right (b/c rotated)
if (!this.showOffscreenObjects && (sl < 16 || sl >= 240)) {
for (var i = 0; i < 264; i++)
pixels[pixofs + i] = 0xff000000;
return; // offscreen
// draw tiles
var outi = pixofs; // starting output pixel in frame buffer
for (var xx = 0; xx < 32; xx++) {
var xofs = xx;
var scroll = oram[xofs * 2]; // even entries control scroll position
var attrib = oram[xofs * 2 + 1]; // odd entries control the color base
var sl2 = (sl + scroll) & 0xff;
var vramofs = (sl2 >> 3) << 5; // offset in VRAM
var yy = sl2 & 7; // y offset within tile
var tile = vram[vramofs + xofs]; // TODO: why undefined?
var color0 = (attrib & 7) << 2;
var addr = gfxBase + (tile << 3) + yy;
var data1 = rom[addr];
var data2 = rom[addr + 0x800];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
var bm = 128 >> i;
var color = color0 + ((data1 & bm) ? 1 : 0) + ((data2 & bm) ? 2 : 0);
pixels[outi] = palette[color];
// draw sprites
for (var sprnum = 7; sprnum >= 0; sprnum--) {
var base = (sprnum << 2) + 0x40;
var base0 = oram[base];
var sy = 240 - (base0 - ((sprnum < 3) ? 1 : 0)); // the first three sprites match against y-1
var yy = (sl - sy);
if (yy >= 0 && yy < 16) {
var sx = oram[base + 3] + 1; // +1 pixel offset from tiles
if (sx == 0 && !this.showOffscreenObjects) {
continue; // drawn off-buffer
var code = oram[base + 1];
var flipx = code & 0x40; // TODO: flipx
if (code & 0x80) // flipy
yy = 15 - yy;
code &= 0x3f;
var color0 = (oram[base + 2] & 7) << 2;
var addr = gfxBase + (code << 5) + (yy < 8 ? yy : yy + 8);
outi = pixofs + sx; //<< 1
var data1 = rom[addr];
var data2 = rom[addr + 0x800];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
var bm = 128 >> i;
var color = ((data1 & bm) ? 1 : 0) + ((data2 & bm) ? 2 : 0);
if (color)
pixels[flipx ? (outi + 15 - i) : (outi + i)] = palette[color0 + color];
var data1 = rom[addr + 8];
var data2 = rom[addr + 0x808];
for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
var bm = 128 >> i;
var color = ((data1 & bm) ? 1 : 0) + ((data2 & bm) ? 2 : 0);
if (color)
pixels[flipx ? (outi + 7 - i) : (outi + i + 8)] = palette[color0 + color];
// draw bullets/shells
var shell = 0xff;
var missile = 0xff;
for (var which = 0; which < 8; which++) {
var sy = oram[0x60 + (which << 2) + 1];
if (((sy + sl - ((which < 3) ? 1 : 0)) & 0xff) == 0xff) {
if (which != 7)
shell = which;
missile = which;
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
which = i ? missile : shell;
if (which != 0xff) {
var sx = 255 - oram[0x60 + (which << 2) + 3];
var outi = pixofs + sx - this.missileOffset;
var col = which == 7 ? 0xffffff00 : 0xffffffff;
for (var j = 0; j < this.missileWidth; j++)
pixels[outi++] = col;
// draw stars
if (this.starsEnabled) {
var starx = ((this.frameCounter + stars[sl & 0xff]) & 0xff);
if ((starx + sl) & 0x10) {
var outi = pixofs + starx;
if ((pixels[outi] & 0xffffff) == 0) {
pixels[outi] = palette[sl & 0x1f];
const XTAL = 18432000.0;
const scanlinesPerFrame = 264;
const cpuFrequency = XTAL / 6; // 3.072 MHz
const hsyncFrequency = XTAL / 3 / 192 / 2; // 16 kHz
const vsyncFrequency = hsyncFrequency / 132 / 2; // 60.606060 Hz
const vblankDuration = 1 / vsyncFrequency * (20 / 132); // 2500 us
const cpuCyclesPerLine = cpuFrequency / hsyncFrequency;
const audioOversample = 2;
const audioSampleRate = 60 * scanlinesPerFrame; // why not hsync?
export class GalaxianMachine extends BasicScanlineMachine {
options = {};
palBase = 0x3800;
cpuFrequency = cpuFrequency;
canvasWidth = 264;
numTotalScanlines = 264;
numVisibleScanlines = 264;
defaultROMSize = 0x4000;
sampleRate = audioSampleRate * audioOversample;
cpuCyclesPerLine = cpuCyclesPerLine | 0;
rotate = 90;
cpu: Z80 = new Z80();
ram = new Uint8Array(0x800);
vram = new Uint8Array(0x400);
oram = new Uint8Array(0x100);
palette: Uint32Array;
gfx; // GalaxianVideo
psg1: AY38910_Audio;
psg2: AY38910_Audio;
watchdog_counter: number = 0;
interruptEnabled: number = 0;
defaultInputs: number[] = [0xe, 0x8, 0x0];
constructor() {
var audio = new MasterAudio();
this.psg1 = new AY38910_Audio(audio);
this.psg2 = new AY38910_Audio(audio);
this.audioadapter = new TssChannelAdapter([this.psg1.psg, this.psg2.psg], audioOversample, this.sampleRate);
init() {
this.rom = new Uint8Array(this.defaultROMSize);
this.palette = new Uint32Array(new ArrayBuffer(32 * 4));
this.gfx = new GalaxianVideo(this.rom, this.vram, this.oram, this.palette, this.options);
this.handler = newKeyboardHandler(this.inputs, this.keyMap);
read = newAddressDecoder([
[0x0000, 0x3fff, 0, (a) => { return this.rom ? this.rom[a] : null; }],
[0x4000, 0x47ff, 0x3ff, (a) => { return this.ram[a]; }],
[0x5000, 0x57ff, 0x3ff, (a) => { return this.vram[a]; }],
[0x5800, 0x5fff, 0xff, (a) => { return this.oram[a]; }],
[0x6000, 0x6000, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[0]; }],
[0x6800, 0x6800, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[1]; }],
[0x7000, 0x7000, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[2]; }],
[0x7800, 0x7800, 0, (a) => { this.watchdog_counter = INITIAL_WATCHDOG; }],
readConst(a : number) {
return (a < 0x7000) ? this.read(a) : null;
write = newAddressDecoder([
[0x4000, 0x47ff, 0x3ff, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }],
[0x5000, 0x57ff, 0x3ff, (a, v) => { this.vram[a] = v; }],
[0x5800, 0x5fff, 0xff, (a, v) => { this.oram[a] = v; }],
//[0x6004, 0x6007, 0x3, function(a,v) => { }], // lfo freq
//[0x6800, 0x6807, 0x7, function(a,v) => { }], // sound
//[0x7800, 0x7800, 0x7, function(a,v) => { }], // pitch
//[0x6000, 0x6003, 0x3, (a, v) => { this.outlatches[a] = v; }],
[0x7001, 0x7001, 0, (a, v) => { this.interruptEnabled = v & 1; }],
[0x7004, 0x7004, 0, (a, v) => { this.gfx.starsEnabled = v & 1; }],
newIOBus() {
return {
read: (addr) => {
return 0;
write: (addr, val) => {
if (addr & 0x1) { this.psg1.selectRegister(val & 0xf); };
if (addr & 0x2) { this.psg1.setData(val); };
if (addr & 0x4) { this.psg2.selectRegister(val & 0xf); };
if (addr & 0x8) { this.psg2.setData(val); };
reset() {
this.watchdog_counter = INITIAL_WATCHDOG;
startScanline() {
this.audio && this.audioadapter && this.audioadapter.generate(this.audio);
drawScanline() {
this.gfx.drawScanline(this.pixels, this.scanline);
advanceFrame(trap) {
var steps = super.advanceFrame(trap);
// advance graphics
// clear bottom of screen?
if (!this.gfx.showOffscreenObjects) {
for (var i = 0; i < 264; i++)
this.pixels.fill(0xff000000, 256 + i * 264, 264 + i * 264);
// watchdog fired?
if (this.watchdog_counter-- <= 0) {
throw new EmuHalt("WATCHDOG FIRED");
// NMI interrupt @ 0x66
if (this.interruptEnabled) { this.cpu.NMI(); }
return steps;
loadROM(data) {
this.rom.set(padBytes(data, this.defaultROMSize));
for (var i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
var b = this.rom[this.palBase + i];
this.palette[i] = 0xff000000;
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++)
if (((1 << j) & b))
this.palette[i] += bitcolors[j];
loadState(state) {
this.watchdog_counter = state.wdc;
this.interruptEnabled = state.ie;
this.gfx.starsEnabled = state.se;
this.gfx.frameCounter = state.fc;
saveState() {
var state = super.saveState();
state['bv'] = this.vram.slice(0);
state['bo'] = this.oram.slice(0);
state['fc'] = this.gfx.frameCounter;
state['ie'] = this.interruptEnabled;
state['se'] = this.gfx.starsEnabled;
state['wdc'] = this.watchdog_counter;
return state;
export class GalaxianScrambleMachine extends GalaxianMachine {
defaultROMSize = 0x5020;
palBase = 0x5000;
scramble = true;
options = {
gfxBase: 0x4000,
missileWidth: 1,
missileOffset: 6,
defaultInputs = [0xff, 0xfc, 0xf1];
constructor() {
this.init(); // TODO: why do we have to call twice?
read = newAddressDecoder([
[0x0000, 0x3fff, 0, (a) => { return this.rom[a]; }],
[0x4000, 0x47ff, 0x7ff, (a) => { return this.ram[a]; }],
[0x4800, 0x4fff, 0x3ff, (a) => { return this.vram[a]; }],
[0x5000, 0x5fff, 0xff, (a) => { return this.oram[a]; }],
[0x7000, 0x7000, 0, (a) => { this.watchdog_counter = INITIAL_WATCHDOG; }],
[0x7800, 0x7800, 0, (a) => { this.watchdog_counter = INITIAL_WATCHDOG; }],
//[0x8000, 0x820f, 0, function(a) { return noise(); }], // TODO: remove
[0x8100, 0x8100, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[0]; }],
[0x8101, 0x8101, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[1]; }],
[0x8102, 0x8102, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[2] | this.scramble_protection_alt_r(); }],
[0x8202, 0x8202, 0, (a) => { return this.m_protection_result; }], // scramble (protection)
[0x9100, 0x9100, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[0]; }],
[0x9101, 0x9101, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[1]; }],
[0x9102, 0x9102, 0, (a) => { return this.inputs[2] | this.scramble_protection_alt_r(); }],
[0x9212, 0x9212, 0, (a) => { return this.m_protection_result; }], // scramble (protection)
//[0, 0xffff, 0, function(a) { console.log(hex(a)); return 0; }]
write = newAddressDecoder([
[0x4000, 0x47ff, 0x7ff, (a, v) => { this.ram[a] = v; }],
[0x4800, 0x4fff, 0x3ff, (a, v) => { this.vram[a] = v; }],
[0x5000, 0x5fff, 0xff, (a, v) => { this.oram[a] = v; }],
[0x6801, 0x6801, 0, (a, v) => { this.interruptEnabled = v & 1; /*console.log(a,v,cpu.getPC().toString(16));*/ }],
[0x6802, 0x6802, 0, (a, v) => { /* TODO: coin counter */ }],
[0x6803, 0x6803, 0, (a, v) => { /* TODO: backgroundColor = (v & 1) ? 0xFF000056 : 0xFF000000; */ }],
[0x6804, 0x6804, 0, (a, v) => { this.gfx.starsEnabled = v & 1; }],
[0x6808, 0x6808, 0, (a, v) => { this.gfx.missileWidth = v; }], // not on h/w
[0x6809, 0x6809, 0, (a, v) => { this.gfx.missileOffset = v; }], // not on h/w
[0x8202, 0x8202, 0, this.scramble_protection_w.bind(this)],
//[0x8100, 0x8103, 0, function(a,v){ /* PPI 0 */ }],
//[0x8200, 0x8203, 0, function(a,v){ /* PPI 1 */ }],
//[0, 0xffff, 0, function(a,v) { console.log(hex(a),hex(v)); }]
m_protection_state = 0;
m_protection_result = 0;
scramble_protection_w(addr, data) {
This is not fully understood; the low 4 bits of port C are
inputs; the upper 4 bits are outputs. Scramble main set always
writes sequences of 3 or more nibbles to the low port and
expects certain results in the upper nibble afterwards.
this.m_protection_state = (this.m_protection_state << 4) | (data & 0x0f);
switch (this.m_protection_state & 0xfff) {
/* scramble */
case 0xf09: this.m_protection_result = 0xff; break;
case 0xa49: this.m_protection_result = 0xbf; break;
case 0x319: this.m_protection_result = 0x4f; break;
case 0x5c9: this.m_protection_result = 0x6f; break;
/* scrambls */
case 0x246: this.m_protection_result ^= 0x80; break;
case 0xb5f: this.m_protection_result = 0x6f; break;
scramble_protection_alt_r() {
var bit = (this.m_protection_result >> 7) & 1;
return (bit << 5) | ((bit ^ 1) << 7);